D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 67 – Mini Date

Chapter 67 - Mini Date


<POV: Carene>

Oh, man. This day sucked like nothing else in this world.

Just why did I even bother coming here? Oh right, to hunt for some pussies... well initially.

With how the girls were avoiding me every time I went near them, and the boys freaking out at every move of mine, the hall began to look more and more like a gathering for the nutcases.

Nihara didn't return back afterward, she probably might have left for home or something early. She got beat up badly, so it wouldn't be so strange if she chose to see a doctor.

So far, no hot chick has been hanging around me at all, at least for casual bangers. Why is it so hard to find a normal person here? Darn!

No fair. I had such high hopes for my College adventures too... Just who was it that said that College is a place full of flowers, where every step makes you feel euphoric, where cats and dogs start making out with each other, where even vomit it filled with all colors of the rainbow..?!

All lies! Just a bunch of lies! Shit, it's almost a miniature model of society and the worst one at that. These guys have no concept of humanity, responsibility, or compassion. Just a mixture of their stupid ego, lust, greed, and every other stupid shit mixed in. God, I hate this place.

"Carene~? You are still waiting here? Hurry up! Let's go back home."

Ah? Celesta is here already? Good, I was getting too bored of this nasty place. Let's go back to our island of morality and pleasure!

Isla, and Sis Lin... both of them are truly such nice people. Why aren't these stupid kids even comparable to their grace and kindness?!

No, Celesta and Jorah are still good kids. They are not corrupted like these stupid people. Makes me wonder what exactly went wrong here.

Forget it, let's take it slow and get some relaxing time at home.

Home, huh..? I wonder since when did I start considering the place as my own? Although I have some plans to go away... I just don't feel like thinking about it recently at all.

Don't tell me that I am becoming one of those leeches who invade someone else's home, only to take over the household and force others to serve themselves.

No no. I don't hope to become that dastardly. Yet, I kind of don't want to leave Celesta, Jorah, Isla, or Sis Lin too.

God, why am I being this indecisive about this? Have I really turned into a bad person already?


Without caring for the swirling guilt inside of me, Celesta pulled me over as the two of us started to head out of the College.

"Today was such a busy day. With so much work to do... Since my hallmates aren't back yet, my lectures will begin later on. Soing paperwork continuously almost made me a little dizzy, hehe."

So, Celesta had been so busy throughout the whole day? Well, at least it was better than trying to hopelessly kill time when surrounded by stooges all around me.

Now that I think about it, the whole place appears so different when I walk with Celesta. Nobody dares to lift their head and stare at us, and neither do I feel any bad intent around us. I have to say, Celesta has surely created a reputation for herself here.

Those two Council girls said so too. I wonder when Celesta did all that? She had been the one who took care of everything at home, especially with Jorah. It's surprising how she can even find the energy to do anything else, especially this whole Council-related stuff. She is really an amazing person.

Moreover, it's unthinkable when I compare her to the sweet, kind yet quiet girl she is when she's at home. Maybe being around people she has known since childhood changes her viewpoint.

"Hey, Carene? Would you like to have some ice cream before we head back?"

Ice cream? Why not! I love it too, along with chips and pizza...

"Umm, how about getting some for Jorah too? She has been a very good girl recently, so..."

Celesta gave me a beautiful smile upon hearing that, as she replied,

"Hehehe. No worries, no worries. I was thinking of getting some for her too. But, why didn't you ask for the others?"

For the others? Well, Isla can get hers anytime she wants, while the twins and the tenant... I'm not really sure about it yet.

"Well... I am not very comfortable around them yet. And, I am not sure if they would even accept anything I offer, since the others don't seem to like me so much."

As Celesta heard that she became a bit down-spirited as she spoke slowly,

"That... I am sorry, Carene. I know how they have all been behaving. I didn't interfere yet since I think getting accepted naturally by them over time would be a lot better than being forced to like you because of me."

Hey, you don't have to feel so bad because of me, Celesta. I am a grown-up woman now. I can handle these little things with no problem. However, if you ask me to get along with them... I won't be so sure about it anymore.

"No, your decision to do that was the correct one, Celesta. And, I-I am sure that things will get better as you said. I have Aunt Isla, Jorah, and... you at home anyways..."

Well... that was embarrassing to speak. I can even feel my face becoming way too hot! Darn, don't let Celesta see me like this...

"Ohh~~~~. Don't be so shy, Carene~! Believe in me, I know that they would all like you very soon. You are too nice a girl to be hated by anyone at all!"

See! I knew that she would notice it! So embarrassing!!

But, as far as everyone coming to like me eventually... I don't know about that, Celesta. It may be due to our friendship that your vision may have been clouded over. Plenty of people at home, and even here at College don't want to be around me. Heck, they don't even wanna talk to me!

It's just because you are so kind and gentle-natured that you see the good in everything.

"Carene? How about this shop? The banana-flavored jumbo special here is very good. How about getting some for the two of us first?"

Banana flavored?? I prefer vanilla usually, but... if Celesta wants to try that, then that's what we'll have.

"Uh, yeah. Okay. Do as you see fit."

Soon the two of us entered the place and took the table near the window. As soon as I sat down though, Celesta quickly got up and spoke,

"Alright! Here, just sit and wait here. I will be back with our orders!"

Looking at her back figure moving towards the queue lined up, Celesta really is like a goddess, both in looks and personality. Especially her beautiful figure... it's more than enough to cause people nosebleeds!

See! Now everyone has turned to take a glance at the bubbly and happy Celesta. She radiates a powerful yet soothing aura around herself that makes people feel really good, myself included. Side note, I may be a bit biased here since she has been my childhood friend for years. That and...

"Did you wait too long~? I got ours already! Ehehe."

Nah, it's definitely because she is a genuinely good person. I mean, she has been good to even me, who happens to be just a friend to her.

"Ah, thanks. I should have helped you get it..."

And besides, I know that this happiness won't last forever. So while it's here, let's enjoy it to the fullest!

"No worries. Besides, it feels good for me to do so."

Again... you really should work on your words, Celesta. It's even obvious to me how your words could be taken to have other subtle meanings behind the obviously stated ones. I know you don't mean anything else in particular, but the others won't...

"I-I see."

Still... Celesta, you are way too defenseless in front of me. Look, even the other customers have begun smiling strangely at us! Really now, don't say words that could be easily misunderstood... even by the crowd around us at that.

As for myself, the hardly extinguished fire of hope would be rekindled again if you keep spoiling me like this. I am a person who begins to imagine too much from just your casual gestures.

Laughing cutely, Celesta took the seat next to me and began to devour her ice cream slowly.

Hmmm, tastes good. Although I prefer vanilla over the other flavors. Still, trying something different feels fresh too.

"Hey, listen! You must not know him well, but our Economics professor who joined recently had a huge mishap during one of his lectures."

Economics? I'm not sure if I have even attended one lecture on that yet. Do we share a common professor for that?

"His mistress along with a baby ran in during the lecture and began to demand an equal position as his wife for herself. The professor was already a seventy-year-old man and yet, he went and impregnated a twenty-three-year-old girl!"

Phhh!! Holy cow... this... THIS..!

That old man is... way too godly. A big thumbs up to you old man. To even get a young chick impregnated, you surely have the balls to do it. But... make sure to have the child tested to actually be yours... hehehe.

"How crazy is that, right? I wonder how his wife must be feeling at the moment. Having been betrayed so cruelly by someone she trusted for so long... If I were her, I would have chopped his dick away instantly as punishment. What do you think, Carene?"

C-Chopped?!! No, Celesta... that punishment is just way too heavy! How is someone meant to live without his penis again?

That old man might not need it, but others surely do! Thank god that Celesta and I aren't in a relationship, otherwise...

"*Cough**Cough**Cough*... t-that, isn't that too cruel already? I mean, he should be held accountable for his deeds... no doubt. But, to cut off his dick..."

I couldn't help but get choked up from the ice cream as I tried to cough it out.

Hooo... that was a close call. It would be way too stupid to die due to choking up on ice cream.

"Hehehe. Such cheating bastards should be punished even more strictly! He is lucky to be still alive. If it were me though..."

A strange and dark aura began to radiate from the once sunny and smiling Celesta, scaring the kids around us as they began to run away from us.

God, I seriously don't want to know what she is recalling or imagining right now. Whoever dares to cheat on Celesta though, hell has no mercy for him. Although it pains me to imagine Celesta being with someone else, she had already laid down the terms of our friendship. It's better for me to just enjoy our time together and not to greedily hope for more.

After some time, Celesta recovered her mood as the topic changed to other things. And that was when I realized something.

Celesta... she just wanted to unload and let it all out of her mind. That might be why she invited me to this treat. Still, it feels good to be of some use to my dear... friend in some way or the other. Beats being a lazy and worthless slob any day.

Since both of us were getting concerned for Jorah, we packed up some for her and left the shop, making our way toward the Bus Stop.

Walking near the lined Buses, Celesta and I got up on the nearest bus waiting, and soon we were on our way back home.

Thankfully, I was able to control my erections today, otherwise... it would have been too shameful for me to walk next to Celesta! And, what if she noticed me having strange thoughts about her?

A-Although I wasn't thinking too much about it, Celesta's cuteness is still a big turn-on for me and my little junior.

I'm sorry, Celesta. Your friend is too hopeless already...


A/N: Hoping for friends to visit Kitty's playground.


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