D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Part 1 - Treasure Hunting


<POV: Carene>

Hugging the documents folder tightly, I ran down the hallways of the College buildings, as I found my way through the premises towards the parking area. When I tried to look for our car, I could see Sis Lin standing outside her red car.

As I quickly made my way towards her, I noticed a little smile blooming up on Sis Lin's face.

"Back already, Carene? Did everything go well in there? Or.. were there any issues with the other documents?"

Reaching Sis Lin, I quickly shook my head as I began to gasp for breath. Really, I had done a lot of running today. Maybe I overdid it a bit?

While I was still getting myself back to breathing normally, Sis Lin quietly took out a pink handkerchief and began to wipe away the sweat from my face. I couldn't help but blush a bit at her sincere action, which somehow seemed more fitting for one's girlfriend.

N-No! Carene, don't let yourself get lost in those sweet delusions. This is the real world, not a fantasy land. Not every stupid delusion of yours... would become true.

Sis Lin here is just... being a little considerate toward myself. Don't cultivate unnecessary misunderstandings by yourself, alright?

Although I kept trying to tell that to myself and no matter how much I tried to push those feelings of bliss down, they unceasingly kept getting back up, making me unable to stop them at all.

Well... should I try letting myself get lost in these delusions for once? Since I am unable to overcome these troubling emotions of mine at this point, then better let them rampage all around instead!

No use fighting myself, right?

After properly stabilizing my breath, I noticed that I had already been pulled inside Sis Lin's car with the air conditioner turned on. Sis Lin, however, was still looking at me with her eyes full of concern.

Sis Lin... if you would continue to be like this today, then... I might really lose all of my control over my sanity!

Not wanting to trouble Sis Lin or to let her worry over myself anymore, I spoke to her,

"Don't worry, Sis Lin. The documentation procedures have been finalized. From now onwards, I can attend College lectures regularly. For your help and company today... thank you very much. I know that you were troubled a lot while helping me all the time before. Still, you never complained. You tried to silently bear all of the burdens to help me to the utmost. I-If... Only if it wasn't for me, then you..."

I suddenly stopped between my statement when I noticed Sis Lin tightly grasping my hands within hers. As I turned to look her in the eyes, she had a very gentle and warm look in them, as she then spoke to me,

"No, Carene. It certainly didn't happen because of you. No need to even think about it, okay? Earlier, that man... he is the one who was responsible for disturbing our time earlier. Trust your Sis Lin's words, I really am alright now. As for that man... he would eventually be brought to justice. His dirty deeds would surely land him in prison one day."

As Sis Lin spoke of that perverted old man, a few wrinkles appeared on her forehead as she lowered her head to look down at our clasped hands.

"Bad people like them think that they actually have power over us. That's actually a very laughable fact. No matter how strong they may try to appear, their false, inflated ego is just like a tower made of cards. With just one strong push, it would all end up crashing down into nothing. One day, for sure... he would surely pay for all that he has done."

After sitting in deep silence and contemplation, Sis Lin shook her head heavily, after which her beautiful face quickly regained her smile, as she spoke to me,

"Besides... there is no meaning in wasting our precious time together talking about such a needless topic like that."

A very mischievous and naughty look suddenly appeared on Sis Lin's previously concerned face, as she continued to speak further,

"Since it has been a long time since the two of us to have gone out together and just have fun, let's just do that right now. We can also catch up on a lot of things from back then too, right?"

Ohhhhhhh! Sis Lin seems to have recovered already! That's an adult lady for you. No hurdle seems to be big enough to stop her in her tracks for too long.

Sis Lin is absolutely right! That stupid, pervy, dirty old man can go to hell! It's my precious time with Sis Lin. Hehehehehe... let's just go lingerie shopping already!


After I nodded towards Sis Lin multiple times in approval, Sis Lin giggled for a bit and began to drive the car away from the College Parking Area.

While I was wondering which fashion outlet to visit first with Sis Lin, she suddenly turned towards me and spoke,

"Little Carene, there is something that I have been meaning to ask you for some time. Somewhere in this bustling city, there is a place that holds a very special meaning to me."

"I remember the time when my mother used to bring me along for her shopping trips there, after we had been through the whole necessities buying rounds, she would take me there to find something to buy. She used to call the activity 'Treasure Hunting. Ever since she left us behind a few years ago... I haven't been there even once. How about... the two of us go 'Treasure Hunting' as well?"

Ehhhh?! T-Treasure Hunting?? What does that mean? What does Sis Lin mean by that? Treasures as in... Gold or Diamonds?

But, somehow that doesn't feel right. Why would a young Sis Lin and her mother go around the City to find them? Were they jewelry enthusiasts before...?

That... doesn't seem right either.

Ah! Waitwaitwait a minute!!!

Treasure Hunting... right? Then, is lingerie also considered 'Treasures' as well? They appear to be fair game to me though. In my honest opinion, I really do consider Lingeries to be humanity's greatest invention, but... are they the 'Treasures' that Sis Lin referred to just now?

Assuming that to be the case here... more like hoping for that to be the case here, well... if that's what Sis Lin wants to call our Lingerie shopping, then let it be that way.

Hehehehehe... calling Lingerie shopping 'Treasure Hunting', even Sis Lin's mother seems like a very 'naughty' woman of her time, doesn't she?


Part 2 - A Date?


But, there is just one odd thing here. Why would Sis Lin's Mother bring her own young Daughter to buy lingerie? Was Sis Lin interested in wearing lingerie even back then...?

I didn't know why, but something about it all didn't feel right. As if, I was missing something from that explanation.

However, assuming my thought process to be correct, Sis Lin's interest in lingerie should be even more than mine!

T-That's perfect then! If that's really the case, then Sis Lin could possibly use her wealth of experience in buying lingerie to showcase all sorts of risque underwear to me.

Hmmm... would that actually make us a pair of underwear enthusiasts? It really doesn't sound that bad at all., I think.

Since even I had become extremely interested in Sis Lin's inherited way of buying lingerie, I soon replied to Sis Lin,

"Yes! Let's go 'Treasure Hunting', Sis Lin! In fact, I actually really like 'treasures' too, you know? Please advise me on how to pick the best ones once we get there, alright?"

Sis Lin seemed to be very pleased with my response as she smiled brightly and spoke,

"Surely. I would show you why they call me a prodigy at it!"

Her tone sounded strangely very confident, which even seemed to have some traces of arrogance laced within it. Since Sis Lin hadn't appeared to behave arrogantly ever before then, my excitement reached new heights as my mind began to imagine the scenes of Sis Lin and her mother going shopping together to find 'Treasures' together.


I was snapped out of my strange thoughts when a lot of car-honking sounds began to go around us. Looking around, I found out that we had long departed the highways of the Central area of the City and the car was now in the narrow streets of the sub-urban looking area.

Huh? D-Do lingerie stores open up even in places like this? We could actually find 'Treasures' here? Hmmm... maybe I have been unknowingly looking down upon the residents of this place. No matter what their living conditions or economic state might be, all of us are basically human beings... who all get urges to have their naughty needs to be fulfilled.

My curiosity soon replaced the earlier soaring excitement, as I began to try to find any signs of lingerie shops from my side of the window. No matter how hard I tried, there were only normal, averagely-sized private shops selling vegetables, convenience stores, or small electronics shops.

Is the lingerie shop located at a secret location, away from the public eye? Don't tell me that it's some hidden society, away from the access of the general public.

Now, wait a second. Sis Lin didn't seem to be a part of some shady group like that. Then... what exactly is going on here?!

As my inner confusion kept growing further and further, Sis Lin finally got the car through the crowded streets and parked it in a deserted corner.

"Alright. We are finally here. Haah... I really missed visiting these places a lot. Hmm? What's wrong, Little Carene? Ah, don't worry too much, alright? The car won't be towed away for parking like this. Even Mom used to park her scooter here back then. Just follow Big Sister Lindie closely, okay? And don't stay too far away from me. It's easy to get lost within these maze-like streets. This place is familiar to me, so we won't be having any troubles when we stay together."

Huh...? Sis Lin, the safety and security of the car is not the most troubling concern for me right now. What 'Treasure' are we going to find in a place like this? Please, just don't let my hopes be squashed after having been fanned so mightily until now!


Having no choice left, I got out of the car too, and began to walk next to Sis Lin. And that was when a strange thought occurred to me.

If I really hold my thoughts for a moment, I and Sis Lin, walking next to each other, side by side, walking out of a car together...

D-Do we actually look like a couple to the onlookers?!

To confirm my ridiculous assumptions, I looked around the few bypassers and the few opened windows of the resident's houses. And... They were all really looking at us!!

Holy mother of God, these people... they really think that we are an actual lovey-dovey couple?!

What do I do now? What should I do? What can I do? What must I do?

Should I warn Sis Lin about the onlookers? I mean, what if there are some old acquaintances of hers here that recognize her and assume that the two of us... are on a date together?

What? Huh? We... are on a date right now? No, how could that be? You need to be an actual couple to be able to call your outings together a 'Date'. However... the onlookers don't know that, right?

And, they don't to either...

I... Haaaahhh... Sorry, Sis Lin for not informing you of my analysis earlier, but... let's keep this misunderstanding going, alright?

That's right! This hot and cute woman is my... Date right now.

God... no matter how I say it, I feel really embarrassed to say this, even within my own mind, since I know that is not the case at all. For Sis Lin, I am just a troublesome little kid who she used to babysit many years ago, and now... whose troubles she has to sort out.

Sorry for troubling you so much, Sis Lin.

As the sadness and guilt began to encroach my mind, Sis stopped in front of a small shop and entered it, after which she politely greeted the shop owner.

"Hello, Auntie! How have you been? It's been a while, hasn't it? Hmm? Do you remember me? It's me, Little Lin from the New Ray Apartments. Remember that I used to come here a lot alongside my Mother before?"

The old shopkeeper adjusted her round glasses many times as she tried to catch a better glimpse of Sis Lin's face. Unfortunately, her eyesight seemed to have gone bad, as she simply turned around towards the back of the store and went away from behind a large curtain.

That... was really awkward.

Is something wrong with that old woman? Even if you didn't recognize Sis Lin, at least treat your own customers right.

Seeing the obvious look of disappointment on Sis Lin's face, I quickly grabbed her slim hands and began to pull her away from the small shop.


A/N: Thanks for reading...

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