Demiurge (a Poseidon self-insert in Percy Jackson)

Kronos I A.K.A the beginning of an end

 Wrote this chapter while listening to 4 Morant of Doja Cat.   

He was born the youngest and the weakest child of the earth mother and the sky father. His siblings and he had been sired by a father that hated them, that despised their existence.

The Titans were he said failures, a shame on the divine pedigree they came from. They were children of primordials and even for mortals, they would have been seen as godlike, for their father, they were weak disappointments.

The sky father had never truly been a father. Kronos wondered if he could have tried to act like one even if Ouranos had wanted.

The Titans have been luckier than their older siblings. They had been deemed acceptable by their primordial father at birth. They hadn't been thrown because of this fact in the stomach of the pit unlike their siblings the Cyclops or the Hecantoncheires.

Living under Ouranos had been torture, one that he would not even wish on his accursed children. Ouranos may have not thrown them in the pit but it didn't mean that he had been kind to them.

They had been more playthings or toys for the primordial than children. Kronos could remember it very well. He could remember the almighty fear that had been a permanent resident of his heart.

He remembered the humiliations, he remembered the laughs, he remembered the pain, so deep and visceral that his mind had to be put back multiple times by his mother.

Maybe it is why of all of his children, Zeus was the one he hated the most. The youngest Kronide had made him relieve his worst memories each time they clashed with his almost identical if not different intensity lightning than the one of his father.

Kronos at that time had seen how his siblings and him suffered and had tried to stop it. He had at the beginning foolishly thought that deep inside the black heart of Ouranos existed a modicum of love and care for the Titans due to the fact that he had not trapped them in Tartarus at birth.

He had gone alone to his father to plead, to beg him to change the way he treated his children.

A smile had blossomed on the celestial face of the primordial. Kronos had thought that it meant that his father understood, wasn't angry at Kronos and would try to change.

He had thought that the sky itself had found in him an ounce of care. Kronos had been wrong. He had been one moment watching the smiling face of his father and at the next moment, Kronos had nearly been undone.

His siblings and his mother were the only reason he survived. His siblings had learnt of what he had planned to do and expecting the worst, they had gone directly to their mother.

The first lightning strike of his father had burned through him and travelled into ichor ravaging and destroying Kronos from the inside. The lightning of Ouranos had almost snuffed out the divine essence, the immortal soul of Kronos.

Kronos had been unable to do anything. He had been scared. He had thought at that moment that he would have met his end and for which reason? Because he had asked for kindness? How was it fair!?

His father was on the point of ending Kronos's existence when his mother interposed herself between the two of them taking the brunt of the attack to protect him.

Kronos didn't remember what happened after because Kronos at that moment between existence and non-existence had become oblivious to the world around him.

He gained back awareness in an underground cave hidden from the sky and surrounded by his siblings that he would learn after had not left his side since the moment he was brought back by Gaia.

They hugged him and called him stupid. They had told him that they would prefer to suffer for eternity than lose their youngest brother.

At that moment, two emotions had bloomed in the youngest of the Uranides. Disgust and anger had bloomed into Kronos.

Kronos had been disgusted by his weakness. He was disgusted by his inability to change things. He was disgusted by the fact that his weakness made his siblings cry and worry.

Kronos had been angry. He had been angry at the world and its unfairness. He had been angry at his father and his cruelty. He had been angry at his mother that was the one that made Ouranos king of the cosmos, that still loved their cruel sire after all of his cruelty towards her children.

She was their mother. A parent's duty should be to protect their children at any cost. Gaea either didn't understand that fact or didn't really care.

Kronos and his siblings continued to live in the entrails of the earth, hidden from the sky, hidden from their cruel father.

Kronos waited. He had been born holding within him time itself, the never-ending clock that sent everything toward a promised end.

Time had taught Kronos something. Everything whether it be flowers, lower creatures, universal laws and even divinities will end one day. The walk towards the end is an inescapable fact of reality. In the end, Time had been and was still whispering to him, ‘The only remaining thing will be the primordial chaos that in the end will awaken from his eternal slumber. Death, life, existence, thought, earth, fate, the abyss, and the ocean will all be turned nil.’

Kronos just had to wait and everything he ever wished for would be realized. It had not been wrong.

One day, Gaea, the earth mother got enough of the sky father. The almost unlimited love she had for the other primordial depleted and disappeared one day to be replaced by an emotion Kronos was so deeply familiar with, Hatred.

One day she came to the Uranides angry. She talked with her toxic green eyes of revenge, of justice. She talked of overthrowing. She talked about doing something that had never been done before. She talked of felling down a primordial.

She came to the Titans and asked for their help in her scheme. What she was asking them was madness, it was self-destruction at its best. If the attempt failed, the Titan that had helped would surely have their existence erased by their father.

It was like asking an ant to go against the sun. It was like asking mortals to go against a god. It was foolish.

No Titan had been brave or stupid enough to try to help their mother except one Titan, Kronos himself.

Kronos had been exhausted to love like an insect, underground fearing for his life. Kronos had been exhausted from feeling weak. All things ended and it was the only universal truth.

Kronos told his fearful siblings that he knew that one day, he would meet Chaos but he preferred to do so by being proud and fighting for something he believed than by withering away like a spineless coward.

Shame had bloomed on the faces of his siblings. Oceanus had been the only one to refuse to help in what he called an elaborate suicide. All the Uranides except Oceanus came forward to stand with Kronos before the Earth mother. They had come together in this world and will leave it together if they have to have Lapetus said. Themis had said that she would not forgive herself if she had let one of her siblings be hurt because she was scared. Koios, Hyperion, Kreios(Krios), Iapetus, Kronos Tethys, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoibe (Phoebe), Dione and Theia had walked toward their mother and accepted to be part of what she had in mind to get rid of Ouranos.

Their mother had made two plans to put down her husband. The first one was for her to trick Ouranos, inviting him to lie with her. At that moment, she will shackle the primordial god of the sky. To make sure that he would not free himself too quickly, each of the siblings of Kronos would try to restrain one of the members of the primordial deity. Kronos would be the one to strike against Ouranos.

From the core of the earth, bathed in the blood of Gaia and holding in all her hatred came a scythe. Kronos took the ominous weapon in his left hand. With it, Gaia said that Kronos could come as close as possible to end Ouranos.

A primordial could not be killed unless the domain it embodied was destroyed. What Kronos could do with the scythe was to make sure that Ouranos will take millions of years before he was able to take the shape of anything else than his original body.

“What is the second plan” Mnemosyne had asked their mother.

“She is the second plan” their mother has said. “Come forth, daughter,” the earth mother said.

Behind Gaia, she came. For a moment she wasn't there, the next one, she was. She was more like a shade discarding with every moment the natural rules of the world.

Only one word could describe her and it was divine. No, calling her divine was diminishing her magnificence. She had green eyes, the same shade that their mother had. Through them, Kronos could try to discern her true nature behind her mortal mask and see images of monstrous things waiting to be released. Kronos could see through her eyes madness begging to be released. Each nanosecond he was looking at her in the eyes was one Kronos could definitively lose himself.

She was Power, she was everything that Kronos wished to be. Kronos at that moment knew that he wanted her to be his forever.

“Daughter?” Hyperion asked.

“Yes. She's your sister. The difference between her and all of you resides in the fact of the identity of her father. I present to you, Rhea, daughter of Aether”. The name being uttered by Gaia had brought for an instant the attention of the Protegenos of the blue ether of the heavens.

It felt as if all the air inside their lungs had been removed. Kronos could feel himself losing his balance. Behind him, his other siblings hadn't been as lucky as him. They had fallen on their knees clawing at their necks. It was becoming harder to think. They didn't need to breathe air to live yet with the utterance of the name of the older god, they had been turned into nothing more than mortals. Kronos had put his right arm on a wall of the gigantic cavern they were in to not fall. The attention of the older deity became disinterested and left them. It had allowed the Titans to be able to breathe again.

All the other Titans except Kronos took a step back from the daughter of Aether. Most of the time, deities didn't react immediately by having their name uttered. In their lessons about the world before given by their mother, saying the name of the protogenoi or other primordial gods had not brought their attention to the Uranides. The way Aether had instantaneously turned toward them implied that the daughter of the protogenoi benefitted from his attention. It meant that Aether cared about Rhea.

There was an order to the world. Ouranos, King of the cosmos stayed king because other primordials like the pit, necessity, depth, night, darkness, Day and Aether, the upper air didn't care about ruling the universe.

The Titans may be like mortals before Ouranos but before the other Primordial except for the earth mother, he fell short painfully in every way possible. Ouranos, the sky father was young and weak before his peers.

“If the first plan fails, Rhea here is the key to making sure that Ouranos is unable to come out unscathed.” The Earth mother continued.

“How?” Koios questioned. “Even with her parentage, I don't see how she could by herself chance the scales against the sky Father unless her own father intervened”.

Gaia said nothing at first. She walked towards her daughter. She went behind Rhea and hugged her from the back. She closed her eyes and let her head fall on the shoulder of her daughter.

From the shoulder of her daughter, she opened her eerie green eyes that Rhea had inherited and Spoke “Rhea is the second plan because unlike you and other siblings, She is perfect.”

Gaia took her right hand and put it on the doll-like face of Rhea “She is as strong if not stronger than all the children I had with the sky. She's more beautiful and radiant than all of her siblings. She doesn't suffer from the difformities of your siblings in the pit or of the weakness of any of you Koios. Your father wasn't wrong calling you weak or your siblings twisted. He was wrong and drew my ire when he was a bad and cruel father when even with all your defaults, he should have loved all of you”.

Kronos could feel anger and betrayal flower inside of him. The grip he had on the scythe became harder. He could see the same feelings with sadness etched on the face of his siblings. They had finally the reason why all this time, Gaia had done nothing. She didn't think that what Ouranos thought of them was wrong. She just cared about him hurting them, about him not fulfilling the role of the perfect husband and father that she had expected him to fulfil.

Kronos wanted to scream at her. It was not their fault that they were born weak. If they could, they wouldn't be. If Kronos could have chosen, his siblings and he would have been strong to dethrone their father by themselves. If Kronos had chosen, He would have been strong enough to not be living hidden underground from the sky and the surface world like a rat with his siblings.

Gaia intertwined her right arm with Rhea.“Come, Rhea, let's leave until the chosen day”.

The two goddesses began to sink into the ground as if it was a liquid. Gaia turned towards them and said “I'll inform you when it's time. Prepare yourselves. Everything could happen. Only Rhea’s survival and mine are assured.”

The only ones left in the caves were the Titans. Kronos had at that moment gripped tighter his scythe. If it had been a lesser construct, it would have broken under the strength of the Titan.

Ouranos’s cruelty, Gaia’s apathy, and the unfairness of the world, it has at all been because of Power. Kronos had sworn to himself at that moment that he would do anything to erase this weakness. He would do everything so that the ones seeing him as lesser because of it would never be able to again.


The day when they'll be facing their cruel father finally came. They acted as if their sense of normality had never been stripped. They acted as if they were not going to commit the heinous sin of patricide.

Was it truly surprising that cruelty and unfairness only brought to this world conflict? Was it truly surprising for the new to raise against the old?

They acted as if they didn't see disapproval in the eyes of their elder sibling because they knew that Oceanus was content with existing and not living. After all, his fear and cowardice were greater than the love he had for them in his heart. They acted as if they didn't go toward their annihilation because what was the point of fearing the end when you'll meet on your own terms?

The walk toward destruction was an endless one but Kronos and his siblings instead of trying to evade the inescapable will go towards it.

They left the cave behind them, the cave that had been both their prison and their home. It was them leaving a meek existence to reach for more.

They let themselves contemplate the world in comfortable silence. The beauty of the earth and its mountains. The sound of life and the light of Hemera shone gold on them as if to welcome them.

Kronos turned towards his siblings “You all can still go back to hide with Oceanus. It is not too late” the youngest Uranide spoke.

“We already told you Kronos” Hyperion began. “We came together in this world” continued Lapetus “and we'll leave it together” finished his older sister Themis.

All the rest of his siblings nodded to the words of their three siblings. A smile bloomed involuntarily on the face of Kronos. “We’re truly fools”. The deity turned away from the beauty of the world to gaze at his siblings. The world may have been beautiful but for Kronos, its beauty was insignificant before his siblings. He wanted the last image to be engraved in his mind to be them. “If we fail, I want all of you to know that you made this wretched existence supportable, worth fighting for”.

“You had never been the kind of person to communicate your feelings,” said in a teasing way his older sister Tethys. “You're beautiful when you smile and show your true self.”

She came close to him and hugged him. “It's just a shame that it is maybe the last time we see your smile.”

He hugged her back “It won't be the last one, I promise you this sister. Have I ever lied to any of you?” he asked her?

“No, but you're full of tricks and cunning” she answered. She leaned harder into the hug.

“Why are you all staying away,” Tethys said to their siblings. Gigantic hands of water busted from her back. Each one went to grab one of the siblings. With their targets in hand, they came back to their master.

“You're too sentimental sister,” Koios said in the makeshift family hug created by Tethys.

“It may be true” Tethys answered “but none of you tried to free themselves when they easily could have done so”.

Koios grumbled but said nothing. Their family embrace was ended by a growl of the earth, by an earthquake. They turned toward each other and nodded. It was the signal of their mother. They all knew what it indicated. The sky father had left the heavens to lie with Gaia the earth mother.

Over them, the sky itself left his immutable place in the heavens and began to move toward the earth. Most mortal creatures that had not taken refuge underground would die crushed between the contact of the sky and the earth.

The primordial was unaware of the plan dressed against him. Ouranos would not expect to be attacked.

With a movement of his wrist, Kronos bent the material world and its space dimension. He put his siblings in the corner of the world, at the edge of Khaos’ body. Kronos had inherited from his mother a greater dominion over the earth than his siblings but what made him unique, and special was his dominion over time.

He had been given his name in honour of the primordial that presided over time. Time and space were two linked dimensions. It could even be said that they were the same thing. They could have taken their true forms and disregarded the rules of the world to reach the emplacement they were supposed to be to make the plan work but it would have probably alerted Ouranos of their presence, something they didn't need.

Instead, Kronos had sped up the time that would be taken them to each reach they should be at. By almost making the time of their travel null, Kronos through the rules that govern the material world crossed the distance, the space between their original location to where they were supposed to go.

His siblings were at the corners of the world waiting for the signal of their mother. Kronos was at the place where the two primordial will collide first to copulate. He had taken the shape of a pebble to not be seen by his father

The Earth and the sky collided creating a nightmare-ish sound. The world screamed in agony. Living mortal creatures died and lesser immortals that hadn't been able to hide suffered in agony crushed under the weight of the sky.

A continent in the shape of a hand wrapped itself around the neck of the sky father. From the Earth, thousands of gigantic adamantine chains thicker than mountains went around the body of the sky father to ensnare him.

“Gaia, what are you doing” the primordial voice boomed. The voice of the sky destroyed the nature around them. The ground cave out. Flowers withered. A shockwave erupted from his words sending flying everything around him.

“Making you pay” the Earth mother answered before screaming at her children “Do it now”

From the four corners of the world, the siblings of Kronos took their true shapes. Even at the edges of the world, Kronos could see his siblings. Even though they were not naturally as gigantic as their parents, it didn't mean that they were small. Even Kronos, the shortest amongst his siblings was in his true form and without shapeshifting towering over the highest mountains that stopped at his knees.

Lapetus was on the west side of the world. In his hand materialized a spear even bigger than him. The spear in his hand began to turn dark red. From it, Kronos could hear screams of suffering, of pain. “Let me give you your cornepussance Father” The voice of Lapetus boomed. “Take all the pain, take all the suffering you created a hundredfold” he screamed before plunging his spear with savagery into one of the feet of their father”.

The sky father roared in agony. “I hope you've prepared yourself, Father” screamed the gigantic form of Mnemosyne. The deity began to draw on the air as if it was solid inscriptions. More than being inscriptions, they felt arcane to Kronos. They oozed power. The eyes of Kronos continued to analyze them. They were foci, intermediaries to bend the rule of the world through what they described and told. Mnemosyne had found a way to breach into domains she shouldn't be having access to. It was genius.

The letters flew around the spear of Lapetus before they each began to integrate themselves into it. The spear began to glow brighter. Arcs of red energy flickered around it. The spear of Lapetus went further into the primordial god's leg.

“Stop it! stop it!” begged the primordial. “How dare you? I’m your father.” The primordial god tried to escape by using his other feet to kick his treacherous children.

He failed to free himself. Dione and Themis were there to stop his attempt. “Not on my watch!” Dione said. From her back erupted white wings. The wings began to grow until they were the same size as the member of Ouranos. The wings feather began to fall like an endless rain on Ouranos leg nailing it. Themis to help her sister directed her fingers to the legs of the god. “The world and I find you guilty of cruelty,” the older sister of Kronos said. Before her fingers materialized silvers chains with blades on their end. They rushed towards the pinned foot. They penetrated through it, came out of the other side and enrolled themselves around it.

“You too,” said the primordial in agony. “Did all of you betray me?”

“You were the first to do so when you hurt one of us” spoke Themis.

“Don't think it's finished Ouranos, it's just the beginning,” said Theia. She turned toward her brother Hyperion. “Let's make him suffer.” Her brother nodded. Golden flames erupted from both of them. It tore through the dark emptiness that made the sleeping body of Khaos. It was as if a second sun had been created. The pillar of fire twisted as if alive and changed its course. It took the shape of a giant sword and came back vengeful toward the trapped primordial right hand to pin it down.

The primordial screamed in agony. “Can't you shut up?” spoke Koios annoyed. From the Uranide, frost and cold began to creep into the real world. It creaked and cracked like broken bones. The cold created by his brother surged forward toward the mouth of the primordial god of the sky. It entered his mouth. “Maybe that will make shut up,” the brother of Kronos said before cracking his left thumb. Gigantic and sharp stalagmites pierced through the inside of the mouth of the primordial. It pierced through his tongue, through the soft inner parts of his mouth.

“You created such a beautiful sight brother, but it can be improved” Phoebe spoke. Light began to twist and distort around her right hand. “It is said that the sky has a night omniscient vision. Let's see dear Father if it stays the same after that”. Unbelievably hot wisps of light that even Kronos from his hiding spot half a world away from the location of his sister could feel went just right under the eyes of his father, burrowed through his skin, twisted and went through the back of the sclera of the primordial. The eyes of the primordial exploded in golden mush. “Something interesting” his sister continued “ is that due to our natures as divine beings, we don't stop regenerating. I learnt that through you. I'm grateful. I know that you can feel my light under your flesh. I gave it one command, to destroy your eyes again and again for all eternity. Normally it wouldn't have worked but you're trapped, Father thanks to Mother and my siblings.” The daughter leaned toward one of the ears of her father and whispered, “I hope it hurts, I hope you feel helpless, I hope you feel weak like you always made us feel”.

Ouranos screamed in agony. He tried to speak maybe to curse his children or to beg but the ice spikes in his mouth made him unable to talk. “I always dreamt of doing this. Thanks, Mother. Without you, it would not have been possible.”

“Don't thank me. I'm the best mother after all. I give only the best gifts to my children.” the voice of Gaia rumbled.

“He still got a free hand,” said Krios. Vines began to erupt around him and raised toward the sky father. “Let's make sure he doesn't escape.” Lianas and thorns began to wrap themselves around the wrist of the remaining hand. They began to tighten into the flesh of the primordial. Golden ichor began to fall as a waterfall from his wrist but Krios continued to tighten his grip over their father.

A gigantic hand of water as big as the body of Ouranos obscured the Earth from the rays of the sun. “I just want this to end,” said Tethys. The giant of water that she had created exploded and rained on the body of the primordial. The raindrops that fell into the body of Ouranos penetrated his divine flesh. “Let me show you the results of your teaching Father. I had once been before the birth of Phoebe and Kronos the target of your wrath. I didn’t and still don't understand why your ire had been directed at me but at that moment, I had instinctively tried to protect myself. I created an armour of saltwater just over my skin. I could have and should have materialized pure water but I panicked and didn't. Your lightning tore through my shield, flayed me open and put into my self-regenerative skin half liquid and half gaseous salt. It is a sensation I will never forget. You taught me suffering. Let me give you back the teachings you gave me”.

The Giant primordial tried to move but failed to do so. His screams were muted due to the torture he was subjected to by one of his sons. “You know” the Uranide continued. “Salt at high temperatures turns liquid and at greater heat, it can boil. Don't worry Father, your suffering won't end. I made sure that the temperature of the salt in your body rise endlessly without boiling. I know that you can feel it under your skin as if ants were crawling and spewing fire into it, I hope you like this gift of mine”.

“Kronos, it is the perfect moment. Do it now” screamed Gaia to her youngest son.

Kronos didn't need to be told twice. He shifted to his true form immediately. He gripped the scythe tightly and with a swing sped up almost infinitely by his domain directed the scythe toward the neck of his sire.

The adamant Scythe entered contact with the neck of the trapped primordial. It bit into his flesh, found resistance but continued his journey to the other side of the neck of Ouranos. Kronos had almost succeeded when what they feared happened.

Ouranos found a way to free himself. With a scream, the primordial broke through his restraints. The primordial god retreated into the heavens away from Gaia's touch.

The sky father looked incensed beyond reason. He looked mad. The stalagmites in his mouth were turned to nothing. One of his had been able to regenerate. The injuries he received from punishments that had been inflicted on him to nail him down were mending. The only thing that didn't seem to be healing was the cut created by the scythe of Kronos. “You, you wretched insects. You dared hurt me,” the primordial god screamed. He lifted his right hand over his head. In his empty palm began to materialize tendrils that were reddish-orange coloured at their top and blue at their bottom. A reddish Halo took shape in the space between Gaia and the Sky Father.

“Be erased forever from my kingdom, ungrateful insects” the primordial screamed before sending his attack toward Gaia’s body.

Kronos and his siblings each tried to stop the attack. Kronos tried to trap it in a movement-less space but the attack broke through it. His siblings tried to stop it by making a giant dome of white fire and time-stopping Frost. It failed. Mnemosyne and Phoebe tried to erect together a giant iron shield to protect Gaia but it pierced through it.

Nothing the Uranides had tried to do to stop the attack worked. It was pretty clear that they failed and they would have their existence erased by their Father. Kronos should have done the smart thing. He should have given up but thinking about going such a thing sickened him. He looked at the fearful faces of his siblings, at the despair etched on them and gripped his scythe.

With a jump that pulverized the earth around him, Kronos sent himself flying toward the attack of his father. “Kronos!?” screamed his siblings. He covered the scythe with his divinity. He would never stop fighting. He will never let himself be crushed by the world again without fighting.

The heat of the attack reached Kronos. It felt unsupportable. Even Hyperion at his best would not be able to produce such heat. Kronos knew that this attack reaching him meant destruction yet fearlessly, he swang with all of his might the scythe. It entered into contact with the scythe of Kronos and set it and Kronos in flames. Kronos bit his tongue to not let out a scream.

From his back, he grew 6 pairs of wings that immediately were ignited. He ignored the pain and tried to push back the attack. It didn't seem to work but Kronos continued. Kronos being erased didn't matter. He was the youngest and the weakest of his siblings. He wasn't as talented or strong or smart as them but they still loved him and never been cruel to him. They had been the main reason why Kronos hadn't tried to end himself. His hatred toward Ouranos and his siblings were two of the main reasons why Kronos had accepted to be a part of the plan of their mother.

Kronos' existence never truly mattered to the world. It only mattered to his siblings and this was why he could not even at what seemed to be his obvious end give up. Kronos could feel his divine essence fizzling out almost a dying flame. He closed his eyes“Let the story of Kronos end,” Kronos prayed mentally to whatever superior could hear him “but please, make sure my siblings survive”.

Kronos began to lose his grip over his scythe. The flesh of Kronos had been consumed completely to leave behind bones that were bending and being reduced to embers each second.

At the moment Kronos thought it would be his end, the weight and the heat of the attack lessened. They were still present but they were diminished. Kronos turned around him to see all of his siblings except Oceanus trying to push away the attack. “Why? I have given you enough time to leave Gaia, to try to escape. Now, we're surely going to die”. Whispered Kronos.

“You thought that we would let you be consumed without intervening?” screamed Hyperion. “You truly are stupid” continued Krios. “We came together in this world and we will leave it together” finished Tethys.

“If you want us to live,” screamed Mnemosyne “stop trying to throw your life away. Stop being selfish. How could you imagine us living after letting our little brother die to protect us?”.

“Live for us and we'll live for you” shouted Themis.

“Let's do the impossible” yelled Phoebe. “Let's give it back to our Father”.

Kronos turned toward his siblings and saw them nod. He began to laugh maybe because of the pain maybe because of the situation. He wondered how he looked. He probably did look like one of the monstrous creatures that had as abode the deepest part of Tartarus.

“Let's do it”. Kronos yelled.

“Yes,” his siblings screamed back.

With all their might the Uranides began to try to push back against the lightning attack of their father. They pushed in synchronization with all their might.

At first, it seemed as if nothing happened but little by little, the attack began to slow down. “Don't even think about doing that my accursed children,” Spoke the sky father. From his hand surged a hurricane that began to push the attack even faster against his children.

A Continent in the shape of a hand began to help the Uranides “Don't you forget me.” the voice of Gaia boomed.

“It seemed one wasn't enough” the voice of the primordial god of the sky echoed. “Let's see how you deal with another gigantic blue sprite”.

Another one began to materialize in his hand. Kronos turned towards his siblings. “If we're lucky enough to one day live again on another form, I hope to be your brother again.”

“Me too,” Hyperion said.

Words of confirmation came from his siblings. They turned towards their father. The deity attack had completely materialized and as if it was a spear, the god threw it at the Uranides and Gaia.

It was at that moment that she came. With her left leg, she kicked Ouranos in the face and with a twist of her leg sent him flying into Khaos’ body.

She materialized a giant sword in one of her hands. With a nonchalant flick of her wrist, it was sent flying toward the two attacks of the primordial god. It flew and speared through them making them lose their shape and explode without causing any damage to the Uranides. The sword continued to fly into Gaia until it came out to the other side of the earth before continuing without stopping to go forward.

She flew with green and blue colourful wings close to them. “Sorry Mother. I had forgotten it was today but now, you can all rest.” She turned toward the empty space that was occupied by the sky.

 “Because” Rhea continued softly “I am now here.”

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