DC: Makenna Wayne

8. White-witch Batgirl

= = =

Dick had made a promise to Alfred that he would come visit soon as he was eager to meet this new little sister.  First, a new brother that Bruce adopted because the kid was attempting to steal the wheels of his bat mobile, and now a little sister who travelled all on her own to meet Bruce.  And this one is actually related to Bruce.  He wondered what Makenna is like, but with how Alfred talked about her, it made him forget that she was actually just 10 years old.  Even he wasn't that smart that he could skip 5 grades ahead.

He had meant to meet her in the first two weeks ever since her arrival, but he had been busy and before he knew it, a month had gone by.

Lately, the Zucco family had been rather suspicious, and it turns out, they've started a new trade instead of drug trafficking.  This time, it was with people.

He had just busted a couple of their operations and a few of them fled to Gotham City. 

Dick had informed Bruce amd now he was here at the docks where sources say they were currently hiding out in this warehouse.

What he witnessed as he crept above the rooftop, looking through the windows, are Zucco's goons holding a little girl hostage.  They then dragged her over to the cleaning supplies closet and barricaded it.

Okay. That little girl must be terrified, but at least she's safe inside that room.

Nightwing then proceeded to the emergency exit door and stuck close to the shadows as he lurked about.  On the way, he quietly knocked out goons and hid them in places so that he wouldn't get caught so easily.   Though eventually, the goons will probably notice the lack of security in this place. 


Curious of the noise, Nightwing went to investigate as he checked over the railings.  Down below, the door of the supply closet where the little girl was kept had been blown open.  The aluminum door had been thrown off its hinges, crash landing on some crates. This prompted the enemies to gather and pull their guns out aiming at the mysterious thick, white fog escaping the supply closet.

"We're under attack!!"

"But isn't that where we're keeping the girl??"

"L-Look! Someone's coming out!"

Nightwing watched a figure coming into view and he saw it was the little girl carried in the arms of an older girl, who was either 18-21 years old.  She has long white hair, wearing an all white outfit that looked like it belonged to some medieval fantasy cosplay, and there was a pink diamond attachment on her chest. However, what really through Nightwing off was that she was wearing a cowl that was similar to Batman, but fitted for feminine.

"D-Drop the girl!!" The goon shouted, pulling the cock back.

The little girl gasped as she held on tightly to the mysterious woman, burying her face on the crook of her neck.  This white-witch batgirl (Nightwing had no clue what to call her) held her hand out in a calm demeanor.  Suddenly, a pinkish spherical bubble encased the two of them.  That was enough to startle one of the goons as they fired the gun.

The bullet then ricochet and hit one of their own instead.

Nightwing's brows raised. A meta?? Here in Gotham?

"Don't shoot!  Don't shoot!"

Nightwing took that moment to leap down and join the fight.

He threw some smoke bombs and proceeded to knock one bad guy after another, making sure they didn't have time to retaliate.

He then looked to the white sillhouette, whose jaw had dropped down to her chest.

"What are you doing? Get her out of here!" He told her. "Go!"

"Y-yes! Right away!" The woman responded as the bubble dropped and she started running, holding the girl protectively.  She ran ahead where more of them were about to cut her off, but suddenly, she leaped towards the sky and landed on the third floor, startling at one enemy posted up there.  She then summoned pink translucent shield and threw it like a frisbee.  It knocked the thug out as he hit the wall hard.  She ran passed him, probably getting to the emergency exit.  Good.

Nightwing now focused on his efforts to take care of Zucco's man. Suddenly, he heard a click, and he immediately leaped away for cover.

The sound of a tommygun went rattling off and the bullets came rapid, hitting everywhere Nightwing went as he ran from one cover to the next.

"You rat!" Zucco shouted.  "How did you even follow us all the way here from Bludhaven!  And it's not even nighttime!"

Nightwing dove to another cover and he paled to see some flammable liquid.  He quickly got out of there, but when he did, the bullets had hit and the explosion threw him off.  He stumbled and rolled, and when he got to his feet, he saw Zucco aiming the gun at him.

Oh crap.  This is going to hurt.

Suddenly, the white woman from before had dropped in front of him and they were both encased inside a pink bubble. The bullets bounced off and they heard Zucco's groan just as he ceased fire.

Nightwing stood up and had witnessed Zucco getting hit by the rebound bullets.

"Oh no!" The woman cried as she dropped the bubble and rushed over the man.  She knelt down and placed her hands on him. In an instant, his body glowed in white and slowly his groaning pain died down.

"There.  He should be fine," she said as she wiped proverbial dust from her hands.

Nightwing then demanded, "Where's the girl?  And who exactly are you?  Why are you wearing a Bat mask?"

She flinched at his questions, but this was serious. Even if she did help the little girl, she shouldn't be here in Gotham.  It's not a good place for any meta, and Bruce wouldn't like her lingering in this city.  Furthermore, why was she even here?  How did she know the girl was in danger?  Nightwing was sure Batman didn't have anyone like her, otherwise, he would have told him about her.


"Excuse me!  Mr. Nightwing!"

Nightwing spun around and saw the little girl from earlier.  She ran right up to him without any fear despite the fallen bad guys strewn across the warehouse floor.

"Hey, little girl, it's not safe," he told her, shocked that she was here as the woman had said that she was safe, meaning far from here, and yet here she was.  Now that he could see the little girl closer, her blue eyes and her nose...she seemed....very familiar to him for some reason, but he couldn't place a finger on it.

He knelt down to her level as she stopped in front of him, panting.  "Ha, ha... M-Mr. Nightwing, I just called the cops so they should be here soon."

"How responsible and brave of you," he praised her as he reached over to pat her head.  "Do you have a name, little miss?"

She pursed her lips for a moment before answering, "I-I'm Makenna Wayne.  Bruce Wayne's daughter."

Nightwing's eyes widened at that. She's their new little sister...!? And she was kidnapped!?! How!?

As if she heard his thoughts, she proceeded to say, "M-my brother and I were shopping around, and then I was snatched! But he was also shot!  I need to find out if he's okay."

Jason got shot? 

Nightwing cursed inwardly.  This was his fault for letting Zucco get away in the first palce.

"Come on, I'll make sure you get home," Nightwing said as he picked her up and she was really light.  In fact, she was too small. Is she really 10-years-old?

"Hey, you--" Nightwing paused when he realized the woman in white had disappeared.

And he didn't even get her name.

- - -

Crap! That was close! Dang! If I had known that Nightwing was already here, I didn't have to go through all that trouble!  I would have waited in the supply closet!

Plus! Frustratingly, I couldn't even think of a name for the mask crusader that I had created.  That's why I got Nightwing's attention so that my copy could just teleport back to Villa without him noticing.  Dang. A Name??  She had no clue.  It's not like her copy was some hero that was going to be staying.

For now, I just waited as Nightwing tied up every bad guy.  Soon, I started to hear the sirens and that's Nightwing dipped out, but not without saing good bye.  I waved at him before I exited the warehouse first.  Immediately, I was greeted with cops holding guns, but they lowered their weapons when they saw it was just a little girl.

"Commissioner!  We found her!" the police reported through his radio as he walked over to pick me up.  "Come on, Miss Wayne.  Let's get you home."

I shook the cop's shoulder.  "Sir, my brother. My brother, Jason, is he okay?"

"Don't worry, miss, your brother is fine.  Both your father and your brother are currently at the police station," he said as he got me to the cop car.  "You've only been gone for over an hour, Miss.  God bless you for that.  Let's get you to your family."

"Yes please!" I agreed happily, smiling.

The cop was taken back and then he let out a chuckle.  "You're a very brave girl to be smiling."

"Nightwing and another lady saved me!" I said.  "They were so cool!"

He blinked. "Nightwing huh?"

Then his partner, who got into the driver seat, turned around.  "Did you say Nightwing saved ya?  But it's day time."

Right? And here I thought the Bat family only ever come out at night.

It took some fifteen minutes before we finally arrived at the police station.  Waiting outside the precinct were Bruce and Jason, who was safe and sound.



I hurried right out and ran into his arms, hugging him tightly, when he knelt down to greet me.

"You're okay! I thought you were shot!" I said then I checked his bracelet first, but it was nowhere in sight.  "Were you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, sprout," Jason answered then his features pulled to a frown as he reached up to touch my left temple.  "You got hurt."

Ah right.  The thug had hit me with the butt of the gun there during the abduction.  However, adrenaline was currently pumping through my veins so I hardly feel it.

"I'm fine!  I'm just.... I'm just so glad that you're okay....sniffle..."

Oh no.  I started to cry because I had been terrified.  I knew the bracelet would have work its magic, but I was still so worried deep inside.  I had feared that because of my interference, the world will be trying its hardest to kill him or something.  Storm of the Butterfly effect, and all.

"Makenna," Bruce finally spoke as he too knelt down to my level next to Jason.  "Are you okay?"

I nodded at him and this time, for public's sake, I went to him and hugged him tightly.  I could feel that he was surprised, but this fatherly figure hugged me back anyway.

"I'm okay. Really," I told the both of them as I parted.  "Nightwing and some other woman saved me!"

Their brows raised, surprised to hear that.

Guess they too didn't know that Nightwing had come to Gotham.

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Hope you guys like these two chapters that were posted!  By the way, I need your guys help!  I need a name for our little future bat girl!  I don't think I should let Nightwing keep calling her White-witch Batgirl, you know?  ^^ would appreciate anything!


Buy me a coffee?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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