Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Side Story 1: Through the Eyes of Another

That day, was supposed to be a special day. I woke up, ate breakfast, changed my clothes and went out with my luggage as I made my way to the bus station, where my classmates and I are supposed to meet up for our school trip.

"Good morning, Iori."


"Sup dude, you look pretty tired."

Upon arriving at the meet up spot, I greeted my two friends, Yuuri Hiiragi and Touma Ichijou, who had already arrived before me.

"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night." I replied to Yuuri's question while rubbing my sleepy eyes, as I had almost spent the entirety of last night playing the MMO game I usually play with Yuuri and Touma, without realising how much time had passed until much later.

Fortunately, I managed to get a few hours of sleep in but I'm still feeling really tired. To make it worse, I arrived at the bus station pretty early, as only half of the class seem to be present right now and the bus ain't even here yet.

Yuuri, Touma and I then went to an empty bench to sit and chat while waiting for the others. Eventually though, the drowsiness from lack of sleep is getting the better of me, so I got up from the seat and informed my friends.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some drinks from the vending machine. You guys want anything?"

"Ou, melon soda for me, thank you."

"Make that two melon sodas."

"Got it. Two green teas for the both of ya."

"Hey, we said melon soda dammit!"

I ignored Yuuri's cursing and head off to the vending machines nearby.

Now umm, what should I get?

Well for starters, a canned coffee for my sleepy butt would be good. As for the second drink of my choice...

Wait. Where's my wallet...?

Crap. Did I leave it back at home!?

Oh no no no... This is bad, this is bad...

"Excuse... me..."


"Wah!? Prin— I mean, Hoshimiya-san... Do you need something from me?"

"You dropped... this..."

Eh? Oh. That's my wallet.

"Ah, thanks."

I received my wallet back from Hoshimiya-san, who then walked off to where our classmates are. After she left, I quickly catch my breath as I had almost forgotten to breathe when in her presence.

That was a surprised for sure. I'd never thought the Princess would talk to me, even if she just returning my wallet.

I took out the coins from my wallet and realised that I won't have enough to buy four drinks.

Ah, screw the coffee. I'll just buy myself a melon soda as well. Got enough just for three after all.

I bought the drinks and then went back to Yuuri and Touma who were waiting for me. Upon returning, I could see that all of our classmates, including sensei, is here, just waiting for the bus to arrive now.

"Here you go."

"Oh thanks! For a second there I thought you really gonna get us green tea."

"Yeah, right. I was obviously joking about that."

The three of us opened our cans of melon soda and took a sip out of its fizzy content.

"Ahh~ Gotta love melon soda, man. This stuff is good~"

"Well, we better drink it all quickly though. Sensei just told us that the bus is arriving."

"Really? Then you know what we must do, Yuuri."


A cynical smirk formed on mine and Yuuri's face as we then turned to Touma and ask him.

"Touma. Chugging challenge. You in or not?"

"Bruh... we're drinking soda."

"Hmm, looks like Touma ain't in for it this time."

"Guess it's just the two of us then."

"Guys, seriously. Stop. You both are gonna get sick."

Touma gave us a final warning, before immediately clearing out as Yuuri and I began chugging down on our melon sodas. Annnnnd let's just say... we regretted all life choices.

"Oh god, I don't feel so good..."

"Somebody, call an ambulance! *Buuuurp~*"

"Jesus Christ. You two are absolute morons, you know that."

"Yeah, we know... *Buuurp~!*"

It took us some time but fortunately, Yuuri and I managed to recover fast enough before the bus has arrived. After which, our teacher, Shinichi Yasui, called on our names to confirm that we're all here, before boarding the bus for our school trip.

Yuuri and I are seated together at the back, where most of the boys are. Touma, being the unfortunate one, is seated at the front where most of the girls are. However, that doesn't mean we're the lucky ones either. Well... at least not for me, as I had some difficulties sleeping on the bus, thanks to the Class King, Ryuuji Shishiou, and his loud obnoxious voice being a constant interruption to my sleep.

And by the time he himself had went to sleep along the ride, I was no longer tired at that point.

Well, at least the view outside of the windows is nice— Wha!?

Out of nowhere, the bus swirled out of control; the sudden movement caused everyone to cry in a panic before the bus crashes into the railings and went off the mountain road, as things only begin to spiral down from there.

I screamed and shouted in fear along with everyone else in the bus. We rolled down the side of the mountain, bumping our heads into everything nearby as the windows then begin to shatter. The broken shards pierced some of those who were seated by the window, causing them to scream even louder in pain while others started dying before their eyes. Including Yuuri who got a large shard of glass in his head.


I shouted for him, only to be interrupted by another shard piercing my throat.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!

That was the last thing I thought before blacking out.

Because after that, I... We all died.

The first side chapter! Thanks for reading. 🍫

Have a nice day. Bye~

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