
Book 2 Chapter 3: Cleanup and Prep

The flight in the Shrike out of STAR territory and back to Jasper was quiet. Leah kept her eyes closed as she performed whatever ‘agent’ functions she had, and Graves was focused on piloting, as eager to talk as he always was. I was surprised to find myself thinking of Mercy, and wondering whether or not she was still reading the book I’d given her. Things were likely to change for her people in the Republic sooner rather than later.

I took some time to categorize all the information I had so far. The Remnants had arrived, at least partially. So far they consisted of maybe thirty people in power armor, but they also had intel, tech, and what seemed like near total control of STAR. They’d made their goals clear, and even if my trip across the Cut for them amounted to nothing, they’d certainly remain a force to be reckoned with either way. They seemed friendly, but that just made me trust them less.

I thought back to the Cabinet members. Masters was definitely in charge, there was no doubt about that or attempt to hide it. Matthews reminded me a little of Julian, had the same burning curiosity behind her eyes. The others hadn’t really made much of an impression on me, though Adams had seemed familiar. Not in terms of looks, but his voice. I went through my supplies, triple checking my ammunition and making a few notes of the topography we flew over, and the route that the plane was taking. I placed the notebook back in my pack when it hit me. He was the voice on the radio, the one that had been broadcasted giving speeches about America and boosted my nationalism stat. Leah had mentioned that they’d been paving the way for their return, I should’ve guessed that was part of it. I was surprised that a man with such conviction on the radio looked so pathetic in person. I suppose he just really had a face for radio.

It was after dusk by the time the Shrike landed. Graves gave me a nod as I hopped out, and Leah followed close behind me. She handed me a tube much like the one I’d carried the initial agreement with Pott’s.

I took it. “How will I contact you?” I asked.

Her eyes closed for a moment and I received a notification.

Someone is attempting to use an ability on you. Allow? Y/N

I looked at her with nonexistent eyebrow raised.

“It’s just a messaging attempt. If you allow it, then it’ll allow me to establish a messaging system between us.”

I hit Y, and a small box appeared in my vision.


“How do I respond?”

“Just say what you want and it should appear. You can also subvocalize.”


She nodded, and hopped back into the Shrike. “Don’t rush anything. You’re our only chance at this, and we want you to be ready. Also, be aware that the messaging may not function as well in deadzones.”

I gave her a nod and started walking back on the path toward Jasper and my Deadzone. Another thing I’d have to add when considering the strength of the Remnants was long distance instant communications. It seemed limited, but I knew the importance of communication from my time as a courier. If they used it correctly, it amplified the threat they could pose immensely.

Originally I planned on going straight home to my boat for a night’s rest in comfortable familiarity, but I decided to walk close enough to Jasper to at least make sure I didn’t hear any new gunshots. When I got close enough, I began to smell smog, and noticed smoke rising in several places. I drew my rifle and started running toward the settlement expecting another attack, but when I got closer I realized that the only sound I could hear was engines. The Horde had arrived.

I was surprised. News could travel surprisingly fast, but considering I’d been gone for less than a day, they shouldn’t already be here. I slung my gun back over my shoulder and walked closer. I could see several men and women already hard at work digging a trench in the town’s perimeter as I approached, and I gave a wave to a tower guard who was squinting to see me in the dark dressed in black clothes. He lowered his gun and waved back when he realized who I was, and I walked the rest of the way into Jasper proper.

The damage to the town was still there. Fresh bullet holes, and blood were everywhere, though most of the debris from the armored bus plowing through town had been cleared. Instead of the usual fear or revulsion I was used to on people’s faces, I instead saw relief in the eyes of those I passed as I walked into town toward the sound of engines. Those looks made me avert my gaze and focus my eyes forward.

In the center of Jasper, where the damage was most severe, I saw a number of motorcycles and Horde soldiers gathered around. In the center of them I saw Rose, the foul mouthed mayor of the town, speaking with Angela. She seemed to have earned a few new tattoos since the last time I’d seen her, when she’d driven me to the edge of the Black Woods, and was wearing some ursan leather and fur. Her mohawk was still proudly on display, making her look like a rooster.

The gathered Horde riders parted as I approached, offering respectful nods of acknowledgement, a few of them whispering to one another as they noticed me. Angela and Rose were speaking in what, to me, seemed to be a coded language composed of the most foul words and metaphors imaginable. I stood in silence listening for a few moments.

“-four other settlements more fucked than a Horde rider’s woman after he earns his first tattoo,” said Angela. “You’re lucky yours is only half fucked.”

“We pay tribute for protection not for the Horde to show up late making excuses. Maybe if you spent more time patrolling and less time sucking your own-”

“There were multiple attacks?” I interrupted..

Rose and Angela turned their attention to me.

“Cocks” Rose finished, in spite of the pause she’d just taken.

“Good to see you too, Donny,” said Angela. “Not gonna bother with a hello, how do you do?”

I gave her a blank stare.

She sighed. “Yes. Five including Jasper, at least so far. All attacked by female raiders loaded into armored buses. From what we can tell the attacks happened simultaneously.”

“Were they all caught off guard? None of them managed to kill all the raiders?”

She shook her head. “They targeted settlements that usually don’t see a lot of raider action. Jasper seems to be the only one that managed a half-decent defense.”

“How’d you learn about Jasper so quickly?”

“We didn’t. Khan ordered patrols out to every settlement after the first two reports. We just happened to come to this one.”

I nodded. That explained how they could’ve arrived here so quickly after the attack. “Do you have any leads on the raiders? Know the location of their base? Their leader? Anything?”

“We know they go by ‘The Widows’, and they’re made up entirely of women. Up until now they focused on smaller scale raids and manipulations. Tricking men into ambushes, pretending to need saving, that kind of thing.”

I didn’t mention the fact that it wasn’t just men that they’d tricked, considering the encounter we’d had with them on the way to the Black Woods. “No information on how they got the buses? The fuel? They seem very well armed and equipped for a raider group. I doubt they got all that gear just from petty raids like they were doing before.”

“No clue.”

I opened up my system, and put in the details. Once the investigation was successfully opened I returned my attention to Angela.

“I’m starting an investigation now. I’ll need to head to Fette to gather some information.”

Angela nodded. “Thank fuck. You can give the bad news to the Khan that this settlement got hit too.”

“You’re not heading back to Fette soon too?” I asked. I had expected to be able to convoy with her crew. I preferred to travel alone, but with the danger vehicles posed, it was usually a good idea to have a few extra bodies around me.

“No. Khan wants us out patrolling more heavily, this region is the lot I drew.”

Rose scoffed. “Good. Better to have someone competent fucking these widows, rather than a bunch of useless cun-.”

“I’m going to head out for now,” I had spoken more in the last twenty four hours with different people than I had in certain entire years of my life and I had a distinct desire for solitude that felt almost overpowering. I tipped my hat and started the trek out of Jasper and back toward my deadzone. I’d had enough of people for a while.

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