D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Part 1 - Embarrassment


As the two of us got further away from the Shopping Mall, we ran all the way and finally stopped near the Mall's Parking Lot entrance to rest and catch our breaths.

Damn it. I had... never thought that we would get caught so easily. And, why did the Sales Assistant intrude so casually into our changing cubicle?

It's... wrong. We have been wronged, I'd say!

However... We unknowingly did trouble the people working hard at their job today...

"Haa... haa... T-That was..."

I tried to speak something to break the awkward silence permeating between us, however, I failed miserably as I hadn't yet caught my breath properly yet.

Instead, Sis Lin spoke to me with a wry smile on her face.

"Ah.. right. Huu... Carene... I think we actually overdid it back in there. Oh God... I feel so embarrassed whenever I recall the woman's horrified face. We... really troubled her greatly today, didn't we?"

I think we did, however, Sis Lin... rather than being angry at being intruded on like anyone else would have... you are more worried about someone else's condition instead?

As expected, my Sis Lin really is a pure-hearted and honest person!

However, this must not continue. I cannot let Sis Lin to wallow in regret. That incident today... although it had a great event preceding it, I won't allow it to harm our great day any further.

To relieve Sis Lin from the troubling emotions from her inner guilt and to get her happy mood back up, I tried to play the incident down, as I quickly spoke,

"That... Sis Lin, I think that she would forget about it soon. B-Besides! I think that... such things aren't so uncommon in lingerie stores. S-She herself said that too, right?"

Upon hearing my words, Sis Lin stopped to think about it for a while, before she gave me a small smile and replied,

"U-Un. Maybe that's how it really is... Phew! That relieves me a lot. I hope that she would really forgive us."

No good...

Sis Lin is still worrying over it subconsciously. Then, I must divert her attention completely this time!

"But... Sis Lin, I... actually enjoyed doing it a lot. Besides..."

Somehow, even speaking out about what I wanted to say became a very tough task. My bravado came halting right in the middle of my sentence. Thankfully, I had already conveyed my main intentions to Sis Lin before my embarrassment could affect me.

Hopefully, Sis Lin would stop thinking about our blunder after this.

"Right. Well... I actually had a lot of fun too. Hmm, then maybe it's really okay after all."

Yessss!! It worked!

Phew! Got that out of the way, thankfully.

But, to be honest, I actually really enjoyed our day today... especially the naughtier parts.

But, would we get another such chance again? Sis Lin would surely get busy with her professional work, meanwhile... I have my College days coming up from tomorrow onwards.

With such feelings in my heart, I mildly spoke to Sis Lin.

"Yes, yes. It's completely alright! Also... I hope that it wasn't the last time that we..."

A shade of red quickly spread across Sis Lin's face, as she panicked for a bit while she spoke to me,

"Eh..? Ah! N-No! Don't worry, Carene. We... It surely won't be the last."

Ahh... I-It wasn't the last?!!!

Then, i-is it okay to hope for it again soon?

Oh God, please let this be true.

I... really look forward to it!!


There was a weirdly pleasant tension between Sis Lin and me while she drove us back home in her car.

I had already been too satisfied with our day together that I just kept replaying those events in my head.

A-Ahem! Well, I do admit that the sexy times came up a lot of times too.

Still, I am happy with our day! I just hope that Sis Lin was able to relax today from the accumulated stress from her daily life as well.

Hence, I became startled when the car stopped suddenly, and I turned to look around to see where we had arrived.

"Ah, we have arrived already?"

As I turned to look at Sis Lin's face in shock, a teasing, and very sexy smile came upon her face.

But, when my eyes focused back on her luscious red lips, my mind began recalling how much pleasure they had given me earlier in the day, as I suddenly gulped down the overflowing saliva accumulating in my mouth.

"Hehe. I drove quite fast, right? I am actually very skilled at driving too!"

Yeah... We did arrive early, however...

"Yeah. We actually got here so fast. You are an expert in Driving skills for sure, Sis Lin. But... don't always drive so fast, okay? I don't want Sis Lin to get injured from any mishaps."

Upon hearing my words, Sis Lin's face turned red again, as she lowered her head away from my vision and spoke,

"Oh... Don't worry. I will take care of it the next time."

Well, if Sis Lin is saying that she would be careful... then it should be okay for now.

I really don't mean to criticize you for anything, Sis Lin. But, please be sure to keep yourself safe. I have already gotten very attached to you now. If nothing else, I need you here by my side from now on.

I... am actually a very greedy woman. I should be content having Aunt Isla as my partner, but... I can't help but want to be closer to you.

Not to mention Celesta, who I am trying so hard to not look in that way.

Sorry for being such a bad girl, Sis Lin.


Part 2 - End Of Date

As our conversation came to an awkward stop, I tried hard to think of anything else I might be forgetting to talk with Sis Lin, but my mind betrayed me at the critical moment, as I failed to come up with anything interesting, which led me to ask her...

"Un. Then... shall I go now..?"

Sis Lin didn't reply to my query immediately, as she slowly got out of the car, following which I got out of it too.

Since Sis Lin had a lot of space to park her car in front of her house, she didn't drive it into the garage yet and stopped near the front garden.

Maybe she plans to go somewhere later on?

Meanwhile, I was still lost in my thoughts when Sis Lin grasped my hands within hers, as she finally spoke to me,

"Hmm... It's still early, isn't it? Ah! I know. Why don't we have dinner together tonight, Carene? My cooking skills are actually pretty good! I have really gotten a lot better than when you were small. Don't worry too much about it and follow your Sis Lin's lead, alright?"

S-Sis Lin's home-cooked Dinner?!!

I want it. I definitely want to try it!!

But... Celesta would be coming back in a few hours...

Then... should I go for it anyway?

No. I already had lots of fun times with Sis Lin today. Who knows if I might end up losing the track of time, resulting in me regretting it later on.

"Ah... Sis Lin, can we do it some other day instead? Actually, there is something important that I have to do tonight."

Although it felt really bad to reject Sis Lin's tempting offer, I hardened my heart to ignore the disappointed reaction on her face.

Sorry, Sis Lin. I will... definitely make it up to you later on.

But for tonight, I will have to refuse your kindness.

"Oh... I-Is that so? Well, it's okay then. Actually, I really enjoyed our time together today, Carene. I can't remember when was the last time that I had so much fun. Thanks for... going along with my selfish requests today."

W-What?! Why is Sis Lin thanking me here instead?!!

It's me who feels happy and grateful to spend time with you, Sis Lin.

I mean, I don't believe that any human in this world could ever possibly have a bad time accompanying you.

Yup. Totally Impossible!

"I had a really great time too, Sis Lin. I am sorry to have spoiled our shopping today. I will make up for the next time for sure!"

As soon as I said that, a bright smile came upon Sis Lin's beautiful face as she replied back to me,

"It's okay. I am sure that we would have a great time again in the future. Also... Don't worry about the Hospital visit, alright? I will make sure that we meet a good Doctor the next time we go. It... certainly won't become like this time..."

Uh oh. Sis Lin... she looks so depressed all of a sudden.

She must be remembering what happened today at the Hospital!

Shit. W-What do I do now?!

Should I say something nice to cheer her up? Or... should I try to divert the conversation away from the Hospital incident?

Ahhhh!!! Why am I so hopeless in these situations?!!

Forget it! Since I am an amateur at sweet talking, I should just follow my heart instead!

And as such, I ended up doing exactly what I felt like doing, as I hugged Sis Lin softly within my arms.

"Eh? C-Carene?"

Although I felt that speaking something nice now would be great, I just kept embracing Sis Lin silently, as the two of us shared a rare moment of silence together.

After a while, I could feel Sis Lin's tense body relaxing a lot, and that was when words began to leave my mouth automatically.

"Sis Lin... there is no need to remember what happened earlier today. Those kinds of people... we can push them away together. If any such person comes to trouble you again, then please call me. I will teach those bad people a good lesson!"

Yeah. That's exactly what I feel.

How is it that when I stopped thinking about what to say, these words came to me so easily?

Am I actually overthinking in these circumstances?

It's definitely due to my inexperience with women that this problem is haunting me right now.

It's decided then. I would definitely pile up my experience by exploring the girls around me from next time onwards.

But, I don't want to do that with my new family at all. Maybe when I am a pro at it, but certainly not now.

My inability to help Sis Lin has shown me how much I am lacking. Then, maybe I can try flirting with girls in my College.

Yeah, let's do that. I must grow up to become a responsible adult soon.

"Ah... Un. I'm okay now. Thanks. Now... go. We don't have to be together the whole day. Besides, what would I do if you got bored of me all of a sudden?"

Eh?!! Me getting bored of Sis Lin?

Never! It's absolutely impossible!

Sis Lin, I am certain that I wouldn't get bored even if I stay with you for a lifetime!

Wanting to relay my feelings to Sis Lin, I spoke to her immediately.

"W-What?! No! It's impossible. Sis Lin... is an amazing person. I love spending time with you. Boredom is simply impossible!"

Actually, I find myself to be a much more boring person instead. I definitely need to become a great sweet talker soon. I must not disappoint Sis Lin ever again.

"Hehehehehe... It's alright. Also... I-If you ever get such problems with your... um, then remember to visit your Sis Lin, alright?"

Problems? What problems?

I am very sure that I am not suffering from anything serious right now.

Wait. C-Could it be...?!

"Ah! Eh?!! I-Is it okay if I do? N-No, I will! Sis Lin, if that happens again, then I would... for sure!"

I was so flustered with myself that I ended up breaking away from embracing Sis Lin. And when I realized that, it was already too late.

But, my own stupid response was tormenting me greatly, as I felt like digging a hole somewhere to hide from the heavy embarrassment.

Ahhh... What am I saying all of a sudden?! Why do I always lose my calm when it comes to Sis Lin?

Although I was fearing that I might have come across as a bit too desperate, Sis didn't seem to mind it that much, as she spoke again.

"Un. I am happy to hear that. Also... Perhaps... we could do something even more amazing the next time..."

Before I could properly process Sis Lin's words, she slyly winked at me playfully, after which she quickly walked back to her house and disappeared behind the door, as I was left staring at Sis Lin's imaginary figure behind the door instead.

S-Something even more amazing..?

Upon imagining some extremely perverted scenarios starring Sis Lin and me, my mind began to suffer from a stock market crash, as I gulped down again subconsciously.

"Sis Lin..."


A/N: Kitty has many things upcoming on the Patreon Channel. Check out the latest update below:


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