Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 12: Battle against the Strong

The wolf growls and glares at me, probably activating its intimidation skill which did nothing much to me, thanks to my Fear Resistance skill.

I summoned the Dark Domain, which is now significantly bigger than when I had first used it at level 1. However, that doesn't mean it is huge. At best, it has a max range of three to four meters in radius, which is not a lot if I want to fight from a safe distance. Especially against a wolf with a higher base speed than me.

However, that is why the situation is perfect to test the moves I have crafted.

Seeing its intimidation skill not working, the wolf growled and pounced at me. But just before it could reach me, I dropped into the darkness via Shadow Sneak and emerged right behind my foe, along with a bunch of clones that look like me, throwing off its sights when it turned to face me.

This is one of the moves I have crafted, Dark Domain: Doppelgänger!

Sounds amazing, right? But...! It has two weaknesses.

One of the two weaknesses, is that the clones don't have any colours on them. They are only 3D copies made out of darkness, and I can't change the colour of the darkness into whatever I want. Meaning, it'd be very easy to spot the real me among the clones.

That is why, to cover up this weakness, I vanish from my opponent's sights first, then reappear disguised as one of the black clones by sticking the darkness all over my body from head to toe; wearing it like some sort of full blown latex suit with a mask as well. Leaving holes at the nostril for me to breathe.

The wolf got surprised for a second. However, it calmed down and began sniffing with its nose. Which brings us to the second weakness...

Unlike me, the clones do not have any smell. In other words, using this move against an opponent with a great sense of smell is meaningless. As prove of that, the wolf looked past all of my clones as it glares straight at me and charged forward.


By my will, the clones begin to spawn weapons of darkness from their hands and attacked the wolf. Being faster, however, the wolf easily dodged the clones' attacks as it proceeds to ripped them apart, one by one; gradually reducing their numbers.

As expected, having numbers aren't enough to kill an opponent way stronger than me. But I did learned that if the move was performed like just now, Doppelgänger can confuse the opponent for a second, even if they have a great sense of smell.

Now then, while my opponent is busy killing the clones, it's time for me to make my next move.

Dark Domain: Shadow Web!

Thin webs of darkness have been plastered all around the field. They are pretty much invisible unless one looks at it closer. However, I doubt anyone could be that cautious for it while in the middle of battle. Especially against a mutt who is all bark and no bite!


Come on then. You've killed my clones just as I have laid my trap. So, bring it. Let's see if you can break through them.

As I taunted my foe, it dashed forward with an intense ferocity as its fangs seemingly turned sharper.

Is it using a skill perhaps? Alright then, let's see what you got.

The wolf jumped upon closing the distance between, baring its teeth with the clear intention to ripped my throat apart. However, before it could even reach me, it got caught in my Shadow Web and is now hanging in midair.

The wolf tried to struggle, but that only made things worse for itself as it proceeds to tangle itself more in the webs, and ended up bondaging itself up without me doing anything specific.

Looks like this fight is completely in my pace, huh... And I expected more from a monster whose level is higher than mine. Perhaps it's because they're hunters and not fighters. Thus, are not used to combat, especially against a weak foe who uses traps and trickery.

Either way, with the wolf unable to move in my trap, it's high time I finish it off. Even though I have more moves I want to test out, I'll save those for my next test subject.

And so, I spawned a giant arm of darkness wielding a giant axe, as I have it bring down the axe in one swift motion, aiming for the immobilised wolf's head.

Dark Domain: Guillotine Strike!

A clean decapitation was made, as the head of the wolf dropped to the ground while its body is still hanging on the Shadow Web.

And just like that, the battle is over as I relax my nerves, removed the body suit of darkness which I forgot I was still wearing, and wiped the sweat off my forehead. After that, I remove Shadow Web, causing the wolf's body to drop to the ground, and put its corpse into the Dark Domain.

Alright! Now that that's done, should I eat some raw meat first or should I find some more lone wolves to test my other moves on?

Well, I'm not hungry now, so let's find some more wo—



Hearing a familiar cry and my Danger Sense skill going off in my head, I quickly turned around to see another lone wolf about to pounce onto me.

Oh shit! Super Speed!

Fortunately, I reacted to the situation quickly and boosted my Speed which allowed me to dodge the wolf's sneak attack.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Danger Sense LV 1] -> [Danger Sense LV 2]»

Oh sweet, the skill levelled up. More importantly, that cry earlier... That was the fox spirit's, wasn't it?

Heh. I don't know where is it now, or if it had meant to help me, but I thank you, little guy. Because I have now found my next test subject!

Dark Domain: Juggernaut Armour!

Seeing the darkness sticking onto my body, the wolf jumped back out of caution, which is the best thing for me right now.

The darkness then took shape and harden, turning itself into a black suit of armour, which looks absolutely cool wearing it! And it's really light-weighted despite its appearance.

Heck, if anything, I bet I look like some sort of Demon Lord now! I mean, I am a True Demon, aren't I? With horns and everything... I think I might wanna just become a Demon Lord in the future!

Hell yeah, that will be super sick!

But for now, time to focus on my second battle against wolf #2 here.

And it shall be a quick one...

I took my battle stance and taunted the wolf with a gesture.

Bring it.


After it howled, the wolf charged forward and pounced at me. Brandishing its claws to attack instead of using its mouth again like the first time. However...

Demonic Tackle!

I put my arms in front of me, used Super Speed and charged forward, tackling the wolf with my entire body as its claws sank into my armour, but failed to hurt me inside of it. As a result, I sent it flying into the rock behind, causing it to cry in pain.

Juggernaut Armour. I originally created this move with the intended purpose of using it for offense, and as expected, its defense capabilities are not that good despite how it looks. But at least the thickness of the armour protected me from being harmed, so that's good to know.

Anyways, I wasn't done with my onslaught yet and proceeded to continuously pummel my opponent while it is still down on the ground. Showing no mercy to the pitiful wolf, spitting out blood while it weeps in pain.

You dare to sneak up on me? Die! Die and become my points, so I can become stronger quickly!

After a few more beat downs, I then lifted my foot and stomped hard on its head. Crashing its skull as it then stopped moving.

Is it dead now? It isn't moving but just in case, I should confirm it.

Dark Domain: Slaughter.

Numerous spikes protruded from the ground and pierced through the wolf's corpse. Seeing no response or anything, I have confirm its death and thus, my second battle has ended as I put the corpse into Dark Domain as well.

Phew~! Holy shit. Never thought I would have two fights in a row. I hope there aren't anymore wolves nearby, because I'm starting to get hungry even though I said I wasn't earlier...

I looked around, scanning my surroundings for anymore wolves or other type of monsters that might be nearby. Although there seems to be no more monsters nearby, I spent my recently earned points on acquiring a new skill to check.

«1000 Points Spent... Skill Acquired: [Life Sense LV 1]»

I activated the skill immediately and sensed that there are no lifeforms around me, except for one. But that is most likely the fox spirit hiding nearby, so this area should be safe now.

So, I relaxed my muscles but not my senses and walked to the nearest rock to sit on.

Now then, time to have lunch. Or is it dinner now? Don't know, don't care. I'm hungry now, so I shall eat!

I removed Juggernaut Armour, pulled out a slab of raw meat which I had already cut before and proceed to chow down on it.

Thank you for meal!


Yuck... Disgusting as always.

Ugh... I really wish I have Fire Magic.

But then again, even if I had it, I can't use it without the Magic Vein skill.

Dammit... If only I have some fire, then I can cook this thing.



Just as I was complaining in the middle of my meal, the fox spirit which I had sensed earlier, approached me and looked up at where my hands are with its narrow eyes.

Does it perhaps... want my meat?


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