Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey

First Mission

[Seiji's POV]

The journey to Tokyo was not long as it was the first time I was travelling with a destination in mind. I travelled through day and night without stopping.

I also used Steroid Breathing constantly to increase my running speed so in just one day, I was able to cover a distance that would've taken other people a week.

I did not stop to hunt demons nor did I stop to even eat or sleep. I just ran and ran until my body felt like it was on fire.

It was almost as bad as the time I trained with Rengoku.

Many would criticize my stupidity. Why was I overexerting myself when I was about to face demons when I reached Tokyo? Was I not just reducing my chance of survival?

Absolutely true.

But that was the difference between a speedrunner and the rest. While everyone saw stupidity, I saw the six days I saved.


In all seriousness, I knew myself and my body the best. I would never tire myself out to the point where I was vulnerable.

So when I reached the city of Tokyo, I was out of breath and tired but that was about it.

"I did it Raven. What did I tell you about not underestimating the insanity of a speedrunner?" I said with a smile as I looked upon the bright streets of Tokyo in the evening.


It was truly a marvel to see the bright lights, the trains, and the bustling streets in the early 20th century. The buildings were tall and they stood side by side along the busy road.

It would take a bit more to impress a modern guy like me but I could see how village boys like Tanjiro would lose thier shit when they see Tokyo.

I looked at my reflection in one of the windows of the building to see Raven. She still had the eyes of a dead fish in front of such a spectacle, she gave zero fucks about the city.

I shook my head in defeat and began walking along the roads with the pedestrians. I may have reached Tokyo but I still did not know exactly where I was.I saw a bright light in the distance and just ran towards it.

The first thing I should do was find out which Ward I was in. Then I would head towards the Ward with the missing people.

The people of the city were mostly dressed in Japanese traditional clothes but there were also plenty of people either wearing suits or dressed in Western style clothes. Modernity was still associated with Western countries so there were people who wanted to live and behave as Westerners.

World War 1 did not affect Japan much so there was a sense of prosperity in a big city like Tokyo. There were lots of foreigners in the city as well and business were booming.

I walked through the crowd and my demon slayer clothes along with the huge sword strapped on my back attracted lots of gazes. I just gave a creepy glare to the men who stared too much while I winked at the ladies.

What can I say, I was an attractive bloke.

Just like some ladies were appreciating my good looks, I was also appreciating theirs.

Now a question, what would you do if you had x-ray vision built into your eyes and you met attractive Japanese ladies, housewives even.

I would not reveal what I did as my lawyer kindly advised me to, but let's just say some bazookas were sealed under the modest Yukatas.

Thier shapes were deformed but they yearned to be set free. But bazookas were not the only weapon of destruction because while some lacked bazookas, they had cake.

Huge cake.

Jiggling cake that was perfectly cut in the middle, vanilla flavour.

But could you believe that that was not the end of it?

Some had long flowing legs.

Few of them had wide hips and small waist, perfect love handles.

And one of them had seven hearts and five brains. Wait.





My body froze and I became a statue. All bodily functions ceased to work as they stilled for a moment.

My jolly mood completely vanished and the rest of the world fade away as my eyes remained stuck on her.

She was a stunning beauty on the outside but I was unfortunate enough to be able to see through the ugliness inside of her.

No, it's not 'her'.


His outer flesh was a mere disguise he put on. Underneath that lay the most cursed being in this world.

The source of all my hatred.

My breath hitched as I struggled to even breathe in his presence. There was something big, that was swelling endlessly in my chest.

Rage and bitter hate.

They nearly took over my body and chopped off the head of that stain on the Earth. It took everything in my power to stop.

Doing nothing had never been so hard.

I stood still as he walked towards me and right past me.

"I will kill you." the sentence managed to slip out of my lips although I was unaware of it.

It was only when she turned around to glare me in the eye did I realised I had blurted the sentence out. He knew that I was a Demon Slayer from my outfit and he knew what I meant with that word.

He realized I knew what he was.

Then a great pressure decided upon my shoulder. Killing intent so thick I could taste blood in my mouth assaulted my senses. My body shook.

It was the same feeling I got that night.

He was so much stronger than me it hurts to even exist in front of him. My eyes saw how his nails extended into a claw and he swiped at me.

My body moved to dodge the attack and it was successful. It was the fastest movement I had ever witnessed even though it was a causal swing of his hands.

But I could read him.

He seemed to be caught off guard by my action as his feminine features morphed into something sinister. Yet we were in the middle of the street so he decided to leave me alone for now.

He walked away.

I remained in my place, my heart was a beating mess of fear and anger, panic and hatred. My body was covered in sweat at the encounter.




I grabbed the skin of my chest and continue walking again. It was a short yet valuable encounter for me. It opened my eyes to how strong I still needed to get.

I finally fell down and vomited on the ground. My heart pounded in my chest and my vision got blurry.

What was happening?

It was an anxiety attack, but why? Was it because meeting him reminded me of that night?

Even so, why was I on the ground and writhing like a worm? I though I had grown past this, I thought I had become stronger.

No, no, no.

The images started appearing in my mind. I closed my eyes to stop but I couldn't stop seeing them.

I will kill him.

I will kill him.


I swear. I swear.

Muzan Kibutsuji.





Author : Double chapter because you guys are so nice in giving me stones.

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