Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 25

It was news of a death.

When it comes to death, no one should speak lightly of it unless they’re a heinous criminal. It’s customary to offer condolences.

Of course, Agartha was a criminal by classification, yet in some ways, our capturing of the Outsider proved that Agartha also played a part in stopping them.

However, this deputy director treated such a tragic death as if it were nothing significant; it just rolled off his tongue.

“…What exactly do you mean by that?”

“Are you unable to comprehend? The Thief failed to capture the Outsider and thus failed to demonstrate any value.”

The deputy director shrugged as if such a statement was obvious.

“What is it? Did temporary incarceration spark a sense of camaraderie or something?”

Honestly, just hearing that Agartha was dead irritated me.

And the tone he used, suggesting he bore no responsibility…

It was normal to feel seething anger in such a situation.

Yet, I remained unnaturally calm.

Now I understand.

My ‘Super Coward Mode’ was keeping my rational faculties intact.

Thanks to that, my anger felt like it was being sublimated into a calm focus that settled in my mind.

“Don’t worry. As promised, you are no longer a criminal, so forget about the Thief.”

Like fanning a fire in a burning house, or rather pouring oil on it, the deputy director spoke.

I tried to hold back, but feeling the need to voice my thoughts, I recalled what Muyun had said and spoke up.

“…You actually sent us here to die, didn’t you?”

“Delusions are free to have.”

“You’re aware those knights are just targets to be dealt with. Is this really an order from the Princess?”

At my bold words, the deputy director furrowed his brow and glared at the unfortunate Muyun.

Why blame someone else when he had those intentions all along?

Seeing Muyun trembling, I spoke up to shift the deputy director’s focus back.

“So what’s your point?”

But the deputy director only adopted a smug response.

“Regardless, you lot survived. In the end, that Thief’s weakness is now evident. Did you have such strong trust among criminals? If you thought now was the time for old sentiments, shouldn’t you have refrained from committing crimes in the first place?”

“D- Deputy Director.”

“You keep quiet.”

He snapped at Muyun before turning his attention back to me.

“Go ahead and tell me. Am I wrong?”

“Even if you defeated the Outsider, how can you act so boldly…!”

“Speak clearly. Although I am no Hunter, you would have been about as effective as cracking a rock with an egg without Muyun, had it not been for her.”

I wanted to argue, but the deputy director’s words had some truth to them, and his rhetorical style left me momentarily speechless.

“Anyway, there are weapons to be rewarded to you lot later on. Come to the armory tomorrow.”

“…The armory?”

Indeed, this was part of my motivation for wanting to join the knight order.

According to community posts, the weapons forged with the heat of the hearth are mostly powerful; it’s a fair reward and something I wanted, yet…

Such a trivial matter wouldn’t suffice to appease me.

As I kept my mouth shut, the deputy director scoffed and suddenly rose from his seat.

“Alright, you’re right. Since you managed to defeat the Outsider, I’ll toss in an extra reward. I’ll personally be your punching bag. Care to take a swing?”

He stood up as if daring a child to hit him while approaching us.

As if saying that any strike from me wouldn’t really matter.

In fact, it might just tickle this deputy director who had spent decades in the knight order.

Was it really wise to hit him here?

Couldn’t this just be a setup to throw me into detention for such an act?

“…What is this? You really think I’d lock you up just because you hit me? Alright then, I won’t hold you accountable, putting my deputy director position on the line. Now, does that make you want to hit me?”

Suddenly, he was urging me to hit him.

But as if there was some truth to his words, a light began to glow around the deputy director, like some sort of contract had been formed.

Still, I hesitated.

This was the headquarters of the knight order.

Acting recklessly could put me in danger.

“What are you doing? Are you really so scared to hit me after all that bravado? Here you are, barking orders like a big shot, yet you’re all talk, aren’t you?”

Just like that Thief.

The last words prodded my rationality, and with the perceived contract in place, I stepped forward.

As I approached the deputy director, I said nothing and threw a powerful punch at him.


A loud sound echoed.

Of course, my fist wouldn’t make contact with the deputy director; it merely bounced off what I assumed was a bear costume of armor.

Is this really how it ends?

Was I meant to feel nothing but embarrassment while completely forgetting Agartha?

“Hmph, is that all? If that’s enough to quell your anger, then I suppose it worked.”

As the deputy director sneered and prepared to return to his seat…

“If you’re done talking, then disperse…”

Just then, the door swung open.

The Hunter, having pushed past Alpha and Beta, strolled leisurely towards the deputy director.

The deputy director raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“What is it? You knock before entering if you come in late…”

But the deputy director couldn’t finish his sentence.


A sound like a spring bursting echoed.


But the result was anything but that.

The deputy director’s body flew into the air, crashing through the wall, sliding along the debris.

The impact stirred up quite a bit of dust, and the deputy director struggled to rise from his position.

Staring in disbelief, I watched as Muyun dashed over to the deputy director.

“Deputy Director!”


The deputy director grimaced in pain as he slowly tried to get up, prompting me to turn my gaze toward the Hunter.

The Hunter, seemingly unfazed, simply retracted his fist, dusting off his hands.

“If this guy has the right to swing at you, then I do too. Correct?”


The deputy director said nothing.

It seemed he had no words to retort with.

Instead, he merely glared at the Hunter, scowling.

Seeing this, the Hunter clicked his tongue and tapped my shoulder.

“Tch, this is why I dislike you lot. If you’re done, go grab a bite to eat.”

As I followed the Hunter out beyond the hearth, I glanced back.

The deputy director, who I expected to be irked, said nothing and silently returned to his seat.


“By the way, a trip to the armory? Those knight order folks are surprisingly generous.”

It was clear that the weapons there would greatly aid in dealing with the Outsiders.

Definitely, the weapons forged with the heat from the hearth would be formidable.

Since those mystical flames kept the entire territory warm, the effects on the weapons tied to them could be endless.

However, I had some reservations as the weapons supposedly appeared at random and their effectiveness depended on the status of the recipient.

It was so common to see posts like, “Armory jackpot! Reroll success!” here and there.

Well, that was definitely a positive aspect.


I wasn’t feeling particularly down, but I didn’t really have any words to share either.

I didn’t understand why the supposedly bloodless, tearless Hunter would suddenly hit the deputy director.

While it was refreshing at that moment, it wouldn’t bring Agartha back, leaving me with a somber feeling.

Even though I’d teased, I could still picture the moments when he was the first to talk to us and tried to get close, like a panorama flashing before my eyes.

I sighed at the sight of him I could no longer see.

I suppose I’ll have to set up a mourning hall for him, even if I do it alone.

Lost in my melancholic thoughts, the Hunter suddenly gave me a light tap on the back.

“Cough.” (Hunter)

Feeling the force of the Hunter’s strike, I glanced at him with a wince and attempted to speak as if nothing had happened.

“…That Thief was destined to die in that prison if it weren’t for your help. You’ve fulfilled your duty just by keeping him alive until now. If you stay so gloomy, even the Thief might find it hard to relax.” (Hunter)



When I looked at the Hunter with a puzzled expression, he merely clicked his tongue once in a dismissive manner and continued walking ahead.

Did I hear him wrong?

The Hunter I knew wasn’t one to offer anyone comfort.

He was the type who bluntly pointed out facts every time.

What on earth triggered this sudden change in his demeanor?

Ever since that time in the detention center, he had been displaying such bewildering traits.

“…Thank you, Hunter. I feel a bit better now.”

“I just spoke the truth.”

Right, he probably thinks it’s just the truth.

Sometimes, that truth can be warmer than any kind of comforting words.

“Follow me. I know a great place.”

The place the Hunter took me to was a quiet little restaurant.

We had to walk quite a way down an alley before we got there, so it was mostly empty.

He explained that it was one of the few places he could still get a meal.

It seemed he was drawn to places like this.

Yet, it definitely felt like a foodie’s paradise.

…Come to think of it, I really hadn’t eaten anything decent.

“I’ll take care of the order. Just sit tight.”

I nodded to the Hunter’s courtesy and looked around for a place to sit.

With most tables available, it seemed like I could choose any spot I liked.


The restaurant is definitely better by the window.

Feeling a bit melancholic, I thought I would enjoy some delicious food while gazing outside.

As I approached the nearest window seat, I noticed it was already taken.

So this was indeed a prime spot; I was about to look for another when something caught my eye.

There was a girl with one arm missing casually dining at a table while placing a jade ball on it.

Moreover, that jade ball seemed strangely familiar.

“Ahh, om nom nom.”

She had been eating for quite a while, and she looked so delighted that I almost felt sorry for her being so hungry.

“…Gulp, wow, this is from the hearth, isn’t it? Why is the knight order doing this? They have such good stuff. I escaped just for this… Huh?”

Just as she had her mouth wide open, ready to stuff her meatball spaghetti in, she lifted her gaze, apparently feeling something strange.

Then our eyes met.



Upon seeing my face, she couldn’t help but panic.

“Umm… So…”

She was glistening with a cold sweat, flustered and at a loss, when suddenly she waved her hand.

“Ah, glad to see you… Haha…”

Despite wanting to shout that now was not the time for such casual remarks, I forcibly held back and yanked a chair from the table in front of her to sit down aggressively.


Watching her exaggeratedly feign fright made me sigh involuntarily, and in a blunt tone, I asked:

“Can I ask you one thing?”


“Are you a ghost?”

“Umm! I might be…?”

In a fit of rage, I dashed behind her and put her in a playful chokehold.

“Kyah! S-save me!”

“Oh really? A ghost eating food, and I’m choking you? How did you fix the horizontal coordinate system, huh?”

All the worries I’d had before felt completely ridiculous now.

“You’re giving me a heart attack, you damn Thief!!!!”

Agartha was definitely alive and well.

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