Demiurge (a Poseidon self-insert in Percy Jackson)

Kronos 2.9 A.K.A we are the result of all our experiences

Its ironic the moment I lost to Fate, was when I stopped believing in my ability to break it.





I walked away from the place where thousands of lives once stood, an entire population that had been thriving, turned into ashes.



Time had consumed everything from the people to the plant life to the home to the ground eyes. All of the once-hidden city had turned into ashes. Almost everything I corrected myself.



I didn't have to search long for my child. Everything in a 3-meter radius around him had been untouched.


I could see that Poseidon had thrust his palms forward and that they were smoking as if they had been burnt. Behind him, protected from the attack and left untouched was the caretaker, the servant named Arne.



The child fell painfully on his knees. "My prince, we have to go," I heard the girl say. She was trying to carry the child and flee until she saw me and fear marred her face.


She took from the ground a pitchfork that had been spared from my domain and pointed it at me.


"Brave," I spoke "but foolish".


"Give me the child and no harm will come to you," I told her.



I could see how her limbs shook with dread, how uncertain her footsteps were and how she had more chances to hurt herself than me with the way she carried the improvised weapon she had found.



"Arne, he will end you. Leave, please. Let him take me," Poseidon begged the woman.


"You should listen to him," I added.


The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them back, I saw Steel and already knew her answer. I tightened my grip on my scythe.



"I have always told you my lord that I would always be there with you. I could never leave your side. I know that in the future you'll be the greatest," she told her charge who was now crying.


She began to run towards me. My respect for her rose. I would not use my authority over time to finish her.



With a quick movement, the blade of my scythe cut through the air to meet the flesh of the neck of Arne. I watched how her head fell through the air and fell at Poseidon's side. Alas for Poseidon, it didn't stop here. Like a mockery of Fate, Blood, the blood of Arne was drenched on his face.



"Arne?" The child said softly. Nothing answered him except the head of his caretaker. The child took it as if it was divine and cradled it into his arms. Sobs wrecked the form of the child and ugly tears marred his unworldly features.



I had to stop myself from trying to comfort the child, my child. Guilt began to pool like a poison into my guts. 'You do it for your siblings,' I reminded myself. 'Don't forget that.



My mind went back to the real world, to the sobs of Poseidon. I began to walk towards my child.


Poseidon turned towards me and I saw in his eyes a hatred so deep, so strong that I knew it surpassed the one I had for my father. "YOU!" The voice of Poseidon bellowed and with his anger, the world began to scream.



Howling razors wind flew from the child cutting dents and gouges into the ground. Rain fell angrily on the ground. Gigantic Plants and thorns erupted from the ground under me.


I took a step back to avoid them. I looked around me and saw how the ashes began to clump together making humanoid shapes.


I began to smell the ocean with its distinctive odour of saltwater. As if to confirm my sense of smell, geysers of water exploded from the ground and began to cover everything in my sight.


Worst than everything I just thought, I felt through my domain time being altered. I crushed the guilt in my heart. Poseidon could not be allowed to stay within my kingdom any longer. When two deities shared their domains, the act of usurpation became possible.



Normally it shouldn't be possible to usurp the authority of a god. A deity was his domain, shaped by it. Having your domain usurped would be equivalent to having a core part of yourself removed.



I had been able to see through peeking into the waves of time how the phenomenon happened. Calling it cruelty would be an understatement. The victims who suffered it were left irreversibly broken. Kronos saw how most victims of domain usurpation chose of their own will to encounter, to plunge into Khaos' stomach rather than to continue living a half-life.



I would not allow any possibility of that happening to me.


I focused my attention back on Poseidon. Cracks of light were surging through his skin as if his body was a chrysalis being shed. I could see sparks of green and red lights in the pupils of the child.




Poseidon was trying to take his true form. I activated my authority over time and froze everything. I played with a frozen raindrop in the air with my fingers moving it.



My focus went back to Poseidon. Most of His body was frozen except his eyes, which were moving, his angry and fearful eyes.



I walked until I was just in front of the child. "It's not fair!" the boy uttered.


"You can still speak?" I said feeling surprised. "Impressive," I complimented Poseidon.


I put softly my hand on the cheek of my From another's perspective this might look like the action of a loving father," I thought out loud.



I sighed "Such a joke."


"Poseido-, no child of mine" I corrected myself. "Let this be my first and only lesson to you. The world doesn't care about fairness or unfairness, morality or immorality."



The hateful eyes of my son were turned toward ms seemingly indicating the attention of the child "Only one thing matters and that is strength. Strength is the only truth of the cosmos. Strength is what decides if your actions are just or not. Strength is what allows you to protect the ones you care for."



My jaw bent and grew bigger "If you had been strong enough, none of them would have died. It all happened because you were weak and the weak can't change anything" With those words, I bit into the flesh of Poseidon.

The only thing that Kronos taught Poseidon was that only strength mattered. Is it a surprise that after losing Arne, the people that were worshipping and this lesson, Poseidon became a piece of shit? [/author]

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