Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 28: A Flower’s Secret


Alraune's POV

WARNING! Kyuki does not say "kyuu" in this chapter.

Oh. She's fainted. And what's more, her unique skill has instantly vanished.

I looked at my flower clock and saw that the hand had just reached the tenth hour mark.

"Master! Master!!!"

"Oh my... Seems like ten hours is the limit."

The little fox cries as I made my small comment. It shakes the girl's body, attempting to rouse her up but to no avail.

"Master! Master! What's wrong... Please, wake up!"

"Calm down, little fox. She is just unconscious, not dead."

"But Flower Sister! Master's body is... It's cold!"

I reached out to girl and felt her body.

It is cold alright. Just as the fox says... However, isn't that how her body should be?

After all, the body she possess was originally an undecaying corpse.

But still, this is bad. Her pulse is weak and her breathing is faint. If I leave her alone, she will most likely die. And that would be a problem for me. Besides, I still don't know much about her, and I wouldn't want such an interesting girl to die so soon.

Using my Nature Magic, I grew some vines and carried her back to the bed I had created for her and her spirit, placing her gently onto the soft, flowery mattress, and covered her up with a ton of large leaves as blankets.

The little fox then jumped up onto the bed and continued calling out to her.

"Master! Master!"

"Try and keep her body warm." I tell the fox. "But do not use magic to do it. I'm going to make a reagent for her to ensure the safety of her life. So don't disturb me whatsoever. Only do so when it is important."

"Got it!"

The little fox begins snuggling next to her neck. Whereas I head off to my garden and begin picking off certain flowers with my hands and vines, as I will be using them to make a potent potion for her.

Sheila Frontier, huh... Fufufu~ It's funny how she believes that her name is as such. Can't blame her though, since it is shown on her status. Truthfully, I wish to tell her but... I'm sure the Evil God would want to do it instead.

But still, after all this time... Evil God Dionix, you still have not given up on retrieving her body, have you? Seeing as you are now resorting to this sort of tactic.

At this point, what is lost should be considered lost. But even if someone were to tell you that, you would still persist, wouldn't you?

After all, the original Sheila Frontier is your—

"What are you doing...?"


My hands and vines stopped, as I hear the hateful voice of an acquaintance, talking to me through my head.

"Oh my, oh my~ To think you would contact me again, Dagon."

"I asked you a question, Queen Alraune. What are you doing? Why have you not killed the girl yet?"

"That's two questions now, by the way..."

"I don't care. Answer my question. Why have you not killed the girl yet? For what reason did you let her live? It should be easy for you to finish her off in an instant."

"So many questions... So many annoyances... Mostly coming from you. Ugh"

"I gave you an order. I told you to kill the girl with the [Reincarnation from Another World] title, the moment she steps into your room. So why have you not killed her yet? Why are you trying to save her instead? Especially now, when Dionix's eyes are away..."

"Ahhh! Shut up, would you! It's the same reason I told her earlier... I'm lonely. Because of you and your retarded God, I have been locked in this stupid dungeon for who knows how long, without any human contact whatsoever. So let me spend some time with her to ease my lonely bud. I'll kill her afterwards, once the month is over, alright!? If you're still unhappy with that, then you can come up here from the final floor, and kill her yourself!"

"...Fine. I'll leave you be for the month. However, should you fail to fulfill your duty, know that there will be severe consequences."

"Yeah, sure... Whatever, asshole. Just leave me alone and let me do my thing."

"...Very well. I'll contact you once the month is over."

My head then becomes clear, as Dagon had deactivated his Monster Telepathy skill.

Tsk! What a nuisance.

First, Dagon, and now, the Evil God... People sure love peeking on others, don't they?

At this rate, I won't be able to activate that for her. In that case, I'll need to do it discreetly while Dagon's eyes are on me.

As I continued picking the flowers for ingredients, I spawned a few tiny clones of myself and sent them off to do a task for me. Considering the time I have, I must activate that within a month. Otherwise, Dagon will come. And that is not something I want right now.

I returned to the girl and the little fox. Creating an alchemy table for me to work on my potion with.

"How is she?" I asked the little fox while grinding the ingredients.

"Master is... Her body is still cold..."

"I see."

I carried on with my potion making. Hearing the little fox's voice as well, while I focus on my task.

"Master... Please don't go... Please don't leave me..."

Fufufu. What a loyal spirit you have, my dear. And don't worry, little fox. I won't let her die. Like how the Evil God Dionix is using her to retrieve the corpse of Sheila Frontier, I shall be using her as well to escape from this shitty prison.

For that, I must make her stronger. I must increase her chances of survival. Not against the monsters of this dungeon, no. But against the dungeon's overseer, Dagon, himself.

However, after seeing what she can do, a month's worth of training won't be enough.

I will need to activate that and give her a head start. I will also need to face Dagon after that, since he will never forgive a traitor like me.

So, as I started mixing the grinded ingredients together, I tell myself that I cannot inform her, or the little fox, about my plans. Since that would not end well for the both of us, as he is watching.

My dear... I pity you, truly, for being put in such a predicament by another retarded God. But thanks to that, you are most likely my only chance of escaping this place. Which is why, I shall bet my everything onto you. In hopes that you and your little fox succeed.

Because I can say for sure... Now that his comrade has interfered with his antics, the Evil God Dionix will no longer be watching over you.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill has Levelled Up: [Alchemy LV 8] -> [Alchemy LV 9]»

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