Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 33 – Fiend Drug (Part 4)

“Tek here, I feel that most assassins only really use poisons. I wonder why they got rid of garroting people, or long needles through vital points. Maybe because it takes a lot of training--but with poison, anyone can be an assassin.


“You’re Sokel, right?”

“W-Who are you guys?”

“We’re just running an errand.”


Two people have invaded the office where Sir Sokel is being imprisoned, they both have covered their faces and wear thick brown cloaks. They have swords in their hands, swords out of which leak a questionable light.


“An errand for who?” I was the one who asked this question.

“His Highness, of course.” The Assassin answered as though they thought that Sir Sokel was the one who asked.


With an epic spit-take, the assassins noticed my presence and spun, pointing their blades at me. After looking to each other, they exchanged a series of hand gestures. One of them moved to take me on, while the other continued onwards towards Sir Sokel.


With a deliberately intimidating smile, showing my teeth, I kick the assassin approaching me. With a disturbing crunch, the assassin flew through the air and into his companion further in the room. Both of them actually sunk into the brick wall, demonstrating that their bodies were tougher than stone; interesting.


“Argh, what a powerful kick.”

“It seems that we ran into a rumoured Mithril Adventurer.”




It seems that they still have some leeway.


They both look alright, even after receiving at attack that would normally knock a person out--or if they were unlucky, break their spines and injure their organs. They both just shake their heads, stretch a bit, and stood up.


Both of them are level 45 Humans, and their Status reads: ‘Magic Body Bestowal’. It’s likely that their Status is common among people who take Fiend Drug.


As proof of their--Inhumanity--, even without chanting a word, purple light flashes from their covered bodies. The area around their bodies become covered in flames.


“I don’t know who you are, but I’ll have you die together with that man.”

“We’ll give you as an offering to Death. We are Fiends. The ones who will become the protectors of the new world that His Highness will build.”


They have strange accents, and their figures are grotesque--which I can tell from the gap in their robes that appeared when I kicked them through the air. Half of their faces are covered scales, like those of snakes; and their eyes seem like compound eyes, but fit well inside their sockets.


Since they have information that the Guild will need, especially about this ‘Highness’, it means I have to keep them alive.


Because they’re tough enough to withstand one of my kicks, I hit them with Short Stun instead of the weaker Remote Stun. Let’s go easy at first, and go with 20 shots. The Rhinoceros Beetle back then could survive 20 shots, and while these assassins don’t have armour, they are tougher than stone.


At first, I only shot one. This was so that if he died, I could moderate the strength to keep his companion alive for interrogation.


The one I hit with Magic, broke through the wall behind him and vanished into the room next door. Since he was still alive, I fired the same amount at his companion.


The assassin managed to dodge a few of the Short Stuns using his intuition, but the rest of them hit him and he sunk into the wall again--this time in a strange posture.


Strangely, neither of them lost consciousness. This Fiend Drug seems to be an incredibly powerful boosting Medicine.


Well, it’s time to test a new combo on them.


It’s a success, and after taking my attack, the one I chose--finally passed out.


“Y-You bastard, what did you do?” The other assassin asked in an accusing tone as he lunged at me.


“Why would I tell my secrets to an enemy?” I roll my eyes at him.


While avoiding his attack, I destroy his reinforced state using Break Magic, and then pulling out his Magic Power using Drain Magic. I also drained the power from his weapon. I don’t know how Fiend Drug also powered his weapon, but it shouldn’t work if I drain all of the Magic Power anyway.


Finally, I hit him, and knock him unconscious.


His Inhuman toughness has disappeared.


I restrain both of the assassins using Magic-Sealing Ivy--which I had made using the Ivy from a Monster, and some of the ingredients in the workshop.


The name on the Creator section of the description is Kuro.


Arisa had asked me to report to her when I had checked in on Sir Sokel, and so I did. She seemed interested when she heard how powerful Fiend Drug made them--though that interest vanished as soon as I described how it had changed their features.



I can hear the footsteps of approaching guards.

It seems that they had finally noticed the uproar, and they were rapidly heading in this direction.



‘What? Why’s there an invisible wall here?’

‘There’s a Mage among the burglars? You guys, go up the stairs, and you, go call a Mage here.’


Well, their suspicions aren’t completely wrong, but I am the one blocking the stairs with Flexible Shield. A normal Mage will likely be unable to break it, or if they can--it will take the power to flatten the building.


“Now then, Sir Sokel. Would you answer the questions of your life saviour?”

“Alright, I’ll tell you. So, please, take me somewhere safe?”

“Okay, I will take you somewhere safe.” I’m glad that it didn’t show in my voice or expression, but--I would make sure he was safe, and will be safe from ever having company.


“His Highness is a blood relative of the Shiga Royal Family. I think that he’s a man who has just come of age. I don’t know his true identity, since he always wore a Recognition Inhibition Mask whenever we met.”


“Even so, how could you make such a dangerous, and outlawed, drug like Fiend Drug?”


“Well, it’s because his guardian is Marquis Kelten. He also hid his face, but I immediately knew that it was him because of his rather peculiar way of speaking.”




This seems like it may be the sign of a coup détat…I wonder if the Spring Conference will be alright?


“So, in truth, you’re just disposable, huh?”

“That’s right…how laughable.”


I get information on how ‘His Highness’ speaks, and his figure, and any other small things that escape the power of the Recognition Inhibition Mask. I also make sure to remember that Recognition Inhibition Items seem to have a weakness, and that I shouldn’t completely depend on them--this is important information.


So, all I know for sure is that it’s not the third prince. According to Toruma’s memo, the fourth prince is 18 years old, and the fifth prince is 14 years old, neither of which are likely to be ‘His Highness’.


But, the second child of the King’s younger brother is 15 years old, and has been seen in the company of Marquis Kelton, so he is highly suspicious.


Now then, I guess I shall ‘shelter’ him.


I drop the Flexible Shield, which had been blocking the guards.


“You bastard! Who are you?” One of the guards theatrically points at me and shouts.


Sheesh, calling me a bastard without even asking why I am here, or who I am--jumping to conclusions.


“I’ll be taking Sir Sokel for a while. Those restrained and unconscious men are assassins that were sent by the mastermind, someone referred to as ‘His Highness’. They are high level, and use Fiend Drug, so don’t let your guard down around them--they are around as strong as a Low-Ranked Demon. There should be a jail for high-leveled criminals, so I would suggest detaining them there.” I make sure to explain, so the guards don’t ignorantly free the true ‘bad guys’--I also introduced myself as Kuro.


After I finished explaining to the guards, I teleport away with Sir Sokel, along with the bed that he’s sitting on. The destination is of course the Labyrinth.


I took him to the deepest field which had Fiend Drug ingredients growing in it.


“W-Where are we?”

“Inside the Labyrinth.”

“What? Are you going to kill me?!”


“Nah. Here is technically a Safe Zone. There aren’t any Monsters, except for the strange plants growing here that will kill you if you try to eat them. It’s the most suitable place for a shelter.”


As I explain to him, I take him to one of the houses that the abducted people lived in while trapped down here. There may not be rain in the Labyrinth, but natural water sometimes drips from the ceiling--almost as though trying to replicate nature.


I placed the bed in the corner of the room, and take out some food and water--as well as toiletries. I may be cruel…but not cruel enough to strand someone without toilet paper.


“Well then, I’ll supply you with some more food in 10 days time. If you don’t eat sparingly, you will die. No one will come to save you, so be careful. Once ‘His Highness’ has forgotten about you, I will deliver you back to the Guild.” I decided to be nice to him--allowing him to be imprisoned for life.


I could have left him to die, but it would make Kuro seem like a bad guy--so if I delivered him back later, I could claim that it was for his protection, and Kuro’s reputation would be increased.


With a sigh, I teleport back to the Mansion of Ivy.



When I returned to the front yard of the Mansion of Ivy, I could see fire and smoke in the distance.


‘This is Arisa, over?’


I received Telephone contact from Arisa--her nervous way of speaking has finally been fixed, but this time she is acting as though she is speaking into a radio.


“It’s me. I saw the fire, is that the West Guild?”

‘Yes, some men wearing the same clothing as the ones you mentioned came flying in from the sky. They even had wings on their backs.’


“I understand. I will go there immediately--I’m counting on you to keep watching the Viceroy’s Office.”




I quickly fly into the sky using Sky Drive.


From my heightened position, I can see that one section of the Guild building is burning.


When I look at the Stats of the people attacking the Guild, I feel confused. Even though they have used Fiend Drug, they Skill compositions are those of Assassins, not Mages--I don’t know the cause of the fire.


Suddenly, a massive lance of fire stretches out from the ground.


With my strengthened vision, I see a man in a dark brown cloak evading the flame while flying through the sky.


Oh…the flame is the Guildmistress’s Magic. What are you doing burning your own base?


Why are so many Fire Mages also pyromaniacs?


I want to prevent the Guildmistress from burning even more of the Guild building and maybe the city itself, I smash the flying assassin to the ground with a burst of Short Stun.


Gell, and some high-level Adventurers have come out of the Guild Building and arrest the assassin.


The assassin forcibly flings Gell and the others away with the incredible Strength from the Fiend Drug. Just as he was about to take flight again, but Guildmistress fired some Flame Bullets. The assassin roasted, together with the ground around him because of the numerous Flame Bullet, and he begins to roll around.


As expected of level 82. Her power is incredible as long as it hits.


Since she suddenly begins to chant Inferno, I intervene.


Using Sky Drive, I dart down and land on the assassin’s back, since he has put out the fire and was beginning to stand up. The force was a little greater than I meant, and I could feel several of his bones breaking under my feet.


Just like with the assassins in the Viceroy’s Office, I use Magic Break and Drain Magic, binding him with Magic-Sealing Ivy--it’s simple, and only took a few seconds.


“Who are you?”

“Rather than that, you really should put this guy in the prison.” I speak imperiously, pausing to sigh, “This all happens, just when I came here to exterminate the Lost Thieves, it looks like strange people run rampant here…As expected of Labyrinth City, I guess.”


As the Guildmistress stopped her chanting and looked at me with narrowed eyes, getting ready to interrogate me, I swept her off and tossed the bound assassin at her feet.


She tilted her head at me as I flew into the sky and took sea water out of my storage and used it to extinguish the Guild building.


Though, I must admit, the Guildmistress did look enchanting in the orange glow of flame, a thin layer of sweat glinting on her forehead and her crimson hair and eyes almost glowing.


Shaking my head clear, and making sure that most of the fire has been extinguished, I fly back to the Mansion of Ivy.

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