D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 65 – Murky Situation

Chapter 65 - Murky Situation


<POV: Carene>

"Ah... I see. But, you have been keeping up with your studies too, right?"

Since her state of mind was somewhat fragile, I had to be patient with her, as I tried asking her again.

"That? Sometimes. My little sister often studies with me, so I am forced to study with her too. I really like to masturbate alone at home, you know? But, it fails to compare to how good it feels here."

It's no good. Her mind keeps on drifting over towards those strange thoughts. Maybe not having anyone to share her grief with made her like this. Still, her condition is pretty pitiful.

Who knows if she had been a quiet model student who couldn't easily make friends? And then, possibly lured away with the promise of making friends in a strange 'club'?

From the information that I have been able to procure till now, that seems entirely possible.

"But, you said that they have all stopped doing that to you, right? Why are you actively going after them? Why not just get a boyfriend or something?"

That's the most puzzling thing here since it's not like she is being sexually exploited anymore. Rather, she is being avoided like a plague by the very people that previously targeted her.

And, if she cannot control her urges to have sex, just find a guy or something. She doesn't have to beg those animals for sex, right?

"No. Masters have strictly forbidden me from getting a boyfriend. They said that they would cut his dick off if they found out. He would be no good to me if he doesn't have his dick anymore, you know? How I wish that my Master would accept me again..."

Damn it! Those people are trying to thoroughly bully her, especially since they know about her addiction to sex.

"Ah. That's really troubling, isn't it? What about the other girls? They are still being... done, right?"

Since I had to collect some info about the others, I decided to try asking her about those girls' conditions.

"Masters often retire the old girls whenever they find someone new. They have always kept their numbers limited to just three. I don't know why, but the older girls were all let go afterwards."

What sort of strange cultish rule is that?! It's good that the old girls finally escape their grasp, but... what's the deal here anyways.

"T-Then, where are those older girls now??"

"They all transferred to other Cities as soon as they were let go."

Nihara spoke to me in a deadpan manner. So, they all ran away, huh? I wonder if they didn't raise their voice against them. Is it because of some blackmail videos or something?

Then, what about the girls currently trapped by them? What is their present situation?

"For how long do any girl have to stay in that way?"

Nihara seemed as if trying to recall something, as she slowly recounted,

"Um... for a few months, I think. Once they get bored of a girl, they delete all the blackmailing evidence and let her go after a farewell group session."

So they are blackmailing those older girls! This bunch of maniacs... they shall all rot in hell!

Controlling my rapidly increasing heartbeat, I tried to speak in a normal tone of voice,

"And, how long did they keep you like that?"

Finally, a smile returned to her face, as Nihara began to tell me about her own sufferings in a glorified manner,

"Hehehe. I am really special, you know?! I was a part of the group of three for two years! I repeated the first year three times just to keep being cherished by my Master."

T-T-Two years?! She was... tormented for two years straight?! And, do they only target the first years? No, Nihara is older than me by two years??

Wait, that's not it! Why did they stop dealing with Nihara if she was that popular?

"So, how do you deal with your urges now? They have already let you out of that group, right? If you wanted to, you could have just changed College and gone somewhere far away too. Even if you got yourself a boyfriend there, none of these guys would know of it, right?"

The smile on her face disappeared again, as her eyes lost their light, casting a dark shade on her face again.

"I-I can't. I JUST CANNNN'T!! M-Master has... ordered me not to. He wants me to stay here forever. He refused me from getting his dick ever again. No one in this place is willing to fuck me anymore..."

Just who is this darn 'Master' of hers?! I wanna punch his face so badly now!

"Then, do you just masturbate to satisfy yourself?"

Since she can't have sex with a boy anymore, then how does she deal with those crazy urges of her?

"The itch... it doesn't stop. It's unbearable. Really unbearable. Even now, when I have a nine-inch vibrator plunged within me... it just doesn't feel the same."

N-Nine inch?! Holy cow... this girl is an absolute pro! But, she is really pitiful too. Used and trained for others' wishes, and now thrown aside to deal with the repercussions all by herself. She doesn't even have a friend to share her burdens with. If she did, she probably wouldn't have lost herself within the trap of lust.

I accept being a lustful person, but I don't let the lust control me. In her case though, she has lost total control over herself.

Hopefully, she can get better soon.


After some time, the Nurse finally arrived, and I left Nihara alone with the Nurse.

Time to go back to the Lecture Hall again. And, I am not even one per cent as excited as back then.


<POV: 3rd Person>

The First Lecture of the batch concluded uneventfully, yet there were some undercurrents swirling within the student's minds.

Many of them just couldn't believe what had happened before the Lecture began. Ever since they had been warned against interacting with the untouchable Nihara, she had become a taboo subject within the whole College, not to mention the batch to which she belonged to.

Unfortunately, she herself didn't stop lusting after the boys, the very same group of individuals who pushed her to this abyss, which resulted in the often happening beatings in the Halls.

But today, something else happened too. Someone had actually dared to help the untouchable girl!

And that person was none other than the highly anticipated new girl. Many of the batch mates had their own plans for her ever since they learnt of her arrival, yet now, no one dared to.

Getting involved with her now would mean offending the higher echelons, which would gain them no benefits, only losses.

And just like that, the students of the batch decided to completely ignore the new girl's existence even when she returned to attend the subsequent lectures.

Well, except for two of them.

Sitting in a far corner of the Hall, the bigger-built man, Joey worriedly asked the silent Alex,

"Hey? What do we do now? Do we have to give up just like that?! Look! That chick is too hot, man! None of those cum dumps would compare with her. No. Nononono! I can't. I just can't!!"

Upon being disturbed amidst his relaxation, the man named Alex, shuffled Joey's hand away rudely as he scolded,

"Shut up, you numb skull. Do you have to go around voicing your intentions so loudly like this?! Do you want us to get into trouble as well?"

The troubled look on Joey's face didn't disappear as he kept looking at his dear friend.

"But... but!"

Alex sighed in defeat, as he removed the headphones and began to speak earnestly,

"I know, I know. You want to cum in her pussy. I get it. But, is it more important than your future here? Nothing good would happen if we involve ourselves with her now. And, you speak as if you haven't had fun yet. You... rascal, I know why you went to the toilet four times earlier. You did it with them again, right?"

Joey blushed in shyness, as he quickly retorted,

"I-I couldn't control myself! Not after seeing her... *sob*... why... why do I have to give up such first-class pussy...?"

Alex could tell Joey's fake tears, as he slapped his body once before he remarked,

"How do you know that? You haven't even sampled her yet! You know how hot she is, right? Do you actually think that a girl that beautiful wouldn't have had multiple dicks inside her until now? My friend, the experience tells me that her hole must be wide enough to please your arm. Your dick would just be a toothpick in comparison. It's best to be uninvolved with such girls."

A look of despair came upon Joey's face, which was quickly replaced with a look of resignation as he spoke again,

"No... I-I must check that myself! What if she is still tight down there? What if she had never tasted a dick yet?! I could shape her pussy to my dick's shape then! And, if I get her to be my own personal slut, then I won't have to share her with the others! How blissful that sounds..!"

Alex sighed in defeat as he shook his head sorrowfully.

"Haa... and here I was thinking that Nihara was the only one doomed already. My friend, your mind has ended up pretty fucked up too, you know?"

Joey couldn't take it anymore and grasped both of Alex's hands as he desperately requested,

"Enough nonsense. I must get her. You've got to help me this time. In exchange... I will help you get the one you like."

Alex finally seemed to have gained some enthusiasm as he smirked happily and replied,

"Oho? So confident? Alright then! But, get me, my girl, first. I am certain that you would become too busy fucking that chick to even help me later on."

Joey laughed in delight as he finally got his friend to agree. He couldn't ask the others since he didn't trust their nature. But, it wasn't an issue with Alex at all.

"Hehehehe. Deal! Oh, my dear hole. You would be mine soon! Very very soon! Hahahahaha!!"

The evil duo's laughter went unnoticed under the loud conversations happening around the class, as they began to discuss the finer details of their plan.


Within the Council Office, a beautiful dark red-haired girl, with a noble aura of a queen was sitting, frowning at a stack of papers, as if planning to glare a hole through them.

Celesta's return to her position as the Head of the Council after an extended leave due to the study camp brought along a lot of troublesome things to deal with.

Normally, her assistants would have handled all of these, but for some reason, it was all left as it was, as if prepared by someone to take some sort of revenge on her.

Sighing tiredly, Celesta resumed browsing through them, thinking of the possible solutions and adjustments for the issues.

Just then, the door to her office was pushed open forcefully, with a heavily panting man appeared from behind the opened door.

"Haa... haa... C-Celesta... you are back. So soon..."

Celesta frowned at the overfamiliar attitude of the man. Although he might be considered good-looking by most of the girls in the College, he wasn't even comparable to a cockroach to Celesta.

Still, for the sake of maintaining a healthy workspace, Celesta smiled a bit, as she replied back,

"It is Head for you, Assistant David. And, I was already planning on asking you this... why have these not been processed yet? I have three assistants under me, yet why do I have to tidy up these things myself? Don't tell me that your heart isn't in this place anymore?"

Facing the sharp words from Celesta, the man appeared completely unfazed, as if completely used to them. He rearranged his blonde hair as he coughed slightly and replied,

"Head... I am so happy that you are back. About the work... without you around, the motivation and morale to work fall down sharply. You don't know how sad and troubled I have been without you around."

The blonde-haired man, David spoke the words laced fully with ambiguous meanings. He stared at Celesta's face expectantly, hoping to catch some favourable clue.

Unfortunately for him though, Celesta's face looked stone cold, completely unaffected by any of the words spoken by the man in front of her. Sighing at the shameless excuses spouted by the man, Celesta motioned for him to sit at his seat to begin his work as well.

Smiling happily, David ran, with wings beneath his feet, as he sat down with so much energy enough to power a few power plants.

He continued to ignore any of the words spoken by Celesta, as he just kept staring at and admiring Celesta's face. His eyes full of big bags of dark circles stared at Celesta's body lustfully, as his hands kept on pleasing himself under the table, daydreaming of one day conquering the Ice Queen of the College.


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