Demonic Kitsune

37: Back to the Institute and Graduation

The return of the First Young Arrancar Squad was made possible by the Second Young Arrancar Squad. With the Fairy Saint and the Ten Monsterized Knights of Wrath dead, their mission was technically completed. 

Both squads were returning at the same time, but the atmosphere between them was starkly different. The First Young Arrancar Squad had not only accomplished their own mission but had also helped another squad. In contrast, the Second Young Arrancar Squad faced a series of misfortunes. They struggled against their enemies, barely managing to survive, and ultimately had to request assistance through the base in Glacolia.

It was difficult to use an unexpected variable as an excuse since the variable in question—the gory remains of the Fairy Saint of the Central Holy Church—was now a trophy in the First Young Arrancar Squad’s possession. Wandering World Group and Individual Missions were crucial in determining where the young Arrancars and their squads stood upon their return to the clan. Purely based on results, the Second Young Arrancar Squad was clearly behind the First Young Arrancar Squad at the starting line.

In such an atmosphere, the First Young Arrancar Squad led the way, even approaching the finish line ahead of the others.

Reaching the edge of Salamander, the home of the Demonic Arrancar Clan—Δαιμονική Φυλή των Αρράνκαρ—the Young Arrancar Squad moved swiftly through towering mountain peaks. They navigated the abnormal terrains with care, alert to the threat of demonic plants, insects, or animals in the dense rainforests. Holding their breath, they circulated their Demonic energy to resist the poison that shrouded the vast plains of purplish grass—a place forbidden in tales and shrouded in fog on maps. Every movement was precise as they maintained a steady pace.

They were only hours away from the western region of the Demonic Arrancar Clan, where the "Arrancar Institute," a training facility for the clan’s youth, was located. After countless paths through the incomprehensible landscape, they approached the towering peaks. Some believed the chance of encountering beasts was low. Unfazed by any challenges ahead, the young Arrancars dashed through a field brimming with life and vibrant green, as if it were a paradise. Water droplets dripped from the reddish-cobalt skies onto the leaves and grass below.

Anyone who wasn’t an Arrancar would have been awed by the scenery and the calm breeze that was enough to relax the nerves and drown the mind in absolute tranquility. But the Young Arrancar was unshaken. They knew danger often struck when least expected.

The nearby bushes rattled and rustled as the wind suddenly died down. What struck the young Arrancars’ keen noses and heightened their senses—sending them into a frenzy—was something unbelievably dangerous.  Even Clare’s ears and bushy tails twitched at the bloodlust in the air. From the thick undergrowth, something began to hover.

It was a Demonic Bull Ox, enormous and fast. In that unexpected situation, anyone else would have undoubtedly spat out profanity. But, despite the surprise, the young Arrancars remained calm, showing no sign of intimidation.

The beast’s black belly resembled that of an ox, but it was larger than a bull. Its long tail ended in a thick, black, curved horn, shining like a spear. Even at high speed, the young Arrancars closest to it had already placed their hands on the hilts of their weapons, ready to strike at point-blank range.


The Demonic Bull Ox let out a high-pitched cry, increasing its speed. Its gaze was black as ash as it channeled demonic energy around its body, concentrating it around its horn to unleash a blast. Even Clare, who was far from it, was surprised at the demonic energy manipulation. Anyone would be. After all, they were called demonic beasts for a reason. The sight reminded her of the Demonic Bull she fought during the first trial at the Trial Gate of Poseidon, Valkyrie-Blitz. But compared to that evolving beast, this was child’s play.


Indeed, it was nothing but a brief surprise, nothing more, nothing less. A gust of wind dashed past the young Arrancars, intercepting the Demonic Bull Ox just as it emerged from the bushes—ready to attack with its blast

But it couldn’t. 

A flash of reddish-dark light split the beast in half. Blood splashed like a fountain, scattering across the ground. The young Arrancars swallowed dryly, shocked by the sight of the beast’s instant defeat—the creature had been cut in two. They calmly sheathed their weapons and kept moving.

A chunk of meat rolled across the ground, scattering as other demonic beasts emerged from the bushes, feasting on it as if they had been waiting for this moment.

A faint smile appeared on Clare’s face as she observed the scene, then shifted her gaze to the young Arrancar responsible for the kill while assisting her squad mate.

It was none other than Noir Gu, who was assisting Arden Beowulf, one of the few young male Arrancars from the Institute who had managed to survive. He leaned heavily on her, his breath now calm as his eyes widened in awe at what his squad leader had done effortlessly.

Still in motion, Noir sheathed her broadsword and adjusted her robes. She coated a little more demonic energy on her calves to keep up with the pace while still helping her comrade.

Even CHETH—Zhan Ruyan—was surprised at the swift prowess of the one called SETH. No wonder she was the second strongest in the entire Institute, after GIMEL, his squad’s leader. Julie Tao-Yao, also known as "NETH," a female member of the First Young Arrancar Group skilled in covert operations, was half-stunned. She glanced between the perfectly sliced corpse and SETH in deep thought. To instantly close the distance and slice the Demonic Bull Ox while assisting a squadmate was fantastic. If the second strongest is like this, no wonder she earned that rank in the Institute. NETH couldn’t imagine what hidden power SETH kept within her, unseen even by her squad leader.

Trying to comprehend the impossible was a great feat as NETH continued down the path.

As usual, SETH adjusted her robes, pretending nothing had happened, and shouted.

“Second Young Arrancar Squad, move your feet! Don’t slack behind! Got it?”

Witnessing the skill of their squad leader, they tightened their fists, infused their calves with demonic energy, and pushed off the ground with vigor.

“Yes, Squad Leader!” they responded in unison.

Noticing the shouts, the First Young Arrancars felt determination ignite in their hearts as well. Even Clare was impressed. It wasn’t as if Clare hadn’t encountered monsters that attacked out of nowhere before—such as the Snow Spider in the Great Edge—but the difference now was that Clare didn’t need to worry about stepping up against troublesome beasts or monsters on steroids.

After all, elites with tremendous potential were present. With that, they all entered the next towering mountain ranges.

Letting out a deep breath, Clare stared into the distance as both Young Arrancar Squads leaped onto a towering mountain peak, where fields of bamboo trees and strange sugarcane grew.  Her bushy tails flowed with the wind as if one with it. Her ears stood on end, and every hair on her body was alert. The environment before the Demon Clan was fraught with dangerous disasters that could end one’s life without warning.

After all, “Death lurks when one least expects it.”

Clare deepened her thoughts, multitasking as always. During this Wandering World Training, she had accomplished much. She was likely to earn a good rank in the Clan, which would allow her to set a clear goal. 

Practically, Salamander powerhouses as a whole were her targets for revenge: the ten best guilds, the seven great families, the four great continental clans, and the Central Holy Church—perhaps not every single one, but it didn’t really matter. Clare couldn’t do it alone; she needed the power and influence of the Demonic Arrancar Clan.

But to truly wield the Clan's power, just any rank wouldn’t cut it. If she wasn’t the fighting type, she could become the Great Tactician. But Clare knew that wasn’t her path.

An Arrancar Knight or General? She shook her head inwardly. No, that wasn’t enough. Even titles like “Grand Rook” or “Twelve Arrancar Grandmasters” were insufficient. The Clan had five thousand Grand Rooks, yet this rank still didn’t grant full command over the Clan. The same was true for the Twelve Arrancar Grandmasters.

That left her with only one choice—

—to become the Demoness.

The apex of the Demonic Arrancar Clan.  The contractee of the Demon God, the origin of all Demons. 

But Clare would never make a contract with any divine being, either in the past or now. Even if it were necessary, she would ensure she wouldn’t. Instead, she would become a Divine being herself. 

Only then could she command all the Arrancars.

And to become the Demonic Arrancar’s Demoness—and of course, one ambition at a time—Clare would first have to become the “Visored.” Conveniently, the current Demoness had stated publicly that strength and talent, not bloodline, would determine the next Visored.

Clare opened her eyes and glanced sidely at Noir Gu behind her. Of course, Noir noticed and returned a faint smile. 

Clare’s eyes narrowed.

‘If Noir and I eventually have to meet for that spot, I guess we’ll have to fight it out.’

No, if Noir interfered in any inappropriate way, Clare would ensure she could never hold a weapon again. It was an immoral thought, not befitting a Heavenly Saintess, but as a Half-breed Nin, it was necessary for her goal. Her fluffy tails swayed slightly, sending a calming sensation to her mind, agreeing with her thoughts. Even her mischievous demon side grinned at the idea. She would try to find another way, but if there was no alternative… Clare’s eyes turned calm and indifferent. It was settled then. She would wait and see how it played out.

Gradually, as they leaped from peak to peak, they left the region and moved directly toward the Institute of Arrancar, which was drawing closer. The wind blew across their faces, fluttering their robes and billowing their hair.

It wasn't difficult to enter the Institute of Arrancar through the dense forest that surrounded the western mountain peak. As they entered, retracting their demonic energy, familiar presences and faces welcomed them on the Yulin Platform, as if they had sensed their approach from miles away.

Clare’s ears twitched in alert when she saw the Instructors on the Yulin Platform, along with some familiar individuals. She recognized them despite the distance they were still running at.

 They stood side by side, exuding different strengths that she could sense fully well. The most powerful presence belonged to Mei Tai, the Dean of the Institute and overseer of all its activities, followed by the Assistant Dean and Senior Instructor Edgar Le Nigel—followed by others. 

Everyone’s appearance was more refined than over a month ago when the young Arrancars had left for their Wandering World mission. Their training had paid off, reflecting elegance and belligerence.

Mei Tai stirred her demonic energy, sending tendrils of it dancing around her, creating an aura of pressure that made Clare’s eyes widen and frown. Mei Tai walked a few paces ahead of the others with the elegance of no other, her newly customized red robe with black cloud embellishments billowing slightly.

“Good work, Young Arrancars. Though I see some narrow escapees…” Mei Tai began, her gaze shifting to the Second Young Arrancar Squad, who halted and bowed, gasping for air—particularly their leader, who released a wounded Squadmate. Their numbers had been significantly reduced, with many injured. 

Noir’s expression frowned.

On the other hand, the First Young Arrancar Squad remained stoic. It wasn’t that they hadn’t suffered; many were injured, and four were seriously hurt. But the Second Squad had suffered beyond what could simply be called a ‘narrow escape.’

Despite Noir’s situation, Mei Tai didn’t hesitate. Noir might be the Divine Maiden of the Demonic Arrancar Clan and a direct descendant of the Demoness, but she was still lower in rank. Wasn’t she the second strongest among all the Young Arrancars in the Institute of Arrancar, the program Mei Tai herself managed and directed?

Mei Tai sighed, ruffling her hair as the wind blew it slightly. She was already stressed enough for some Special Tea Edition lesson. Exhaling, she continued, “Either way, it seems you all have completed your missions.”

Mei Tai’s eyes shifted to GIMEL. She wasn’t the only one. Among the instructors, all the top Senior Instructors turned toward GIMEL, slowly observing the Half-breed Nin. Edgar Le Nigel and the Assistant Dean also watched, though Edgar coughed to redirect the gazes of the other Senior Instructors, muttering with a snort.

“Don’t you old geezers dare stare at her indecently. Don’t you know your eyes could pierce steel?” 

Edgar’s tone was provocative, an insult to the Senior Instructors for overstepping their boundaries by staring at his young Arrancar of the Yulin Platform.

“What do you mean… indecently?” one retorted.

“Oh, Edgar, how about exchanging the honor of training that brat for mine?” another offered.

“Can you, Handsome Edgar?” another chimed in. “Perhaps I could add a few young Arrancars from my side?”

It was unbelievably creepy that the Senior Instructors would make such offers. They had initially underestimated, insulted, and jeered at Edgar when they heard he had a Half-breed Nin in his Platform. But now that the Half-breed Nin they mocked had turned out to be a diamond in the rough, they were all eager for the honor Edgar had earned. Such arrogance.

Wrinkles of annoyance formed on Edgar’s head as well as the Assistant Dean’s. They whispered in unison as if thinking the same thought, “No way in scorching Hell will we hand it over.”

It was an unsightly bickering scene, hideous to other young Arrancars with bad vibes swirling around them. But to GIMEL, SETH, CHETH, the Dean, and some other elites, it was a ridiculous display that made them sigh at how petty these Senior Instructors and the Assistant Dean were. 

Well, it was expected when it came to GIMEL. As the winner of the ‘Fight for Poseidon’s Box,’ she had already attracted attention. Gauging how much more she had improved since then was the instructors’ first move. Their second move was to try to negotiate for the ‘Yulin Platform GIMEL Training Honor.’

The Senior Instructors let out a breath as the wind blew. They couldn’t gauge GIMEL’s level at all. If they were to fight her here, there wasn’t a way to win. She was like an impenetrable Demonic Fortress. No, more than that—a Titanium Demonic Fortress, thoroughly prepared to counterattack—something one couldn’t dare to enter.

Even Mei Tai was amazed. ‘Even after the Institute program is over, you’ll undoubtedly become much stronger.’

Mei Tai did improve after the Young Arrancars left for their mission, but it was only a small improvement since her breakthrough into the Fourth chain. Although she was part of the Grand Rook, she realized that GIMEL was stronger and had the potential to surpass even that.

‘I heard she defeated the Fairy Saint of the Central Holy Church,’

And turned her into a gory mess at that. The details of how it happened weren't fully reported, but regardless of the specifics, one fact remained unchanged: GIMEL had defeated the Fairy Saint, who was undeniably a combatant on par with an Arrancar Grandmaster.

Mei Tai’s cherry-red lips curved into a proud smile. They had produced an incredible being with limitless potential in this generation at the Institute of Arrancars, just as she had expected. She looked forward to the future.

The bickering between the Senior Instructors ceased when the Dean coughed. The Assistant Dean adjusted his glasses as if to imply he hadn’t been involved in an argument over trivial matters. 

With a sigh, the Dean spoke.

“Congratulations on your return and your immediate graduation from the Institute of Arrancars. Soon enough, you will be assigned a new place to live, along with custom robes. Rest there. You no longer need to return to the Institute of Arrancars.”

The Dean’s voice echoed, piercing the ears and hearts of the newly graduated Young Arrancars. His words made their hearts pound. The change in lodging could only mean one thing after graduation.

“From this moment onward, you are no longer the young Arrancars of the Institute. You are now full-fledged Arrancar Vikings who will lead the next generation of the Demonic Arrancar Clan. Be proud of your achievement and yourselves.”

Their sharp ears twitched, and their horns were stroked as their faces flushed with joy that couldn’t be hidden. Even the Second Young Arrancars, who had been gloomy and depressed due to their low results, were now excited. Despite their mission outcomes, Dean Mei Tai’s words meant they had a fifty-two percent chance of success. They had narrowly escaped failure. As survivors—or rather, narrow escapers—they had finally graduated.

“The Third Young Arrancar Squad has yet to return. When they do, their results will determine their qualification to graduate. Until then, I will summon you all. Rest well in your new residence.” At this point, Mei Tai’s gaze shifted to the Second Squad. “For those injured, visit the Demonic Healers’ Embrace. You are now permitted to receive full healing to pristine condition.”

Noir and GIMEL smiled faintly, pleased that their squad would receive full healing. Unlike when they were young Arrancars just minutes ago, they could now indulge in full Healing. 

After the speech, the newly graduated Arrancars were all given accommodations in a single, well-maintained residence. 

Each room was 25,211 square feet with a proper cleaning system, quite different from what they experienced at the Institute or during Seclusion Training. The First Arrancar Squad had enjoyed similar accommodations at their base in Lumencis, so they were somewhat accustomed to it. 

However, the Second Arrancar Squad had been in haste, pursued by dangers in Glacolia, and had been unable to enjoy such accommodations. Only Noir, as the Divine Maiden, had been accommodated similarly.

However, not all rested comfortably. 

One such Arrancar was Clare. It wasn’t because the room was less vibrant or plain; she had grown accustomed to such a life already. It was something else. 

She glanced at the darkening twilight sky, feeling the chilly wind brush against her skin as she stood in front of her new accommodation on a vacated mountain peak. Sparse reddish-orange undergrowth dotted the area, with an old, abandoned platform nearby, and close to that was a tall, old tree with few branches and red-blood leaves. 

As night fully descended, the crescent moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft, ethereal silver glow over everything. The cool breeze stirred the tree’s red-blood leaves, making them rustle gently. Clare, now donned in white titanium robes with floral embellishments, sat in the soothing wind, gazing at her crushed scythe underneath the old tree. 

It was too bad, she thought. 

She had believed it would be more powerful than the dark scythe she originally owned. It was made of sixty-year-old Legendary Cold Titanium Steel, but the curved blade had broken under the force of the Dragon-fanged Greatsword and the unstable, overwhelming flawed holy mana of the Fairy Saint. 

She wasn’t upset about the scythe’s curved blade per se; it was still usable, but the distortion had stretched throughout its blade a bit. She would just have to ask the Clan to reforge it.

What troubled her was her own ability. 

Her insufficient skill had caused the scythe to be crushed. She needed to reflect on that. Clare recounted the fight against the Fairy Saint, staring at her scythe. She soon closed her eyes, intensively and accurately imagining the battle several times. But she was unable to defeat him without removing one of her bracers, let alone without utilizing the Ancient Text to some extent, which her current body could barely endure.

Removing one of the bracers, Clare lost four out of ten times. Without the bracers, she lost three out of ten. With one bracer and some use of the Ancient Text, she lost five out of ten. Without bracers but with the Ancient Text, she still lost four out of ten. All victories came after Clare’s body had suffered terrible losses, even blacking out. 

It was even more difficult without the bracers and Ancient Text unless she sacrificed an arm or a leg. Clare sighed and opened her eyes. She realized she had been extremely lucky in reality, even as the Heavenly Saintess, with knowledge of both her past life and this one, and possessing a Half-breed Nin’s body.

Her bushy tails relaxed, wriggled, and curled at the end, whispering that she had gained something as well. Clare agreed. 

Slowly, she was starting to remember some of the techniques she had used that day, particularly the creation of a new legendary technique that she was unable to fuse during the four and a half years of Seclusion Training.

She appreciated this achievement as she stared at the vibrant moon covering the twilight sky in its glory. But her fist clenched tightly. She wasn’t satisfied. She closed her eyes and continued her "Inner World Training" with the Fairy Saint.

Time passed. Seconds converged into minutes, then days. Before anyone knew it, a week had flowed like a river through the Demon Clan.

When all the injured Arrancars from their respective squads had fully healed, footsteps were heard, dashing like a gust of wind toward the Institute of Arrancars. 

It was the squad led by DALETH.

The Third Young Arrancar Squad had returned. As the Dean had said previously, the rest of the Arrancars were summoned to a particular, mysterious place.

—Indeed, to the most central peak, the Headquarters of the Demonic Arrancar Clan: Αρχηγείο της Δαιμονικής Φυλής των Αρανκάρ.

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