Demon God

Chapter 230: Unexpected Threat

"Ugh..." A groan escaped out from Desire's lips as soon as he felt his consciousness return to his body, opening his eyes.

"Haaah...did I pass out or something, I can't remember what happened last night," Desire murmured as he tried to get up from the bed.

However...he couldn't move, mainly because of the weight on his right side.

"What the..." Desire said as he turned his head around to look at the source of the weight.

Of course, it was Jarina, who had a peaceful look on her face as she hugged Desire.

"Ah, right...Jarina was sucking my mana last night," Desire murmured as he...returned to his previous position before.

Well, he didn't want to wake Jarina up now that he knows that she's sleeping soundly right next to him.

"Still...why did she suddenly become so aggressive last night? I think I passed out just because of how strong she sucked out my mana..."

Right, Desire couldn't remember how he fell asleep last night even though he had the Heavenly Demon Trait, the trait that helps him remember even the tiniest detail in a happening.

Either way, Desire suspected that it was because of how fast his mana ran out that he passed out.

However, the only thing that Desire couldn't answer in this situation is...why did Jarina suddenly become aggressive?

"She's always docile...maybe that's just her true nature? Well, whatever. She'll explain things to me soon enough."

Right...Jarina would definitely explain her actions to Desire once she wakes up, and it seems that Desire didn't have to wait for her any longer as Jarina opened her eyes.

"Hmmmm~" Jarina's refreshed yawn resounded out in this place as she also began to stretch her arms out.

"Oh, you're awake now." Desire said as he turned his head towards Jarina.

"Desire? Ah!" Jarina suddenly shouted out loud as her eyes widened up when she realized what she did yesterday.

She then got up from the bed, her naked body was visible and was seen by Desire's eyes.

Well...Desire has already seen Jarina naked before so it didn't really matter to Desire.

But...Desire could feel his manly instincts react to Jarina's naked body once more as if that was his only purpose.

'Damn...this must really be because of her race,' Desire thought as he tried to keep his sword down.

However, Desire didn't have the time to think about this as Jarina, while naked, suddenly bowed her head and body towards Desire.

Of course, she was prostrating on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" Jarina shouted out loud as her forehead touched the ground, but she was not done as she continued.

"I got carried away yesterday...I'm sorry!" She continued with a really sincere voice.

Well, it was because Jarina knew how dangerous it was for her to suck Desire's mana aggressively.

"I-I...I almost killed you..." Jarina said again with a shaking voice as her purple eyes...started to be wet with tears.

And what she said was...definitely the truth.

Jarina almost killed Desire just because she couldn't control herself and she knows this fact very well.

Suckus is a race that lives and survives from eating someone else's mana.

But even if a Suckus sucks someone's mana, it wouldn't really kill them or endanger them.

Of course, that much is common sense. However, if a Suckus sucks too much and loses control, that Suckus might just suck all of that person's mana, eventually sucking also that person's life force.

After all, life force can be an alternative to mana, but...if one's life force runs out, one would die.

And if a Suckus can't control herself, was only a matter of time until she sucks life force, and in this case, Desire's life force.

That was why Jarina almost killed Desire as she lost control and was close to zapping out Desire's life force without even knowing it last night.

Of course, this is the real reason why Desire lost consciousness and couldn't even remember why when he woke up.

However, it's not like Desire really did die since he was awake and was even talking to Jarina right now.

But...the fact that Jarina endangered Desire's life was enough for her to be shaken up to her core.

"I'm sorry..." Jarina murmured again as tears finally fell from her eyes, dropping to the ground.

And what Desire had to say about this was...

'Geez, so she can kill me by sucking my mana. Talk about an unexpected threat right beside me...'

Desire knew that Suckus can kill people just by sucking their mana, but he never expected that he would be threatened by a Suckus since they were on friendly terms.

Well...Desire was basically the future ruler of the Suckus race since he would marry Jarina in the future, the princess of the Suckus race.

So it was really unexpected for him that he would be threatened by a Suckus, even more so if that Suckus is Jarina.

Of course, Desire wasn't really angry about it since nothing really happened to him or to Jarina.

Desire then spoke as he looked down on Jarina, "Hah. What happened, anyway? Why did you become so aggressive in sucking my mana?"

And when Jarina heard that, she quickly spoke.

"I-I don't know. After that commotion in the tavern and we returned back to the mansion, instincts took over my body and I couldn't control myself."

"It's probably because...of that man."

"That man?" Desire asked.

"Yes. That man who gave me a disgusting look. It seems that my instincts as a Suckus awakened when that man gave me that disgusting look, and I just...found myself craving for your mana since then. No...not just your mana, I wanted to have you all for myself! I tried to contain myself in my room, didn't work," Jarina shouted out loud while trying to stop the tears from falling in her eyes.

Of course, when Desire heard those words, he began thinking.

'Awakened? Is she sensitive to those types of looks?' Desire thought.

Desire knew what kind of 'disgusting look' Sir Baho had when he looked at Jarina. It was the perverted look.

That was why he thought that Jarina was just sensitive to those things.

And he was right. A Suckus would always be sensitive to a man's perverted thoughts and looks, more so if the Suckus is a virgin who has no experience in bed.

After all, a Suckus has the blood of Succubus in its veins.

That was why Jarina's instincts as a Suckus awakened that time and she eventually lost control of herself, making her lust for Desire's body and mana explode.

However, due to Desire not giving her the sword, Jarina had to compensate for it by taking up more mana than usual.

In a way, this was Desire's fault for turning down Jarina's advances.

'Still...monsters really are interesting. A single ordinary event can make their instincts awaken...oh wait, isn't that just the same as me?' Desire thought as his eyes widened.

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