Demon Slayer : The Silent Journey

To the headquarters

[Seiji's POV]

"Well, my name is Seiji Shigan. Thank you for taking care of me." I said, finally giving a proper introduction.

She smiled, "No worries. You barely had any injuries to begin with. It seems that it was due to fatigue or mental exhaustion that you passed out instead of an actual grave injury."

"Yeah, I feel much better now." I said.

Shinobu was a kind girl. She was much bolder and straightforward than I initially expected - or at least how she was shown in the anime.

She was still not that alluring onee-san I remembered. Right now, she was simply a young girl of 13 years old.

She was curious and showed lots of different emotions but most of all, she was still very innocent. I could see this instantly from the way she spoke and from the way she behaved.

My best guess was that her sister was still alive. She was yet to harbour endless hatred and pain in her heart.

We had a short talk while we gathered up the supplies and the things Shinobu had taken out to treat me last night. Although she was not yet a demon slayer, she had already attained her genius in medicine.

She asked me lots of questions due to her curious nature - which i appreciated because i could not keep a conversation. She asked me how the fight went, what my breathing style was and how strong the demon was.

I answered her as well as I could.

"So Seiji, what rank are you again?" she asked.

"Hopefully after this fight, I will be a Hashira." I said and she blinked.

She turned to look at me, her face changing to different expressions because at first she thought I was joking. But then my face and the tone of my voice told her that I was serious.

"A Hashira? That would mean..."

"I have already slain a total of 50 demons." I nodded. "And the demon I fought last night was one of the lower moons."

"What!? A lower moon?" she asked in surprise.

It was probably the first time in my life but I was secretly happy to show off. But I kept it cool because a cool guy does not freak out while showing off.

I acted like such feats were nothing although secretly, I was extremely proud of my hard work and achievement.

"Yes, lower moon 4 to be exact."

"I see, no wonder." she said and her odd eyes glazed in awe. I think she was impressed. "You are like, super strong then."

I rubbed my nose, "I guess I am."

Just then, a crow flew above our heads and started cawing. Raven immediately came down from the tree she was perching on and sat on top of my head.

"Caw!! Caw!! Seiji Shigan, go to the Demon Slayer Corp Headquarters!! Caw!! Caw!! Seiji Shigan, go to the Demon Slayer Corp Headquarters!! Caw!! Caw!! Seiji Shigan, go to the Demon Slayer Corp Headquarters!!"

Well, I guess that's my promotion.

"I don't know where the Demon Slayer Corp headquarters is.." I said and the crow replied.

"Follow me!! Follow me!! Follow me!!"

The crow flew away, trying to lead me to the headquarters. I did not move yet and looked at Shinobu with a smile.

This seems to be where we part.

"I should return to the flower mansion as well." Shinobu said before standing up.

"It has been pleasant knowing you, Seiji." she bowed.

"The same goes for you, I hope we meet again Shinobu."

"If you don't mind, you can visit the flower mansion anytime." she said and gave me a bright innocent smile.

I am going to assume that she enjoyed my company as I did hers.

"I will keep that in mind." I said and then disappeared from my place. The crow flew ahead and I followed him right behind, chasing his tail.

I have come a long way since the night I lost everything.

But now, it was finally time to take another leap.

Here I come.




[3rd POV]

Shinobu watched as the boy ran after the Kusagai crow. His destination was the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, a place she herself had never visited even though her sister was a Hashira.

She made an educated guess, Seiji was probably summoned there to affirm his rank a Hashira.

It was still hard to wrap that fact around her head. A boy her age had not only killed 50 demons but he had successfully slayed a lower moon by himself.

He was incredible.

There was something special about him. His presence alone oddly calmed her heart and the more she learned about him, the more she was drawn to him.

For example, the fact that he was able to accomplish everything he did while being deaf. At first, she did not realize he was deaf and she truly panicked when he didn't wake up no matter how much she called out to him.

It was only when she did a thorough check of his body that she realised he was deaf.

Speaking of checking his body, the image suddenly came to her mind and with it, red came on her cheeks. Apparently, he had an extremely attractive body even at his age.

His body looked more sculpted than natural. The ratio, the shape and the amount of muscles and fats were just right.

That was to be expected since Seiji built his body with the help of his eyes. As someone who loves beauty, Seiji built his body not only to be strong but to look good as well.

And Sinobu was educated enough in human anatomy to appreciate his hard work.

"A deaf swordsman huh." she hummed. He reminded her of the strongest person she knew - the Stone Hashira Gyomei.

Maybe he would grow up to be as strong as him.

Whatever the case was, Shinbu felt an odd peace in her heart. With people like him fighting alongside the Demon Slayer Corps, maybe this war would finally end.

Meeting him gave her a brighter hope for the future.



[Seiji being cool and stuff]


Author : I asked for too 10 but I got 1. Thank you.

500 stones and another chapter.


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