Demiurge (a Poseidon self-insert in Percy Jackson)

Chrysaor II A.K.A learning to be a big brother

This chapter is the first part of a chapter I divided in two. It's been a while since I updated this story so I cut the chapter in two. Thanks again to my beta Cam Katarn. Wrote this listening to this:

He found the child at exactly the place that was indicated by his father. The demigod was painfully young even amongst mortals. He had watched the transportation used by his brother and his companions be destroyed by the use of his inherited abilities.

He could have intervened at any moment but he didn't. The only task given to him was making sure that the godlings succeeded in the retrieval of the symbol of the sky god. Nothing more or less. Chrysaor wanted to see what was special about the child born from a broken oath. He wanted to see what was so special about the child that his father would try to intervene in such a direct way: there is little indirect about assigning a god as a bodyguard.

Poseidon had never sent personally gods or sea creatures to look after his half-bloods on a quest. Before this child, Poseidon had never apologized to anyone. What made this child so different?

He could see a satyr fleeing from the wreck created by his brother with the younger son of Poseidon and another female godling on his shoulders.

Was that all? Was he completely normal? The demigods weren't the only ones unaffected by the destruction of the vehicle. Alecto, one of the kindly ones came out of it angry but untouched. She smelled the air and from there she found the running questers.

Chrysaor prepared himself to intervene. Before he could, he was stopped by his half-brother going toward the Kindly one. He unsheathed his sword but stayed still. What the demigod was doing was foolish, it was the arrogance that could only come from a divine being, it was hubris.

He watched his brother attack the fury. He watched his brother, a half-blood that didn't see more than 13 years hold his own against an immortal. He watched the destruction being brought each time the fury and the child clashed. Respect began to bloom inside his heart.

The child fought with the strength of despair, of somebody giving everything to survive. He watched the half-blood make her bleed. He watched frenzy grew more and more in the actions of the fury. He saw the satyr and the female demigod help his brother.

He saw Alecto have enough, being so incensed that the servant of Hades tried to reveal her divine form to end the demigod son of Poseidon.

Chrysaor tried to intervene but was he outpaced by his brother who brought down upon the Fury an attack so strong and violent that it could be thought to have come from a god itself.

Chrysaor acted. In a burst of speed, he appeared before his brother and grabbed him. With another step, he appeared before the other questers. He encased them in a shield of golden water. The shockwave and the impact from the attack destroyed everything. It destroyed the ground under their feet and sent them flying in the air.

They fell on the Earth hard. The attack had been as if Zeus himself had sent a lightning bolt. Even from where they were sent flying, Chrysaor could still feel the tremors caused by it. He checked mentally where they were and found that his little brother had sent them flying to a state called Virginia.

He stood. He may have protected the half-bloods but they had still fallen unconscious. Maybe, it happened because they were exhausted due to their confrontation with Alecto or maybe it was because of the shockwave created by his brother's attack.

They were in the state of Virginia that was a state completely owned by Chrysaor's father. It was in the delimitation of the United States given to his father. Checking the mental map bestowed by his father, he found that his father had created a place that Chrysaor judged protected enough.

The attack of his half-blood brother hadn't unfortunately crippled the Kindly one which meant that soon if that was not already the case, she would be coming after them.

His brother had also breached the domain of Zeus when he made the giant trident and the Sky God would see it as an insult which meant more dangers coming their way.

He focused on the emplacement of the protected place that was registered as the Hotel Poseidonum which he automatically mentally translated as the temple of Poseidon.

With a flex of his will, the unconscious questers and he disappeared only to reappear before the hotel. Before the giant doors of the hotel, there were guards clad in adamantine scales.

The only gesture they showed to express their surprise at his appearance was tightening their grips on their tridents. They took one look at him and each bent one of their knees, their faces turned towards the ground.

One of them raised his head to speak "It is an honor to welcome you, my Prince."

"You can raise," Chrysaor told them.

They didn't. "It would be a sin for us to do so my prince" said the one guard that seemed to speak for all the others.

His father had trained them well. It reminded him of better times when he was in his own right a god-king.

He pointed toward the unconscious questers." Those are the demigods sent on the quest to retrieve the bolt of the sky god".

"We heard about it" another guard said. "Our lord had his name besmirched by his brother who has also almost killed his latest half-blood," said the guard with venom in his voice. Chrysaor knew without a doubt that even if he knew he shouldn't the guard would not hesitate to go against Zeus. The guard saw his loyalty to Poseidon as superior to his life.

He continued" The god of the sky threatened war with the sea. He swore to destroy us for something our lord did not do. He swore to destroy everything our lord ever loved".

"Well, one of the questers behind me is my brother and by the orders of my father, I will have to protect him. He fought valiantly against an immortal and won. I want them to be taken care of as ifthey were gods. Understood?"

"Understood my prince" the guard answered. As if all this time they were being listened to, humanoid sea creatures came out of the doors of the hotel.

They took the quester with inhuman care and grace into their arms and went back to the hotel with them. Some came out with what seemed to be a palanquin. They came before him. He shook his head in a silent no and walked into the hotel.

The inside of the hotel could only be described as luxurious. The ground had been made with imperial gold intertwined with emeralds finely crafted in it. There were tapestries all around him depicting the sea god, his family and their achievements.

He could see Theseus and the Minotaur. He could see Arion and Pegasus. He could see Triton plunging his trident into a gigantic sea monster. He could see a young-looking goddess that seemed to be creating a storm. He saw himself, draped in gold sitting on a throne.

One of the servants directed him toward what they said would be his quarters for the time he will be staying. While they were walking, he began to pay spiritual attention to the place.

Just being in the hotel had already strengthened him. He could feel strength coursing through him. It was as if he was at the sea. He understood why the map his father had given him had called this place a temple. Attacking a sea creature here would be akin to trying to breach the walls of Troy without subterfuge, something that was impossible for most beings.

More than that, in case an intruder was able to enter this place, they would be unable to trace back their steps. This place after analyzing it was less a physical place and more of a distorted reality that could almost be called alive like the labyrinth. The only way to navigate this place would be to be from the sea and to know or understand the mechanism behind how this place worked.

They finally stopped at a door with the letter Epsilon engraved on it. They entered the room behind the door." There are invisible naiads everywhere my prince. Ask for anything and it will be given to you", the servant said with deference.

"Understood. Inform me immediately when one of the questers awakens. Except that, I expect to not be bothered".

"It is understood your grace." The servant answered. He bowed and left Chrysaor alone in the room.

The room was one that could only be called fit for a god. It was gorgeous to the point that it could be considered sinful but Chrysaor didn't care about any of that.

He let his back fall on the bed. It felt soothing and gave the impression to be enveloped by the sea. Chrysaor raised his hand toward the ceiling as if reaching to catch something" Soon, we'll be together again, Callirhoe . Just wait for me. I will do anything to make sure of it".


He was watching through a mechanical device surely created by Hephaestus a play that was centred around the plight of a young woman being in love with the half-brother of her husband that was also a criminal.

"Javier" the girl said." We can't. What if manolo finds out?"

"My brother would have to accept our true love Veronica" Javier answered. "Kiss me mi amor"

She kissed him. While they were kissing, a door was opened" Honey, I came out with a gift for yo-".

They jumped away from each other but it was too late. The bags in the hands of the husband of Veronica fell." How could you do this me Veronica? Worse, with my own brother!" Manolo screamed.

"Don't you dare scream at her!" Javier raised his voice and put himself between Veronica and Manolo.

Manolo took out a gun." You betrayed me. Veronica and you, my brother betrayed me. Even after all I did for the both of you. You were supposed to always protect me, Javier. Not be the one that stabs me in the back".

Javier put his hands before him as if wanting to calm his brother" Put down the gun brother before you do something that you will regret. We can talk about it". Veronica nodded behind him.

"I'm done talking," said Manolo with tears in his eyes. He pointed the gun at the two cheaters.

Unfortunately, it was at this moment that the hotel attendant chose to open his door and interrupt the play."At least one of them better be awake or I swear that I will personally turn you into fish soup".

They left his room and walked to what seemed to be a mix of a tavern and a thermopolium. At one of the tables was sitting his brother and his satyr companion.

The eyes of the two had widened by seeing Chrysaor coming. After all, it would be impossible to deny the fact that the young half-blood and he were related due to their appearances.

He sat before the two questers." Hi brother" he said.

"Hi", the other one answered softly.

"I saw what you did with The Fury. Congratulations and be proud. Even amongst gods, few could say to have faced a fury and more than surviving her, hurting her".

"I should be proud but I can't. I was terrified. Every moment felt as if I couldn't breathe. Every moment was one I could have died. If she had taken me seriously, I would have died at the beginning," the demigod said softly. The satyr at his side put a hand on his shoulder as if to soothe him.

Chrysaor remembered a weak and young god talking with his aunts. They had told him that they were proud of the young god. The young god had asked them why. He was weak, imperfect, and had tried to end himself. He was all the contrary to what a god was expected to be. They had smiled at him like one does with an ignorant child and they had answered by saying that he had tried to end himself for what he thought would be the best for the world. Even though it was misguided, the godly child had gone against his own instincts, against his own fear to do what he thought was the best thing. He had done it because he was kind and being kind meant being brave.

"Do you want to know something child? "He spoke to his brother. "Fear is even felt by gods. We, near-omnipotent beings can feel it as much as mortals do. We humans, monsters, and gods, can all be cowards. What makes someone great is looking into the abyss and when it tries to engulf you refusing it with all your strength. Any moment, especially for mortals, is one where they brush against Thanatos's grip. They can die at any moment. They know it but still carry on and that action is courage, something everyone should be proud of, so be proud. It doesn't matter that she wasn't taking you seriously. In the end, you were successful in surviving and that's the only thing that matters."

"You make it seem more grandiose than it is" the child answered.

"Maybe you are right but what is life without embellishments? What is life without pride?"

"An honest life" his younger brother answered.

"Honesty is determined by the strong. It is an immaterial construct prone to change" he said to the demigod

"If it's the case, then pride is too" was the reply given to him.

Chrysaor's face was resting on his hand" So is fear or shame. None of those things matters."

"Then what was the point of every you said," the kid said with frustration.

"Nothing matters" Chrysaor continued as of he hadn't heard his brother" So everything does. That's the paradox child and it's in this complexity that exists beauty."

"How old are you brother?" he asked.

"I am twelve years old. "

"I thought many things of you before meeting you. I thought that you would be an arrogant child that would make me want to strangle them but you're not. My name is Chrysaor The Golden dear brother and I was sent by father to make sure you succeed. What is your name?"

"I'm Percy Jackson".

"Glad to meet you Percy. I just wished that I would meet you in another circumstance. Children shouldn't have to bear the weight of the world".

"I'm not a child and I can. I have to! If I didn't do it, there's assuredly going to be war"

"When you're older, wiser, I hope that the both of us will still be on this earth. At this moment, we'll talk again of the same thing and we'll see if you think the same."

The gaze of the satyr had turned sad. "Be angry for him. Be sad because of his lost innocence but don't you dare pity him. You are his friend, right? He asked.

"Yeah," the satyr answered.

"Continue to be there for him like you've been all this time. Loyalty runs in our veins. As long as you are, know that he would even destroy the world for you". The two questers had begun to blush.

" My Prince," one of the servants said. The two children of Poseidon turned toward the sea creature.

The telekhines realized his error." My Prince Chrysaor. The companion of the youngest prince had awakened. How should we proceed? She's a daughter of the war goddess and their kind is always hostile."

"Is she truly a daughter of Athena?" He asked the questers.

They answered with a nod" Why are you asking?"Percy questioned.

He stood up from his seat and chuckled" Let's just say that children of Poseidon almost always go through tragedies because of the goddess."

He turned toward the telekhine." I'll be going retrieve her myself". The sea monster bowed and left the table.

"What did Annabeth's mom do to you?". His younger brother asked.

"Me? She had cursed my maternal family and sent someone to assassinate my mother by beheading her. Her beheaded head is even to this day one of the symbols of the goddess."

"Athena, beheading, Chrysaor" The satyr whispered. His eyes widened" You are the child of Medusa, brother of Pegasus".

"Bingo" Chrysaor turned his back now facing them. He began to walk toward where he knew was the daughter of Athena.

"Chrysaor" Percy screamed. He stopped his next step. "You called me brother. If you truly meant it, please don't hurt her".

"What you are asking me is cruel brother".

"I know this and I'm sorry but she's my friend. We're not our parents. Please" the demigod begged. "You told me that being kind meant being strong and just by talking with you, I know you to be full of it. Please, don't hurt her". The demigod seemed on the verge of crying.

All the other guests even though they tried to act as if they were not eavesdropping failed at it.

With a flex of his will, a hand made of water ruffled the demigod's hair." I won't hurt her. I promise you this brother."

He continued toward the chamber of the daughter of Athena." Thanks", he heard behind him.

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