Death March — Fixed

Vol 10 – Chapter 46 – Mithril Plate (Part 4)

With a smile, I walk through the front door of the Mansion of Ivy, two people walking by my sides.


The one on my right was an Elven woman, one who always seemed slightly excited, a bounce in her step and a love of alcohol; the other was a much quieter woman, an icy beauty--but that cold exterior hid an affectionate and strangely mischievous personality.


In front of me, sitting on the couch and listening to Arisa reading a story, were Tama and Pochi; though the position of the door was in their blind-spots, in unison they sniffed a few times and raised their heads.


“Yay, it’s Poa!” Pochi let out a pleased shout, jumping to her feet, her tail beginning to wag madly as she smelt the familiar scent of one of the Elves that I had brought into our house.


“Miss Shiya? It’s been a while.” Tama’s voice was a little subdued, more polite and grown up than usual, “I have practiced the moves that you taught me.”


Well, her tone was polite and subdued, but the way she instantly jumped to her feet upon seeing the woman, and she held back a large grin--she was also excited to see her combat instructor again.


Looking closely, I could see that Shiya’s lips curved up ever-so-slightly; she was obviously trying to act like a respectable teacher--but this didn’t last too much longer before she stepped forwards and embraced her ‘favourite apprentice’.


Shiya reminded me of Nana, the way her face was almost always blank, but no matter how hard she tried, her emotions could be read from her large eyes.


“Well, student…what about me?” Poa looked at Pochi, who giggled and hugged her as well.


The two Beastkin were very affectionate, and very well liked among the older Elves; men and women who could be their grandparents--they all tended to spoil the two girls.


After the teachers and their students finished catching up, I spoke with a smile, “Girls, these two--among others from the village, will be acting as though they will be in our Floormaster subjugation party.”


When the girls looked confused, I answered their unasked question.


“We don’t need their help, but the people here will get suspicious if we succeed in killing a Floormaster with such a small group.”


The two Elves nodded at my words, before walking over to the couch. Poa took out a hip flask…but before she could even have a sip, Shiya rolled her eyes and took it from her companion’s hand, “We should listen--and stay clothed.”


I had teleported with these two women, each commanding a small squad of ten female Elves each, into Labyrinth City for a reason. They they were here to make up our numbers, to make it so that it didn’t seem so strange when we killed the Floormaster.




None of the Elves, not even Aiz in her Demigod form, knew of the full extent my power…but they had seen, and accepted, that I was much stronger than an average Human my age.


I was lucky that the Elves were so accepting of me, unlike any Humans; they were like this because of their leader, who held the position of power in both spiritual and societal manner, was innocent and pure.


Quite a while ago, when the girls had begun their training, I asked Lua  why so many of the soldiers were female. Apparently, Elven society had a more matriarchal leaning, because their god-in-flesh, their leader, was a female High Elf; but not all tribes were like that. When their leader was female, their society was Matriarchal, when the leader was male, it leaned the other way--but, when they were lead by a couple, or even a council…things got a little interesting. The best example of this was the tribe that loved warfare and burning things, their High Elves were actually twins, one was male, and the other female.


Because of some strange genetic makeup, the females of the Elven species had greater reflexes and dynamic vision, allowing them to wield blades with more skill than the males; whereas the males had better eyesight and spacial judgement--they were better archers, or at wielding longer weapons such as spears or pole-arms.


The greatest difference, however, was with their Magic. Females could control destructive Magic with ease, while males used Nature Magic, and Magic related to life and growth.



However, Elves were very unusual, even in Labyrinth City; so after completing the teleportation, I then had to disguise twenty-two Elven women, all of whom were the size of a normal teenager, and register them into our party.


I managed to convince the Guild Mistress to personally help me create our party--but when she saw what looked like a group of twenty-two children, all of whom were female…the look on her face was priceless.


While I had taken the two instructors to the Mansion of Ivy, because they were excited at the thought of spending relaxed free time with their students--I had spent quite a lot of gold to rent out an entire floor of an inn for the soldiers.


Because I was paying, I didn’t hold back, allowing them to purchase some of the more expensive food and alcohol, the girls seemed to really be enjoying themselves; some of them hadn’t left the forest for several hundred years, had forgotten expensive Human luxuries.


I paused my explanation of the upcoming Floormaster subjugation when I suddenly heard  a soft snore.


It seemed that Poa had gotten bored and accidentally fallen asleep, which was reasonable…she had drunk a lot last night, I was surprised that she had been conscious and functioning for so long.


Shiya poked her companion, waking her up.


“I’m up!” Poa sat straight up, noticing that I had stopped talking, “Oh? Are you finished, Tek? Great! Pochi, let’s have some practice…the movement will help me recover from a great night.”


Pochi leaned towards her teacher excitedly, before looking at me with a pleading gaze.


Nodding to her, I gave the two of them wooden swords--resulting in them rapidly leaving the room.


“Sorry about that, Tek. Poa was looking forward to playing with her student.” Shiya spoke in a flat voice, but her eyes were also flickering towards Tama, who was sitting opposite her.


I sighed and gave them some weapons as well.


Those two muscle-head teachers…they suited each other perfectly.


Unfortunately, I only learned of their life-bond too late--I missed getting them a present for their six-hundredth anniversary; but I remembered the date, I wouldn’t fail next time, I would even ask Heinan for some special alcohol.


Poa outwardly loved alcohol, especially when sharing it with her mate; and Shiya liked drinking it as well--but usually only in private, with only her loved one, and their respective students, as well as me.


The rest of the day passed quickly--though Liza and Nana were upset at being unable to train to their heart’s content as well--so I teleported them too the forest until it was time for dinner; the two girls were pleased, and excited, when they returned.



“One thing that you have to look out for is when the Floormaster’s health gets low and it uses the Rampage Skill, greatly increasing its speed and strength.” Poa spoke while eating, pointing at a piece of paper which we had spread out between the plates.


Written on the paper was all the information on the Floormaster that I had managed to get from Poa, who had killed it a few times in her youth, and the Guildmistress herself.


“You girls are strong…and I have no idea what the limits of your master are…” Poa paused, muttering under her breath and looking at me, “But, compared to the other Monsters in the Labyrinth, the Floormaster is in a world of its own.”


Poa stared intently at me, her tone becoming even more serious, “If you feel like you cannot win, or any sense of danger--retreat immediately.” She looked down, “I finally got a student…I don’t want to lose her because of an amateur mistake.”


I reassured her.


But, her words didn’t hold as much weight as they should have--because she had somehow gotten her small hands on some alcohol…as she instructed us, she was currently completely naked and sitting in Shiya’s lap.


Tomorrow, we would be beginning our assault on the Floormaster.



When I lead what seems like a small army of girls towards the West Gate, the townspeople who we pass begin to talk and start strange rumours.


It was then that I learned that some of my girls had gained nicknames.


Lulu was referred to as the ‘Warrior Maid’; this because she had developed a liking towards the highly protective, and revealing, armoured maid uniform that she had helped Mara to design.


The bystanders very politely called Liza the ‘Crimson Spear’.


Though her face was blank, the tip of her honest tail swayed happily as Liza looked around and peeked at me with a slightly proud look in her eyes.


Probably because of both the ‘Argent Drachi’ and our food distribution, we had apparently become quite popular among both the Adventurers and the townspeople.


The ‘Argent Drachi’ were the alumni of the training course. When they had graduated, they had received a handmade blue cloak from Arisa as a mark of their success. Arisa was both an instructor, and a mascot, among the youths who joined the course--they were beyond pleased to receive these tokens.


On the chest of the cloak was the Pendragon crest: a large silver Dragon holding a pen in its front claws.


There were only three current graduates at the moment, but they had become very popular with the younger generation, passing along the teaching that had been drilled into them during the short--intensive--course.


They had come up with the name during their graduation celebration at a poplar pub; Arisa and I were drinking with them, and Arisa thought that the name was cute--and the youths, who seemed to worshiped Arisa, easily agreed with her words.


But the common people believed that this name originated purely from the crest; which, in a way, is correct.


It seems that my goal of having everyone make note of my, and my team’s, entrance of the Labyrinth, was a success. I needed them to think I was weaker than I really am, that my girls aren’t each on par with a Lesser Demon.



Shortly after entering the Labyrinth, and losing the people who decided to follow us, I teleported the group to the Mansion of Ivy. Both Poa and Shiya requested that I use the Magic Crystal balls, that they had given me last nigh, to record the fight.


Agreeing to the simple request, I teleported back to where my girls were waiting--giving the crystals to Arisa and Mia to look after; reminding them to start the recording Magic…and the Magic that made them float behind the group, like automatic video cameras.


Aiz had given the orbs to the women, because she was curious as well; but she had warned me in advance, and said that the recordings wouldn’t be seen by anyone else--Poa and Shiya had sworn secrecy.


“Everyone, are you ready?”


“Yes, Master.” Lulu answered, sounding as though we were just going on a short adventure instead of killing a Floormaster.


“The equipment check has been completed, everyone is in their optimal conditions, so I declare.” Nana looked over to me after she finished tightening one of the straps of Tama’s armour.


The four vanguards are wearing full Orichalcum armour which Mara had only just finished the creation of, the small Dwarf almost passed out from excitement when she learned that she could forge with such a powerful and legendary material.


The rearguard were wearing dresses, and light clothing, made from Orichalcum threads--even though they looked weaker and thinner, the dresses…and Arisa’s butler suit, wouldn’t be damaged even if the girls were hit at point-blank range by a Ballista.


Looking at the excited girls, I take out a map. Arisa takes one look, nodding, before opening a Gate which leads straight into the center of the Boss room.


To anyone who didn’t know in advance, the map would look simple--if not for what looked like incredibly complex mathematical formula, combined with strange Magic formations, that lined a path from the entrance to the destination; I had left late at night to measure the distances, and then discussed it with the Elves, and with Arisa, forming a map that she could use to make a Blind Gate…without any Slip, or any danger for the people using her Magic.


Stepping through the gate, we entered the final room of the top Layer of the Labyrinth.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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