Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 127: Truth of the Second Great War

Seeing her precious treasure shatter finally broke her from her rage.

Instead she scooped up the pieces before bringing them to her chest - seemingly trying to comprehend the fact that the weapon that was supposed to represent her… Broke against the flesh of her most hated enemy. The one for whom she shared a soul as well as a body when they were first born.

The one she was always compared to.

Her emotions were so turbulent (no longer dominated by the wrath she once felt) that she couldn’t even begin to make sense of the complex web. Unable to hold onto fear, worry, sadness, dread, anger, confusion, hate or even disappointment. There was one thing she was able to understand as those crimson flames burned brighter than ever before.


A gluttonous desire to make such a power hers.

Fueled by pride that couldn’t acccept that it wasn’t already.

Violent, meanwhile, froze up for a second as she got off from the back of her fox companion; not turning around but dropping both her weapons to the ground.

Really… I spare you however, like a stupid meat bag unable to focus on anything except their own selfish wants, you go and try getting yourself killed…? *sigh*” <Violent>

Growling like a beast that was glaring at their prey yet with a cage barely keeping them apart from their desired target. Her fingers unconsciously scraping against one another to create an eerie ear-bleeding screech as she just took deep breaths in an attempt to control her temper. What resulted was waves of thick green smog extruding out and causing the surrounding area to rapidly heat up.

The spines upon her back began to wiggle like they were about to explode out of place while the muscles across her alabaster white-skin all began to tense up. One could say that the… Gravity of the situation was rapidly increasing. Even Mother rose her brow at the added weight on her shoulder.

Sadly there was only a single opponent that VIolent had ever lost against - she knew she needed to keep both Navy & Mother separated to avoid the worst case scenario. She had no real clue what his complete plan was as she was not a smart woman. What she knew was that he desired an end to everything within the mortal as well as heavenly realms.Although she looked dominant she also knew that she needed to keep her focus as both were truly powerful with her just being a good matchup for Mother.

Being able to passively disrupt her infinite existence due to the energy produced by her, the very energy that made her unable to sustain life inside herself, making even Mother’s illusions unstable. She also believed that a fully grown up Navy would be able to mark her flesh. In other words, she was lucky that the pair were more focused on each other as she needed a moment for her power to ramp up.

Yet, once again, there was a single thing that she had lost against before…

Her own anger.


Unable to resist the call of violence any longer; she finally broke the seal on her colourful language as she turned around to grab both of her sisters' horns. Specifically the horns identical to her own. From there she began to pull them apart causing the bewildered Vivi to scream in pain while a sickening groaning came from those monuments to Vivi’s greatest sin.

In contrast the white mane on Violent began to set alight with powerful purple flame that seemed to burn even sound to naught. There was no roaring from that fire however there was certainly heat. Vivi could feel her stone-like armour beginning to literally boil as the blood seeped out from the demonic horns.

To demons there was nothing they were more proud of than their horns - in fact horns possibly contributed more to their power than their own muscles. For a demon their horns were akin to the halo and wings that did something similar to an angel or god. While the power of those holy symbols was akin to a super move or weapon… A demon was ironically far more passive in it’s effect.

Like a constant buff that even helped that demon grow.

Meanwhile Vivi had those z shaped horns, that had become infamous as belonging to her over the aeons she had been allowed to run free, forcibly ripped from her head.



Spittel exploded out from her mouth as Violent’s roar quickly overshadowed the pain fueled, rage filled, insanity causing shriek that was let out by the wrathful demoness. Even the spit of the beast overpowered the monster’s defence - the acidic saliva burning away the demoness’ flesh. Her mouth so wide and her size so much larger that it almost seemed like Violent was about to bite Vivi’s head off her shoulders.


That sickening sound was the signal that the last thread of flesh finally released the mighty horns of the demon empress. Violent roared out loudly once again while holding those horns up to the sky like a prize for the victorious beast. Apparently, even when blinded by rage, she didn’t see Vivi as worth the effort.


The monarch of Valhalla rose her foot to blow the demoness away so hard that space itself gave out and spat the demoness back out into the battlefield in the Dong Empire’s crown jewel.

Since the spirit’s had mostly all retreated on account of losing their biggest fraggers; it was peaceful enough that the demoness got a chance to turn their eyes to their mighty monarch. Witnessing her flying through the air as a mere fraction of her former self. Those most affected were the Orchid who had no idea what the great plan of Ragnarok entailed as a whole.

Seeing their precious ojou-sama in such a beaten state, one they had never seen her in, as they had never seen her be defeated… Except for in that friendly spar against the hero. To see her actually lose with her life seemingly barely hanging on broke some of them into panicked screams.

Qin was hysterical while Ashue couldn’t even make a comment on the sight of their one true ruler hurdling down from the sky like a fallen star.

It was only Slate who narrowed her eyes with a contemplative look.

“Stop your belly aching you clods; we’re leaving the princess here and we’re going to go see what is happening with ojou-sama!” <Slate>

<This defeat… I don’t think it is as simple as it looks.>

Her thoughts weren’t because she was a genius like their fallen foes from the spirit realm; instead she found her eyes travelling over the descendents of her race. Although some didn’t carry their oni heritage as well as others - the demons were intricately a little similar no matter what kind of demon you were talking about. Obviously some deviated more than others but none of them looked worried.

Demons (no matter what some would say) were not the type to completely throw away respect to their ancestor even if they wouldn’t hesitate to cut them down to become the leader of the new generation.

The type most unlikely to do that were the vampires & devil’s who could be seen fanatically loyal to their bloodline to the point where devil’s still looked like hybrid oni. Yet both looked nothing short of ecstatic when looking at their precious ancestor collapsing to the ground. Even more so as crimson flames began to engulf her body to the point it was hard to see her.

She even heard that Duke Duke began to cackle like a madman.

“Ragnarock was a success, long live the monarch of all demons, forever shall we follow the Archdemon God of the Primordial Blood!” <Duke>

His comrades happily laughed along as if it were the second coming of their race.

Being an oni Slate’s first reaction was initially anger at them mocking the precious little princess she helped bring into this world… But then she stopped to think about it. They didn’t seem to be celebrating her death but the arrival of some demon she had never heard about before.

<Who is the archdemon God of the Primordial Blood?>

At first her thoughts obviously went to it being a vampire who has ascended but that seemed very unlikely since the vampire queen was already known as the strongest vampire. There also has never been another vampire queen which meant… It must be a title that belonged to someone else. Another guess would also be the Dragon Slaying Blade but his title was Demon God of the Bloody Battlefield or Archdemon of wrath.

But the Archdemons were the closest confidants of the demon god empress… So who would claim to be able to be, not just a monarch presiding over them, a god among  archdemons?

A role not even Vivi could fill.


That hopeful thought changed any dread she was feeling to excitement and, this time, when she looked around at all the joyous demons she began to understand. She began to relate to their vigour. To her a normal demon god or kijin was already untouchable so she found it hard to even place how powerful those archdemons, demon gods above demon gods, even were… Then she dreamed about what was above the level above them.

Such power was obviously a figure that would make any oni or demon jubilant as it was a power born through carefully monitored growth & planning.

It wasn’t something lucked upon…

<Could this all be part of ojou-sama’s plan?>

Those thoughts made her run so quickly that many of Orchid found it difficult to catch up yet she wasn’t even the first to arrive at the bonfire of crimson. In front of them were all the archdemons except for the idol of destruction, prior mentioned bloody battlefield & wet dreams. The latter two obviously had gone into that subspace with their princess.

All of them didn’t even notice the new arrivals as their attention was on the figure bathing within the pyre of blood red flames; no longer even looking like Wrath nor Vivi. Every strand of muscle & fat had burned away leading a dry mummy with no light in their eyes. Seeing that made members of Orchid fall to their knees as they finally accepted that they had failed their sacred task of protecting the young leader.

Slate continued to stare at the flames as she unconsciously walked forward until a dainty slender hand reached out to prevent her from stepping too closely.

Looking up she found the jadeskin-black haired beauty that was the humanoid shell of Chokin-Bako.

The childish sins.

On the other side was Leviathan of the damned pressure who carefully held an unordained wooden box in both of his hands as if waiting for a master to open it. On his shoulder was the fuzzy little body of the crooked rebirth who was also the mount of her precious ojou-sama. None of them seemed worried so she turned to look back into those flames where she finally noticed a major inconsistency with the thoughts of her fellow servants.

<She still stands!>

Not everyone was sad or hopeful… One person had just woken up with rage that would have made Wrath seem tame in comparison.

“Ha… Ha… Ha… Stupid sister of mine… You truly are the peasant that… Stood beside the king…!”

That voice made some of them turn in anger only to be hit by shock at a very familiar figure; even if that figure no longer seemed as graceful as she did before. Still wearing torn up robes that exploded her calcified arms - Vibrant “stood” in a dishevelled state that nearly made her unrecognisable. Her eyes were closed but it was easy to tell that at least one of those was not of her own doing as it clearly drooped.

Above all were her wings that now seemed crooked & disorganised with the tree that represented her (in the distance) clearly being just as bent out of shape as the once angelic figure. Even her glorious golden hair was marred with knots as well as dirt. It was also easy to notice the sheer hatred radiating from her.

Coughing out blood with familiar crimson wisps - she turned to look toward the oldest demon and possibly oldest thing in existence.

“Did… She do it…” <Vibrant>

Leviathan didn’t even bother looking toward her.

Even with her injuries she still found the power to clench her teeth together as she soon erupted angrily at the ancient titan with all the vitriol of a woman scorned.


“Curses were invented to her as a twisted demonic form of the spiritual arts-” <Leviathan>

“ANSWER M- *cough* *cough* *cough*” <Vibrant>

Unable to finish her demand as she nearly collapsed as her internal injuries ravaged her body; it was foolish to go against Violent without the use of her hands but she tried anyway. Refusing to give way to the one who she often thought herself equal to… But then that brute said something that made her unable to focus on even putting up a fight.

That it wasn't the primordial god’s that used the curses that caused the devastation that led Violet to bring a ruinous war across the entirety of the Heavenly realms.

Afterall… It was below them to use someone else's technique without first getting rid of that person.

Instead there was a third party that orchestrated the second war and there was one thing that the head schemer wanted about all. The blood of Violent. They wanted to claim her powerful absolute body for themselves which made things click.

It’s just that she had lower resistance to external influences.

Either way they all judged that the primordial gods caused Arthur to lose his mind then slaughter his lover's army due to not being able to affect Violent herself.

That stole the name of the True God condemning her to a weakened state.

Force Navy to reincarnate every 42 years then resurrect his corpses to cause havoc as undead.

Awaken their older sister as the next Azura Dragon despite her hatred of dragons.

To take her hands from her despite her only love being that of the sword.

And… Just so happened… To make Vivi…

Get lost in her Wrath…

To the point of her tactical genius…

No longer shinning…

But gaining powers…




“Revenge is both a funny and a tragic path… It’ll drive even the most honourable man to help to complete the evilest tasks…” <Leviathan>

No regret found in the otherwise cold voice of the last remaining primordial god from the era of Atlas.

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