D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Part 1 - Impatience (2)


Sis Lin kept driving us further and further away from the City when we seemed to have finally arrived somewhere.

Huh? What is a mansion so large doing in a desolate place like this? Is someone really so desperate to be alone that they would rather build their own 'Paradise' so far away from the populated areas?

Hmm... in my case, I would rather prefer to be around good people only, I guess. Being a Loner is just not a thing for me. I wouldn't want to do that in my lifetime at all... at least if I have a choice to make.

Sis Lin walked out of the car and motioned for me to follow her, after which she went to the huge front gate of the mention and spoke something into the intercom. As I came out of the car, I noticed a few oddities of the mention.

The place had been built very professionally and artistically with a lot of expenditure on the quality of design and the materials, but there were signs of neglecting maintenance around most of the outer area. Even some dirt looked to have settled on the marble statues as if nobody had cleaned them for a long time.

When I finally circled around to stand next to Sis Lin, she saw me looking over the place and began to explain to me about it,

"Little Carene, this place used to belong to my second Uncle. He was a really impulsive kind of person. He would often make high-stakes decisions on a whim any day. One day, he decided to build a Mansion here when he had lost to a bunch of scammers. The total amount of money that he had lost didn't even amount to point one percent of the amount that he had spent to build this Mansion."

"He only spent four months here before abandoning it to go back to some other city. This place had remained like an abandoned Mansion for a very long time, until one day, when he felt very moved by some Inspirational speech and remembered about this Mansion."

"Wanting to do something good for society at that time, he donated the Mansion to the Government, only for the purpose of housing the orphaned young babies. They stay here until the age of five before most of them get adopted. The oldest child here last time was only a three-year-old girl."

"Since the government is responsible for the management, a lot of supervision-related matters get pushed under the rug, as you can tell from the Mansion's current condition. Don't worry though, the facilities inside and the personnel responsible for this place are all up to the required standards. That's its only saving grace, I guess."

"Since this is the outer wall area of the Mansion, it has little practical reason to be attended to by the cleaners hired by the Government."

"I like to help out whenever I am around, usually by buying stuff like these for the newborn children. It often takes between a few weeks to a month for the supply to arrive for newborn babies at sudden rush times, since the government also has to do a good job to manage this place while continuing to fund other Orphanages around the state as well."

"Since I would like to be able to make a difference, I try by donating these items for every such emergency case use for such cases. That is why I decided to bring them here today. The manager here is a very nice lady. She and mother used to be acquaintances back when I wasn't even born yet."

By the time Sis Lin ended her explanation, the front gate opened up and a frail-looking old lady walk towards us and tightly hugged Sis Lin.

I... kind of wished that I was the one hugging Sis Lin though...

After nodding at me once in acknowledgment, the two women began to chat regarding all sorts of affairs related to the place, while at the same time, the old woman kept touring Sis Lin around the facility.

As I tried to peek into some of the rooms, a few one or two-year-olds were busy doing something, while in another class some others were all practicing singing some choir-like music.

Actually, this place doesn't seem so bad. I had previously imagined an orphanage to be full of despondence and despair as some movies often portray them.

However, the reality was really a lot farther away from that. Seeing the little kids having so much fun and being so cute made me want to play around with them as well.

However! I cannot afford to lose sight of my goal. I must get Sis Lin to go Lingerie shopping with me. Definitely. It's no good if that isn't the case. Sis Lin, please finish the procedures quickly. I don't want to go I want to invite you to that place... just not here, at least.


The old woman turned out to be a chatterbot, as she kept Sis Lin engaged in conversations with herself for a very long time. It seems like they had a lot to catch up with. Sis Lin's mood also appeared to be becoming better with time.

Hence I decided to suppress my urge to scold the greedy old woman... and tried to behave as politely and obediently as I could as I continued to sip the hot tea in the guest area.

My frustrated mind kept bringing up stupid ideas to take Sis Lin away from here, however, my rationality kept holding me back from doing anything stupid.

Since I didn't want to embarrass Sis Lin in front of an outsider, I kept trying to play the role of a patience-filled... horny girl as best as I could.

Fortunately for me, there was an end to their discussion as Sis Lin handed over the previously bought supplies and the two of us finally departed away from the orphanage.


Coming out of the place, I quickly noticed how stiff my body had become from just sitting around for an hour or so.

Do I actually need more exercise? I had previously thought of my body to be perfectly fit with excellent stamina. However, lately, the fatigue had begun to catch up to me. Now that I think about it, I do a lot of nightly exercises with Isla. Does that not count as training the body?

Maybe I should have a schedule for exercising added to my daily routine. I certainly don't want my own body to become the hurdle on my own road to a greater ecstasy.


Part 2 - Impatience (3)


After stretching my body around a bit, Sis Lin smiled apologetically at me and said,

"That took very long, didn't it? Please forgive me, little Carene. When I was with my old Aunt, I just forgot all about time since the topics kept coming out one after the other. You must have gotten very bored waiting for us to finish, right?"

"How about we go to have lunch somewhere? We can also catch a break from running around all over the place. Ah! That reminds me, is there a particular place that you enjoyed dining at? Even if it's a restaurant or a fast food center, just name it without worries. This Sis Lin of yours promises to take you there if it's for a meal right away way."

Seeing how cute Sis Lin was behaving for my sake, I felt my inner vat of dissatisfaction tumble away from my head, as I began to seriously think of places to eat at a Lingerie store nearby. However, no matter how much I thought about it, there were just no answers.

In the past, I often just ordered junk food from my old house to be delivered. Since I know friends before... I didn't want to be the only one eating alone in a public place like that before.

Still, now that is actually asking me about this, what should I do in this situation?

Oh right! I can definitely do that.

Hehehehehe... Time to get my reward from Sis Lin for being such a nice girl today.

I cleared my throat as the plan begin to formulate within my head to work my way toward the Lingerie buying plan. Of course, I couldn't have lunch at the Lingerie Store or anything, especially since both of us were really hungry and exhausted by now.

"If you say it like that Sis Lin... how about we go somewhere used to dine at before? Since you know this City so very well, you must also be aware of good dining spots in the area too, right? I... also feel like knowing you more that way."

I did my best to present myself as a cool girl in front of his Sis Lin to make her aware of my charm, while I did my best to curve my body a bit more seductively.

Sis Lin looked dazed for a moment before a big smile broke out on her face, however, Sis Lin looked to be doing her best to suppress her smile, as she answered me,

"T-That... sure. Why not. If that's what you want, little Carene, we could do that for sure. L-Let's get back in the car now, shall we?"

Before I could give her any reply, Sis Lin quickly escaped from before me and swiftly entered the car.

What I just imagining things here? Why did her face look so red? Her shoulders were twitching weirdly too at the moment before...

Don't tell me... was she laughing at me?!

Hey, Sis Lin... I did my best cool there, alright? Haaah... maybe I am just not cut out for acting.

Since I wanted the two of us to normalize ourselves from our current state right now, I decided to kick some pebbles around, while staring deeply toward the horizon.


<Pov: Lindie>


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

My heart... it really stopped for a moment there!

Kyaaaaa!!! Soooo~ cute! Little Carene, you just know how to make my heart throb, don't you?

An expert. My Little Carene has already become an expert at flirting!

S-She really was flirting with me earlier, right? Since she never did something so obvious before, I just didn't know how to hide my reaction.

Carene... she didn't find out, right?! No, why am I trying to hide it now? Didn't I dress up today specifically to show off my looks to her? Why am I breaking out in cold sweat and backing out now that my efforts of finally showing results?

Well, I know why... It's toooo~ embarrassing!!!

Aaah... I never felt this way before. What's happening to me now?

What is this sweet feeling that's threatening to overtake me? I-I am not becoming weird, am I?

Calm down quickly, Lindie. Carene may enter the car at any moment.

Think of other things. Don't think of Carene right now.

Pencil, sofa, toilet, grocery, smile, Carene...

Oh no... I am totally a lost cause here.

Please help me now, God. I-I don't think that I am not prepared for these emotions yet.

Please don't let Carene find out about this. At least, not until my heart is fully prepared for this.


<Pov: Carene>


After making sure that enough time had passed to let Sis Lin calm down from earlier suppressed laughter fit, I silently made my way back into the car and shut down quietly.

Sis Lin was facing away from me and didn't speak anything for a while, which I really appreciated, since I don't think that I would be able to take any more embarrassment.

After passing of your moments in silence like that, Sis Lin turned the car away from the orphanage, back towards the outer area of the City. As we kept passing by a few vehicles and kept approaching the City, my own mood slowly began to stabilize.

Since Sis Lin had chosen not to bring up that topic, let's forget that even happened. I am free to think about whatever happened and what didn't, right?

Phew... I don't know why but it kind of made me feel a lot better all of a sudden.

It's okay, Carene. I just didn't have enough experience with those things. Let's try practicing being a cool girl in College. Maybe after a few trials here in there, I would be able to make Sis Lin notice me as the best possible love interest.

I can at least hope to have that, right?


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