Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 129: Symphony of War

| Centuries - Fall Out Boy | FHP Cinematic Remix

The silence was so dense that it was oppressive to even the sword saint.

All around were countless demons varying in straight, sure, but united together more than strong enough to raze anything realm that existed. Yet all of this was in the hands of this crazy woman. Someone who she couldn’t see as that dopey weakling of a “sister” who couldn't do anything without struggling.

However, the insanity was far from over as that reborn demoness soon had a frown gracing those vicious lips of hers. No longer did she have eyebrows - instead having them replaced by two black splotches that sat above the bridge of her nose & edge of her eyelids - still they lowered to express some dissatisfaction she possessed despite her strength. Looking around at the legion of demons she raised her hands.

“Why are you not cheering?” <Victory>

Immediately all the demons seemed confused as they too looked upon one another nevertheless she never let the ignorance last long. Taking a deep breath before that bell-like voice roared out with as much anger as those roars from the previous Vivi. A bloody aura filled with the scent of flower petals extending out to lure the simple minded into her dangerous gasp.


Those demons didn’t need to be told twice as they began rapidly clapping like puppets on a string; though considering she controlled the energy they were made from… Vibrant couldn’t be sure if this sibling of hers was not just clapping for herself. Strangely this influx of clapping seemed to not bring joy to her.

That demoness’ eyes became unfocused as she appeared dazed by the loud noise. No longer stepping around with purposes but instead seemingly more akin to a lost child stumbling about looking for their parent who moved out of sight. This made Vibrant’s brow narrow as she made sure to keep that in mind as she fired another set of blades to fly towards the disorientated demoness’.


Although she wasn’t the only one to notice the sudden change in the demoness as the Archdemons moved even faster than she did. Leviathan’s loud roar tore through the clapping - promptly silencing all the demons up even if in confusion to his words. Meanwhile Chokin-Bako slipped in through the jagged cracks in the pavement to appear at the edge of the foremost sword; taking the sword she left into her own hand as she batted away the swords on account of how much weaker they were due to the oni’s exhaustion.

“Aw~ it’s adorable how you think you can hurt our monarch chohoho~.” <Chokin-Bako>

Of course, there were three Archdemons summoned into the world.

Bone hands filled with death-tinted demonic energy erupted out the ground, green light shining out the cracks as if a portal into the underworld itself opened up, as clacking of bone echoed out. Soon crooked skeletons made from a mix-match of bones (flesh still hanging off even if no blood remained) as they attempted to drag the saint down. All the while biting her with their varying teeths.

Unable to even move she let out a sigh while preparing to open her eyes once again to unleash the sword intent she built up in her glare.

“Stop.” <Victory>

Until that single word instantly stopped the attack she was struggling against.

Those fearsome bones that were sapping her strength shattered apart as their own energy exploded out of their bodies - the splintering bones cutting Vibrants flesh but letting her live. Turning her senses toward the source of the voice revealed that this “Victory” was already squatting down right in front of her. Head tilted curious as a smile (revealing too much tooth) met her.

It was awkward and unsettling for someone used to “ordinary smiles” yet Victory didn’t care about what was expected of her anymore. Those piercing violet eyes looking down at her “sister” with a bright if unnerving smile. Holding that demonic undead rodent in her hands as she stroked him like your average gerbil and with him not resisting even as she put him on her head where he happily sat in the cage of horns..

Soon her hands unconsciously began to widely slap against one another.

Strangely she began to laugh while clapping her hands - stepping away as she wandered around at random while spiralling - as if part of some strange dance to a song only she could hear. Again those demons began to clap if only with their fingers touching. A fact that seemed to only make her dance more wild.

“Ah~ it smells so good and sounds even better; the sweet melody that gives the weak a purpose to become stronger with the perfect accompanying scent~!” <Victory>


Her dancing only came to a stop when she accidentally kicked something metal due to not particularly paying attention to where she was going nor caring who saw her.

Crouching down to lift whatever it was revealed to be cracked metal covered in sharp studs, she only needed to see this to know what it was, a fawning smile on her face. Without warning she brought the piece of shattered metal to her cheek to hug. Or, more accurately, she cradled her shattered treasure.

“You sacrificed your life to bring me this symphony…” <Victory>

“My liege.” <Leviathan>

Suddenly that rumbling voice interrupted her from her impromptu grieving which initially was going to make her angry till she heard a sound she would never forget. Her favourite bestest sound in the whole wide realms. A sound that was clearly the most beautiful no matter what anyone said.


The ringing of little bells.

“I bring your bells and payment from Laughing Stock.” <Leviathan>

Vibrant, upon hearing a weird name she had never heard of before or after the war, seemed both confused and worried about what it meant.

<The way it said it made it sound like a group name but how could an unknown gift grant something to this crazy piece of shit?!>

What overpowered that thought was dread.


Victory didn’t care about that as her head instantly shot up to face the giant man with a smile that easily outshone Vibrant’s facade. It was strangely sweet like a child who was just given candy. Perhaps being even sweeter than the candy?

“Ooo~ I love bells~!” <Victory>

Jumping up to her feet as she began to practically skip over to the titan dragon, her messy long red hair flowing behind her like a cape, as Vibrant knew it was no or never. If she was already this much stronger without any tricks… No one could be sure how strong she would become once she again picked up those dreaded bells.


That massive tree shook as the golden leaves fell from its silver branches - coming together like a storm that quickly flew right towards the unguarded demoness. Their edges glinting in preparation to shred the demoness to itty bitty pieces of meat. Yet, despite Vibrant’s desire, Victory’s eyes just glinted with amusement as grabbed Nercohamster to chuck him into the air as she dove straight into the edged storm only to vanish into their corners like a certain spider.

Reappearing in front of Leviathan using the spaces of those angular tiles; the dragon lowering the box as if he had already long expected this turn of events. Although, upon looking inside, the demoness actually froze for a moment. Looking at those two vials filled with such unique blood was…


Slurping up her saliva she quickly grabbed the ribbons that the bells hung from. Working hurriedly as she wrapped one around each wrist only to hop about cutely as she wrapped the other two around her slender ankles that remained bare for the world to see. Vibrant’s attack took advantage of this to turn its deceptively destructive path back on track with the demoness.

This time none of the archdemons moved to defend her from the sneak attack as they were well aware they didn’t need to. She still had her impossibly honed instincts after all. Those merely led her to flick one wrist as the beautiful ringing was paired with a popping that happened in the surrounding buildings.

Soon a shield of blood (with a strange black pattern)  formed in front of her to sap the energy of those leaves as they passed through it.

Giving her more than enough time to finish equipping her original “weapons”.

There was nothing inherently special about these bells as they didn’t even have a particular name attached to them when they were made. Initially they were just given to her to make sure that their father knew where the “dumb one” had wandered off to. Nobody would expect that those bells, just like with the simple sword given to Ruby, would become the most fearsome cursed weapons in the realms.

[Chimes of the Blood Parade].

Like the strongest Dharma treasures; the effect of those bells were quite simple if moulded by the techniques that allowed them to claim an untold number of lives. A little trick that didn’t seem particularly useful for the average person. Maybe even detrimental if they attempted to use them without care.

They enhanced blood flow.

For a cursed treasure it was such a shockingly simple effect that one would easily confuse it with some random artefact used at clinics to help struggling patients. Yet cursed items got stronger with every piece of suffering they caused - every death made them stronger than before. It allowed Ruby’s sword to become a relic due to her travelling the mortal realm looking for strength so what did that effect have on the cursed item of someone who loved indulging in mascree’s during the two greatest wars?

It meant merely hearing those bells could cause a god to pop like a balloon.

A dome of blood had formed around the palace due to the number of demons who “offered” their lives to protect their great archdemon goddess. Even Vibrant was shocked by the sheer cruelty displayed by the monarch of all demons. Instantly a country's worth of demons were reduced to blood despite her needing comparatively little to block the attack.

She didn’t even care as she began to tap her chin as she looked at the two vials of blood.

“Why don’t we have the one from the timey wimey person with the choo choo that travels in the gap between the realms?” <Victory>

“Sorry oni-sama but they didn’t exist when we made the contract~!” <Chokin-Bako>

The spider girl sadly said while coming up behind to hug the demoness; lifting her up like she was some kind of doll.

“Nn this good then.” <Victory>

Surprisingly agreeable for someone who just killed thousands of her people.

“But I want a different congratulatory meal after I finish her off…” <Victory>

“We can just sort that out when we’re done here.” <Leviathan>

“It is starting to drag… A lot…” <Victory>

She complained as she randomly stuck her palm out only for Necrohamster to land right there - giving out a cute little squeak as she rubbed the little guy against her cheek. The irritated growl she was unconsciously releasing as she spoke faded away with the soft fur of her pet. Clearly enjoying the feeling of his fur.

“But first…” <Victory>

Her gaze turned towards her less fortunate weapon, Destroyer of Immortality, which ironically got destroyed in the confrontation with the one opponent it’d have no effect on. It wasn’t a cursed weapon yet its power was clearly inspired by her curses that managed to even the playing field in the past. Her cursed bells were a good representation of this.

Walking over the scattered leaves caused her bare feet to be cut yet she ignored that in favour of continuing on forward. It helped that the blood from the dome quickly came down to help her regenerate at impressive speeds (even if not on the level of Mother) making the injuries hardly affect her.

Soon she reached her destination as the half-melted shards of that short-lived dharma treasure lay on the floor in front of her.

“These treasures are meant to be near the existence of an entity's flesh & blood so perhaps with my curses as well as these pretty bells…” <Victory>

Plunging her hand into the molten metal as those bells rung out merrily as if attempting to be a far cuter version of wedding bells. Of course their effect was similar to matrimony as the metal became a thick fluid that seeped into the demoness’ blood. Soon the metal studs pierced through her knuckles as well as covering her hands then wrists as if merging the weapon with the owner.

Enhancing her fists with their power, giving the weapon a second life, all the while also allowing both to grow stronger as they bonded with each other to a level unheard of. Merging her old abilities with her newly gained ones as that metal darkened as it melded into the “ink” that adorned her flesh. Making those spikes appear as if they are just extensions of her “tattoos”.

Raising to her feet once again she spectated her hands while clenching them & unclenching them as if testing their power.

A smirk appeared on her face.

“My hands are now my dharma treasure; I rename you [God Breaker]!” <Victory>

Turning to Vibrant who was coughing up blood from the potent curses released by Victory & her bell like voice as well as… Her literal bells.

“Time to test them teehee~!” <Victory>

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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