Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

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It had been seven whole days since Hala single-handedly crushed the Count of Ruberios' army, reducing the once-proud forces to nothing more than a memory. For seven days, the Lazurite Kingdom had known nothing but peace and prosperity. And for seven blissful days, Hala had allowed herself to unwind, to relax in her newly constructed city, Oasis Luxuria, a stunning paradise nestled within the Barren Lands.

The city had only been completed the day before, but it had already become a massive hit among her people and travelers alike. Oasis Luxuria was a vision of luxury and entertainment, boasting an array of casinos, inns, and lavish bars. A massive indoor and outdoor mall catered to all, and a movie theater provided an escape from the harsh desert sun. Yet, at the heart of it all lay the true gem—an expansive labyrinth beneath the city, where, at its center, the healing hot springs offered a serene escape from the pressures of ruling.

Hala reclined in the hot spring's warm waters, letting the healing properties soak into her skin. Her people had enacted a law that ensured no one was to disturb her during her time here—unless it was an emergency, of course. But not entirely alone...

"Mistress, would you like more grapes?"

A soft, familiar voice pulled Hala from the edge of sleep. She opened one of her brilliant blue eyes lazily, glancing up at the woman offering her a grape. The maid's heterochromatic eyes—one blue, the other red—sparkled with fondness, and perhaps something more. Admiration? Adoration? It was difficult to tell.

With a soft hum of acknowledgment, Hala parted her lips, allowing the maid to gently place the grape in her mouth. The fruit burst with sweetness as she bit into it, the flavor spreading across her tongue.

"Delicious," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, contentment rolling off her like the steam that rose from the hot spring.

"I'm glad you like it, Mistress," the maid said, her tone filled with warmth.

Hala couldn't help but sigh again, her thoughts wandering as she gazed at the maid. Luminous Valentine—a vampiress of unparalleled beauty, with long, flowing silver hair that framed her ethereal face. It still amazed Hala how Luminous, once a formidable True Demon Lord, now stood beside her, dressed in a maid's outfit, eyes sparkling with devotion.

Hala shook her head in disbelief, a small smile tugging at her lips as she remembered how Luminous became her personal maid.

It all stemmed from the aftermath of her clash with the Count's army. As her people scrambled to deal with the fallout, Hala's mood had been as dark as a storm cloud. That was when Dagruel, the blue-haired titan of the Barren Lands, had appeared.

Hala had been brooding, irritated by the demands of running a kingdom, when the earth trembled beneath her feet. Her mood, already foul, darkened further as her scouts reported a powerful presence approaching the barrier of the Lazurite Kingdom.

As she left her chambers and approached the outer walls, she saw him—a towering blue-haired titan who looked like a walking mountain of raw power. His deep, rumbling voice reached her ears as he declared his arrival with the words:

"I am Dagruel, Lord of the Titans. You have disturbed the peace in my lands. My territory! Leave these lands, or be forced to."

Already exhausted from her previous battles and dealing with the aftermath of the Count's arrogance, Hala was in no mood for diplomacy. She stepped out, her mismatched eyes glowing with cosmic fury. What transpired next was less of a fight and more of a swift display of her overwhelming power.

Dagruel, despite his strength and size, found himself utterly outmatched. Hala's cosmic magic wrapped around him like chains of pure energy, and with a mere flick of her wrist, she forced him to his knees. His titan pride warred with the raw strength that kept him pinned, but even he could not deny that Hala's power eclipsed his own.

She had spared his life, but only after forcing him to submit to her as one of her strongest subordinates. Dagruel, his pride bruised but his respect for Hala immense, had agreed. His forces joined her growing empire, further solidifying her dominance over the Barren Lands.

Two days after Dagruel's submission, while Hala was still adjusting to the influx of new followers and responsibilities, her Golem Amazon Warriors and Gargoyle Griffins sent a telepathic alarm. Someone—an immensely powerful individual—was standing at the barrier of her kingdom. Hala's first thought was another challenge.

She made her way to the barrier herself, ready for a fight, her cosmic energy already crackling in anticipation. But instead of an army or a threatening force, she found a single figure standing at the threshold: Luminous Valentine, the True Demon Lord.

Luminous' beauty was ethereal, her silver hair catching the light of the sun, and her red and blue eyes gleaming with intelligence and pride. But there was also something else—an air of defiance wrapped in calmness.

"Hala of the Lazurite Kingdom," Luminous began, her voice soft but commanding. "I have come to offer you a deal."

Hala had raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite her initial irritation. "A deal?" she asked.

"I have felt your power," Luminous said, stepping closer. I have never, in my long existence, felt something quite like that. It was... breathtaking." She paused, then added, with a touch of humility, "I offer my service to you as your maid if you would allow me to bask in your aura from time to time. I find it... far more fulfilling than any blood could."

Hala's eyes widened at the offer. Luminous Valentine, a True Demon Lord, offering to be her maid? It was unexpected and almost laughable, yet Hala sensed that there was something more to the offer. A subtle power play, perhaps, but one that piqued her interest.

Hala had accepted, not just because of the amusement the situation brought, but because she could feel that Luminous was sincere. Serving Hala would not diminish her pride but instead, align her with a force she could respect. And so, Luminous Valentine became her personal maid.

Now, as Hala gazed at the silver-haired vampiress, she couldn't help but admire how far things had come. Luminous had adjusted surprisingly well to her new role. Though she served as a maid, her strength had not diminished. If anything, Hala had seen her grow even more formidable, a testament to the deep bond of loyalty they now shared.

But today, there were no battles, no power struggles. Just the two of them, and the peaceful serenity of the hot springs.

As Hala sank deeper into the water, letting the warmth relax her further, she closed her eyes, her mind drifting. For the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to let go of her responsibilities and simply enjoy the peace she had earned.

Yet, even in this moment of tranquility, Hala could not completely shake the feeling that something was coming—something far greater than the Count or the trivial schemes of the world's lesser powers. The world had felt her strength, and she knew that powerful forces had taken notice.

Her cosmic energy had not only alerted the likes of Guy Crimson, Leon Cromwell, and Milim Nava but had also reached the ears of beings hidden in shadows—ancient entities who now had their eyes on her.

The week of peace and relaxation was a reprieve, but Hala knew that it would not last. Not with the Trinity Wisemen in their hidden Magic Tower, plotting to steal her kingdom's Magic-Tech and further their own mysterious goals.

For now, though, she would savor the calm. Let them come. She would be ready.

"Mistress, would you like more grapes?" Luminous' voice once again pulled her from her thoughts.

Hala smiled, opening her mouth for another. "Yes. And some wine as well. We have a lot to celebrate."

And indeed, they did.

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