Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 37 – The Man In Black Clothes (Part 2)

Tek here, communication in the ancient times relied mainly on smoke signals, special messengers and postmen with fast horses, or carrier pigeons. But there wasn’t almost-instantaneous things like email or the internet. Although there are Spells in this world that can work for instant communication--they are surprisingly rare.


I lead the girls with the Compounding Skill to the living room.


“I will ask one last time--are you all prepared to have your names change, and to live as a different person? You will be unable to ever meet your friends or families again, though you will survive.”


“ “ “We are!” ” ”


The five girls raised their voices in unison, almost as though they had practiced.


“Tifaliza, please give new names to these five. Starting from her, it’s Ann, Beth, Chris, Dannie, and Emily.”


Yes, I took their names from the first five letters of the alphabet.


Since Tifaliza ran out of Magic Power after using Naming 3 times, I refilled her with Transfer Magic Power--she twitched, a small gasp escaping her, and she quickly looked back at me; the girls did say that the recharging process did feel ‘veeery…noice!’, to quote Arisa.


When the Naming is over, I take the five girls to the hiding place that I had prepared in advance, one of the towns nearest to Labyrinth City: Fusra.


For the ex-slaves, Chris and Emily, I had to do the troublesome procedure of registering them as slaves under my name and then releasing them. Luckily, it finished fairly quickly through the Slave Trader in Fusra--I was thinking of using Oriel, but it would be quite suspicious.


After we finished that, I got all the girls their IDs, which went very smoothly.


“Now, make the items on this list.”

“Yes, Kuro.”


I gave a bundle of recipes to Beth and Chris, who could read. I had discussed it with the girls, and I would provide for their living expenses while they temporarily lived in this safe-house, and it return, they would make some of the mixtures I needed--but didn’t have the time to waste making.



Next, I take the slaves to another safe-house, in the town of Kelton. The safe-house is quite large--it was expensive. 55 people can’t enter at the same time, so I only take 20 at a time; all 55 can fit comfortably in the safe-house itself, but not where I keep the Teleport Board.


Making sure the slaves are staying in the mansion, I go to the smallest slave trader.


“Is there anyone inside?”

“You don’t have to yell, I can hear you. My ears are fine.”


I didn’t yell--though I did speak at a fairly loud volume.


“I have a request.”

“Leave it to me. We have everything that you could desire--be it blond big-breasted girls, or little silver-haired girls. Though, if you have a peculiar taste, you will have to tell us beforehand--so we can train the girls--”


I stop the middle-aged slave trader who’s happily promoting his wares, “There are 55 slaves who lost their masters. I want you to make me their master using Contract, and then release 25 of them. As for the price, would 120 gold coins be reasonable?”


“That sounds reasonable.”

“Very good, then, follow me.”


The trader leaves the store to one of his staff members, puts on an overcoat, and then follows me from the store. I take him to the safe-house using the carriage that I had used to get to the trader.


He agreed surprisingly easily when I requested that he wear a blindfold.


Since he ran out of Magic Power after only using Contract on 15 of the slaves, I gave him a MP Potion to drink, let him take a break, and then had him resume the work.


During each break, I bring the slaves that he has finished with, back to the Mansion of Ivy.


The slave trader seemed to be slightly suspicious, but when I supplied him an extra 50 gold, he wrote a Contract that made so that he could never reveal the information to anyone.



About the freed slaves, since they have production-related Skills, I’m thinking of building production tenement houses, which also double as workshops, in the city’s vacant lots. They would live in these houses, and work in them--though at reasonable hours.


In addition, 18 of the 23 slaves with masters, their masters have come back. However, the masters would have had to pay remuneration to the Adventurer’s Guild, for the rescue of their slaves, which would be equal to buying them again--they didn’t want to pay; so the slaves are now registered with Porina as their new master.


In the future, I have decided to use some of the vacant lots in Labyrinth City to train Adventurers; maybe even to start an academy. Arisa liked the idea--she seems to want to be an instructor…she even made a student uniform for both Lulu and I, and wanted us to roleplay ‘naughty students punished by their teacher’.



Still in my Kuro disguise, I went to the West Guild, to register and get the Wooden Plates needed to enter the Labyrinth.


“I’d like to register. The normal one please.”

“Yes, but, could you please take your mask off. And tell me your name.”

“Ah, sorry. My name is Kuro.”


I take off the mask, revealing the fake face underneath.


The Guild Staff member hand me the Wooden Plate, but before she can start the explanation, I interrupt her and explain that it’s unneeded; taking the plate, I leave the Guild.


“Oh, isn’t it quite lively in front of the Labyrinth today?” I ask one of the men nearby.

“Ah, there are so many baggage carrier girls gathered, maybe some Red Iron guys have come back from the middle stratum of the Labyrinth? With so many of them being female, it’s likely that they’re waiting for the Crimson Young Noble.”


One of the girls notice me, then tells her friends, before turning back to me, “Kuro!”


“We’ve been waiting for you, Kuro!” Another one calls.


It goes without saying that the girls who are calling out to me are some of the Adventurers I freed.


“Kuro, sir! There are 47 people. We have finished our preparations.” The commander--who has the Ant-Wing sword now sheathed, though one of her hands stays resting on the handle--stands next to me.


I thank her, and then we walk to the Teleport point that we had prepared beforehand. Then I leave the girls behind and teleport to the prison where I left the Lost Thieves, to transport them.





It seems that the number of living Lost Thieves have decreased by 10; they had a dispute over who should be their boss.


As soon as I arrive, they attack me. Well, I had taken away their weapons, so they come at me with stones and sticks, as well as their fists.


With a sigh, I eliminate all of the stones that were thrown, and then knock them all out with Remote Stun.


I tie the unconscious Lost Thieves into groups of 10, and teleport them to the Area where the female Adventurers are waiting. I entrust them to the overly enthusiastic commander, telling her to take them to the Guild.


They are rather rough when waking the unconscious Lost Thieves up, but when considering their circumstances, I decide to look the other way--as long as they don’t kill them.


Using my Magic Batteries…my Magic Swords that I charge in my free time, I continue to shuttle the 262 Lost Thieves, including corpses.

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