Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala


Hala looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She looked tired. She felt tired. Not in a physical way—her cosmic daemon body wouldn't allow that—but spiritually, she was drained. She looked as stunningly beautiful as the day she was dropped into this world, but her sapphire and amber eyes gave away her exhaustion. They were dull, lacking that spark she once had a month ago.

The image in the mirror was adorned in a striking, regal ensemble that evoked ancient Egyptian royalty. Her attire was predominantly blue and gold, with elaborate detailing highlighting her powerful presence. 

She wore a golden circlet with a lapis lazuli gem at its center, and her long, wavy black hair was styled with braids and adorned with golden accents. 

She had a gold and white top with intricate gold patterns and blue gemstone accents. The fitted top reinforced her warrior-like aura, giving off a sense of strength and grace.

Large, golden hoop earrings and golden arm cuffs emphasized her regal status—a lapis lazuli gem in a pendant she wore around her neck.

Her high-waisted skirt featured elegant dark blue fabric lined with golden patterns and a gold belt that tied the entire outfit together. The fabric draped beautifully down her legs, with split sides allowing for ease of movement.

She wore sandals that matched the gold detailing, completing her goddess-like appearance.

Hala was beautiful in every sense of the word, and she...

"Thoth," Hala called out, her voice calm but firm.

The familiar voice of the Great Cosmic Thoth echoed in her mind. "Yes, Hala. How may I assist you?"

"I need a vacation," she said, rolling her shoulders and exhaling a deep breath. "A week away from all of this. Use [Long-scale Detection] to find me an excellent place to relax. I'm thinking of something… new. Maybe a dungeon with hidden hot springs? Or some secluded paradise where I can recharge."

Thoth responded immediately. "Understood, Empress. Scanning the surrounding areas within a 500-kilometer radius using [Long-scale Detection]. Please wait a moment."

As Hala waited for Thoth to complete the scan, she stretched and relaxed for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Though she was empress, she still appreciated the simple pleasure of having a moment to herself. She needed a vacation.

A few moments later, Thoth's voice returned to her mind, with a slightly excited tone. "I have located several potential locations that match your criteria. One is a hidden, ancient dungeon located beneath the Northern Dunes, long abandoned by any living beings. It was once a magical labyrinth, and at its core lies a natural hot spring, formed by the convergence of ley lines. The hot spring's waters are said to be infused with restorative properties, perfect for recuperation."

Hala's eyes lit up at the mention of a magical labyrinth and restorative hot springs. The idea of relaxing in a hidden oasis while exploring an ancient dungeon intrigued her. It was just the sort of break she needed—a mixture of leisure and adventure.

"That sounds perfect," Hala said with a grin. "Prepare everything for my departure. I'll bring Nyra and maybe one or two Pride Beasts, just in case."

Thoth responded promptly. "Shall I send a message to your advisors to inform them of your temporary leave, Empress?"

Hala shook her head. "No, I'll announce it at the Ceremony." 

Before heading out on her much-needed break, she had one last thing to do. 'I hope it doesn't take too long.'


Hala stood atop the platform in the main square of her capital, the Lazurite Pyramid looming in the background. Around her stood a diverse group of beings-Najma, the elder desert fae Faune and her husband Pan, and of course, Nyra with two of the powerful Pride Beasts at her side, watching with a regal intensity. The gnomes, led by Grandmaster Albari, were gathered in one section, while the desert imps clustered together nearby, their eyes wide with a mix of excitement and fear.

As the crowd settled, Hala raised her hand, and the air around her shimmered with the power of her cosmic magic. The Great Cosmic Thoth system activated in the background, a faint hum in the air as it integrated with the Lazurite crystals around the city.

"Welcome," Hala began, her voice carrying easily across the gathered crowd. "Today is an important day for our kingdom. Today, we welcome new residents—those who have journeyed with us from afar, and those who have chosen to make the Lazurite Kingdom their home. But before you can truly become part of this place, there is something we must do."

She turned her gaze to the gnomes first. "Each of you will be given a name—a name that ties you to this land, to our shared vision. You are not just crafters and workers; you are builders of the future. Your names will carry power, just as your hands will carry the magic of this kingdom."

The gnomes, though unfamiliar with the magical traditions of the Lazurite Kingdom, nodded in agreement. Grandmaster Albari stepped forward, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of curiosity and pride. "We are ready, Empress," he said.

Hala extended her hands toward the gnomes, her cosmic energy swirling around her fingertips. One by one, she called the gnomes forward, their names forming in her mind through her connection with the Great Cosmic Thoth.

Grandmaster Albari was the first. His name would remain, but Hala infused it with a deeper meaning, granting him the title Albari the Cosmic Tinkerer, symbolizing his role as a key figure in the development of the kingdom's magic tech. The cosmic energy around him shimmered as the name settled into his very being, making him stand taller, his magical aura growing stronger.

The other gnome crafters followed, each receiving a name that reflected their individual skills and personalities. Zarith the Stone Weaver, Gilder the Lightforger, Vexa the Rune Scribe—each name imbued with a fragment of Hala's power, marking them as vital members of the Lazurite Kingdom.

As each gnome was named, the crowd could feel the magic ripple through the air, as if the very kingdom was acknowledging their new presence.

Next came the desert imps. These small, wiry creatures had lived for generations in the shadows of the desert, scavenging and surviving in the harshest conditions. But now, under Hala's rule, they were being given a chance to evolve, to become something more.

Hala knelt before the group of desert imps, her cosmic magic flowing around her like a gentle breeze. The imps, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear, watched as Hala smiled at them.

"You've lived in the shadows of the desert for too long," she said softly. "But here, you will no longer be nameless. You will no longer be forgotten. I will give you names that carry the power of this land—the power to rise above your past."

The leader of the imps, a particularly bold creature with piercing yellow eyes, stepped forward. Hala placed a hand on his head, and the cosmic magic flowed into him, filling him with a warmth he had never known.

"From this day forward, you will be known as Zinath—the one who rises from the sands. You will lead your kin, and your name will be a symbol of the strength you now possess."

Zinath's form shimmered as the magic took hold, and he straightened, his body growing slightly taller, his skin gaining a faint glow of cosmic energy. The other imps looked on in awe as their leader transformed before their eyes.

Hala proceeded to name each of the imps in turn, granting them names such as Saris and Lekir, each name drawing out their potential and linking them to the magic of the Lazurite Kingdom. As they were named, the imps' appearances began to shift subtly—their features becoming more refined, their magical potential awakening as they became part of the kingdom's fabric.

As the naming ceremony concluded, something extraordinary happened. The magic that Hala had infused into each of the gnomes and imps caused a profound evolution within them. The gnomes, already skilled craftsmen, found their magical abilities greatly enhanced, their hands able to weave magic into their inventions with a level of precision they had never experienced before. The desert imps, meanwhile, underwent a more physical transformation—their bodies becoming stronger, their magical abilities awakening fully for the first time in their lives.

The crowd gasped in awe as the gnomes and imps stood taller, more powerful, and more confident than before. Hala smiled, satisfied with the results.

But the process had drained a significant amount of Hala's magicules, and as the final name was bestowed, she felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. Despite her immense power, the act of naming so many individuals had taken a toll.

Najma, ever perceptive, moved to Hala's side, offering support. "You've done well, Empress," she said softly, her voice filled with admiration. "But you should rest. The magic you've used is no small thing."

Hala nodded, feeling the weight of her power pressing down on her. "You're right, Najma. I'll rest for a while. But first.."

Using magic to make her voice heard all across Lazurite Kingdom, she announced, "To all my people of Lazurite kingdom, I have decided to take a week-long exploration through the Barren lands for future additions to the Lazurite lands. I am leaving Najma and Faune to handle things while I'm gone. They can reach me through VoidChat on their tablets if anything important arises. But I'm trusting them to keep things under control. They should be able to manage without me for a week. That is all."

After that, she teleported to her room. Exhausted from the naming ceremony, she lay down to rest, her mind still buzzing with the cosmic energy she had channeled. The kingdom, now filled with new residents who had been named and evolved, continued to grow and thrive, and Hala knew that this was only the beginning.

As she drifted off to sleep, she trusted that the kingdom would continue to flourish in her absence, her companions and new allies ensuring that the Lazurite Kingdom would remain a beacon of innovation and strength.


Hala met with her advisors the following day to discuss their duties while she was gone.

The grand chamber at the top of the Lazurite Pyramid was filled with the soft hum of cosmic energy. The air shimmered with the faint glow of the Lazurite crystals embedded in the walls, casting pale blue light across the room. Seated around the large circular table were Hala's most trusted advisors: Najma, the Gypsy leader with her sharp intuition and calming presence; Faune and Pan, the elder desert fae whose wisdom guided the kingdom's internal workings; and Dagruel, the titan who now served as Hala's second-in-command after his transformation.

At the head of the table stood Hala herself, her mismatched golden and blue eyes surveying her advisors with a confident, relaxed expression. Dressed in light traveling clothes, Hala looked like she was already halfway out the door to her long-awaited vacation. But first, there was business to attend to.

"All right, everyone," Hala began, her tone casual yet authoritative. "I won't be gone for long, but there are a few things that need to be taken care of while I'm away. Let's go over the details."

Najma, as always, sat with her hands folded elegantly on the table, her gaze fixed on Hala. "Of course, Empress. What is it you would like us to focus on in your absence?"

Hala took a deep breath, considering her words. "First, I want us to maintain the pace of our developments. The magic tech we've been working on with the gnomes is progressing well, but we need to finalize the expansion of the VoidTV network and the crystal tablets integration in the farther reaches of the kingdom. Najma, I trust you to oversee that. The Desert Djinn (The desert imp's race evolution) should be able to handle most of the labor, but make sure the magic flows smoothly through the Great Cosmic Thoth system."

Najma gave a graceful nod. "I'll ensure everything is in order, Empress. We've already made good progress with the crystal infrastructure, and the Djinn are becoming quite skilled at manipulating the cosmic energy within the crystals."

"Good," Hala replied. "I don't want any hiccups while I'm gone. The people rely on these systems for communication and entertainment now, and the kingdom needs to keep running smoothly."

Next, Hala turned to Faune and Pan, who had been quietly observing the discussion. "Faune, Pan, you two will be in charge of managing the kingdom's day-to-day affairs. I expect there to be some issues with the nomadic tribes on the outskirts of our territory—they've been grumbling about our expanding magic tech presence, especially around the crystal nodes."

Faune, the elder desert fae with her soft silver hair and eyes that sparkled with ancient wisdom, nodded solemnly. "We'll handle it, Empress. The nomads respect our traditions, but I'll ensure they understand the importance of the magic tech for the kingdom's future."

Pan, her equally wise and gentle husband, chimed in. "And I'll make sure the nomadic councils are properly consulted. They may be hesitant to embrace the changes, but they'll see reason once we explain the benefits of staying connected through the Great Cosmic Thoth system."

Hala then shifted her attention to two figures who had been quietly waiting their turn—Zephyra and Caelum, both desert fae who had been instrumental in many of the kingdom's diplomatic endeavors.

"Zephyra, Caelum," Hala said, her voice steady as she looked between the two, "I have an important task for you while I'm gone. I want you both to head to the Holy Ruberios Empire to initiate trade negotiations."

Zephyra raised an eyebrow, her wind-blown hair catching the light of the Lazurite crystals as she leaned forward slightly. "The Ruberios Empire? Are you sure, Empress? They're… known for their unpredictability."

Caelum, standing tall beside Zephyra, nodded in agreement. "They're a proud people, heavily influenced by their religious order. Trade with them might not be easy."

Hala smiled slightly, her confidence unwavering. "I'm well aware of their reputation, but that's exactly why I'm sending the two of you. They may be unpredictable, but they're also practical, and I'm sure the Ruberios nobility will be very interested in our magic tech. Crystal tablets, VoidTV, communication systems—all of it. These advancements could give them a significant edge over their rivals and increase their influence within the empire."

Zephyra considered Hala's words for a moment before nodding. "You're right. If anyone can appreciate the power of magic tech, it's the ambitious nobles of Ruberios. I assume we'll be negotiating with one of their counts?"

"Yes," Hala confirmed. "The count in question is Count Orthon. He's one of the more influential nobles in Ruberios, and while he's known to be ambitious and greedy, that also makes him the perfect target for a trade agreement. We give him access to our magic tech, and in return, we gain access to their resources. I trust the two of you to handle it."

Caelum crossed his arms thoughtfully. "I've heard of Orthon. He's a dangerous man, but I believe we can out-negotiate him. As long as we play our cards right, we should be able to strike a beneficial deal."

"Good," Hala said, her tone growing more serious. "But be careful. The Ruberios Empire isn't like our kingdom. They're bound by religious fervor and hierarchy, and they're not above using treachery to get what they want. Keep your guard up, and if things start to feel off, get out of there. I don't want to lose two of my best diplomats because of some power-hungry noble."

Zephyra smiled at Hala's concern. "We'll be fine, Empress. We've handled tougher negotiations before. We'll get the deal done and return to the Lazurite Kingdom before you even miss us."

Hala grinned, though there was a flicker of concern in her eyes. "Just don't underestimate them.

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