Death March — Fixed

Vol 6 – Chapter 21 – The People of Baron Muno’s Territory – Continuation (Part 10)

Tek here, split bodies--also known as clones or shadow clones, are one of the major staples of Ninjas. When I didn’t understand how they were made, I thought that it was because they were moving quickly and creating afterimages--and I thought they were useless, because you could just use that speed to attack--The show ‘The Flash’ demonstrated how even that could be useful.

“I promise, it won’t be dangerous.” I lean in close and whisper in the worried Arisa’s ear, “Remember, I told you I am very high leveled.”

“I--I still want to go with you! Politics can beat power--unless you are willing to engage in free-sale slaughter, or turn kingdoms against you; you will need my help--” Arisa responded, still looking scared.

I felt a surge of warmth in my chest--she was so worried for my safety, she was willing to put herself into what she thought was a dangerous situation--

“Fine,” I smile at her, leading her from the wagon, “You really are a rash girl.”

When we reach the ground, I gently stroke her hair a few times.

“Who’s the rash one here? You jumped into the shadow to save Mia, who you had only met that day; then you happily kill all the bandits we capture--thinking more of our mental health--instead of your own, that many kills of restrained enemies, even if your Stats hide it--can’t be very good for your psyche.” Arisa whispered, her voice ceasing shaking, as she rubbed her head on my chest.

I smile down at her, before turning back to the wagon; since I need to choose someone to replace Arisa. Among them, Liza seems like she might be the best choice--but considering that she is a Beastkin, it would probably be difficult for her to negotiate with the insular villagers.

Which means the next best candidates are Lulu or Nana.

I can’t even imagine the whimsical Tama negotiating, and even less realistic would be the mostly silent Mia negotiating--it would be as probable as the sky falling.

Well, the sky has fallen--and it was my fault--I don’t want to tempt fate that much.

I want Lulu to do the negotiations if possible, because she may acquire interpersonal skills, but since she’s shy around people; it seems to be impossible.

Then, it seems that Nana is the only remaining option.

She normally has slightly strange behaviour, and her voice sounds quite unemotional--she also says strange things--but her appearance is a normal, and beautiful woman.

Well, I guess I’ll ask Nana to negotiate, with Liza as backup.


“Yes, Master?”

“Have you ever done negotiation before?”

“No, I am a virgin. I have no experience.”


How did I ask about your sexual experience?

When I happen to glance at Arisa, she is grinning with a mischievous look in her eyes--what did she speak to Nana about?

She does seem to love to spread strange ideas--

Then again--that is a popular joke in Japanese, something to do with identical words, but differing meanings--I think.

Arisa may be even more into Japanese, including Animes and such, than that childhood friend I recently dreamed about. What was her name? “****” or something?

Wait, I couldn’t even think her name, even when completely awake--

Looking at the innocent look in Nana’s eyes, I just sigh, and gently bop Arisa on the top of the head.

“I want to ask you to talk with the chief about the employment of the villagers--sort of like how Arisa negotiated with Toruma to get good payment for the return of his dagger--just don’t be as course or demanding as her.”

Nana nods to my words, “I understand, Master.”

“Good. Liza, I want you to cooperate with her, and if there are any problems please handle them--make sure that Nana doesn’t cause any problems by imitating Arisa too closely.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I will do the best I can--I will not fail you!” Liza’s reply is strangely, nervous.

“Liza, there’s no reason to be so nervous. If the negotiations fail, please just wait near the river for my return.”

“I understand, master.” She seems to slump a little--I am worried that she may have interpreted it as, ‘I don’t expect anything from you’ or something; but Liza perks up again, so it seems that I’m just imaging things.


Arisa had released my hand and clambered up into the wagon as I verified the plans with Nana and Liza; she soon came back wearing the clothing that she had made after the fashion show back then--the skirt now has a wire frame inside it, making it expand, like those skirts in Victorian times.

She’s also wearing a blonde wig.

That’s all good and all, but who’s the  girl with brown, braided hair standing behind you?

--No, wait--I can see a double image; the brown-haired little girl overlaying the image of our normal Pochi.

“Is that Pochi?”

“Yep--you did well to notice so quickly. Arisa version 2.0: Pochi, Human-form.”

The two of them pose, Pochi looks serious, and Arisa is grinning.

“How did you do that to Pochi?”

“I’ve received Arisa’s Magic.” Pochi says with a grin, her hand shooting into the air.

“Aah, I wanted to tell master,” Arisa pretended to pout, “I create an Illusion using Light Magic. It was originally Magic used to create a split body, but I’ve changed it a bit.” She grinned proudly.

I see, so she modified Light Magic--impressive.

Human-form Pochi looks exactly identical to Arisa, if we exclude her hair-style and colour--and age. She looks like she is Arisa’s age, which is only one year older than Pochi's true age. That is very impressive for her having recently learned Light Magic.

“Although, if someone were to touch Pochi, they will feel something different to what they see--so it may get revealed; and if I don’t stay near her, the spell will dissolve. I did this because she might not be allowed to enter the castle if they know that she’s a Dog-kin.”

“Would it get past something like Magic Detection?” I ask as I peer closely at Pochi--who was looking at me in return, and grinning happily--like when you stare at a puppy, and it looks back so innocent and cute.

“Even if she gets exposed, I’ll make Toruma cover for her, I’m sure that we’d only get scolded. Moreover, I want Pochi, who has high offensive power and the Enemy Search, to be around.”

It feels that Arisa is already sure that Pochi’s cover will be blown.

Also, I think Tama has a higher level Enemy Search skill--although Pochi was probably chosen, because I don’t think Tama would be suitable for infiltration.

“You know, I dreamed last night that a Demon is disguising itself as the Baron--Master was barely able to avoid the Demon’s attacks, for a while, before you were cornered--Of course, I know it’s just a dream--but, if it was a prophetic dream--”

It seems that some of the girls are more nervous because of the psychic mushrooms--Luckily, they realize the cause, but in Arisa’s case that she couldn’t shrug it off completely.

But, Dammit--she is incredibly perceptive--maybe she has a hidden Skill that increases her intuition?

Because, there is a Demon, and it is near the Baron--though not the Baron himself.

Arisa gently taps her cheeks with her fingertips, determination gathering in her now clear eyes, and she shakes her head wildly--as though she is shaking off her nervousness.

Her wildly swaying hair is hitting Pochi’s face, causing her to hold her face.

“It’s okay! Even if it was a prophetic dream, we’ll get through it, since you’re with Pochi and I!” Arisa grins at me.

“Yes. If Master is with Pochi, we’re invicible!” Pochi mispronounces the word ‘invincible’.

It looks strange, I can see the outer image of Pochi with no expression, and the inner/true image of Pochi shows that she is motivated.


The dream that Arisa had, is probably just a mere dream--however, her worry is genuine, and it makes me feel strangely happy.

When I find the opportunity, I should demonstrate some of my abilities in such a way to blow her worries away--she knows of my level, but hearing about it and seeing it are completely different things.

Though, at first I wanted Pochi to be in Liza’s team, to keep her safe--well, I can’t really think of a way to get her to go with them without causing more unneeded worry.

Looking out for the safety and happiness of the girls is making it difficult for me deny them--it’s changing how I think and act--I don’t know if it’s a good thing, but I don’t find myself disliking it too much; having the girls here are more than worth it.

Well, I don’t want to expose Arisa and Pochi to danger, but if worst comes to worst, there are only two of them; I can just grab them and run--which I couldn’t do if all the girls were there.

I feel a little worried about the combat force with the other girls, but Liza should be more than enough, since there aren’t any thieves or Monsters near the village--it should be perfectly safe--and with Liza’s power, they should be able to hold out until I can get there, if there is an emergency.

“Remember--your lives are the most important--if something seems wrong, retreat straight away; even if it means abandoning the village, run if you have to.” I said to the girls.

“Yes Master.” Nana nods calmly.

“Thank you, Master--we will do what is required to stay alive!” Liza perked up a bit as she spoke, her eyes glinting a little.

I watch as the wagon departs, and then walk over to Toruma; Arisa and Pochi by my side.

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