D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 111 – Evil Dragon

Chapter 111 - Evil Dragon


"Let go of me! You pervert!!"

"Is my Big Sister not enough for you?!!"

"Grrr... I'll bite you! I swear!"

Don't worry, Carene. Just keep the 'Lara Filter' turned on. 

Abuse is emptiness, Emptiness is abuse.

Remarkably, I was able to pull that chick all the way up to her room, while remaining in one piece, I tell you.

Her scoldings were just pure nonsense and her frustrations being vented upon me... though she did bite my arm in the end.

Maybe it was due to her fever, but she couldn't muster enough strength to shake me off or to bite me with force... and so, the evil dragon returned to it's nest!

Now, I only need to put it to sleep...

"H-Hey! Who gave you permission to barge into my room, huh?! Do you understand the concept of privacy?? Y-You stalker! Maniac! Sex freak!"

I could only shake my head in exhaustion as her loud voice didn't help the piled up fatigue from yesterday. Still, can't act rude to someone ill. I still wish to act like a human, rather than some human garbage.

Knowing that persuading her would be of no use, I just kept the filter on and led Lara to her bed.

The bed turned out to be a huge queen sized bed... more luxurious than any other that I had seen anywhere else.

Looks like the twins spent a lot of their pocket money on this one. Ain't no way that Isla would let them have something so wasteful.

Although... it does looks very comfortable...

N-No! Focus, Carene. Focus!

This is not just Lara's room, it's the twin's room! The sexually active and bisexual pair of sister's room!

I had thought that they might have a few dildos or anal plugs lying around, but... looks like they hid them well.

And, do they belong to the ero book faction or the online porn faction?

So many mysteries... this sex dungeon has...

After forcefully rebooting my brain into safe mode, I kept my eyes straight on the shouting young lady while gleefully ignoring the expletives flying all over the place.

After tucking Lara in her bed, I recalled where I stored the  medicines and thermometer last time and went out for a bit before returning to her room.

Surprisingly, I wasn't locked out. Maybe she is too tired or something?

Anyways, Lara wasn't shouting at me anymore, probably because she hurt her throat from all that screaming from earlier. She did glare at me though.

Visualizing my dear Celesta's face and the sweet things she did for me till now, I reinforced my will to help my future sister-in-law and walked near her.

Since she wasn't saying anything, I myself felt compelled to speak.

"H-Hey, the thermometer... do you use it in your mouth, between your armpits or..."

Lara stared at me in confusion, before she realised what I was hinting at as she screamed again,

"P-Pervert!! You anal freak! I don't put things into my butt!!"

I could only scratch my head in confusion, as I muttered,

"Oh? Well, I thought you did... since you are so experimental and all..."

Unfortunately, she heard me.

"You are experimental! Your mother is experimental!! You freak! Unlike you, I am actually  normal and know the taste of a man!"

Oh...now she's going into that territory, huh? Well, what can we do? I can't expect everyone to understand my preferences.

Everyone is free to live their life as they will. Maybe she would get that too when she grows up. At least she is younger and more immature than me.

As a graceful and generous senior, I decide to grant her mercy.

Praise me, y'all!

A-Ahem! Back to the topic at hand... let's just go with the armpits.

Facing Lara's eyes full of fury, I wordlessly brought the thermometer into her hands and looked away for a bit.

I heard some rustling of clothes behind me, signaling that Lara actually put the thermometer there.

Haah... why can't she be a bit more honest? Extreme tsunderes aren't that much popular, you know?

Well... other than between some niche fans...

As I felt her poking my back with the thermometer, I was shocked to fin that her fever was way higher than I thought!

What a disaster! How could I possibly leave her alone in this situation?!

No, I... won't go to college today. Let's just stay here and nurse her to health. If the fever doesn't goes down till evening, we can visit the hospital.

Looking at Lara's face carefully, she was letting out hot sighs, while her eyes were looking misty, not to mention her obviously red face.

No good. I must feed her the medicines at once!

After carefully checking the medicines and their expiry dates, I nudged the drowsy Lara to take them with a glass of water.

After she safely took them and laid down to rest, I could only restlessly look around the room to keep myself occupied.

Nothing much to do here... let's come back after some time.


In the end, I didn't leave. 

Worried that Lara would need something and me not being there... I couldn't let that possibly happen.

Also, sleeping next to her on her bed was already rejected before proposal, since I didn't want to die so early.

With nothing much to do, I kept surfing the internet, hoping to find something interesting.

I got too bored of driving instructional videos and moved on, but... I found something interesting at last!

Cooking videos! Seeing all those tasty looking dishes being made, had me too excited to try my hands on them too!

Aaahh... how good of a dream it would be... if I could cook for my dear Celesta as she returns home... w-with our kids... *cough**cough*... t-too stimulating!

Alas, it is just a dream for now. But! The preparations start early!

If I could cook as good as Celesta and surprise her with my skills... she would surely look at me in a good light!

Imagining her tasting my dishes and smiling at me... oooohh~! I wanna do it! I wanna~!!

Eh? Ah!! Lara... I forgot...

Checking the time, it had been more than an hour since she took the medicines.

Darn it! I should have known better! How could I get so lost within my delusion?!

No, I must check on her!

As I stood up in panic and went near Lara's bed, I found Lara deep in her sleep and drenched in sweat while she kept changing her posture.

She looks very uncomfortable. What could I do to help her?

Ah! Y-Yes! Wiping the sweat. I have heard that wiping the sweat during fever is good for health.

But... her whole body must be drenched. D-Do I have to..?

No! It's for a patient, Carene! Have the heart of a Doctor! 

Lara is a patient. Yes, just a patient... who has a woman's body... sweaty and hot... to see her naked body... 

I-I must not lose control!

Don't become an animal, Carene! Lara trusted me and let me in her room. She wanted some help too.

Although she is not good with words and is prone to try evicting me... she is still Celesta's family!

And maybe... my future family too.

Hmm! I must... act righteously this time!

Saint mode, activate!

Lust is emptiness, Emptiness is lust.

Okay... let's do it.



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