Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 10: Declan

  It was past midnight at the capital city of Mendelos, shortly after the angel Tarmora took flight, three hooded men were about to investigate the abandoned house where the summoning happened. Upon entering the building, they were greeted by mutilated bodies and walls covered with thick blood.

 The three men went further in, carefully threading the slick floor and avoiding stepping on human intestines scattered around. The stench of human excrements wafting on the stale air is so foul that it made the short hooded man vomit his dinner, making the already slippery floor more slippery.

  One of the hooded men, an angular man, picked up a severed head, still dripping blood from the torn neck and with lifeless eyes wide open in a blank stare. The man held it up as he studied the decapitated head of the Lion masked man.

  "Just because he was named Lionel, he chose a lions mask… what a fool, and now he is dead." The angular man chuckled, staring at the decapitated head of his old friend that is holding between his hands.

  "His head wasn't cut off by a weapon, it was ripped cleanly… What kind of creature did these fools unleashed into the world?"

  "Clean this mess up" the imposing man with a handlebar mustache told the other two men.

  The angular man and his partner, a short but stocky man, obviously a dwarf, started picking up the pieces of body parts that littered all over the floor.

 "This would take some time to finish." The dwarf grumbled as he placed an arm inside his bucket.

 "Bloody hell…" was all the angular man could say shaking his head.

  The imposing man was already outside the abandoned house, leaving his two lackeys to do the heavy labor. He then took out a small thin flat box made of brass from a pocket lining inside his heavy black coat. 

  Opening the box, he took a small rolled cigar and lit it with his fire MAGIC and started smoking. From the corner of his eye, he saw two royal guards on horseback followed by a magnificent carriage, coming to where he is. He immediately knew what the guards wanted before they even arrived. He has already expected an invitation from the King himself.

  "Lord Mar Randal!" One of the guards said as both of them dismounted their horses and bowed low to the great Lord.

 "My Lord, his majesty, the king wishes your presence in court at once. We have prepared a carriage for you to ride in comfort."

  Lord Randal calmly stroked his heavy handlebar mustache, making him look more imposing to the guards.

  "Very well then, let's go." Lord Randal said as he climbed the carriage, he carefully made sure to get the guards attention to himself, so that they wouldn't notice his two lackeys still inside the house, collecting the torn bodies of their cult members.

  "Hiyaaa!" The Royal Guards urged their horses forward as they flanked both sides of the carriage acting as escorts and bodyguard to Lord Randal.

  Inside the carriage, Lord Randal casually smokes his cigar as he contemplates, the events that lead to the death of his five subordinates.

  "I should never have trusted those buffoons to go on with the summoning without me… now it seems we just unleashed a bigger problem…" he stroked his heavy handlebar mustache, a habit that he does when he is pondering things.

  "The important question is; what primordial was summoned that is strong enough to resist the summoner… there are but a handful of them… but still…" irritated at the thought, he clenched his fist and slammed it at the carriage wall with a dull thud.

  The carriage driver was startled at the sudden 'thud' but he just nervously continued to do his job. He is a simple man, and simple men can live a lot longer if they don't stick their noses in affairs that don't concern them.


  A few distance behind Lord Randal's carriage, three people are silently tailing the entourage, their leader an elfmaid with long straight black hair and large green piercing eyes named Silma signaled her companions, also elfmaids, to stay low and into the shadows.

  Silma, with great agility as is natural with her race, scaled a house and was already at the roof tops in a blink of an eye. She then peered into the carriage with her keen eyesight to check if the passenger is indeed her target, Lord Mar Randal.

  She signaled her companions, one of which is her dear cousin Allana; using their intricate hand and finger gestures that their target Lord Randal is indeed in the carriage.

  With this confirmation, the two elves started to tail the carriage from the shadows, they can almost taste their vengeance being fulfilled. 

  Their hatred for Lord Randal is truly without bounds; ever since he led a raid at their peaceful village eight years ago, in the pretense of quelling a rebellion against the crown. But in truth it was to steal their most precious treasure, a small black amber stone that was with the tribe for hundreds of years.

  After murdering half the men of the village, his soldiers took the elf maidens and raped them, including the two tailing Lord Randal at the moment. Silma however, was away during that time exploring a mysterious cavern that suddenly appeared thirteen kilometers from the village borders.

 When she finally returned home, her village was already in ruins with only a few survivors remaining. One of the casualties was Silma's younger sister, the most beautiful elfmaid in the village; she was raped and ravaged by Lord Randal himself.

  The elves continued to tail the carriage from the shadows. Blending so well with the darkness and moving silently that even the most alert cats won't even notice them.

  Silma also continued to tail the entourage from the rooftops, silently and with grace, leaping from one rooftop to another, her landings quiet as the night. But when the carriage finally entered the palace gates, she stopped and let her companions finish the tailing. She readies her long bow and knocks an arrow, ready to provide back up if her elven allies get into a pinch.

  As the carriage finally entered the palace grounds, Lord Randal signalled the driver to stop. The driver then pulled the reins of his horses to halt the carriage. Stepping out, Lord Randal, motions the two Royal Guards to him.

  "You go on ahead boys, I want to take a stroll by the garden first and finish smoking my cigar before going to meet the king… You can go and announce my arrival to the court in the meantime."

  The guards then gave a salute to Randal and went on ahead to fulfill the great Lord's command.

  "Now then, let's see who are these two who have been following me…" Lord Randal was thinking, as he started to walk through the more darker part of the garden.

  He then casually checks the surroundings for any bystanders lurking about, making sure that there will be no witnesses. 

  Then when he was confident that no one from the palace and the court for that matter is around this part of the garden, he took another roll of cigar from his thin brass box and started to smoke.

  "There is no use hiding anymore, you can come out now. I am alone and vulnerable…" he called to his unknown stalkers knowing all along that they were there, hiding among the shadows.

  From the darkness, like a black smoke materialising, the two hooded elves finally faced Lord Randal.

  "This is your last night in this world, you vermin!" Allana said as she drew a curved dagger from its sheath. Her green eyes burning with hatred, her face contorted in anger but was still very beautiful to behold, as all elves are blessed with beauty to rival even angels.

  Her companion also drew a short slender sword, tense and ready to strike at a moment's notice.

  "He he, what a lucky man I am indeed to be done in by two beautiful elves." He chucked, he then put his cigar in his mouth and inhaled a full breath and exhaled a good puff of smoke towards their faces, further infuriating the already pissed elves.

  "But… I don't think I would be dying today… As a matter of fact, I won't be dying anytime soon… But you my dear will be dead before the night is over, but only until I had my way with one of you! Hehehe!"

  Hearing those words made the elves all the more furious. The one who held a short sword started to walk towards Lord Randal, gripping her sword tightly that her knuckles turned white.

  Randal just stood still enjoying the sight of a beautiful elf seething with rage. He then with a calm voice called a name.


  The elves suddenly felt a spine chilling sensation, like a lurking dread from beyond reaching up to swallow them. Then their sensitive ears suddenly heard a faint pop of air from high above them, like a giant bird diving at a tremendous speed.

  When they looked up, they saw a black form heading towards where they were standing, their eyes widened at the sight, and they finally realised that doom had come for them.

   He came flying when his master called his name…


  He heard his master…

 From high above the clouds, diving at sonic speed, Declan has answered his master's summon. 

  He lands on the ground in a crouching position, feet wide apart and supporting his weight with one hand on the ground while the other hand is outstretched away from his body, pointed diagonally upwards, his majestic bat like wings with dark leathery skin, fully extended upwards in a slightly V angle.

   The Angel Declan has arrived. 

  Slowly he rises up, his long dark wavy hair flowing in the night breeze, his golden eyes fierce as it is beautiful, his face was the most handsome the elves have ever seen in their lives (which is saying a lot) his well toned body, built like a perfect athlete's sculpture.

 Standing at five feet ten inches tall, the angel Declan was a marvel to behold, one of the extremely rare male angels in existence, that even the wisest master believes they don't exist at all.

  The elves were awestruck by such beauty and such terrible dread that they were unable to move even an inch of their fingers. Then all of a sudden, Lord Randal spoke to Declan.

   "Kill the one with the sword, but leave this one alive for my fun" pointing a pudgy finger at Allana who held the curved dagger.

  Faster than a blink of an eye, Declan was already in front of the elf carrying the sword, he then drove his right hand on the elf's breast puncturing it, then with his left hand, he grabbed the hips and tore the elf's body into two halves with ease.

  Allana's eyes widened with horror as she saw her friend's body torn apart bare handedly, her intestines falling and staining the ground in a crimson red. 

  Then she saw how the angel proceeded to rip her friends heart out and casually tossed it aside like some trash. She has never seen such a carnage before, even the massacre of her village seems like a good dream compared to this.

  Paralyzed with an uncontrollable fear, Allana can only look with tears in her eyes as Lord Randal walked closer to her and started to unbuckle his belt. He then proceeds to hungrily rip the elf's clothes, as he allows his more primal urges to control him.

  Lord Randal, gripped Allana's left breast tightly with his large hand and proceeded to suck her nipple viscously like a deranged beast.

  He then forcibly spread her legs apart and licked her, before shoving his hard cock inside the elf's tight vagina.

  He ravaged her, again and again humping like a lunatic and forcing his tongue inside Allana's throat.

  Allana only has a blank stare, her eyes filled with tears as she feels Lord Randal enters her again and again and again, fucking her hard like it was his last day alive on this world.

 She feels sorry for failing her mission, failing to avenge her younger cousin, failing to avenge her village and herself. She knows that it is all over for her. She wished it all to end, she wishes everything to end.

  With a loud moan, Lord Randal shoots all of his cum inside Allana. Exhausted, but with a satisfied grin on his face, the Lord picks himself up and pulls up his pants.

  "Should I kill her master?" Inquired an emotionless Declan.

    "No, let her be, she has satisfied me so much that I feel very generous. Let's go, the king is waiting. It's high time that I introduce you to him." 

  "As you wish, master…" Declan then followed his master head towards the Palace doors to meet with the king.

  A broken Allana finally sits up, still naked and hurting from being raped.

  She saw her curved dagger and slowly reached for it.

  Tightly clasping the dagger close to her, she then pointed it towards her breasts.

    And with all her determination, plunged the dagger straight at her heart.

     And with a soft sigh, the darkness took her, and the world turned dark and cold.


  From a kilometer away, on top of the rooftop, Silma can only cover her mouth to stifle her cries as she witnessed the butchering of her friend and the raping of Lord Randal on her cousin.

  Tears of fear, anger, helplessness and pure hate started to form on Silma's eyes.

  Deep in her heart she knew that with an angel, guarding Lord Randal, her revenge would be impossible to do. She needs a powerful ally, but who would help her?

  With these thoughts, she turned away and headed for the capital's exit with a heavy heart. There was nothing she could do for her cousin.

   "One day, I will have my vengeance… I swear it!"

  The elfmaid with a heavy heart full of grief and hate, blended once more with the shadows and was gone.

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