Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey

Mount Fujikasane

[Seiji's POV]


"No more..."

I wonder how many people have said the same thing to him as he tore them apart, limb by limb.

If I were to guess from his strength and from how my sister cried and begged while the demon ate her alive, I would say at least hundreds.

"Stop talking. Move. Run." I said to his dismembered body which was not healing anymore. I needed him to move to get myself familiar with a demon and learn the language of thier unique body.

There was blood along the small trail and pieces of his demon flesh splattered everywhere. He had made a great effort to run away and fight back at first but after a while, he gave up.

Now his body did not even heal when I cut him. He just laid on the ground, dismembered, like a useless corpse. The only movement in his body was on his lips which moved to form incoherent words.

I stood over him and watched. His face stopped morphing into agonizing shapes while ago and he had stopped crying. He just stared ahead like a dead fish with a blank sheet for a face.

It was no longer stimulating.

The sun rose not long after and the demon finally had a reaction again. His face stretched in relief and tears fell from his eyes. He was happy to see the sun.

The sunlight shone on him and his body dissipated like ash. His blood and splattered pieces of flesh also disappeared. In just a few seconds, there was no longer any evidence of the demon ever existing.

That was definitely an experience, I told myself.

I might have gotten a little overboard since he was the first demon I encountered. Recalling the helplessness I felt that night, the power I had over a demon now was intoxicating. It was like a drug that filled the bottomless rage and hate I had inside.

It was not a good thing, I knew.

I could not just blindly hate demons because I knew there were many good demons like Nezuko, Tamayo, Yushiro etc. and demons who were just as much of a victim as human.

I also knew feeding such negative emotions and walking the path of endless revenge was not wise. (I watched Naruto okay).

But I was only 13 so allow me to be childish and petty. I still have time to grow.

I continued my journey after that. I had enough time to reach the top of the mountain and I watched the sunrise like I wanted to.

Then I head towards Mount Fujikasane again. I was not in a mood to sleep so I continued traveling the entire morning and only slept after noon.

Days passed and to my silent delight, I encountered demons every night since then. They were not as powerful as the first one but they were enough for self-training and research.

I also practised my breathing style a lot during this time. I realised the huge gap between the physical prowess of a demon and a human so it highlighted to me the importance of breathing styles.

The mountains and the forest provided great training as well. It tested the limits of my endurance and gave me the perfect environment to train my senses.

To get stronger, I had to rewire my mind and accept that the logic of my past life did not apply to this world. I often struggled with that while I was young.

At one point in my journey, I encountered a village that was plagued by a demon with blood demon art.

It was during the final week of my travels.

The demon was a beautiful woman who could hypnotize and brainwash people with the sound of her voice. Her blood demon art worked similarly to sirens from what I could understand.

The demon realized that if she act smart, she could have unlimited food supply instead of hunting for human every night. So she brainwahsed the villagers and managed the village to suit her need.

The whole village was under her command and she was rearing the humans like cattles.

The women's population in the village was more than the men's by around ten to one. The village had a weird customs and other practices that would ultimately increase the birth rates.

Mostly males would be eaten and women were kept like breeding tools to give the demon an infinite food supply. The men in the village were just enough to maintain the farm and get the women pregnant.

Honestly, it was a fucked up village and rarely visited by people because when they did, the visitors would be hypnotized and eaten.

It was the demon's personal human farm.

Obviously the blood demon art of the demon did not work since I was deaf. At first, I did not even notice it and I thought it was just a really strange village with strange traditions.

But when I heard the women talking about how proud they were of their son sacrificing themselves to the gods, I knew there was something wrong.

Honestly, my experience in the village could be an entirely different book on its own but we shall not tell that story today. Maybe in another volume, I would tell about my experience in the village in detail.

So I fought with the demon who was controlling the villagers and it was my most challenging battle yet. The demon had many years to feast on human flesh so she was powerful.

But she fell swiftly like everyone else because she was at a disadvantage. Her blood demon art did not work on a deaf person.

After the demon's control over the village was gone, the villagers went almost went mad. They still retained the memories of what happened so they knew the horrible things they were manipulated into doing.

Be it sacrificing thier children, killing travellers and offering them to the demon or committing many acts of debauchery.

I did not stay long in the village. I left after telling them what happened was not thier fault and to blame the demons for everything. And to start anew.

The village would be the last one I visit in my journey because there was no way in hell I wanted to get into another mess.



At last, after more than a month of travelling, I reached the base of Mount Fujikasane.

I did not even have to look at the map to confirm I was there because the sweet scent of a particular flower filled the air.

Beautiful flower trees covered the mountain to give it a distinctive look compared to the rest of the surroundings. I did not have to be told that they were Wisteria trees.

They were the colour of lavender and they covered most of the mountain. I was truly stunned by thier beauty especially when they released a faint glow in the dark of the night, almost like they had magical properties within them.

There was a small village at the base of the mountain. They were the people from the Demon Slayer Corps but they were not demon slayers. Instead, they were people stationed in the mountains to maintain the Wisteria trees.

They were gardeners essentially. Some of them were retired demon slayers while others were workers who used Wisteria to create different products like the wisteria incense.

There was a whole industry for Wisteria products at the base of Mount Fujijasane.

When I went to them and told them about why I had come to the mountain, I received the unfortunate news that the final selection was still a few weeks away.

Oh! The horror of being forced to wait.

But my time at Mout Fujikase the following weeks would not go to waste as I met someone who would become one of the most important person in my life.


"I thought I will be the only one who came early for the final selection!! It seems I was wrong! There are still people whose hearts are burning hotter than mine!!"

I was deaf but even I knew the guy was loud

It was only the second day after I reached Mount Fujikasane, the place where the final selection would take place. He came up to me while I was sleeping under one of the Wisteria trees, thier beauty casting drowsiness on me.

That was when I met him.

"Hello comrade, my name is Kyojiro Rengoku."

"It's nice to meet you!!"






Author : I want to take this moment to ask for stones. The book finally has enough words to be on the rankings. Please let's have good week and attract lots of new readers.

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