Desert’s Evening Star: The Rise of Lapis D. Hala

New Residents

Apparently, while she slept, she got more citizens for her growing kingdom. 

As she slowly took in her surroundings, stretching and blinking away the remnants of sleep, Solara and Nyra approached her, their expressions a mix of excitement and solemnity. It always took a while for her to wake up fully. The air was thick with anticipation, and Hala could tell that something significant had happened during her time of rest.

Heading outside to finish finishing the construction of the kingdom, she asked, "What’s going on?" Her voice was groggy but laced with curiosity. "Did I miss something fun?"

Solara, her once-small frame now tall and strong with the aura of a Desert Fae, smiled softly but there was a seriousness in her tone. "While you slept, Empress, Nyra and I sent our scouts to find those we had left behind. Our people… our families."

Hala’s mismatched eyes widened slightly; interest piqued as she opened the second layer door to the head to the first layer. "And."

Nyra stepped forward, walking next to her, her golden eyes glowing faintly as she spoke, her voice deep and resonant. "The former alpha, before you defeated him, left behind his mates and newborn cubs in a camp deep within the southern desert. When he took the hunting party to find food, they were left vulnerable." She paused, the muscles in her body tensing as she recalled the past. "After you claimed leadership, I went back for them. They are part of our pride, and they needed to be brought to safety."

Hala nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of Nyra’s words. Walking outside into the desert's sunlight, she looked over the large crowd of newcomers. She glanced at the other lions, noticing the newcomers—smaller, younger cubs huddled close to their mothers, their tiny forms curious but cautious in this new, unfamiliar place. In her mind, Hala was squealing like a little girl. 'Oh Nent, they are so cute! I could just cuddle them all day. Gah!'

Nyra continued, her voice filled with pride. "They are ours now, and they will grow strong under your protection, Empress. I swore I would bring them here, and I have."

Hala's eyes softened as she looked at the cubs, her usual carefree attitude tempered by a rare moment of reflection. "You did good, Nyra. Every cub and lioness here is part of the kingdom now."

Turning her gaze to Solara, Hala asked, "And you? Am I safe to assume that the brownies over there are part of your group?"

Solara, the newly evolved leader of the brownies, stepped forward and sighed, a mixture of relief and sorrow crossing her features. "Our people… we had left some behind, trapped by a powerful barrier in a nearby cave. It was meant to protect them while we searched for food, but…" She paused, glancing at Nyra. "The pride of lions—Nyra’s pride—caught our scent while we were gathering herbs and chased us. We had no choice but to abandon the others in the cave and run."

Solara's voice tightened with emotion as she continued. "But after we found safety here, I couldn’t just leave them. I sent scouts back to the cave, and thankfully, they were still there—alive and waiting for our return."

Hala’s eyes flickered with understanding, and she gave a slow nod. "So while I was out, you guys brought them all back. Makes sense."

Noticing how both the brownies and lions had just arrived seemed nervous, as if they weren’t yet sure what their place in this kingdom would be. The cubs huddled close to their mothers, and the brownies, though clearly relieved to be reunited, looked uneasy.

Seeing this, Hala walked over to the newcomers, her casual and open demeanor softening their wariness. "You’re all safe now," she said, her voice carrying that effortless confidence. "No one’s gonna hurt you here."

One of the brownies, a thin young woman with dark hair and wide eyes, hesitated for a moment before stepping forward. Her voice was shaky, but determined as she spoke. "We… we come from a noble's estate. For years, we were bound to serve him—slaves, really." She lowered her head, her hands trembling as she spoke. "He treated us like we were nothing. But then… something happened."

Hala’s eyes narrowed, her interest deepening. "What happened?"

The brownie swallowed, glancing at the others before continuing. "He was killed. The noble who owned us was attacked by a rival—someone more powerful, from a different kingdom. When he died, the magic that bound us to him was broken."

She looked up at Hala, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and hope. "We were free, but we didn’t know where to go. The desert is dangerous, and we had nowhere else to turn. That’s when we decided to run. We fled the estate, hoping to find somewhere safe."

The brownie took a deep breath, her voice cracking slightly. "That’s when Nyra’s pride found us. They nearly tore us apart, but we got lucky. We saw the light from the pyramid—it was like a beacon, calling us here. And when Solara’s scouts found us, we knew we had found safety."

The room fell silent as the brownie finished her story, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.

Hala stood quietly for a moment, absorbing the tale of escape and survival. The story of the brownies and the dire lions—of how they had come together in this strange twist of fate—stirred something inside her. She wasn’t one for long speeches or dramatic gestures, but there was something about their journey that resonated with her.

She stepped forward, her mismatched eyes locking with the brownie who had spoken, and then shifting to the cubs nestled against their mothers. "You’re all safe here," Hala said, her voice steady but filled with warmth. "You don’t have to worry about running or hiding anymore. No one here is gonna treat you like property or force you to fight for survival. This kingdom is yours now, just like it’s mine."

The brownies and lions alike seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief, their bodies relaxing slightly as they realized that they were finally free—free from their old lives, free from the chains that had bound them.

Hala grinned, her usual carefree nature returning as she crossed her arms and leaned back on one foot. "You’re all part of the Lazurite Kingdom now. And in case it wasn’t obvious, that means you’re part of the family."

Solara, standing beside Nyra, smiled at Hala’s words, her face filled with pride and respect for their leader.

Hala’s grin widened. "Now, let’s stop all the gloomy talk and get to the good stuff. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and a whole kingdom to build. And I’m guessing you all have some skills that’ll come in handy."


Hala, after settling the new residents, went back to the seventh layer. She used her levitation skill to float in the air while looking over her hologram again. She had to finish core construction today. 

The next phase of the blueprint involved the construction of the outer towers and archways, which would serve as both decorative elements and defensive structures for the kingdom. These towers were designed to line the main pathway, creating a grand entrance that led directly to the pyramid.

Each tower was tall and slender, made entirely of Lazurite crystal. The towers were positioned at regular intervals along the main pathway, their sharp spires pointing toward the sky. These towers were more than just decorative—they were linked to the pyramid’s core, acting as magical amplifiers that would strengthen the kingdom’s defenses.

Hala shaped the towers with care, ensuring that each one was perfectly aligned with the flow of energy from the pyramid. The tops of the towers were capped with crystal orbs, which glowed with a soft, blue light. These orbs acted as sentinels, watching over the kingdom and alerting Hala to any potential threats.

As she constructed the towers, Hala infused them with warding spells, ensuring that the kingdom would be protected from magical attacks. The towers would act as the first line of defense, creating a protective barrier around the city.

The archways that connected the towers were equally grand. Made of Lazurite crystal, the archways were wide and tall, their surfaces etched with cosmic runes that glowed faintly in the sunlight. These runes were designed to enhance the flow of magic through the kingdom, ensuring that the energy grid remained strong and balanced.

Each archway was topped with a glowing crystal, its light shining like a beacon to guide travelers along the path. The archways were both functional and symbolic, representing the connection between the heavens and the earth, the cosmos and the desert.

The final element of the blueprint was the water pools. These pools were located along the main pathway and served as both decorative features and essential sources of water for the kingdom’s inhabitants.

Hala "carved" out deep pools in the sand using her powers, lining their edges with smooth, Lazurite tiles. The water that flowed from the channels filled the pools, creating a series of crystal-clear basins that shimmered in the sunlight.

The pools' water was cool and refreshing, and Hala infused it with a touch of her cosmic magic, ensuring that it remained pure and clean. These pools would be a place of rest and reflection for the people of the Lazurite Kingdom, a reminder of the oasis that had given birth to the city.

With the pyramid, pathways, water channels, towers, and pools all complete, the heart of the Lazurite Kingdom was finished. The kingdom was now a shining beacon in the desert, its Lazurite structures glowing with cosmic light, its waters flowing freely through the streets, and its towers standing tall as sentinels of protection.

As Hala floated above the pyramid, gazing down at the kingdom she had built, she felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The blueprint Thoth had provided had guided her every step, and now the Lazurite Kingdom was no longer a vision—it was a reality.

She still needed to create the residential area, building the trade routes and marketplaces, establishing cultural centers and magical academies.

 She also has to expand the kingdom’s territory for outposts and villages. She had a lot to do. 

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