Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey

Destined to never win

[Seiji's POV]

"What were you thinking inviting him to a spar immediately after he woke up? He is our guest Shinobu, at least feed him first."

I ate a bowl of rice while watching Kanae reprimand her sister. Shinobu had an awkward smile on her face, trying to come up with excuses but finding none.

"Didn't I also tell you that he needed rest for at least four days to heal completely?"

"I know, I know. Sorry I got carried away because I was excited." she said, it was the worst excuse ever but I liked the honesty.

"Besides, sparring with me would not even be considered an activity to him. He beats me as easy as he breathes, right Seiji?" Shinobu asked and turned to me.


It was literally true.

She huffed, as if she was finally out of the case because I sided with her. Kanae grabbed her own face and sighed before turning to me.

"How's the food, Seiji?"

"It's good."

"I'm glad to hear that. I am confident in making healthy food but not tasty food. It's good if you like it." she said and smiled. "And sorry if my sister was bothering you."

"Hey!! I was not bothering him, we're friends."

Were we? I was not sure if people became friends that easily. But then again, the same thing happened with Rengoku.

That means now I have two friends, a boy and a girl. That's two more than what I thought I'd ever have.

The sisters were fun to watch, it was crystal clear that they loved each other and got along just from seeing thier interaction. Even the way they argued was straight out of the writer's mind when he imagined a perfect sibling relationship.

I invited them to eat with me and since neither of them had breakfast yet, they agreed to join. The three of us ate our food on the engawa - which was the Japanese version of the porch - while gazing out at the garden.

The Flower Mansion was a serene place meant for healing. The place was filled with good-scented flowers and a small artificial stream fed the garden. It's beauty and peace was what allowed many patients to heal faster,

We had small talks where the sister asked where I came from, and if I had any remaining families alive.

Yes, they legit asked me if I had any families alive because it was so common amongst demon slayers to have thier families killed by a demon. It was basically the canon event for most demon slayers and it was why they became who they were in the first place.

No one wanted to make a living by killing demons unless they had a thirst for vengeance or deep hatred towards demons- unless, of course, it's your family tradition like Rengoku.

Heck, being a solider was safer and better than being a demon slayer.

I told them I had an aunt and uncle back in my village who adopted me but my parents and siblings were all killed by a demon when I was young.

They also told me about thier past and how thier family was slaughtered by a demon with only the two of them being survivors. They said it was Gyomei who saved them just in time before the demon could get to them.

"We got lucky because we still have each other after we lost everything. But you...I couldn't even imagine what it would be like, to lose your parents, brother and..sister." Kanae said softly. I could see the pity in her eyes and if I was being honest, I didn't like it.

"It's fine, you get used to it." I lied, you never got used to it.

You can't.

Losing people you love is like losing a limb or losing your hearing, you lose a part of yourself forever, and you are no longer complete. You never got used to it, you just learned to move forward in your incomplete self.

"Time heals all wounds." I said again. 'It will heal me too.'

Then the conversation shifted towards something fun and light-hearted. They told me stories about thier training and how Kanae became a Hashira.

It was mostly just Shinobu who talked about how Kanae became a Hashira. From the way she talked about her sister, I could see the deep admiration she had for her.

After we finished the food, Kanae gave me another check-up on my condition and even though I could see the condition of my body perfectly with my eyes, it was nice to hear the analysis of a professional.

I spent the rest of the day lazing around and practising the patterns of Wind Breathing whenever I felt like it.

Actually, it did not end there. I spent the next two days doing nothing but resting and practising the different Breathing Styles.

Kanae was a busy Hashira but she managed to share breakfast with us every day. On the other hand, Shinobu was perpetually at the Flower Mansion and taking care of the patients.

She would also train to become a demon slayer whenever she could. She was going to participate in the Final Selection next year so she was preparing for that.

My relationship with the two sisters grew a lot during the two days, especially with Shinobu. As two teenagers of similar age, our topics of interest aligned and there was a special chemistry between us.

Shinobu was very different from what I remembered in the anime. In fact, Kanae resembled Shinobu in the anime more than she did.

One of the main topics we would talk about was books and stories. Apparently, Shinobu was quite fond of stories, especially that of horror or ghost stories. I also liked stories and reading in general, having read many books in my past life.

I liked reading different books so much that I learned how to read in 12 different languages. I would often tell stories I remembered from my past life to her. She thought I came up with them and she had termed me as a genius in her mind.

Other than that, I was helping around the Mansion any way I could - which mostly consisted of helping the patients with broken bones - which was very common. With my eyes, I was easily able to fix dislocated shoulders or joints and also help in aligning broken bones so that they healed faster.

But after two days had passed, I was finally allowed to be in action again. And my peaceful life came to an end, it was short but sweet.

The first thing I did after being told I could fight again was as anyone would've expected.

"Let's have a match between us, Kanae." I said.

"It has not even been one second." She blinked.

Well, I have been staying stagnant for too long. I needed to continue my journey towards strength and what better way than challenging strong opponents?

I have also been curious about flower breathing so I really wanted to see it in action.

"I guess it can't be helped." she said and we went out to the yard to have a match.





(15 minutes later)

"It's impossible."

I lay upon the grass like a leaf in autumn. My gaze was focused on the blue sky and the smoky cloud, yet the endless expanse of blue could not push away the image in my mind.

I think what I saw was imprinted on my mind.

"I can never win against her. Heck, I can't even fight against her."

The weight of the words fell on my chest, knocking air out of my lungs. My body felt hot and my brain did not have sufficient blood to process complicated thoughts. All of the blood in my body was rushing to somewhere else.

So, here's what happened.

After the fight started, I was struck with a frightening realization.

My style of fighting required me to look at my opponent's body - muscles, blood flow, joint movement etc - to predict thier attacks and reply to thier actions.

To do this, I used my X-ray vision. And what do you think happened when I finally used an x-ray on a beautiful girl like Kanae?

Yeah, it would not be wrong to say I fought two battles at once. My mind could not focus on the fight at all as it was always distracted by other thoughts. My action was a mix of fighting and trying to hide my hard member.

It was impossible.

I was, by no means a degenerate. I did not react in such ways even when I peek at other beautiful women.

So even though Kanae was by far the most attractive girl I met, I was doing fine just seeing her naked body.

But when Kanae started fighting, it was a different matter. Flower breathing required elegant movement and flexibility so it almost looked like she was dancing. And when she danced, 'they' danced too.

With sweat covering her body, it was too much to take. It was too sensual. I might have superhuman strength but I was just a teenager. It was a battle I was never meant to win.

"How embarrassing." I said in absolute defeat.

Today, I realized a new fatal weakness of mine and honestly, I was not sure how to overcome this. I could only hope that this ends when I stopped being a hormonal (horny) teenager.

'Luckily, girls as beautiful as the Kocho sisters were rare.'

"Are you okay Seiji." Kanae asked me. She was upside down in my vision as she looked down at me.

I looked away and blushed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Respectfully.

"It's okay. You just healed, maybe you are still not feeling well."

"Yeah, maybe." I said, knowing full well that no matter the condition I was in..

I was destined to never win against waifus.




[IMAGE of what Seiji saw!! Don't miss this!! ]


Author : New week. Give me stones and I give you extra chapters.

No set goals, I will simply match your efforts in the name of equivalent exchange.



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