Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 83 - Powerful

Chapter 83 - Powerful

Ren went to a weapon shop and bought a spear. This confused not only Lara and Hilda, but even Silika was confused as well. She though that the weapon Ren would buy would be something like two short swords. Silika who had dived deep into Ren's soul knew of his numerous reincarnations, especially that of Leo, and most of these reincarnations were dual bladed wielders. So Silika was pretty sure that he would buy short swords.

"Master, why buy a spear? Why not buy two short swords instead, weren't those what you were practicing on using in the forest?" Silika's voice echoed in Ren's mind.

"I bought a spear instead of two short swords because I don't want to use that style of swordsmanship with half ass*d equipment. That's why I wanted to make weapons out of Dragon claws. If I use this normal swords, after three to six moves they would break. That's even after I use enhancement magic."

"I see... Still why a spear though?"

"Oh that, it's nothing much. I saw an interesting fighting style that I wanted to use."


After buying what he needed, Ren and his party headed out. The last sighting of the Arcadia Wolves, was at the path in the grasslands where the merchants usually pass by coming from Helios city to west.

It was a short sprint for the group as they reached the grasslands. The moment they stepped foot into the path, Ren could sense the approaching enemies. It would seem that the whole grassland area was the Arcadia Wolves territory.

"You guys stay back and watch. I want to test out some new things I learned. If some wolves are able to somehow get away from me, I'll leave those to you." Ren spoke as his right hand tightened its grip on the spear he bought.

Hilda could only grit her teeth and listen to Ren's order since he was the party leader. Even if she tried to argue about the order, it would end up with a group vote, and seeing that Lara will literally do anything Ren's says, doing a group vote wasn't really an option.

Seeing that no one said anything else, Ren walked towards the incoming Arcadia wolves. From a distance since it was a wide open grassland, you could see that their were dozens of Arcadia Wolves running towards Ren. It would seem that they numbered around thirty or so Arcadia Wolves. This was a large pack, which made Ren even more excited.

As the wolves were getting closer, Ren raised his left hand up. Four magic circles suddenly formed in the surrounding air and began rotating as they grew larger and larger. This was one of the things he learned from the people in his visions. Spells didn't need chants, all you needed was the knowledge of how to weave mana, and a bit of imagination. As long as you're able to control the mana flow properly, you won't need the assistance of the elements. This was a new form of spell casting.

Hilda and Lara were amazed to see the huge magic circles. Hilda in particular was really amazed. She has seen a high ranking mage once use a similar wide area spell. That one spell the mage used was able to kill hundreds of soldiers, but the preparations, and the chant time was so long. Yet Ren's was of a smaller scale, but still pretty large, and he did it in an instant. This was totally different way to use spells.

Shortly thereafter, Ren lowered his his left arm with vigor. Dozens upon dozens of electrified sword looking objects rained out of the magic circles to causing wonderful sound of explosions, burning the grass with a majority of the Arcadia Wolves.

Seeing that some Arcadia Wolves were able to survive, Ren was excited to try another spell. He snapped his fingers and five medium sized magic circles appeared in front of him. Out of the magic circles came icy frost.

The icy frost that came out of the magic circles stopped the flames from burning, no it made the grass and the flames freeze over. The Arcadia Wolves were able to survive this, but there movements have dulled, all except for the Arcane Arcadia wolf, which used a spell to surround itself with flame.

Seeing that the wolves were getting closer, Ren readied his spear with a smile on his face. Ren then dashed forward on the now icy plain. Ren held the spear in his right hand, and threw it. As Ren was throwing the spear he added a spin to the throw and released it. The moment the spear was thrown it turned into something that looked like a tornado and hit the Arcadia Wolves that were near him.

After that Ren picked up his spear and took a stance. The remaining Arcadia wolves, plus the Arcane Arcadia wolf dashed forward, attacking Ren on all sides. Ren then swung his spear in a circular motion, pushing the Arcadia Wolves, and the Arcane Arcadia wolf upward into the air.

Ren then jumped upward as he danced and darted about among the confused and hapless opponents. An overwhelming, six meters long aura exploded out from the sharp blade of his weapon as he swung his spear around.

With this one move, Ren was able to cleave the opponents in half. Yet after he finished using the move, and landed on the ground the spear he held shattered and turned into dust. Now all that remains of the opponents were charred bodies, frozen pieces, and chunks of flesh. Still Ren was able to control his attacks well enough that the the Arcane Arcadia wolf was still fully intact with only a single piercing hole in the middle of its body.

Lara who was watching from the side, even though her face remained stoic, she was getting really excited in the inside, as she witnessed how much stronger Ren has become.

Hilda on the other hand looked at the overwhelming way Ren battled, and in awe, she mumbled the words.


Ren on the other hand was also surprised. This was the first time he used these techniques, as he only saw them in a dream like vision. He was expecting these techniques to be strong based on what he saw, but he wasn't expecting them to be this strong. Still the overall mana consumption with using these techniques was nothing to joke about. After that battle Ren only had around six percent of his mana remaining. It would take three days for his mana pool to fill up again. Still using those techniques was worth it.

"How incredible." Ren whispered to himself as he got excited just thinking about using the other techniques he witnessed at that time.

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