Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 23: Before, there was one. Now, there are two.

Haa... Haa...

Hold on, Kyuki. Let me catch my breath.


We have successfully escaped from the monkeys, made our way up to the 85th floor and found the stairs to the next floor up as quickly as possible.

Now, I'm tired. As for Kyuki who had been riding on my shoulder all this time, it is fine.

Phew~ After running all the way to far, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that we are fine now. Especially by being on an entirely different floor from those monkeys now.

God... that was scary. I seriously thought that was it for me. Thankfully, I have Kyuki as my ally, otherwise I would have most likely been killed by those guys.

At this point, the wolf monsters might just be the only thing I can kill without worry.

That... That won't do.

There are limits as to how many wolves there are on each floor. If I were to only kill wolves throughout the dungeon, I may never be able to reach pass a certain level, due to how limited their numbers are.

I need to kill other monsters besides the wolf. But what other types of monsters can I kill without worries though?

The monsters in this cave area besides the wolves are the snakes, the monkeys, the rabbits, the bats, and the spiders. Asides from the spiders, I have basically encountered every single type of monster in this cave area. And I'm not going to try killing the spider, due to them being an enemy with unknown capabilities.

...Wait a minute.

Why am I even thinking of killing monsters in the first place?

To get stronger. Well, yeah... But that's not why I'm doing that though.

My goal is the escape this dungeon, not become strongest of this dungeon.

In that case, can't I just sneak my way past the monsters and head up the floors with Kyuki...? After the monkey incident, I think It'd be best if I do just that, yeah?

Alright, listen up, Kyuki. We are going to aim straight for the 80th floor in one go. And if we see any wolves alone along the way, we're going to kill it before continuing. Understood?


Great. But first! I'm going to take a nap.

I'm exhausted from all the monkey fighting after all.

So why don't you go ahead and level yourself up? You have more than enough points for that, right?


Great. Well then, see you in a few hours or so, Kyuki.


I create my bed of darkness with Dark Domain and proceeded to rest on it immediately. As my eyes begin to shut itself, I could faintly see the levelling up light shrouding Kyuki's body before I instantly fell asleep from exhaustion.

«[Lesser Fox Spirit] has Reached the Level Requirement to Evolve»

«[Lesser Fox Spirit] has chosen their Next Evolution Stage»

«10,000 Points Spent... [Lesser Fox Spirit] is now Evolving»

«Evolution Successful... [Lesser Fox Spirit] has Evolved into [Twin-Tailed Fox Spirit]»

«[Twin-Tailed Fox Spirit] has been reset back to Level 1»


Huh? Was I dreaming about it, or did I hear some sort of announcements from the system while I was asleep?

"Kyuu~ Kyuu~"

Ah. Good morning, uh... Kyuki...?


Uhhh.... Am I imagining things or does Kyuki have two tails now?

*Slap* Ouch! Ok, no. This is definitely real. Kyuki has two tails now! When did that happened!?


Before I took my nap, there was one tail. Now after my nap, there are two... Meaning Kyuki sprouted a new tail while I was asleep. Which also means that the announcements I heard were definitely not a dream.

Hold on, let me see its new stats.

Name: Kyuki

Race: Twin-Tailed Fox Spirit

Lvl: 1 (Next Lvl Req: 500)

Title: [Contracted Spirit]

Physical Offense: 325

Physical Defense: 263

Magical Offense: 666

Magical Defense: 524

Speed: 286

Skill(s): [Magic Sense LV 5], [Magic Control LV 6], [Magic Vein LV 5], [Fire Magic LV 4], [Short Range Teleportation LV 4], [Barrier Magic LV 6], [Danger Sense LV 4], [Sneak LV 4], [Spirit Return], [Healing Magic LV 2], [Fear Resistance LV 6], [Stamina Restoration LV 1], [Magic Combat Mastery LV 2], [Observation LV 3], [Astral Form LV 1](NEW), [Spirit Link](NEW)

Point(s): 22,432

Oh... wow...

Kyuki's stats have improved by a lot! It still ain't at the level of the monsters here. But nonetheless, it's an improvement. Wow... Kyuki also obtained two new skills. What do they do?

Astral Form: Turns the user's body into a ghost-like form. Allowing them to phase through anything they wish for a certain period of time.
Spirit Link: <An exclusive skill of the [Spirit] race> Connects the [Contracted Spirit] with their [Contractor]. Allowing both parties to share whichever of their five senses at will.

Uh-huh... Uh-huh..... These are good skills for Kyuki to have.

Seriously though, with Astral Form, I can have Kyuki enter an enemy's body and destroy them from the inside out. And with the Spirit Link skill, I can basically look in a different direction without actually looking into that direction. Giving me more awareness of my surroundings when that happens.

This is good... This is really good. I wasn't expecting Kyuki to evolve, but this is a surprise I'd very much welcome.


Oh right. Got lost in my thoughts again.

Sorry about that. I have rested enough now, so shall we go now?



Hm? Oh. This is... a box from Evil God-san...? It's been awhile since he sent me something.

But wait... Didn't he state that he wouldn't be able to send me anymore stuffs other than notes? So why did he send me a box then?

Meh, who cares. Might as well just open it now that it is here.

I opened the box and within it, I found some new clothes along with a note sitting on top of it.

Let's see what this says...


"I said that I wouldn't send you anymore things other than notes. But you butt is exposed. So here are some new clothes, as well as some additional clothes should they ever get torn again." ~Evil God Dionix.

Oh. Well, uh... thanks, Evil God-san. Guess I'll change into them now.

Also, why are there no undergarments? Do they not exist in this world?

Ah, screw it. I'll just ask Evil God-san about it once I escape the dungeon. Now then, which new clothing should I change into?



What do you think? Which clothing should I change into?

"Kyuuuuuuu......... Kyuu!"

This one? Alright then. Thanks, Kyuki.


I store away the extra clothes given by Evil God-san and began changing into the one Kyuki picked out for me.

This one is a bit different from the previous clothes I had worn. However, the bottom of the clothes is still a mini skirt. Why? Even the other clothes he gave me had mini skirts as well. Does Evil God-san have a mini skirt fetish or something?

...Well, I doubt he will respond if I ask him that.

Might as well just get used to it then. Not like I have any other choice.

After changing, I stored the previous tattered clothes into Dark Domain and entered Shadow Sneak along with Kyuki.

Alright Kyuki, my two-tailed fox spirit... It's time for us to head straight up to the 80th floor!


Thanks for reading. 🍫

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