Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode

Chapter 44

The voice of the Dragon Slayer started to fade away slowly, almost like it was under the influence of a decrescendo.

Seriously, how could the White Mask be this fast? Before we knew it, we were trapped in her grasp and then instantly set free.

Thanks to that, we reached the train station in a flash, and only then did the White Mask finally let us down.

“Looks like Muyun fainted.”

The White Mask said, and when I checked on Muyun, her mouth was twisted in a grimace as she completely relaxed her body.

Earlier, the Dragon Slayer’s voice must have sounded like the roar of an Outsider to her.

Honestly, it was strange that she was still conscious.

“Who would have thought the Dragon Slayer would come this far? That was a close one.”

The White Mask exhaled sharply, saying that.

Though she said it casually, it seemed like it wasn’t anything outside of her expectations.

And that was when it happened.


“Hmm? What was that sound…?”


A look of panic crossed the White Mask’s face, and upon taking a closer look, I saw cracks appearing on her mask.

As if trying to grab the mask, both her hands moved, but—


With a loud breaking sound, the mask shattered into two pieces, and not even thinking to cover her face, the White Mask held the broken pieces in her hands.

In that state, our eyes locked.


The White Mask started sweating nervously and hurriedly turned her back to me.

But seeing her face for a second, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

A feline-like face with piercing blue eyes.

But her features were so perfectly sculpted that it didn’t feel unpleasant at all.

It was a face that seemed like it could only be rendered in graphics.

However, the White Mask was stumbling around as if she had seen something shameful.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to show such an ugly face….”

“But you look beautiful, so why cover it up?”

At that moment, as I expressed my inner thoughts, it seemed like the White Mask was about to say something.


“What did you just say…?”

Again, our voices overlapped.

Why was our timing so synchronized today?

I was about to ask her what she had said, but the White Mask grabbed my shoulder and leaned in closer, leaving me speechless.

Ugh, come on.

It felt like my heart was about to burst, so please keep some distance!

“This face, you think it’s beautiful?”

The White Mask looked quite flustered, and I could only nod impassively.


As I answered honestly, the White Mask made a serious expression and stroked her chin with her finger.

“…Have I misunderstood something? Is this guy really a madman…?”

“What are you talking about?!”

I refuted while watching the White Mask try to slander me.

What kind of logic is that for calling someone crazy just for complimenting their face?!

While I was feeling quite wronged, I suddenly heard some rustling sounds.

It was Muyun, stirring and getting back up.

Thanks to that, both the White Mask and I turned our gazes towards her, and she, still disoriented, spotted me and broke into a joyful smile.

“T-Tanton! What happened…?”

As she spoke to me, her gaze shifted to the White Mask.

And she froze completely.

It was as if she was facing an indescribable entity, her pupils shrinking as her body trembled uncontrollably.

Could she not bear it this time?

Eventually, she shut her eyes tight and collapsed on the ground, unable to get back up, as if she had fainted.


“Is this proof enough?”


Indeed, the fear detector, Muyun.

It works like a charm!


After laying Muyun back down, the train started to move.

Seeming flustered herself, the White Mask covered her face with some kind of cloth and didn’t speak a word, leaving me in the dark about where we were headed.

“Um, Master?”

In response to my call, the White Mask quietly nodded, cleared her throat, and looked at me.

“Where exactly are we going?”

“We’re heading to another village. If that Dragon Slayer were to track us down, it would be better not to encounter Rondan directly.”

“If it comes after us, wouldn’t that be pointless?”

“It can’t track us. The dragonlings it controls are weak and would soon perish without her protection.”

They really are that weak? But remembering how they vanished after just one massage, the White Mask’s words must be true.

And though she hadn’t explicitly said it, I couldn’t shake the thought that it had something to do with what the Gardener had explained.

Those dragonlings are probably the “anchors” keeping the Dragon Slayer here.

I couldn’t understand why she would come to the human world just to do this, though.

“Anyway, you must need some rest, right? You just fought against the dragonlings, and I’m sure you had to borrow the power of an Outsider during that process.”

With those final words, the White Mask closed her mouth again.

There was no need to chatter away, but the atmosphere became so tense that it felt awkward.

With nothing else to do, I looked out the train window.

Outside Rondan.

The sky was overcast, and only faint sunlight managed to penetrate through the clouds, casting a dim glow over the world.

In that world, snow was falling softly, and the relentless snowfall dyed everything white.

The train rolled over the snowy landscape, the sound of the rails clashing with the wheels echoing in my ears.

Outside Rondan was undoubtedly a land of death.

So why did this all feel so beautiful?

Occasionally, as I gazed at the enormous mountain peaks covered in white, I couldn’t help but admire their grandeur.

On the flip side, looking at the hills formed by piled snow made me ponder about the countless humans buried there, sacrificed.

Is this what they call the juxtaposition of beauty and tragedy?

I found myself clasping my hands together and closing my eyes, whispering a silent prayer for their souls.

“…The problem was allowing that attack to hit.”

As I was swimming in awe of the gloomy yet artistic landscape, the White Mask spoke up.

“When I boldly went to take down the Dragon Slayer, I wore my Outsider protective gear like always. I thought it would be nothing special. After all, I had managed to drive off Outsiders a few times before. But that was my arrogance. In the end, I got bitten on the head by that Dragon Slayer. The grip strength was incredible. Without that armor, I would’ve been chopped up like pudding.”

Recalling the strength of the Watcher and Gardener, especially the Watcher who had superior abilities even while holding back to play with me, made me shudder at the thought of being attacked with the intent to kill.

Nodding, I thought about how lucky I was to still be alive.

“Still, thanks to the help of my companions, I survived somehow and gulped down a recovery potion. But look at me now. I must have been cursed by an Outsider. The villagers all fear me or faint at the sight of my face.”

Thinking of Muyun’s reaction, even if she was a coward, I figured other people would react similarly.

“So that’s why you ended up at the deserted railroad management office…?”

“No, I’m only doing this because I want to.”

I mentioned it somewhat sadly, but the White Mask bluntly replied.

So, it’s the sad ending of a railroad enthusiast, huh?

What’s the point of feeling sorry for myself?


In the village under Rondan’s jurisdiction, Bandre.

I had heard that beyond Rondan, there were a few places where the flames of the hearth could still be maintained.

Whether it was where candles were found or places like this where the Knights could stop and rest.

So I expected there wouldn’t be anyone living here, but perhaps humans are truly adaptable creatures because the place was bustling with activity.

It was just as familiar to see everyone walking with their heads down.

Perhaps it was because the heat was weaker than a hearth, as they could fend off the snow, but couldn’t do much about the cold; everyone was bundled up in thick clothes.

As I gazed around, intrigued, the White Mask placed a hand on my shoulder and moved ahead.

“How about we explore a bit? It’s your first time here, right? I’ll go find us a room.”

“Ah, I’ll come with you!”

With her slightly flustered steps, Muyun dashed after the White Mask, leaving me feeling a bit abandoned.

Aren’t you supposed to tell me where you’re going?

But then again, this isn’t a very big place, so it should be fine.

I moved my feet and looked around.

Clothes shops stuffed full of coats, restaurants selling warm food, people talking under buildings while holding a cup.

The scenery wasn’t much different from Rondan, but the fact that it’s like this in different places felt pretty mystical.

As I strolled around, enjoying the refreshing atmosphere, something caught my eye that was a bit different from what I had seen moments ago.

“Come on! Get one! You all want a maid at home, right? Get them super cheap! Just 50 coins! 50 coins!”

Was this some kind of slave trader? A chubby man holding a whip was loudly hollering.

Human trafficking.

I had heard it was illegal, but still, I didn’t like the fact that this was happening even now.

It seemed like trouble could arise if I poked my nose into it.

Maybe I should just inform the White Mask later.

As I thought this, I was about to walk past when I locked eyes with a little girl inside.

Pointed ears.

Neatly arranged brown hair.

Unlike the other frightened girls, she had an apathetic, tired look in her eyes.

Wait, that girl…!

Suddenly, I recalled who this slave trader’s merchandise was, and it hit me that I couldn’t simply walk by.

So I changed direction and stepped closer.

“Hey! Hey! A knight, perhaps?”

I pointed at the little girl and asked, and the slave trader rubbed his hands together eagerly.

“Ah, Sir Knight! Each one is 50 coins! If you take a few more, I can give you a discount….”

“Ah, it’s 50 coins, huh?”

I pretended to search through my pockets.

Then, pulling my hand back out—


I punched the slave trader right in the nose.


The slave trader flew back, crashing into the wall and sliding down before going completely limp.

What kind of twisted mind thinks they can sell a knight even knowing that?

I briefly glanced back at the little girl.

Was it just my imagination?

It felt like a glint of color gleamed in her previously hollow eyes.

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