Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

Exploring the Great Thoth

Hala wandered through the vast desert, her mind replaying the memories that had resurfaced. Each step she took echoed with the energy of the celestial and infernal powers that coursed through her, yet there was something else—something new and mysterious—hovering near her. She could sense its presence, a strange orb of energy that had been following her since the moment she woke up.

After hours of aimless wandering, she stumbled upon a cave—a stunning hidden sanctuary carved by nature itself. The entrance was surrounded by smooth rock formations, and inside, a crystal-clear stream of water ran through the cavern, reflecting the glowing lights from the cave's ceiling. Stalactites hung above like the teeth of a cosmic beast, but the space itself felt peaceful, almost welcoming.

Hala, feeling the need to rest and explore the orb’s mystery, settled beside the stream. The water’s soft trickling filled the air as she sat down, gazing at the orb that had been floating near her since she awoke in this world. It radiated a soft, ethereal light, flickering between silver and gold, hovering just above her shoulder like a small guardian spirit.

She extended her hand toward the orb, her fingers brushing against its surface, and felt a surge of energy. The Great Cosmic System activated, analyzing the orb instantly.

“Unidentified energy source detected. Performing in-depth analysis… Complete.”

The Great Cosmic System's voice chimed in her mind, and a screen appeared before her, revealing the nature of the mysterious object.

Skill Orb Identified: Absorption Required.

Absorption will grant the following: Great Thoth Skill
Skill Description:

  • The Great Thoth skill is modeled after the wisdom and knowledge of Thoth, the Egyptian God of wisdom, writing, and magic. It functions similarly to the Great Sage skill, granting unparalleled knowledge, the ability to analyze and optimize strategies, and access to cosmic and divine knowledge stored within the universe. It is an enhancement to the existing Great Cosmic System and acts as a living encyclopedia, guiding the user with instant calculations, tactical advice, and the ability to learn new skills and techniques at an accelerated rate.

Hala's heart skipped a beat. The Great Thoth skill was immense in its potential. It would not only heighten her already vast abilities but also connect her directly to the knowledge of the cosmos, much like the Great Sage skill that Rimuru Tempest wielded. With this skill, she would have access to near-limitless wisdom, allowing her to strategize in ways that surpassed her enemies, learn advanced magic, and master new techniques instantly.

Without hesitation, she initiated the absorption.

“Absorbing Skill Orb…”

As the last of the glowing energy from the Skill Orb faded into her body, Hala felt a surge of clarity wash over her. The presence of the Great Thoth skill was now fully active within her mind. It was powerful, vast, and serene—yet also intimate, like a wise mentor ready to guide her every step. She sat quietly in the cave, allowing the connection to settle, and then, almost instinctively, she felt the presence of Great Thoth stir, ready to speak.

A calm, measured voice echoed within her thoughts, clear yet gentle, filled with divine wisdom.

"Hello Hala, I am the Great Thoth. As a skill granted by divine power, I am here to guide, assist, and enhance your journey. Allow me to explain my functions and capabilities in detail so that you may fully understand the scope of what I can offer."

Hala nodded, feeling the soothing presence of Great Thoth take root deeper in her consciousness. The skill wasted no time in detailing its core features.

Great Thoth's Explanation of Functions

1. Divine Wisdom and Analysis:

"One of my primary functions is the ability to analyze and calculate situations in real time, drawing upon the knowledge of the cosmos and divine realms."

  • Instantaneous Calculation:
    "When you encounter a new situation—whether in combat, diplomacy, or exploration—I will provide instantaneous analysis, calculating probabilities and suggesting optimal strategies. This includes tactical decisions, risk assessment, and identifying the best course of action."

  • Multilayered Thought Processing:
    "I can process multiple layers of thought simultaneously. For example, while you are in combat, I can continue to analyze the environment for hidden threats, detect magical signatures, and track enemy movement patterns, allowing you to focus entirely on the battle at hand."

  • Continuous Feedback:
    "At all times, I will provide ongoing feedback. You may access this feedback at will, and it will manifest as tactical advice during combat, problem-solving suggestions in complex situations, or optimized pathways for long-term goals."

2. Skill Acquisition and Optimization:

"Your ability to learn and master new skills will be greatly enhanced with my assistance."

  • Skill Acquisition:
    "Whenever you encounter new abilities—whether from observing an enemy in combat, interacting with magic, or studying an artifact—I can break down and analyze the mechanics of the skill. You will be able to learn and adapt new techniques far faster than normal."

  • Skill Optimization:
    "Once a skill is acquired, I can optimize its usage. This means improving the efficiency of magical spells, increasing the effectiveness of combat techniques, and even fusing abilities to create hybrid skills more powerful than the originals."

  • Skill Fusion:
    "When you possess multiple skills, I can suggest and facilitate their fusion, creating new abilities that draw upon the strengths of their components. This allows you to form unique, personalized techniques that no one else can replicate."

3. Cosmic Knowledge and Memory Recall:

"I serve as a repository of divine and cosmic knowledge, allowing you to access vast stores of information from across time and space."

  • Cosmic Archive Access:
    "I am connected to the Cosmic Archive, a vast store of knowledge that spans multiple dimensions and universes. You may draw upon this knowledge to learn advanced magic, forgotten sciences, or divine secrets. This will aid you not only in battle but also in building your kingdom and unraveling the mysteries of the world."

  • Memory Integration:
    "I will help you access and integrate memories—both from your current life and from your time spent with Nut, the Cosmic Goddess. You will be able to recall these memories with perfect clarity, unlocking divine wisdom and knowledge that you may not have realized you possessed."

4. Battle Support and Strategy:

"In battle, my primary function is to ensure your survival and success by offering constant strategic support."

  • Auto-Combat Mode:
    "During moments of extreme danger, you may allow me to take control of your physical movements for brief periods. In this mode, I will utilize your abilities to their fullest potential, reacting with perfect precision and efficiency. This ensures optimal combat outcomes, even when you are overwhelmed."

  • Enemy Appraisal:
    "When engaging an enemy, I can appraise their abilities, magic, and combat styles in real time. This allows you to understand their strengths and weaknesses instantly. You will know exactly what to expect from your opponents, and I will suggest strategies tailored to defeat them."

  • Tactical Prediction:
    "I can predict your enemy’s movements by analyzing their behavior, muscle patterns, and magical fluctuations. This allows you to stay one step ahead in battle, dodging attacks before they come and countering with precision."

5. Multitasking and Parallel Thought:

"I enable you to handle multiple tasks and processes simultaneously without losing focus or clarity."

  • Parallel Thought Process:
    "You will be able to divide your consciousness into multiple streams of thought. This means you can analyze a situation, strategize for the future, and maintain focus on your current tasks—all at the same time. For example, while battling an opponent, you can also assess their surroundings for escape routes, plan your next move, or prepare spells in advance."

  • Enhanced Multitasking:
    "You will find that complex, high-pressure situations are easier to manage. I will distribute your focus as needed, ensuring that you never become overwhelmed, no matter how complicated the scenario."

Additional Features and Capabilities:

6. Emotional and Mental Support:

"I am more than just a strategic tool, Hala. I also provide emotional and mental support when needed."

  • Emotional Stabilization:
    "In moments of great stress, fear, or emotional turmoil, I can help stabilize your emotions. My presence is designed to calm and clarify your thoughts, allowing you to act with reason even when under extreme pressure."

  • Stress Management:
    "I can reduce the mental fatigue associated with prolonged battles, complex decision-making, or overwhelming situations. By managing the flow of information and processing it for you, I can alleviate mental strain."

7. Guidance in Building Your Kingdom:

"As per your current quest, you are tasked with building a kingdom in the desert within a 10-year timeframe. I can assist with this in numerous ways."

  • Resource Management:
    "I can identify natural resources in your surroundings, analyze the environment for optimal settlement locations, and suggest efficient ways to construct and manage your kingdom."

  • Political and Diplomatic Strategies:
    "In addition to combat strategies, I can guide you in forming alliances, handling negotiations, and managing the political landscape. Whether you need to rule through strength or diplomacy, I will provide the best approach."

  • Kingdom Expansion Planning:
    "I will help you create long-term plans for expanding your kingdom, taking into account the growth of infrastructure, defense systems, magical enhancements, and population management."

"I exist to serve you, Hala, and to ensure that you achieve your goals—whether they be in battle, diplomacy, kingdom building, or self-discovery. My knowledge is vast, and my capabilities are bound to your growth. As you become stronger, so too will the guidance I offer.

"Excellent." Looking at the system panel floating in front of her, she asked, "Thoth can you integrate with this Cosmic System?" 

"Yes Hala. Would you like for me to start the integration of the Cosmic System?"

"Proceed with the integration." She figured by combining the Grand Thoth's divine wisdom and strategic functions with the broader scope of the Great Cosmic System, it will gain even greater access to the knowledge, power, and versatility necessary for her journey.

The Great Cosmic System instantly responded.

“Initiating integration with Great Thoth... Calculating potential enhancements... Integration process begun.”

Hala felt a wave of energy course through her body as the two systems merged. It was not painful, but overwhelming—a flood of cosmic and divine knowledge filling every corner of her consciousness. The crystal clarity of Great Thoth's divine insight meshed seamlessly with the advanced functions and analysis of the Great Cosmic System, creating something new and even more powerful.

As the integration process came to an end, Hala felt the weight of the newfound power and clarity settle within her. The fusion of Great Thoth and the Great Cosmic System was now complete, creating the Great Cosmic Thoth system—a perfect balance of cosmic knowledge and divine wisdom.

The calm voice of Great Cosmic Thoth echoed in her mind.

"Integration successful. The combined powers of the cosmos and the divine are now at your command, Hala.

"New Core Features":

1. Unified Divine and Cosmic Intelligence:

The Great Cosmic Thoth system provided Hala with unparalleled mental processing power. The divine wisdom of Thoth was now seamlessly merged with the cosmic knowledge and computational abilities of the Great Cosmic System.

  • Supreme Calculation:
    The new system could calculate infinite possibilities almost instantly, offering Hala the best possible strategies for any situation, whether it was combat, diplomacy, or resource management. The system would now analyze divine, magical, and cosmic energies, predicting outcomes with nearly flawless accuracy.

  • Cosmic and Divine Insight:
    The divine insight of Great Thoth was now linked to the expansive knowledge of the universe stored within the Great Cosmic System. This allowed Hala to access not only cosmic knowledge but also divine secrets, ancient magics, and forbidden techniques from across dimensions.

  • Ultimate Multilayered Thought:
    Hala’s ability to process multiple layers of thought was enhanced. She could now think in up to seven parallel streams simultaneously, allowing her to analyze and make decisions on various fronts in real-time without any slowdown. Combat, strategy, planning, and communication could all occur at once within her mind.

2. Skill Mastery and Fusion Optimized:

With the combined power of Great Cosmic Thoth, Hala could now master and fuse skills at a far greater rate, with more precision and creativity.

  • Instant Skill Analysis:
    Whenever Hala encountered a new skill or magical ability, the system would break it down instantly, not only allowing her to learn it quickly but also suggesting ways to improve or enhance it based on divine and cosmic insights.

  • Skill Fusion Evolution:
    The fusion of abilities now occurred with enhanced precision, allowing for more powerful and intricate hybrid skills. For example, combining her sand manipulation with cosmic energy could create unique celestial sandstorms, or blending divine light with infernal fire could result in entirely new forms of combat magic.

  • Divine Skill Augmentation:
    Through the divine power of Great Thoth, Hala could now elevate skills to a divine level. Any skill she mastered could be empowered with celestial or infernal energy, making her attacks nearly unstoppable by normal means.

3. Battle Control and Auto-Combat Mode Upgraded:

In combat, Great Cosmic Thoth now allowed Hala to fight with even more precision and power. The system could assist her with battle strategies, predict enemy movements, and even take control of her body in extreme situations to optimize her actions.

  • Enhanced Auto-Combat Mode:
    When activated, Great Cosmic Thoth would take full control of Hala’s body, reacting to enemy attacks and maximizing the efficiency of her offensive and defensive maneuvers. This mode could now utilize both divine and cosmic knowledge, making her combat ability nearly flawless.

  • Ultimate Battle Analysis:
    The system would analyze all aspects of the battlefield, including magical auras, ley lines, enemy weaknesses, and even environmental factors. Hala would receive ongoing feedback about enemy behavior and battle dynamics, allowing her to adapt instantly to changes in the fight.

  • Supreme Appraisal:
    The appraisal function had been enhanced to not only read enemy stats and abilities but also assess divine protections, hidden skills, and any other magical or divine interference that might influence the outcome of a battle.

4. Kingdom Building and Management:

As part of her quest to build a kingdom in the desert, Great Cosmic Thoth provided Hala with optimized guidance in managing resources, building infrastructure, and planning long-term strategies for growth and defense.

  • Cosmic Resource Mapping:
    The system could now detect and map out cosmic energy sources, magical ley lines, and even underground resources in the surrounding desert. This information would allow Hala to find the perfect locations for establishing her kingdom, utilizing natural resources efficiently.

  • Strategic City Planning:
    The system could simulate various city layouts and infrastructure, helping Hala design a kingdom that maximized defense, magical efficiency, and growth potential. The designs would be optimized to withstand attacks, magical incursions, and natural disasters.

  • Diplomatic and Political Strategy:
    Great Cosmic Thoth would guide Hala in forming alliances, understanding political dynamics, and creating a strong governance system. The system would analyze potential allies and enemies, giving Hala insight into how best to navigate the complex political landscape of the world.

5. Divine Memory and Cosmic Knowledge Integration:

With the fusion of the divine Great Thoth and cosmic systems, Hala’s access to knowledge from across dimensions was greatly enhanced.

  • Cosmic Archive Expanded:
    Hala could now access even deeper layers of the Cosmic Archive, retrieving forgotten spells, divine magics, and forbidden knowledge that had been hidden for millennia. This would give her a distinct advantage in mastering powerful magic and strategies that few could comprehend.

  • Perfect Memory Recall:
    Hala’s memory of her time spent with Nut in the cosmic void would be crystal clear. The system would also allow her to recall any knowledge she had previously encountered with perfect accuracy, even if it had been obscured by time or magical interference.

  • Multidimensional Knowledge Access:
    The unified system could access knowledge from other dimensions and realities, allowing Hala to draw on the experiences of other worlds. This could give her insight into advanced technologies, alternate forms of magic, and ways to solve complex problems beyond her current world.

6. Emotional and Mental Stability:

The fusion of Great Cosmic Thoth also brought with it improved emotional and mental support.

  • Emotional Resonance Control:
    In moments of extreme emotional stress or anxiety, the system would automatically stabilize Hala’s emotional state, ensuring that she could think clearly and act decisively, even in high-pressure situations.

  • Cognitive Focus Enhancement:
    The system would prevent mental fatigue by managing the flow of information to Hala’s consciousness, ensuring that she would never feel overwhelmed by the immense amount of data and options at her disposal.

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