Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 42: Farewell

Three days later. The end of the promised month has come.

It was time for Kyuki and I to say goodbye to Eliza-san tomorrow when the artificial sun arise.

On this last day, Kyuki was sleeping soundly on the bed after training hard for the last time. While I was still fully awake, staring at the fake stars in the fake sky.

"Can't sleep, my dear?"

Eliza-san suddenly popped her head out above me. Surprising me a bit.

"Aww. Not a single reaction, huh. And here I thought I could get something out of you."

No no. I was quite surprised. But I guess my face was simply not expressing it.

"Yes... I can't sleep."

"Well, try to get some, my dear. There's no telling what might happen once you leave this floor tomorrow."

"I know... But I, uh...."

"Sleep. No more talking. Just close your eyes and relax."

I wanted to say that I couldn't stop wondering about what will happen to Eliza-san when Kyuki and I leave this floor. But in the end, Eliza-san stopped me from talking any further and used her Nature Magic to help me fall asleep faster.

Perhaps she knew what will happen and didn't want me to say it. Or perhaps she didn't want to hold one last conversation with me, thinking that she start feeling lonely once we left. Either way, I wished we could have had one more conversation about stuffs as the next day had already arrived before I knew it. Kyuki was already up and Eliza-san was simply waiting for us in her garden patch of flowers.

"Are you ready to leave?"



I have stored everything I need into my Dark Domain, which are basically the clothes provided by the Spiritual God, Akagi-san, and a load of mochi snacks made by Eliza-san while we were asleep apparently.

Once all of those were stored, Kyuki and I went to where Eliza-san is, to which she asked us if we were ready.

However, there was something off that I'm noticing.

"Eliza-san... where is the exit?" I asked.

"Oh. The way up to the next floor is right up there." Eliza-san pointed to the ceiling.

I was barely able to see it. But in the corner of the fake sky where Eliza-san is pointing, a man-sized hole was most certainly there.

So that's the exit!? Holy hell. I wouldn't be able to find it if Eliza-san hadn't told me.

Well, with Demonic Wings, we can fly up there and leave this place. So let's—

"Now hold on, my dear. I said that is the way up. But you're not going to exit through there, you know."



Eliza-san then pointed to her right. "Look at where the little fox is." she said.

I looked and there I saw Kyuki waiting for me by a magic circle that is glowing ever so brightly.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"A teleportation trap. Or at least, it was one before I disabled it long ago."

She did what now?

"It was supposed to be a one-way transportation from somewhere on the upper floors to here. Basically, it was meant to bring some poor individuals to me where they will promptly die seconds later. However, at some point, many of the Evil God's people used it as a shortcut to the lowest floor which was how I ended up with the Demon Slayer title."

"I see..."

That sounds like a pain to deal with, honestly.

"Good grief, people don't listen even when I told them I wasn't their enemy. I nearly died to them many times because of that. But anyways, because I didn't want to deal with them, I straight up disabled the trap. Only to realise that I could try to mess with the trap's functions so that the one-way transportation gets flipped around. And well, I succeeded in that. Unfortunately, the trap does not work on monsters, so I disabled it again and left it in that state ever since."

That's quite the story. But now I got a question.

"How did you know... how to do that with the trap?"

"From the Demon I ate, of course. Their knowledge and memories were really helpful in a lot of thing. Those snacks I made for you, were from the knowledge of several of them who knew how to make it."

So the Demons knew how to make mochis? Can they make other types of Japanese snacks, I wonder?

"Anyways, I rambled on for too long. It's time for you two to go now. Just step into the circle and you'll be transported somewhere on the upper floors. I do not know which floor you'll end up on exactly, so don't ask."


Why am I suddenly getting a bad feeling about this...?

Kyuki, come here.


Kyuki teleported itself into my arms, as I carried it close to me, so that we can ensure that we get transported together.

But before stepping into the circle, I turned around to face Eliza-san and did my hardest to express a smile on my face.

"Eliza-san, thank you for everything." I said my farewells.

"Kyuu~ Kyuu~" Kyuki does the same too.

Eliza-san on the other hand had her eyes wide open. Seeing me smile for the first time, it would seem that she couldn't help but to express her surprise and smiled as well.

"My dear, you have a creepy smile."


Those words she uttered stabbed me in the heart deeply, as my father from my previous life had said the same thing to me as well.

So it really was that creepy, huh...?

"However, I don't hate it."


I didn't quite catch what Eliza-san said. But she continued without reiterating.

"How should I put it....? It's creepy, but unique. That smile of yours has a charm to it. Though, I doubt many people would like it. But for me, after seeing you not express a single form of emotion in this past month, I kind of like seeing that smile of yours. Which is why, my dear, you should try to smile more from now on. So that the smile you've showed me today will become a beautiful one in the future."

"Uh, I.... umm...."

I was speechless. Those words were something I was not expecting to hear. Rather, it got me wondering...

If my father had said that to me instead of telling me never to smile again, would I have become a different people?

"And one more thing, my dear."

I snapped out of my thoughts to hear what Eliza-san has to say.

"Take this." she placed something in my hand.

"This is... a seed?"

"It is a seed that will grow the most beautiful flower in the world. Once you have escape from this dungeon, plant this seed in some nice soil outside and give it plenty of water. Then, let it grow. Will you fulfill this request for me?"

"Of course! I will do that... for you."

"Thank you, my dear. And when the flower blooms, be sure to tell it your name. The name which you will use from hereon after."

"I understand. Thank you, Eliza-san... And goodbye."

"Kyuu! Kyuu! Kyuu!"

"Farewell, my dear. And you too, little fox. Try not to die so early, alright?"

With our farewells said to each other, I stepped into the circle with Kyuki in my arms, as the both of us were transported out of the floor in an instant.

Whoa. This place is dark. Which floor do you think we're on, Kyuki?

"Kyuu. Kyuu."

Kyuki used its Fire Magic to light the place up. And the moment it did that...



...We found ourselves surrounded by monsters.

More specifically, we were surrounded by ghosts.



I can't handle ghosts!


Eliza's POV

"They are gone now, huh...?"

I still couldn't believe it.

To think that a month would pass so quickly...

Maybe I should've kept them here longer. But that would have been selfish on my part.


Would a month even be enough for them though? The little fox is one thing, but the girl's growth was faster than what the denizens of this world could achieve in the same amount of time.

Is this what a soul from another world could achieve? If so, then it's possible that she can become—

"You've betrayed us..."


Great job ruining my mood, dude.

"I did not betray anyone, you mutt. After all, I was never on your or your master's side to begin with. You piece of shits who forcefully brought me here."

"I see. So be it then. You shall face the consequences for crossing us, Queen Alraune."

"Fufufu~ So you're going to come up here then? All right. I'll be waiting for you. It's not like I can go anywhere anyways. Also, the name's Eliza now. Thank you very much."

The telepathy connection then ended. It won't be long now before Dagon arrives here. Thus, I began to make my preparations...

....for my upcoming demise.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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