Death March — Fixed

Vol 4 – Chapter 11 – Departure (Part 2)

Tek here, I normally travel a lot--but strangely I’ve grown quite attached to this city that I have only been in for a few days. I definitely plan on visiting again after traveling.

The bookstore is being tended by the old man, who has already recovered--Somi isn’t in today.

When I asked, the old man gave me the map to Labyrinth City.

How do I say this, it’s a map that screams that the creator had no idea what measurements were--it was like he knew some locations and placed them in the approximate right position, it screamed: “Eh, close enough.”

Although I didn’t expect it to have symbols or contours, it’s even questionable if this thing has even the concepts of directions.

My feelings probably showed on my face, because the old man laughed for a while before explaining that accurate maps are classified information, so only people from the nobility or military could get any good ones.

I miss Google Maps--

Since it’s better than nothing, I buy the map that shows the way to Labyrinth City.

Later on, I learned that the Merchant Guild sells better maps--well, a little better, but not by much.

My business is over with this, but the old man demonstrates his commercial spirit, recommends various books.

The books he suggests look like they will be useful for a journey: ‘Journey to the Royal Capital’, ‘Dictionary of Common Herbs’, ‘Carriage Repair for Beginners’, etc--their titles look useful, so I buy all of them.

There are also introductory books for woodworking, smithing, engraving and other various manufacturing-related books; but since there’s no demand and they’re rather old, they don’t sell well. When I show an interest in them, the old man begins to pile one book on another. Since they could be bought for two gold coins for everything, I decide to buy them all.

Furthermore, he also recommends some good books to read during breaks. Although most of them are about love or heroes, I manage to find a few exceptions like: ‘Ancient Battlefield and the Withered Labyrinth’, ‘Mad Mage and the Army of the Dead’, ‘The Man who Created Labyrinths’. I buy all three of them and five popular picture books.

Picture books can be good for learning letters.

It was a little over what I wanted to pay, so I negotiate and manage to drive the cost down by two gold coins, down to ten gold coins.


I bought a little too much, the bag with almost thirty books inside was heavier than I expected, even with my incredible STR Status; the bag also looked like it would rip if I don’t take the books out soon.

It becomes even more after I receive the stuff I bought from the Magic shop--though it’s not like I couldn’t walk back while carrying them, but I would look way too strange--I decide to wait for a cab carriage.

“Hello, Mr Nimble.” A familiar female voice rings out behind me.

When I turn to face the origin of the voice, I see Zena’s coworker, Lilio standing there--she has an expression on her face like she had pulled off a prank.

“Hello, Lilio. Did you try to imitate Zena?”

“Ehehehe, Did I pass? Hey, hey, did your heart skip a beat?”

I suddenly get the feeling that if Lilio and Arisa meet, it could either be amusing--or end very badly.

“I noticed it immediately, because your voice is different,”

“Eh, too bad. But, but, isn’t that love? The power of love?”

Girls really do seem to like ‘love talk’ don’t they?

Lilio is coming closer, and closer to me, pressing her small body against mine as she comes closer for some reason; she is watching my eyes very carefully, as though trying to lock my gaze.

Rolling my eyes, I push her shoulder back, making her back up a few steps; causing her to smirk at me for some reason.

“Are you alone today?” I ask her.

“Yep, the other soldiers are sleeping. Except for Zena, who, from yesterday afternoon until midnight tonight, is on guard duty. The number of Magic Soldiers is really lacking.”

I wanted to say some parting words to Zena before I leave, but it seems--

Alright, let’s change the departure to tomorrow morning.

“Lilio, could you deliver a message to Zena?”

“Okay! But no passionate lines that would make the--chest, grow hot, okay? If it’s too intense, it might be interpreted the wrong way, you know.” While crossing her arms, Lilio talks with look on her face that is better off not described.

I ask her to tell Zena that I’ll be leaving the city early tomorrow morning.

Lilio willingly agree to deliver the message.

“Tch, it seems that Zena’s love will end up being unrequited, huh--”, it seems that she intended it to be a monologue, but I heard her.

I didn’t reply to that, and go back to the inn by cab carriage.


While in the cab, I store the books and most of my items inside storage.

When Arisa knew about me going to the Magic shop and bookstore, “Didn’t I ask you to take me along?”, she sounds a little disappointed--but cheers right up after I tell her that I bought Magic books for beginner level Elemental Magic.

Besides, you probably haven’t learned the Shiga Kingdom letters have you?

“Then, are we going to depart?” Arisa asked, anticipation evident in her voice, and her expression.

Well, since she asked, I tell her and everyone else that we will be departing tomorrow morning.

“I’m going to the Alchemist shop in the East District, then the Workers Guild to finish some business, so check if there’s anything we forgot to buy--it’s fine to play with the learning cards when you finish.”

“Cards!” Tama’s eyes glitter.


“Cards.” Pochi’s tail waves.

Lulu grins.

It’s rare to see Lulu look happy like a normal girl.

“Empty dummy barrels are too light, it’ll seem unnatural, so I think it’s a good idea to store the long-lasting potatoes in them.” Arisa suggested.

“It’s going to be winter soon, it might be too cold to sleep with just your mantle, I think it would be a good idea to purchase a blanket for Master at least.” Liza also suggested an idea, which was rare.

I agree with Arisa and Liza’s ideas, and allow them to buy those. Of course, the blankets are for four people, and since Arisa saw some made from cotton at the marketplace--I permitted her buying it after hearing the price.


I go alone to the Alchemy shop and buy a lot of materials to make painkillers and deodorants. It’s an extravagance to buy what you want without worrying about money, but really is thrilling.

At the Worker’s Guild, I ask Nadi for a progress report on the request I gave her; and even though it’s only been a day, she has mostly completed it. However, some weren’t home, so she’s going to go back tomorrow.

Nadi passes me something after I give her the reward.

What she gave me is a big basket filled with things like a small bag filled with money, vegetables, sandals and various other things. The poor homes give vegetables or home industry products like sandals instead of money, even things like wooden spoons. It seems that Nadi did say that rewards are unnecessary, but she was given them before she could decline.

I tell her that I’m leaving Seryuu city tomorrow, and I present her the rewards as a bonus.

“Tek, your next destination must be either the Royal Capital, or the Duke’s City, right?”

“No, I intend to go to the Labyrinth City.”

“There are a lot of Demi-Humans in Labyrinth City, life will be easier there.”

Come to think of it, I haven’t met the most famous non-human species, the Elves--I thought that Seryuu City should have them.

“That’s right, the species I want to see the most are the Elves!” I can’t help but let out some excitement--an Erlf (Erofu)--I need one.

Nadi giggles at my words.

She looks back and calls the manager.

I hadn’t seen him before, but when I do--it turns out that he looks like a kid my age with long green hair and emerald eyes that tilt up slightly at the corners.

The kid-looking manager doesn’t say anything, but Nadi walks over to him and takes off his hat, exposing--long Elven ears. “Look, look!” She mutters with an amused voice as she points.

Rolling his eyes, the manager reaches over an snatches his hat back from Nadi while muttering something I can’t hear, before wandering slowly back to the back room.

I say bye to Nadi, and say that if she doesn’t finish the request in time--she can keep all of the rest of the rewards too, as extra payment for my request.


I have paid for my stay at the inn, and Martha said, “Stay here next time too!” as a farewell. It’s the morning of our departure, and we have finished having breakfast at one of the stalls--we leave the inn, I’m driving the carriage, and the girls are in the wagon’s bed.

I though that Zena would come to see me off, but she had an all-nighter, so she’s probably still asleep--let’s send her a letter next time.

As we’re departing, I see a white dot moving along the inner wall.

I greet the knight Soun at the gate, only talking for a short time before resuming the drive and leave the city--I would be causing problems for people if I stay here too long.

When I get a short distance away from the gate, I hear a shout of, “Wait!”, from behind us.

Since I’d be a hindrance for traffic here, I quickly leave the road slight, and stop the wagon. The traffic at the gate looks to be disordered when I look back, they are moving out of the way as a horse slips through them and this way. I wave my hands, standing on the wagon’s driver’s bench so that I can be seen over the roof.

“Tek!” Zena is rapidly approaching here, riding a horse while smoothing her hair, which seems to have become disheveled by the wind. She’s wearing a dress that’s rather unsuitable for riding a horse.

“I’m glad I made it!” Zena let’s out a relieved sigh, nervous tension draining from her slim body.

“Zena, I’m also glad that I got to meet up with you before I left.”

“You’re going to going to Labyrinth City right? Please send me a letter when you’ve settled down. I will absolutely reply back!”

“Sure, I’ll do that without fail.”

I thought that she’d say that she wants to come with me, but, I am slightly glad that it’s about letters--It would be bad if she did something impulsive like quitting the army to join me on my travels. Well, I wouldn’t hate it if she did--

Then I say a proper farewell to Zena, finishing it off with, “Then, let’s meet again some other time! I will send a letter after I arrive and have set up.”

“Yes! I’m already looking forward to the day when I can see you again.” Zena spoke with a slightly distant look in her eyes, but luckily she didn’t get too upset.

It’s good that it didn’t become a sad farewell.

As I get into the carriage and start driving away, looking back occasionally, I see Zena earnestly waving her hand; until the knight Soun grabs her by the nape and drags her back to the station.

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