Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey

A familiar face

[Seiji's POV]

It has been more than three weeks - nearly a month - since I completed my final selection.

And it has been a week since my first mission where I encountered a demon none other than Michael fucking Jackson.

Speaking of which, he wasn't in his Michael Jackson form when I met him, was he? Thinking about it, I felt scammed and robbed.

Why did I have to encounter zesty Demon King instead of Michael Jackson? My disappointment was immeasurable.

On a positive note, it would seem that I was no side character who would die a dog's death just to show how cruel and bad the main villain was. It's been a week and I was still alive and sending demons to hell.

Do you guys remember those two dudes who died after knocking Muzan's shoulder and the woman whom he tortured by injecting his blood into her until her cells melted? Yeah, I was glad not to be one of them.

Anyway, the missions I got afterwards all went extremely well. In fact, I had completed a total of 9 missions in the span of a week. Let that sink in, nine missions were completed in a single week.

For reference, Tanjiro took days to complete one mission. On the other hand, I completed more than one mission every single day.

Truly, it was a feat worthy of a speedrunner.

However, the main reason I was able to complete missions so quickly was my eyes. Of course they were, they were my special cheat.

Now imagine this, you are a demon slayer and you have a mission that said to investigate a village which had missing people recently. Now you go to this village and strangely enough, you find nothing wrong with it.

Them you have to stay there and investigate for days upon days until the demon act up again. Only then could you slay the demon and save the village.

I need not go through such things. I went to the village and with the help of my eyes, I could see the marks of demons and thier blood demon arts. You usually find blood demon art in such villages as it is only demons with that kind of technique that would stay and terrorize a village.

So I was easily able to find these demons and what was going on in the village. I did not need days to investigate.

And even if the demon left no mark or used blood demon art, they usually have tunnels underground or a hideout. I was able to find such places with my eyes.

Then I would slay the demons which proved to be quite easy since I was already above lower moon level - I think. No demons have posed a serious threat to me.

The only thing that took time was the travelling part and getting new missions. Speaking of which, I had a new Kasugai crow.

Raven had proved to be too valuable as a companion to constantly act as a messenger. She sat on top of my head and she became another pair of eyes I had at the back of my head.

That and also because I was getting missions too rapidly. Raven could not be bothered to go back and forth like that so I got a new crow.

An actual crow this time.

In the end, Raven became a service animal for me - which was funny and fitting since I was deaf.

"A new mission!! A new mission has arrived!!" The Kasugai crow said while circling above me. I think the higher-ups have realized my true strength and my desire to climb the ranks because missions have been coming at me nonstop.

You would think at one point they would decide to give me a break but nope, they came endlessly. Which honestly put a smile on my face.

They said do something you love and you will never work a day in your life, it was true. I was doing just that so there was no mental exhaustion for me.

"Where to?" I asked the crow above.

"You need to slay the demon living in Mount Tarumae! The demon has been hunting humans who walked through the mountain but he is very adept in hiding so this will require some tracking." the crow said.

"Complete the mission as quickly as possible and I will return. Kaw!!" the crow flew away.



It's a mission that requires tracking down a demon. I hated these kinds of missions since it took a little longer than going to a village and killing the demon living there.

I was adept at tracking as well with the help of my eyes and the experience I had in Mount Fujikasane, but it still took longer time than I would've liked. But the Demon Slayer Corp seemed to realize how well I performed in these kinds of missionsd to others so they have been giving me similar missions these days.

Whatever, I will make do with it.

How many demons would this make? Counting Yahaba and Susamaru, it will be my 15th demon.

35 demons more to go before I become Hashira. Oh, I can see it happening in less than a month. How exciting.

"Raven, do you know the way?" I asked and I received one short tap, two long taps and the final three short taps on my head.

Yes, indeed she knows the way to Mount Tarumae.

"Lead the way." I said and disappeared under the bright sun of midday. I aimed to reach there by night and quickly slay the demon.

If it haunts humans going through the mountain, it should attack me as well. Or at least get close enough for me to chase after him.

Lets go!!!




[Seiji's POv]

(Mount Tarumae)

"Oi!!" I called out.

"Not to bother you but that is my demon you are killing!!" I said, my usually plain voice was displeased this time.

Did I really travel all the way here just for someone else to steal my kill? I thought I wouldn't experience such things after coming to this world since League of Legends has not even been created yet.

But here he was, an old man who was so short you would mistake him for a child. He had a prosthetic leg made of wood in his right leg. The prosthetic was a little longer than it should be, which hints that the old man wanted to look taller than he actually was.

He had white hair and he was balding but I would agree that he had a gorgeous moustache.

All in all, I wouldn't say he was ugly, but he was definitely funny-looking.

"Ahh! A Demon Slayer." the old man said and took a huge breath that released streaks of yellow lightning.

"Would you mind giving me a hand? I have a hard time reaching his neck." He asked me while holding out a small Nichrin blade, it was a Wakizahi.

In front of him was a demon - who was likely my target considering where I was. The demon was a tall demon with a thin frame as if he had not eaten in years. His bones protrude out of his sickly body in a horrific way.

Like every other demon, he was ugly.

But what really caught my attention instead was the old man. I think I know him.

I racked my brain while the old man and the demon engaged in another fight. The old man was winning but he was too short to reach the neck of the demon which was pretty funny. He only had one leg which kind of prevented him from leaping and there were no trees around to use as a foothold.

When the old man took a deep breath and lighting came alive around him, the memory finally popped into my mind.

Right, it was him.

The Master of Zenitsu - what was his name again?

Jigoro Kuwajima.





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