D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 60 – Two perspectives: Celesta

Chapter 60 - Two perspectives: Celesta


<POV: Celesta>

As Mother pushed me toward Carene, I began to feel weak in my knees all of a sudden, as I ended up being lightly hugged by Carene to help me from falling down.

This..! Carene... my Carene is...

Aaaahh~!! So happy~~!!

Great job, Mom! I love you so much!!

"Well~? She looks crazy hot, right~~~~? Huhuhu, I worked pretty hard this time, you know? Ah! I'm going to be late!"

Hey! That's not something a mother should speak about her own daughter. But... seeing how shy and flustered Carene looks right now, maybe following Mother's suggestion to wear this dress was a good idea.

Of course, I never bought this dress. Mom said that it belonged to her, which she used to effectively seduce Father into getting together with her. She called it her 'Victory Dress' or something.

Before I had returned, she had already ordered this dress to be fitted according to my measurements. Although I had thought that she should have kept this one for herself as a memento of Father... seeing how flustered my Carene looks after seeing me in this one, maybe it was worth it after all.

It would be her second great idea today, after her master plan of sending me on a Movie date with Carene.

By the way... I think Mom has already noticed my true feelings for Carene. Thankfully, she has chosen to support me now, even going so far as to bless me with this dress of hers.

I must make the most of this opportunity! I must grab my Carene's heart firmly today. I must end this sense of distance and misunderstandings between the two of us!!

"Sorry, Celesta. I must leave immediately. Remember to give me a call if any trouble crops up. Also! No need to bring back any money from your allowance, you hear me? I would get really angry if you did that. Bye then~!!!"

Don't worry, Mom. I won't act cheaply today. Savings are for another day now. Although I am thankful for your offer of help, I won't be needing it today.

If someone dares to make any trouble between the happy times of Carene and me, then... they would DEFINITELY regret it.

As Mother finally left the two of us alone, I grabbed the rare chance to enjoy being hugged by Carene.

Maybe she hasn't come out of her shock from seeing me in this dress yet, otherwise, she would have definitely separated away from me.

What can I do now~? My Carene is just too shy~~!

But, I can't say that I hate that part about her though.

After I noticed Carene getting back to her senses, I pulled her wrist lightly and asked her while suppressing my own embarrassment,

"T-That... do I, look good in this..?"

Oh~? Carene's body shivered suddenly. Is something wrong?

Ah! Her face is blushing terribly! Hehehe, it's a success this time!!

"It looks good on you, Celesta. V-Very much actually..."

As soon as I heard my Carene say that, the edge of my lips went up by themselves as I failed to control my smile.

Aaaaah~~~! Today will be a great day! Definitely!!


Such a bright day! Certainly, a good day to spend with your lover.

Although the two of us aren't lovers yet, it wouldn't take much longer to get us there.

All I need to do is create a good atmosphere between us somehow and to grab a hold of Carene's heart before she is able to think!

Huuuuh. Today is just the first day. I must not go rushing about these things.

I must exercise patience here. Patience...

No matter. We will be together very soon. There is no need to be too desperate about it.

I'm sure that the two of us make a nice pair right now in front of everyone's eyes.

Even though I really hate the way these old geezers had been ogling my legs for some time now, since I was able to grab my Carene's attention because of my get-up today, it's well worth doing this.

I can do anything for my Carene. ANYTHING.

Huhuhuhuhuhu... it's so much fun seeing how my dear Carene is trying to look around everywhere but me. Do I really look that good~?

In my opinion, though, Carene could be said to be modestly dressed in comparison to how she used to before. But, since she is a beautiful girl, anything looks good on her.

And~~~~~... I can notice the stiffness within your pants already, you know~~?

Kyaaaaa~~!! I knew it. Carene is too hard for me already~!

Stop! W-We must not pollute our relationship that way.

All of those things... must be done only after marriage. Yup, only after Carene prepares her heart to be next to me forever, should we ever do such things.

Till then though... we can enjoy flirting and doing all kinds of couple activities!

"Ah, yes. Carene? It should be okay for us to go by bus this time, right? It would be too wasteful to book a cab just for this. And... that way..."

No! I... cannot say that...

I mean, more than saving some chump change, I wish to show off my good relationship with Carene to every person in this world!

I want to declare that today is the day that we start going out together!!

E-Even if it isn't that kind of going out...

Still! It's an important event! For a date, a good couple must make the onlookers jealous till their bones rot.

Hehe. AIn't I really an expert on dating affairs~? It's all thanks to those magazines that Lanita often bought. They have been my source of knowledge to prepare for my dating days.

And now... it's time to use that knowledge.

Naturally, Carene agreed to my proposal too easily. It was really cute how she only moved her head to show her agreement.

My Carene is just too CUTE already~~!!


Fortunately for us, a Bus was already there when we reached the Bus Stand. As I felt Carene being lost in her own thoughts, a trace of resentment built up in my heart as Carene was too busy thinking about something else at this time.

But, I don't want to pester Carene like a jealous wife or something, so I only pulled her arm lightly to bring her attention back to me.

"Look, Carene. The Bus is already there! Let's go~!!"

Without letting her think about anything else, I grabbed Carene's hand and brought her along with me as we sat down on our seats.

Huuuu... so far so good.

The air hitting my face from the open windows feels good too.

As I turned my head to sneak a look at Carene's state, she was having a hard time looking at me, trying to stare everywhere else.

Uuuu... and even when I am giving her such a great look at my thighs too...

I had already made sure that no one else was able to look at my actions when I chose this seat. After all, it would be a shame if I stopped being in attacking mode, right~~?

Let's try making her look at me again.

"Hey, Carene? The weather seems fine today, right?"

Nod. Nod.

"I am already feeling somewhat hungry already~~. Isn't Carene a bit hungry as well? Should we stop by somewhere to have a meal first?"

Shake. Shake.

"Aaaah. So thirsty... Let's have some water for the time being... Oh no! It spilled a bit over my dress! Hey, Carene, pass me some tissues to dry it before it stains any further."


"Huuu. Thanks. It's better now. It's great that it didn't leave a bigger stain, right? Carene?"

Nod. Nod.

"Ahahahaha! Look! That little puppy over there is acting so funny! Hey, Carene, come over to see it as well."

Shake. Shake.

All the while, Carene just kept replying with headshakes, nodding for yes, and shaking her head for now.

This reaction... isn't she being too nervous?? But, what for?

Ah! I see. I see~~~.

Carene, she is way too nervous to go on a date with me! I'm sure of it!

Uooohhh!! This is all so exciting! I can't wait to see the day that my Carene confesses to me!

As for why won't I confess to her and rather wish to make her confess to me... it's been a childhood wish of mine, to be confessed to by my loved one.

To be swooned over. To fall for her head over heels as my loved one professes their undying love for me.

Also, if Carene confesses to me, then she won't have the option of backing out of our relationship! I already belong to her anyway. My only wish left is for my Carene to give her heart to me.

Huhuhuhuhu... isn't that really romantic~?

AH. Just for the sake of saying it, I don't plan on letting anyone interfere with our lovey-dovey life before I steal my Carene's heart.

And for those that dare... huhuhu...


By the time I realized it, we had arrived at the Movie Theatre already.

I shook Carene lightly once and tried to get her off the Bus as well.

"Carene? Carene! Hey, we are already here. Let's get down as well."

Carene appeared very shocked at the fact that we were here already. Soon, we both got away from the Bus, making our way toward the ticket counter.

Hmm Hmm. When seeing a movie, the most important stuff, other than having your beloved next to you is... POPCORN!!

And... with SUPER extra butter serving!!

Ehehehehe. I loved to enjoy movies this way ever since Father began to bring us to the movies. He would get me the extra butter Popcorn every time without exception, letting me have the greatest moment of my memories.

Of course... he isn't here anymore...

But, I can feel his presence this way. It is as if he is blessing my relationship with Carene... this nostalgic feeling...

By the way... I didn't care enough to check what movie we were going to watch. It didn't matter much anyway, since I would be focusing my hundred percent attention on my Carene all the time!

AH. Did I forget to mention it? We have been holding our hands together all this while.

Getting off the Bus, entering The Movie Theatre, showing our identification cards and tickets, waiting in the queue, entering the Movie hall...

Always together.

The feeling of closeness that it brought to me was something that I had never experienced before.

Such a fulfilling thing... I wonder when we stopped doing it before? We used to do it all the time before too.

As we found our seats in the hall, unfortunately, our hands broke contact, as Carene hid within her turtle shell, looking too shocked from our increasing contact today.

Aiyaa... maybe I really overdid it today.

Should I stop here for now? Although I really don't want to... too much stimulation won't result in anything good for us.

Huuuu... so this is the limit, huh? Our time apart from one another has made us so unfamiliar with each other that this happened...

Nah. Brighten up, Celesta. It's only the beginning today. I have already recovered some lost ground; the rest could be recovered slowly and steadily.

One day, for sure... the two of us would laugh and hug each other happily and carefreely. I swear that the day will come soon.

Resigning myself to suspend my attacking mode, I sat down quietly to focus on watching the movie.

That's all I can do for now. Just wait for me, Carene. I will be back with a vengeance soon!


Left with no other options, I began to half-heartedly watch the movie. At least it could be considered a movie date if we watched a movie together, right?

Then, that's good. For now...

Soon, however, I found out that I had underestimated the world too much.

Ehh?? W-What are those guys doing?!

Why did that guy put his hands on her chest?!

Aaaaaaaah!! T-They are kissing already!

N-Noooo... she is... she is being...

As the explicit content kept being displayed over the movie screen, I could hear those in the audience growing excited, themselves indulging in similar acts.

No good. This movie is NO GOOD!!


Haaah. Haaah. Haaaah.

I-I ran away. Such a coward.

Even an R18 scene is enough to make me lose my composure.

I'm just not ready to watch such stimulating stuff in public.

But, Carene... she is still there, isn't she?

I-I should go back... to get her here...

But, how do I calm my trembling legs??

For how long do I need to hide in this toilet cubicle?

Sorry, Mom. I wasted the opportunity that you worked so hard to devise.

Your daughter... isn't ready yet to do... those kinds of things with Carene.

Gosh! So embarrassing!!


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