Death March — Fixed

Vol 2 – Chapter 13 – Labyrinth of the Wolf Demon’s Arm (Part 6)

Tek here, it’s surprisingly difficult to make people believe something you don’t--unless you are a religious leader, or priest/pastor. But it is only a short distance to the exit, and I want to get out and sleep.

“The exit is probably just ahead, after this room. I have two reasons for this assessment: first, there’s a Demon, who up until now, was nowhere to be found; the second is, the number of enemies is clearly different from anything before.” I speak calmly, trying to sound convincing.

The reasons sound weak to me.

“--Why do those reasons mean that the exit is just up ahead? I can’t understand.” The Viscount paused for a second as he considered his words, before asking me a very valid question.

“How about we find and take a detour like that Demi-Human suggested, instead?” Nidoren asked with a nervous look, glancing at Liza.

“Viscount, did you forget? This is a labyrinth made by a Demon. They would put their own kind in a place that they don’t want people to pass.”

Dang, I should have used this reasoning from the start.

“But, we’re completely outnumbered. I don’t think we can beat such a large group of Monsters by ourselves.” Viscount Belton looked at me.

I know, right.

“Of course we have a chance--that is with the help of your Magic.” As I spoke the words, I realized that I had slipped up, I shouldn’t know of the Viscount’s Magic, “As you may know, the Undead are weak to fire--I’ve heard the rumour that Viscount Belton is the best Fire Mage in the Earldom--am I wrong?”

I needed to goad him a little, to make sure that he didn’t think too much about my words, or at least didn’t find any holes in my logic that I may have missed.

“Hmm, it’s true, I am a good Fire Mage. Because, even though I look like this now, I’m the Vice-Captain of the Magic Soldier Division of the lord’s army.”

Heh, that worked.

The Viscount doesn’t seem to be completely against the idea--so, he’s Zena’s superior?


“Viscount, I have a question, for the sake of strategy: How many times can you use Fire Storm?”

“The limit for Fire Storm is only once--but after casting it, we can block the entrance with Fire Pillar and wait.”

Oh, is Fire Storm a Magic with huge damage, but huge Magic Power consumption?

I feel relieved that the talk has progressed from trying to convince them, to planning on how to fight.

When the view is obstructed, I will use my radar and attack with high-speed coin attacks.


>>Skill: Strategy Acquired.



Viscount Belton’s Fire Storm is raging.

The Winged Eyeball uttered something in the distance, but the battle started without anyone being able to hear it.

A surprise attack is one of the most basic strategies.

“Pochi, Tama, throw stones at any enemies that approach. Liza, attack any enemy who passes past the thrown stones, be sure to stay back and only stab at your enemy.” I give commands to the Beastkin girls.

Now then, let’s kill the enemies before the Fire Storm disappears.

I take some copper coins from my storage and fling one at the center of the Winged Eyeball’s--well, eyeball--I don’t know what to say about such a huge weak spot--All it needs is to glow red and it will be the most obvious weak point in existence, rivaling bosses in games.

The coin penetrates straight through my target, smashing straight through and hitting the wall--its roars of pain are masked by the sound generated by Fire Storm.

I fling out a few coins, giving them high speed and a spread, shattering the three high level Skeletons--it’s a ‘Coin Shotgun; seeing my success, I replicate the attack multiple times.

When the Fire Storm finally subsides, only 7 of the small fry Skeleton Soldiers remain, and even then with only half of their HP.

For now, let’s push the achievement, making sure no one suspects me.

“Wonderful, Viscount--because of being weakened by the Fire Storm, the Skeletons obviously became brittle and were destroyed by the stones that were thrown.”

“Mm-hmm, the filthy Undead Monsters were purified by my Flame Magic.”

“That’s right, this is the first time I’ve seen such enormous Magic, what tremendous Fire power!” Nidoren praised the Viscount as well.

The Viscount had a triumphant look on his face.

I leave Nidoren to attend to the Viscount, and follow up with the cleanup of the few remaining small fry Skeletons with the Beastkin girls.

Liza attacked the feet of a Skeleton, to destroy its balance, then Pochi and Tama strike together to destroy it. Hiding behind the small patches of smoke left from the Fire Storm burning the Skeleton Monsters, I destroy the other Skeletons, by flicking coins--by the time the girls finish off one Skeleton, I take out the remaining six.


>>Title: Undead Slayer Acquired.

>>Title: Demon Slayer Acquired.



Soon, the clean-up of the Skeletons ends and we head towards the exit of the room. It’d be troublesome if reinforcement for the Monsters were to come, I decided to move quickly--leaving the Magic Cores behind.

This passage is different from the ones that we passed through before, the floor is made from paving stones, like the floor that was normally only found inside rooms. The passage is four meters wide and three meters high, and thanks to the glowing floor, it is bright--it continues onwards in a straight line for a while before gently curving a few meters before the last room.

“The outside’s smell!” Pochi reports with a truly joyous expression on her face, running around me in a circle and fanning the air with her tail.

“Well, for a job well done--let’s eat something good when we get out.”


“Meat!” Tama speaks with joy, her ears twitching.

“Meat--Meat!” Pochi answers at almost the same time as Tama.

Since Liza is walking in the back, she didn’t enter our conversation, but both Pochi and Tama look so very happy, I can’t say no to their request.

Reflected in the radar, numerous lights rapidly appear inside the last room--however, it’s not the red light that signifies enemies, but a white light which indicates neutral people instead.

It’s probably the army of Seryuu City’s lord.


The younger priest has reached the Skeleton room that we had just cleared, he got there astonishingly fast--How did he do it?

Oh well, it’s good either way.

I feel like drinking some alcohol--preferably rum with a lot of ice--

“There are people’s voices.” Pochi said, pointing in front of us.

The turn in the passage is coming into view--three more corners and it’s the exit.

“The wall in front of us is strange?” It seems that Tama has detected another trap, and when I check my map, I verify that yes--there is a pitfall.

“There’s a hidden door here too, don’t touch it.”





Just as we began to pass the hidden door, Beast arms break through the stone--reacting before my mind caught up, I kicked the fragmented pieces of the door away from my companions and push both Pochi and Tama out of the way. I also want to move, but if I carelessly avoid the Monster, it’s certain that the three behind me will be attacked.

Catching the Beast, I kill it’s momentum--then it kicks at the floor and jumps over me. The Beast’s jumping power is incredible and it quickly passes over the three at the back, landing behind them.

They finally understand what has happened.

The Viscount’s daughter screams, both the Viscount and Nidoren let out groans--all of these sounds are mostly overwritten by the Beast’s loud roar, but with my ability, I can hear them.

Is it the Undead Beast that I thought killed when it fell into the last pitfall?

No, this one has two horns, it’s a different Beast.

Leaving that aside, what should I do?

Since it climbed all the way up the pit, it’s impossible to deal with like I did the other on. Since there is a massive difference in levels, I can’t have the Beastkin girls join in or they could die.

I’d like to ask for the Viscount to help with his Magic, like with the Monster House, but his Magic Power is insufficient--

While my thoughts are racing, I am instinctively holding the Beast in place and dodging its attacks at my head.


“**** ** *** ****, Air Hammer!”


A mass of invisible, compressed air comes shooting from the direction of the exit, forcing the Undead Beast to wriggle out of my grasp and retreat--unfortunately, I was rolled up with the Spell as well.

The Undead Beast, seemingly in an effort to reduce the damage caused by the Magic, it jumps back towards the entrance of the room we just left--the entrance that the younger priest comes out of.

What bad timing.

“Get back into the room, it’s the Undead Beast!” I shout, utilizing the Loudspeaker skill, which also echoes in the passage--it is much louder than I expected.

The younger priest begins to cast his own spell, not even flinching.


You’ll die in the blink of an eye before you even finish casting.

Hearing the chanting, the Undead Beast spins around.

Well, it can’t be helped, let’s change the Beast’s target back to me, slipping in a strong attack when the priest’s Magic hits.


“**, Purification (Turn Undead)!”


Wow, that was a short chant!

The Undead Beast stopped moving and turned into a stuffed animal--It seems that the Demon’s Magic mutated a toy dropped by a child, turning it into a powerful, and very dangerous Monster.

Good job, younger priest.




Before I manage to even turn and face the direction of the voice, something slams into me--looking down, I see that Zena has almost wrapped herself around me; she is wearing a thick leather armour.

“It’s good that you’re awightt, it’s so good!” Zena let’s out a slightly choked voice as she rubs her head on my chest--she’s delighted to be reunited.

That Magic earlier was Zena’s huh?

From the direction that Zena come from, soldiers begin to appear, helping to rescue the Viscount, his daughter, and Nidoren the Slave Trader.

The Beastkin girls were rushing to my side, but they’re standing a small distance from us--Liza has stopped Pochi and Tama, who had been trying to come closer.

“I’m back, Zena.” I smiled as I spoke to the cute girl clinging to my chest.

Zena wipes her teary eyes on her arm before lifting her face, “Welcome back, Tek.”

Her smile is seriously adorable.

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