Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 20: Desperate Battle for Survival

A desperate battle against the monkeys has begun.

A part of the attacking monkeys are trying to get pass the Tenta-Barrier. Another part got themselves entangled in the Shadow Webs. A third part are dealing with the Doppelgängers wearing Juggernaut Armour. And the remaining monkeys got past those three obstacles and are attacking me.

I begin dodging their attacks to the best of my abilities. Countering with my own attacks afterward.

Dark Magic: Pointblank Shot!

Towards a monkey up close and personal, I casted a large ball of darkness and blasted it in its face. Dealing a great amount of damage as a part of its face was gone after the attack.

Alright! Time to finish it—


Super Speed.

I swiftly moved to the side, evading another monkey's attack which I had sensed it coming from behind.

Argh, I failed to kill my target!

Hm? I sense more monkeys behind me.

I quickly turned and fired my Scattershot spell without aiming. Not that I needed to... as the attack succeeded in halting the monkeys momentarily, while I turned around to take care of the first two monkeys I was facing earlier.

Ack! What the— A rock!?

Crap! Where did it come from? I'm losing my balance because of it. Not only that, the part of the Juggernaut Armour covering my head is gone because of that rock. Just how strong was the throw!?

And... what's worse now is that the monkeys I was about to face are going to strike.

Quick! Regain your balance, put your hand and attack it with magic, me!

Dark Magic: Pointblank Shot! Iron Skin!

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Magic Control LV 2] -> [Magic Control LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Magic Vein LV 2] -> [Magic Vein LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Dark Magic LV 1] -> [Dark Magic LV 2]»

I blasted the attack in the monkeys' faces. But as expected, that didn't stop them from landing their attack on my chest, bypassing the Juggernaut Armour's defensive thickness as I took two blows that sent me flying while coughing out blood.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Survivor LV 2] -> [Survivor LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Physical Resistance LV 1] -> [Physical Resistance LV 2]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Impact Resistance LV 1] -> [Impact Resistance LV 2]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Iron Skin LV 1] -> [Iron Skin LV 2]»

It hurts... It hurts...!! I increased my Physical Defense stat with the Iron Skin skill, but it still hurts!

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Pain Resistance LV 2] -> [Pain Resistance LV 3]»

I can't breathe properly. And my chest hurts so bad that my vision is teary.

No time for that now, dammit! The monkeys are coming, so stand up and dodge it quick!


[Spend Current Points to Level Up?]



Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 6 (Next Lvl Req: 50,000)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World], [Coward], [Spirit Contractor]

Physical Offense: 655 (+100)

Physical Defense; 703 (+100)

Magical Offense: 1094 (+100)

Magical Defense: 1155 (+100)

Speed: 709 (+100)

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 6], [Vital Strike LV 3], [Auto Healing LV 3], [Survivor LV 3], [Danger Sense LV 5], [Sneak LV 4], [Magic Combat Mastery LV 3], [Super Speed LV 2], [Iron Stomach LV 1], [Disease Resistance LV 2], [Pain Resistance LV 3], [Physical Resistance LV 2], [Fear Resistance LV 7], [Magic Resistance LV 1], [Dark Magic LV 2], [Magic Sense LV 3], [Magic Control LV 3], [Life Sense LV 1], [Naming LV 1], [Spirit Telepathy LV 3], [Spirit Command LV 1], [Magic Vein LV 3], [Poison Resistance LV 6], [Unarmed Combat Mastery LV 3], [Intuition LV 3], [Evasion LV 3], [Impact Resistance LV 2], [Iron Skin LV 2], [Super Strength LV 2], [Thought Acceleration LV 4], [Persistence LV 4]
Current Point(s): 41,000


Now! Super Speed!!!

With my body fully healed, I kicked the ground and launched myself forward, evading the monkeys' attacks. I then quickly push myself up, turn around and casted magic, aimed at the enemies before me.

Screw you, monkeys!

Dark Magic: Black Beam!!!

With Magic Control and Magic Vein at level 3 now, I can have a better grip on controlling my spells now, as well as being able to cast bigger magic attacks on my enemies now. As such, I quickly became able to fire a large beam of darkness in a straight line, at the monkeys in front of me. The attack did not kill them though. But it did give them a great amount of damage, as their bodies are now heavily injured from my attack.

Despite that though, they are still insistent on killing me.

Tch. They're tenacious, I'll give them that. But still...

Just die already!

Dark Domain: Guillotine Strike!

«Conditions have been met... Skill Acquired: [Anger LV 1]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Persistence LV 4] -> [Persistence LV 5]»

The monkeys before me have been swiftly decapitated, as more monkeys begin to swarm in.

Argh~! These guys just don't stop coming!

Considering that Juggernaut Armour is useless for defense and Iron Skin is still too low levelled to protect me... At this rate, I'll just be pummeled to death by these monkeys before Kyuki finds their leader.

And even with Shadow Web, Doppelgänger, and Tenta-Barrier holding many of the monkeys back, a lot of them are still flooding in!

I need a move... a new move. A move with the purpose to deal with them all. Not just for attacking, not just for defending, not just for distracting, nor is it just for ensnaring, but all of it at once.

So take a deep breath, clear your mind of any unnecessary thoughts, free yourself from any nerves and let your imaginations go wild.

Dark Domain: Crazy Fantasia!

As the monkeys charge at me, numerous stuffs begin to erupt from the darkness beneath them and everywhere else around me as carnage ensues.

Spikes of darkness began stabbing the monkeys. Blades of darkness began cutting the monkeys. Giant hands of darkness began holding monkeys down and striking them with the axes of darkness they carry. Beasts of darkness began chomping down on monkeys, as the webs of darkness even got some monkeys entangled in it.

Everything and anything I could ever thought of, continued to rapidly emerge from the Dark Domain to bring chaos to the monkeys.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Thought Acceleration LV 4] -> [Thought Acceleration LV 5]»

I did not stand idly by and immediately dove into the carnage I have created.

Dark Magic: Black Lance!

I casted my magic and fired multiple lances of darkness at a monkey being held down by my clones. It pierced through the clones and penetrated the monkey's body, resulting in its death.

Following up, I sensed another monkey jumping at me from behind and quickly reacted to counter.

Dark Magic: Black Sabre!

The monkey's belly got sliced. But I failed to kill it and used Iron Skin immediately after as the monkey proceeded to slam both of its arms down onto my left shoulder.


«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Pain Resistance LV 3] -> [Pain Resistance LV 4]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Physical Resistance LV 2] -> [Physical Resistance LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Impact Resistance LV 2] -> [Impact Resistance LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Iron Skin LV 2] -> [Iron Skin LV 3]»


I grab the monkey by the head and slammed it down onto the ground. Following up by onslaught by activating Super Strength as I proceeded to beat it to death with my right fist.

Die die die die die die!

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Anger LV 1] -> [Anger LV 2]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Super Strength LV 2] -> [Super Strength LV 3]»

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Unarmed Combat Mastery LV 3] -> [Unarmed Combat Master LV 4]»

I killed another monkey... But at the cost of my left arm.

I can't move my left arm... Do I level up now to heal it? I have enough points to do it again but... No, I can't... I need to save my emergency healing. I'll let Auto Healing to deal with it then.

Ahh... it hurts... it hurts even though Pain Resistance is at level 4. But I have to bear with the pain. I can't lose focus now. I must produce more carnage with Dark Domain to keep these guys busy.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Persistence LV 5] -> [Persistence LV 6]»

More and more crazy stuffs appear from Dark Domain, dealing with the army of monkeys as intended.

In addition to that, all of the wolf corpses I have stored within the domain, came out as well. Controlled by the darkness inside of the corpses, the pseudo-undead wolves began tearing the monkeys apart.

Oh my god, those dead wolves are amazing! But suddenly, the monkeys quickly moved to pin those wolf puppets down and tore them apart. Forcing me to store the corpses back into Dark Domain as they are my food supply as well.

Their leader gave them instructions to deal with the wolves, didn't it? That means it is watching the battle attentively. But from where exactly?


Argh... dammit! Dark Magic: Black Sabre! Dark Domain: Guillotine Strike!

Another one dead... and there's more coming. But thanks to Crazy Fantasia, I am now only facing one monkey at a time.

I must focus on the fight. Don't think about anything else.

So please hurry, Kyuki. Find their leader already! Please!

Thanks for reading. 🍫

Hope you like it.


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