Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 4- New Ruling Familia’s

The next day.

“Ugh… my head…”

Cirrus gets up, holding his head. It aches as his body feels lethargic.

‘Shit… what happened?’

He looked to find a small blue potion with a small message on it.

“Cirrus, drink this magic potion to help with your Mind Down. -Lenoa.”

“Huh?” he opens it and drinks it. “Guh!!” it tasted incredibly rancid.

Cirrus then checks his body and gear. After inspecting it, he went to take a shower before heading down and meeting Lenoa.

“So how was your Mind Down, Kihihihi!!” she laughed while rocking in her chair.

“My headache is better, but I’m still sluggish.” He says as he goes into the kitchen.

“That magic of yours is pretty powerful! But its efficiency is very terrible. I counted 14 seconds before you fell on your face!”

“Fourteen huh?” Cirrus quietly said to himself as he makes himself some eggs to eat. “Was there anything else!?” he shouted back.

“Aside from how divine you looked and all of your wounds healing nothing else!”

‘I see… well, for today I think I’ll rest and go back to the dungeon tomorrow when my body isn’t so heavy.’

“Has Fels come by?” he says while cooking his eggs.

“They said they had some business to attend to, so they’ll be back in a couple of days!”

“Hmm… well, I’ll just rest for the day, Lenoa!”

“Alright, make sure you deliver those magic stones to the Guild, okay?”


After eating, Cirrus returns to his room and takes out the first Magic Stone he gained, and places it in a box. He gets his bag filled with magic stones and drops items to sell at the Guild and leaves the shop.


As he walks through the streets, he finds a large crowd gathered.

“Hey what’s going on?”

“Hm? Oh, seems the Hera and Zeus Familia’s have been disbanded by force. Loki and Freya’s Familia are now the ones in control.” Said one of the adult adventurers.

“That sucks.”

“Yeah…” the man had a sad expression on him. “Seems the times ahead are going to be rough.”

As the words left the man’s mouth, many of the people held their heads down in silence for the end of an era.

“… Well, time to go into the dungeon.” Said ones.



The crowd quickly dissipated enough for Cirrus to read the paper.

“… Even if it’s bringing peace to the city, it still leaves a bad taste.”

For over a thousand years, Zeus and Hera reined as the strongest Familia’s in all the land. The world has had them for so long many don’t know what to think about a world without them. They defeated 2 of the great beasts of the world, the king of the land Behemoth, and the overlord of the seas Leviathan.

These creatures ravaged the world with catastrophic might and both were defeated by Zeus and Hera's children. All that remains now is the Black Dragon, the one that knocked these prestigious Familia from their millennia-long pedestals and threw them out of the city like yesterday’s newspaper.

‘Let’s just hope the Loki and Freya Familia’s can fill in the gap… or else this city really will descend into chaos.’

As he turns he accidently bumps into someone.


"Oof. Sorry." He gazes up at the tall woman.

The woman was a dark elf, even with her hood covering her, her ears sticks out. Cirrus had to take a step or two back to see her golden eyes that weren't blocked by her large chest.

"No need to fret." She stretches' her hand and pats Cirrus.

"Oh well thanks. Are you an adventurer as well?"

"What makes you think that?" She made a slight, soft smile. Her black hair framing her beautiful face and golden eyes hidden by her hood.

"Don't see any elves around here that are just normal people with Falna."

"Well..." She rummages through her head and finds that he is right. "Guess you are right. I am or was an adventurer. My Familia was... disband a while ago, they made a bet and..." Her eyes wander off into a thousand yard stare. "lost." Her voice sounded hollow, nearly broken as she was on the very edge of something she could not come back from if she fell.

"Um... You good or...?"

"Hm." She shakes her head and she regained some normalcy. "Yes. I am leaving this city. Take care boy, this city is ripe with danger, danger that the Freya and Loki Familia will have to handle."

"Do you have a name? Mines is—"

"No need for names." She begins to walk away. "I doubt we will meet again." She waved goodbye. "See ya kid, good luck. The dungeon is not kind place, if you are not ready it you will lose something, that is my advice as a veteran adventurer."

Cirrus watched as she walked away and disappear into the crowd of people.

"Hm." Cirrus made sure to take her advice to mind.

He turned and resumed to walk to the Guild.


Arriving at the Guild, many of the employees were working hard as an influx of adventures was awaiting services while the trade-in guy was open.

“Here you go,” Cirrus said, handing the guy the stuff.

“Hmm… hmm….1,141 Valis.” The trader said, handing him the money in the bag he gave the magic stones and drop items too.

After leaving the Guild, he went about returning home when he noticed from the corner of his eye a familiar shade of white.

Cirrus turned to see the Renard he saw down on the first floor looking lost. Seeing her look so sad and helpless, he felt as though he was seeing a lost puppy barking out to find its owner.

‘Ugggggg……. fuck me. Fine.’

Begrudgingly Cirrus walked over and talked to her.

“Hey, are you lost?”

She turned to meet his eyes past his bangs.

“H-huh!? w-who are you!?” she said, nervous and scared.

“My name is Cirrus. What is yours?”

“M-my name is Shirakusa Ai!” she looked at Cirrus to meet her indigo eyes.

“Well Ai, if you are lost, I can help you?”

“R-really!” she said excitedly, losing her former state of mind. 

“Yeah, just tell me if there is any place you remember that will help you get back?”

“Hmm…. I did always see a big building with a lot of holes?”

“The Colosseum… hmm, so it’s in the east of the city. Come and stick close. The city is getting more dangerous.”


She sticks close to Cirrus as they head towards babel to go to the East Main Street. Ai could see what Cirrus meant just on their way. They saw many people being robbed and assaulting one another.

“Alright, is there anything else?” he asked as they were in front of the Colosseum.

“Ummm… I remember a shop called Facilis. It has a lot of stuff!”

“Alright, did you see the Colosseum from your right or left?”

“Uhh…. I saw it from the right. Why?”

“Then we go north to find the shop.”

They went north to find the shop, and after a while of searching, they finally found the shop.

“Here it is!!” she said, rushing towards it.

“Then you can get home from here?”

“Yup! Thanks!” she said with a smile. “I’ll be careful going home!”

“Hm, see ya.” Cirrus nods his head and leaves.


Rushing back home, Ai slammed the door open.

“Shirakusa!!” shouted one of the Familia members shouted at her. “Where were you!”

“I got lost! Is Lady Kushida here!”

“She’s in with Lord Susanoo's rig— “

Before she can finish, she quickly runs from her. She runs through the home and opens a door, revealing Kushida and Susanoo.

“Shirakusa!” she shouted. “We were worried sick about you!”

“I-I’m sorry…” she makes her body small in nervousness and fear. "W-we had a day off and I um... wanted to explore the city."

“Now, now Kushida,” Susanoo said, patting her with a big grin on his face. “She's back, so there’s nothing to worry about!”

Susanoo has on a black and red kimono with black hair as dark as thunderclouds with streaks of yellow.

“L-lord Susanoo….” Kushida said with a blush.

“So what brought you here with such a big smile?” he said, kneeling.

Ai’s face lit up.

“I made a friend today!!” she shouted with a bright smile.

“Did you know?’ he said, rubbing her head. “What’s their name!”

“It’s a boy named Cirrus!!”

“… Eh?” he said with a jealous and stunned look on his face.

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