Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 5: Determination

Mmm... huh? Where am I...? Oh right, I'm in the dungeon. Seems like I fell asleep after crying my eyes out. That's a first for me...

Ou, ow... Ow ow ow ow ow, my back hurts. Dammit, I'm not used to sleeping on such hard ground. Especially not on the stairs!

Ugh... Although, I guess the stairs between floors are really a safe spot, considering that I wasn't eaten alive by monsters while I was sleeping here. However, the same can't be said for my right hand which had been eaten before I reached here...

Fortunately, the wound has been closed thanks to the Auto Healing skill. But it seems like the skill itself is unable to heal my hand back. Because of that, my right hand is now a stub which is depressing to see...


A note...? Did Evil God-san send it while I was asleep? I thought I wouldn't hear from him for a long time though.

I picked the note up and the first thing it says was...

"I am sorry..."


"I knew you would have a hard time trying to escape the dungeon, but I had faith that you would pull through. However, it would seem that I had expected too much from you... Because of that, I got you unnecessarily hurt and made you cry. For that, I am sorry..."

What...? No! No no no no! Why are you apologising, Evil God-san!? It was the rabbit that hurt me, not you! And I cried because my pride couldn't accept that fact!

"That is why, if you so wish for it, I can come to you directly and get you out of the dungeon right now. Just say the word and I will come for you, so that you wouldn't have to suffer anymore..."

I can leave...? Right now? Seriously!?


But then... what would happen after that? What about the unwanted attention he had mentioned before? What about the consequences that would not end well for both of us if he does that? Isn't the reason why Evil God-san wants me to escape on my own is precisely because of that? Then, would it really be alright to accept his help now...?

"E-Evil God-san... are you... listening...?"

I looked up, believing that he is watching me from above.

"Thank you... but... I'll have to... refuse..."

I do not know why he is helping me, nor do I know why I am in a dungeon in the first place. But the reason why he did not directly help me at the start, is because of the "unwanted attention" he mentioned before, isn't it?

Yeah... That can only be the case. If he could directly help me out of this dungeon, he would have done so already. Meaning, whoever this "unwanted attention" are, they are more dangerous than the monsters here, and they are definitely someone Evil God-san would not want to face. In other words, I cannot accept Evil God-san's offer, despite its temptation, as it could mean the end for the both of us if I were to.

"I'll be fine..... So please... just continue to watch over... me."

I awaited for a response, and after a few seconds, a flask containing some blood red liquid, and a note appeared in front of me. I grabbed the flask with my left hand, and let the note dropped to the ground.

I inspected the flask and found a labelling on it which says, "Elixir."

Knowing what the Evil God has sent me, I popped the cork off the flask and proceed to down the liquid without any hesitation. Immediately after doing so, I can feel my fatigue fading away, my hunger and thirst subsiding, and my right hand regenerating in a grotesque way.

Seeing my right hand back now, I felt really happy and grateful to the Evil God, and picked up the note I left on the ground to read.

"I have heard your resolve and I am glad to see that your will has not been broken yet, which is why I shall do as you wish and continue watching over you. However, should your life be in peril and your will be broken, I will personally come and get you out of the dungeon. Even if that were to result in the end for both of us..."

I see. Yeah, I'm fine with that.

"As I have told you before, improve your Appraisal skill first. The monsters here may be strong, but some of them possess very weak defenses that even you will be able to kill them. If you can identify those monsters and formulate a plan to kill them in one go, you will be able to become stronger, despite being the weakest existence in the dungeon. So utilise your skills to the their fullest. They are your greatest weapon..."

Right. Got it.

"Incidentally, other than increasing your stats, leveling up can also restore your body to its original state. Which, is a really important thing I have forgotten to tell you. Sorry..."

Are you kidding me!? Don't forget such critical information, you Evil God!

"Anyways, from here on out, I will only be able to send you notes of advice to keep the chance of attracting unwanted attention to the lowest. So good luck, Rei Hoshimiya. I'll be watching over you." ~Evil God Dionix.

...Thank you, Evil God-san. And please do not worry. I will not cry anymore. I will not be defeated anymore. That was the first time for me, and it shall be the last.

It will be difficult, and possibly near impossible. But no matter the odds, I will survive as long as the possibility is not zero. I'll just have to work hard for it. Just like how I would always do in my previous life.

And so, with that determination in my heart, and some fear remaining as well, I climb up the stairs to the 88th floor, ready to face what there is to come.

Starting from now, this is where my escape truly begins!

Thanks for reading. 🍫

Bye bye.

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