Death March — Fixed

Vol 2 – Chapter 5 – The Temple and The Beastkin Girls

Tek here, I have heard the phrase: ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ many times--and I think it is more accurate to say that ‘Every silver lining has a dark cloud of despair.’; I enjoyed the fun time yesterday, and the time I spent with Zena--but trouble soon came.

A little distance away from where we were recently checking out street stalls, stands a temple dedicated to some deity called Parion.

A lot of people were gathered in front of the temple and were making a lot of noise.

“I wonder what happened?” I look over at Zena, who shrugs as well.

“Quickly, let’s check it out,” Zena shouted, rushing towards the crowd--seeing her sudden change, it drives home how much of a soldier she is--which isn’t bad.

Zena rushes up to the nearest person, who happens to be the big attendant that helped with healing her after the fight. As I walk up, I can see her flapping her hand around, as though she was demonstrating something.

I wonder what they are talking about?

When I finally got closer, I heard the latter half of their conversation, “--then how about Garleon’s temple, on East Street; that temple also has a contract with the Military, so the medical treatment shouldn’t be a problem. Since you’re accompanied by a man, strange people probably won’t approach you.”

“Uhh, even though I look like this, I’m both a Mage and a soldier. I’d beat up any playboys who try to pick me up--no matter how many of them come.” Even while trying to look fierce--Zena still looks incredibly cute.

As we walked off, Zena explained that both the Priestesses were in the middle of meeting with some envoys from the temple in the Royal Capital--because they are the only ones who can use higher level healing spells; so we had to go t the other temple in Seryuu.


It seems that in the end, we’re going to go to the Garleon temple on the East Street.

It’s not like I’m dissatisfied, you know?

Walking around a fantasy city with a really cute girl like this, it’s quite fun.

Along the way, maybe one hundred meters or so away from Garleon’s temple is a public park. At first it looked just like a normal lawn, but then I saw that there were some old couples holding babies as they sat and rested, and some young people are practicing martial arts.

We started talking about Magic, and I asked Zena about her Wind Magic.

“As for my Wind, it can protect me from arrows; defend a structure with the spell Castle Guard; attack with Air Hammer; transmit instructions over a distance with Whisper--various useful things like those--if I could use Fly, I could help with scouting--” Zena spoke with a wistful gaze at the sky.

That reminds me, Zena’s goal is to fly in the sky.

“If you manage to learn to fly, it would be nice to have a date in the sky.” I smiled at her as I spoke to her.

Zena blushed all the way to the base of her neck this time, saying, “P-please, leave it to me!”, while slightly fumbling her words.

It’s so cute--but I suddenly feel worried that she would be easily deceived by bad men.

I see several cats laying down, curled up in the shade cast by a roadside tree.

Come to think of it, this is the first time I’ve seen wild cats since I arrived here.

“Aww, such a cute cat!” Zena mutters with the softest look I have ever seen on her face, she also looked like she’ll run over there if she wasn’t walking with me.


“Punish the Demon’s Kin! Receive blessings from the Gods by hitting the Demon and Kin with these holy stones!” I can hear the faint voice of an old man coming from halfway down the street--around him are the voices of a lot of other people.

Standing at the square, a short distance up the road we are currently walking, there’s an old priest who stood on an expensive looking pedestal.

He was shouting with bloodshot eyes, spit bubbles flew from his mouth.

“O people of virtue! Do you remember the Divine Punishment, the one we call Starfall, which was meted out the other day?”



“We remember!”



Hmm, it sounds like a lot of the people are faking it.

“Furthermore! FurtherMORE! Yesterday, the Earl’s castle was hit by the attack of the Demon Lord’s minion!”


“Oh Gods!”

“Please save us, Hero!!”



It sounds like shouting is a good way to relieve stress, huh?

“This is a sign of the dimming of the god’s divine protection! Acquire blessings, O people of virtue! Those who gain blessings will be protected from the coming disaster!”


“Priest! Please save us!”




Such cheap--and rather dumb--people.


“Acquire blessings! Do you all understand? Blessings!”




Yeesh, the people of this town would fall for shady pyramid schemes way too easily.

“Look at these--things!” The old priest pointed back at the square, “Those things are Demi-Humans, they are the washouts of the Demon Lord’s followers--no, they are Kin to the Demon Lord! Rain down punishment on them, and receive blessings!”





“Wait! People of virtue! Murder is prohibited by the law of the kingdom, wait! Killing may be prohibited, but use these holy stones to hit the Demon’s Kin and receive blessings!”


“Give us the stones!”



I look the direction the the old priest is pointing, and there are three Beastkin girls there.


“But, it’s not free! Receive the blessings, using your money!!”




A Dog-Kin, Cat-Kin, and Lizardman Beastkin girl are huddling together.


“The holy stones are only one copper each! For this special occasion, you can get six stones for five copper!”

The people’s voices stop for a second.


“What’s wrong? Pious men and women, there’s a limit to the number of holy stones! Those who act quickly will be those who get blessings!”


“We’ll buy them!”

“Please sell some to me!”



“Buy them from my disciples here! Line up! -- If you don’t line up properly, you won’t get the blessings!”

The people who have bought holy stones begin to throw them at the Beastkin girls, without hesitation.

“I can’t watch this!” Zena says with a tone of anger, before pushing her way through the crowds and sprinting towards the old priest.

I was a little surprised, and later than her to respond.


“Kill the Demi-Humans!”


“Punishment! Death, for the Demon Lord’s Kin!”


The people are heating up, occasionally managing to hit the Beastkin girls with the stones.

The Lizardman girl winces occasionally as she is hit with the rocks--but she doesn’t move, She is crouching and embracing two slightly younger dog and cat girls, attempting to shield them with her body.

Now, it’s easy to interrupt this farce--this time--but if it happens at a later time, when we aren’t there, there is no meaning.

Detailed information appears on the Heads-Up-Display, like usual, when I look at the Beastkin girls.

Hmm, this is--

Alright, what I am looking for should be around here somewhere.

Aha, there is is.

After taking a quick look, I find the information I need--with this I should be able to manage.

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