Destruction Angel Summoned From Being Dead For 500 Years Finds Love

Chapter 22: The Destruction Angel

 Running inside the mansion was probably the best idea Chitose had at the moment, all she could think about was to get as much distance between them and the monster outside. Trailing closely behind her was a still crying Lyn. Reaching western corridor of the mansion, Chitose decided to take a breather, she turned around and hugged her friend, trying her best to comfort her. 

  "I am so sorry Lyn…"

  Lyn however gently pushed Chitose away, turned around with her hands covering her face, sobbing uncontrollably. The black haired girl slumped down on the floor, the strength of her legs giving up due to her despair and sadness. Chitose knelt down beside her friend and gently rubs Lyn's shoulders, her own tears started to fall.


 Tara was oblivious to the happenings outside of the mansion, all she was thinking at the moment was to find her worst enemy's descendant. After rummaging the kitchen for food, the angel picked up her pace and started to ascend a set of stairs just beside the kitchen door - with a piece of bread still stuffed in her mouth half eaten.

  "I hear footsteps…" Tara crouched and tried to move as silently as she can, making sure that whatever or whoever is descending down the stairs towards her won't notice her until it's too late.

  The footsteps are getting louder now, getting nearer her position. Tara's body tensed, getting ready to attack first. The angel clenched her fist tightly, making sure that the first blow she landed will make as much damage and confusion to whoever it is that's coming her way.

  "It's getting nearer now… just a few steps more…" Tara's mind was racing, getting anxious and nervous at the same time.

  The footsteps are getting nearer and nearer.

  "This is it!" Tara rushed at the owner of the footsteps, her right hand tightly clenched in a fist, when all of a sudden she stopped.

  Looking back at her are two stunned girls, pale and unable to move with terror. Their eyes widened as if death itself was looking at them. One of the girls has golden eyes.

  "What the…" was all Tara could utter.


  Lyn and Chitose were paralyzed from shock and terror as they saw a beautiful girl with golden eyes, the same as the one who tried to kill them is running towards them with a killing intent.

  When suddenly… she stopped.

  Lyn, unable to cope with everything that has happened completely crumbled down. Her legs just gave out on her as she weakly slumped down, unable to move on. Chitose was quick to grab her before she fell down the stairs, providing much needed support for her best friend. 

  "I can't do this anymore Chi…" the black haired girl uttered in a weak voice.

  "I just want it all to end, right here…" tears were flowing down Lyn's face. She was ready to give up. All she saw was hopelessness.

  "No, Lyn… we must not give up… we must live…" Chitose replied. Her own golden eyes brimming with tears ready to fall.


 Tara silently watched the exchange, her heart filled with pity for the girls. Especially the golden eyed one who looks so alike with her first love Kyouko.

  Her eyes widened when she suddenly realised the painful truth of it all…

  "Gold eyes, Kyouko's face… Bluewing's mana… MOTHER FUCKER!!!" Tara's mind was screaming. Sinante Bluewing clearly cucked her with Kyouko, there is no other explanation about this. This girl is the descendant she was looking for and the very object of her vengeance. But… How can she harm Kyouko's descendant?

  Keeping her rage in checked and pushing her more violent thoughts aside, she finally spoke.

  "Tell me girls, what is going on, why are you running and why do you look at me with sheer terror?"

  "A man with bat wings and gold eyes has killed her father and my friend's father as well… we barely escaped from getting killed as well, if not for another girl saving us by shooting an arrow at the back of that monster." Chitose replied, her voice quivering, both with fear and exhaustion.

  "Silma!" Tara suddenly snapped. Her heart felt a terrible dread at knowing that her lover is in mortal danger.

  "You, girl with gold eyes. I can protect you and your friend… but I need your help! We have no time to lose, your lives are in terrible danger!" Tara said in a panicked voice, surprising both the two girls in front of her.

  "Pull this ring out, and I promise you, nobody can ever harm you and your friend again." Tara stated matter of factly, raising her hand to show Chitose the Vulpen ring of sealing.

  "Do it! She won't harm you!" Hunai's voice said in Chitose's mind.

  "No Chi… we can't trust her!" Lyn objected as she saw Chitose slowly reaching out towards the stranger's hand.

  Chitose stopped and looked lovingly at Lyn. A small smile formed on her lips.

  "We have no choice… I want to protect you Lyn… we have to take a chance… if she wanted us dead, she would have done it by now… let us take a leap of faith… whatever happens, I will protect you, even if I die trying." Chi patted Lyn's head in reassurance. 

  Chitose once again reached out to Tara's hand, ready to pull out the ring.


   Outside the mansion, the rain continued pouring and pounding. Cracks of lightning danced above the clouds, illuminating the area with an eerie light. The wind continued to howl it's mournful cry. Yet one can feel an unnatural stillness behind all of what's happening around the Holden estate.

  Two dead bodies lie on the wet earth, one had an open cavity in his chest, his heart missing. Another was the headless body of a middle aged man. Their blood was washed away by the pouring rain, making the ground around them red.

  The elfmaid Silma is down on her knees, her shoulder slumped in defeat. Her hands bruised and broken, shaking uncontrollably from the pain and exhaustion. The rain hid the tears that were flowing down her bloodied face.

  "It's over… I lost…" she muttered through her clenched teeth. Tears flowing freely from her eyes. 

  "My strength is not enough… I have failed my dear sister and cousin… I am worthless…" she cried as she pounded the earth with her bloodied fist in utter frustration.

  Declan was standing before her, amused at the sight of despair that he was witnessing. A small smile crept on his lips. How on earth did this pathetic elf even thought about beating him in combat, he thought. 

  "Listen elf… I don't know who you are or what your intention is… but know this, I am Declan the Black Death… There is a reason why I am called by that name. My master gave me a mission, and I must fulfill it… I have no choice on the matter… it's never personal, just business." The angel said to the kneeling elf. His words were true enough, that's all he can give to his opponent out of respect. 

  "Maybe if we met in different circumstances, things might not end this way." Declan continued, his eyes fixed on the kneeling elf.

  "But alas, things are as it is… and you will certainly die on this very night for crossing me." The angel flatly said. His eyes filled with the bloodlust of a predator, ready to deliver the killing strike to his prey.

  Silma's eyes widened with dread. Her heart pounding so hard that her elven ears can clearly hear it like a drumbeat. In her mind, the one thing she most regretted more than fulfilling her vengeance was the realisation that she would never be with Tara anymore.

  "Goodbye my love…" Silma quietly said. A small smile forming on her beautiful lips. Her days with her lover were short, but it was the happiest ones in her long life. She has at last found the love of her life… but it's all over now.

  Slowly, Declan's right hand started to transform into those dreaded obsidian claws. Twitching and elongating, sharp as razor blades, it continued to grow longer and longer.

  "Time to sleep forever little elf!" Declan said as he pulled his right arm back, ready to rip the elf's still beating heart out of her chest.


  The Black Death's arm shoots towards the elfmaid's chest with a force so powerful that even the rain was displaced. Closer and closer it came at Silma's chest.

  Then it stopped just about a few inches between Silma's supple breasts.

  "How… what?!" Declan uttered in complete surprise as he saw a hand gripping his claw around the wrist, stopping it completely with a strength he has never felt in his whole life.

  Slowly, he raised his eyes, looking at the owner of the hand. He saw a feminine form silhouetted by the darkness standing calmly, gripping his wrist so tight that he heard his bone crack by the sheer power and strength. Declan narrowed his eyes to focus on this new comer. He saw a pair of almond shaped eyes with golden irises. At the back of the girl are two feathered wings of the purest white.

  A cold shiver ran down the back of Declan, as he finally come face to face with the Destruction Angel.

  "You're dead…" Tarmora said in a cold hard voice.

Author's Note:

Dear readers, 

  Sorry it took awhile to write this chapter. I got a lot going with my life (lol) but now, I am back and writing again. Oh, I also started a new story with a co author Louisa, handling the artwork. Thank you understanding.

Up next:

 The Destruction Angel vs The Black Death. 

See you soon!


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