Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Side Story 3: The Sacrulla Family

It has been about two weeks or so since I reincarnated into another world. And even to this day, I still find it hard to believe.

To think that all of those isekai anime, manga and light novels I've consumed so far, actually became a reality. But what's even more unbelievable, is that I can even bring out my status like it's a game or something.

Name: Ion Sacrulla

Race: Human

Lvl: 1 (Next Lvl Req: 100)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World]

Physical Offense: 15

Physical Defense: 8

Magical Offense: 50

Magical Defense: 13

Speed: 10

Skill(s): [Power of Friendship]

Current Point(s): 10,000

So far, I'm only level one. That makes sense, considering that I am still a baby right now. But what I should be paying attention to is the skill I see in my status, Power of Friendship.

Urk. Even reading the name just makes me cringe. Out of all things, why must this skill be named as such?

At least what the skill does is incredible... I guess.

Unique Skill - [Power of Friendship]: Boosts the user's stats based on the number of friends they have. (Friend Counter: 0)

Based on the number of friends I have, it says. But since I have none right now, it's basically useless at the moment. And what's worse is the Friend Counter rubbing it in my face. Ouch...

And then there is the other thing: my [Reincarnation from Another World] title. Because this exist in my status, my ten year old Elder Brother, Ragna, found out about my identity immediately after meeting me for the first time. Which he then informed our parents about it.

But for some reason, even though they now know about that I was from another world and have my memories from back then, my family still treated me as if nothing has changed about their newborn son.

"Looking at your status again, Ion?"


Speaking of my older brother... While I was lost in my thoughts, Ragna suddenly appeared and spoke to me.

Uwaa~ His eyes are scary as usual! Why are you always glaring at me, Onii-chan?

"What's wrong?" he then asked.

You're what's wrong, brother! Stop glaring at me please!

Did he hear my thoughts, I wonder? Or was it just his intuition speaking? My big brother then placed both hands on his face and looked away from me.

He mumbled something I cannot hear, as he suddenly began making strange faces in front of the mirror near my crib.

What is he doing? I wondered. But now that he isn't glaring at me, I can relax— Ah.

Crap. Like literally... crap.

What should I do? What do I do? Should I cry to inform my brother of the situation? Hell no! I may be an infant now, but I'm still a teenager mentally. It's too embarrassing for me to cry.

But... But...

Oh god! Here comes the stink!


"Huh? What's wrong, Ion— Ugh!"

I cried... calling for my brother's attention who immediately noticed my predicament as he ran out of the room, calling for an adult's help.

"Mom! Where's the diapers!? Ion pooped himself!"

Ugh... I cried. However, I'm fine with it... for now, as I rather put my own hygiene first before my pride because I'm a baby now. Weak and helpless, who needs caring from others in order to live a healthy life. That's the reality which I must accept it quickly.

But still... this is so embarrassing!

Then, my brother came back with my parents and the elf maid, Isabella, who is also my wet nurse.

He seemed to have explained my state already, as my mother picked me up from my crib and laid me on a counter where she and Isabella can change my diapers, while my father and brother watched from the side.

My mother is saying something to me. However, I can't understand her. My father on the other hand, I can understand him clearly just like my brother, as he blocked his nose and remarked.

"Dear God, what did you feed him?"

Breast milk, obviously. Since that is what I have only been consuming for the past two weeks or so. But I agree with you, dad. My shit stinks! I'm amazed at how my mother and Isabella are able to keep a straight face.

Fortunately, the crisis has been taken care of after that. But the room needed some ventilation for a while, for the stink to be gone entirely.

My parents and brother then sat around in the room with me in their arms, playfully doting on me while Isabella stood idly by and watched.

During which, they have a chat each other.

"My second son sure is cute. To think he would be a Reincarnator." my father said, playing with my nose.

"Not just a Reincarnator, father. But a Reincarnator from another world, apparently. The first is rare enough, but I'd never thought the second would be possible. I wonder what kind of world he was originally from?" my brother questioned, laying his cold gaze onto me while holding a toy up in front of me to play with.

My mother then said something in response to my brother. But I have no clues what she is saying. Although, I think I can make out what she's implying through her facial expressions, as she gently caresses my head with a bright smile.

They know that I am a Reincarnator, and that I am from another world. Yet, as I have stated earlier, they still treated me as if none of that matters. In fact, from what they've said just now, it seems like there are other Reincarnators like me. Although, not from another world that my family know of...

Which begs the question... If I'm here, does that mean it's possible that Yuuri or Touma are in this world as well? Or even the others from my class, including Yasui-sensei?

We were all on that bus when it crashed. So it's highly possible, right? If that's the case...

The Sacrulla Family; the household I was reborn in.

I have yet to know much about this world after being born in it two weeks prior. But there is one thing I know I must do:

Grow up, get stronger, and find my classmates if they are out there. Hopefully, either Yuuri or Touma first.


Ok. Maybe that's not one thing. But still...

For now, I will need to wait until I can walk and talk. Which can take a long time, now that I think about it.

In that case, why don't I try to understand this world's language. Or at the very least, try to understand what my mother and Isabella are saying.

I mean, it's not like there is anything I can do as an infant now, so... yeah... I'll just do that, I guess.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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