Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 12: Why We Fight, How We Fight

Chapter 12: Why We Fight, How We Fight


As I walked out of the village I saw the knight standing with the horses. There were three goblin corpses on the ground at his feet. He was leaning against the nearby wall and his gaze turned in my direction. 

“The horses are fine.” the knight calmly stated as if he was describing the weather.

“Good, the goblins did many escape by here?” I ask, I can feel a lump in my throat and the anxiety in my stomach.

“A few did, I managed to get these three, two more ran down the road before I could finish them off.” the knight said calmly.

The baby…

I think to myself in mute horror. This piece of shit knew there was an infant lying exposed on the road under it’s dead father and he just let a bunch of monsters run off in the same direction? I grit my teeth and mount one of the horses. 

“What are you doing?” the knight asked as he looked up at me, his gaze cold.

“Doing the right thing.” I reply in a clipped tone as I stare at the knight.

“Really? Was that you causing that screaming? I could hear it all the way over here…” the knight replied with a laugh. 

I think that’s what scared the Goblin’s enough for them to take off running down the road…

The knight said as he raised an eyebrow. 

I feel my heart sink at those words, did I just kill that kid?

“Go and play your pretend Dark Hero. I know what you are, you are a monster trying to be human, no matter how much you try to pretend otherwise.” the knight said coldly, locking me in his gaze.

“You may have the other Heroes fooled, especially the Life Hero. Endless is her mercy according to the legends. The legends must be true for Lady Charlotte to be able to care for a monster like you.” the knight said.

“You’re right I am a monster and you’re a human. You can pretend otherwise but we are one and the same. Our race is vile and cruel, our heritage built on millenias of murder. I may be a monster but you need to stop pretending to be something better. Because you are just like me, a human, a monster.” I reply, my voice dripping with venom. I see the knight narrow his eyes at my comment. Funny isn’t it? People like this say such words and they get annoyed when the same words are thrown back in their face...

“Then what is Lady Charlotte?” the knight asks.

“Something better... something better than you and I. She is the exception when she should be the standard…” I say as I spur my horse forward.

As I ride towards the man’s corpse and hopefully the still breathing baby… 

How am I going to face Charlotte if the baby ends up dead?

I approach and I walk shakily over to the man. He was still lying face down. Is he in the same position I left him in? Were there always four holes in his back? I don’t hear crying…

With trembling hands I push him over and I see the baby eyes shut but breathing. I grab the baby and pull it close to my chest. I kneel there for a moment just feeling it’s warmth against my chest. The baby opens its eyes and looks at me curiously with it’s big innocent eyes.

Haha… haha…

I let out a laugh as I felt my tears flow down my cheeks. I feel my chest tighten as all the pent up tension and anxiety starts to burst out like water breaching a dam. I choke back a sob as it takes all I have not to break down crying.

My decision, my responsibility...

I hear Shuji’s voice ring in my head, he always said this line whenever he gave me another set of suicidal orders. I never truly felt the weight of those words until now…

It was different back home, where death is a certainty rather than a danger. So it doesn’t matter if you get people killed, it’s just a matter of tomorrow or a week later, over here or over there. It doesn’t matter since all men must die eventually, especially back in Sapporo. Here however, there is a chance we would all make it out alive. The lives I save will actually matter… and the lives I send to death will matter to...

I remember one day when I got back after a fight, we had won just barely. My squad was gone except for this other kid who followed right behind me the entire fight. Shuji had called me over and we talked… what exactly we talked about I can barely remember all I remember was this line.

How am I going to face Mum if I get you killed…

I remember telling Shuji my ticket to hell is already booked, the only question is when or where. He can’t get me killed if I’m already a dead man walking…

Then I feel the baby grab onto the side of my coat and I look down to see the baby looking up at me curiously. Then the irony strikes me, here I am the great Champion of the Dark God, kneeling in the dirt, tears on my face and in my arms is a baby that’s dry faced. It didn’t even cry through everything that happened…

“You are the most well behaved baby in the world, you know that?” I say with a smile as my tears stop. The baby lets out a laugh at the sight of my smile. 

“Come on little soldier let’s get you home.” I say as I get back to my feet and begin walking over to the horse. 

I ride to the village and roughly toss the reins to the knight after I dismount. As I enter the village square baby in hand, I see Charlotte spot me and begin running over. Her face was twisted with worry as she ran up to me. I smiled as I showed her the baby is alive and well. 

“Thank god he’s ok…” Charlotte said softly as she placed her hand on the baby’s cheek. Who let out a small laugh at the touch.

“He wasn’t even crying, the most well behaved baby in the world.” I say with a laugh.

“Yeah, the most well behaved baby in the world…” Charlotte said gently as the baby reached out and grabbed her finger.

I see Charlotte look up from the baby and shift her gaze onto my face. Her brows furrowed for a moment as she looked me in the eye.

“Your eyes are red, what’s wrong?” Charlotte asked.

“Oh… it’s nothing…” I reply instinctively as I look away. I internally kicked myself after I realised what I just said. To Charlotte, “It’s nothing” means there is something... 

As I expected Charlotte’s eyes narrowed and she glared at me crossly.

“Can we talk about this later… there’s still things we need to do here.” I say cutting her off. I really don’t want to talk about it now… I don’t want to talk about it at all if I’m honest. However, knowing Charlotte we would probably end up talking about it eventually. She is nothing if not persistent…

“Alright… when everyone’s safe.” Charlotte said as she reached up and cupped my cheek.

“Promise?” Charlotte said gently.

“Promise.” I say as I felt her warm hand on my cheek.

“Good…” Charlotte said as she withdrew her hand.

“Let’s find someone to take care of this little guy.” I say with a smile. 

We asked the elder about the kid and he said after checking with the other villagers it seems that man was his father. As for her mother… She was part of the group that was taken by the Uruks. Well that’s just one more reason to get her back to her son. Oh yes the baby is a boy, I didn’t even think to check the gender with so much happening. Charlotte however, didn’t seem very surprised, now that I think about it she was calling the kid a he. How the hell do you even tell just by the face? Babies just look like pink blobs, I can’t tell at all...

Well that’s a question I can answer at a later date, for now I have about a dozen women and girls to save. Apparently the youngest missing is nine… 

Seeing everyone was ready I walked over to the Hob-Goblin whose hands are tied up on the ground in the middle of the square, its wounds now healed thanks to Charlotte. It’s eyes go wide at the sight of my approach, it tries to stand, to try and run… and my boot finds it’s teeth. 

It tumbles over backwards and I press my boot down on its neck careful not to press down too hard. It looks up at me terror as I peer down at it’s sniveling green face.

“Did you just try to run?” I say quietly as I raise my left hand and point my palm at his face.

“No… I just try to stand… bring you to camp…” it stammers eyes wide in terror.

“Have you forgotten what happens if you try to betray me?” I hiss. I tense my hand turning causing my fingers to arch making it look like I’m trying to claw at the air.

“NO I REMEMBER! NO MORE!” the goblin screams.

“Good.” I say calmly as I release him from under my boot. The goblin sniffles as he looks at me terrified but relieved.

“Stand, let’s go.” I say as I watch him gingerly stand up.

[Death is a Mercy] 

Then it screams as it topples back into the dirt, body contorting. I only hold the spell for about two seconds before releasing it. The goblin gags as spit and bile dribble out the side of its mouth. It gasps for air and whimpers after that shock of pain.

“Another reminder… now get up before I remind you again…” I say my tone cold as ice. I have learned how to best make prisoners do what I want. Pain and fear is sharpest when you aren’t expecting it… It works best when the Prisoner thinks it's safe, only then do I remind it that there is no such thing as peace and safety as long as I’m here. As I always say, fear is as good a weapon as any…

The goblin shrieks as it tries to stand in panic but because it’s hands are bound it loses its balance and falls face first into the dirt.

I’m losing my patience…

I say dangerously at the pathetic sight of the Hob-Goblin. 

“No no no…” it wails as it finally gets to its feet.

“No more… I show… no more pain…” it begs tears and snot dripping from its face.

“Then go…” I hiss at the Hob-Goblin as it nods frantically and begins walking in the direction of the woods to the east. 

Our group plus the six peasant and minus that fucking knight follow the Hob-Goblin. We were eventually led to the edge of the forest and we followed it in. Although the peasants seem quite unnerved by the fact that the camp is in the forest.

“Look out for any ambushes.” I say to the group behind me.

I see nods from the rest as the surroundings go dark from the shade of the trees. We’ve been walking for almost half an hour and still we are walking.

“How much further.” I ask coldly at the Hob-Goblin. 

“Soon... there soon…” the Hob-Goblin replied fearfully as it turned to face me.

“You let go? After show?” the Hob-Goblin asked tentatively.

I’m a merciful man…

I reply with a smile as I see a light of hope ignite in the Hob-Goblin’s eyes. It then begins to hurry through the forest. 

“Katsuro…” I hear Charlotte say, I turn to see Charlotte looking at me, her eyes shimmering, her brows furrowed as she bit her lip.

“It needs to be done…” I reply, as I look away from her gaze. If I let this one go, who knows what it will do once it’s free? Fear can often turn to hate if given enough time…

“Katsuro please…” Charlotte pleaded softly.

I don’t reply, I just turn around and continue following the Hob-Goblin. Soon I start to hear sounds and then I glimpse a camp in the distance through the trees. The Hob-Goblin stops and turns around. 

“There front… camp… I go now?” it asks hopefully. 

“Turn around.” I say. The goblin turns around and shows me the ropes binding his hands. 

“Katsuro… please don’t…” I hear Charlotte say. I grit my teeth and freeze for a moment. Damn it… I shouldn’t let him live, what if he runs straight at the camp and shouts? The element of surprise is a big advantage, he who holds the initiative controls the flow of battle… yet…

I draw my knife and approach the Hob-Goblin and I cut the ropes. 

“Don’t make me wrong about this, it would be safer just to kill you…” I hiss at him as he turns around.

“If I find you attacking any other villages, I’ll cut out your guts and make you eat them…” I growl into his face.

“Yes… I go… I go now…” the Hob-Goblin turns and begins running in the opposite direction of the camp. I watch him run and I grip my knife it woud be so easy to throw it right into the back of his head… this is stupid… this’ll come to bite me in the ass I know it…

“Thank you…” Charlotte said as she walked over and took my hand. 

“Yeah, let’s go get those girls.” I say as I give her hand a squeeze and let go.

I turn back to camp and we slowly approach. Soon we were close enough that I could get a good look at the camp. The camp looks to be in a small clearing, there are crude palisades made of the strunks of small trees. It looks like there’s only one way in and out of the camp. I see two goblins guarding the front opening. The clearing looks to be on slightly lower ground… I can use that to my advantage, maybe there’s a good incline we can use…

“Wait here.” I say as I grab onto a tree and begin to climb. 

A few short minutes later I’m at the top and I have a good view of the clearing. I can see the interior of the camp, I see a group of Uruks in the middle of the camp. There looks to be a central area and there’s a large bonfire in the middle. I see about sixty of the Uruks, that’s almost two platoons of mostly Goblins and Hob-Goblins. There were a few larger ones as well… and one really big one. Looks almost two and half metres tall…

Is that a Greater Ork?

Right on Dark Champion…

Alright that will be a problem… The peasants are around level 5 and so are the rest. I’m level 6 now thanks to that execution from earlier. Chances are I’m going to have to kill the big one. We are outnumbered roughly five to one, six to one if we ignore the peasants. This is a dangerous fight and there is no way we can win them head on. Then again the Rift’s are said to pour out swarms of weaker Outworld demons that act as cannon fodder for the stronger demons. So we do need the practice... We will need to thin them down significantly before we first clash… 

The opening can be a choke point and we can funnel them out of it creating a kill zone. With Momo’s fire power if they bunch up at the entrance we can carve them to pieces before they even get close to us. So I need to lure them out… the problem is the women… 

I grimace as I focus on the crowd of Uruks having their way with a group of women in the centre area. All except two, I see two chained next to a big one who was sitting on some crude throne. One of them looked young… like really young… I think that one is the nine year old… Those two looked to be the prizes for the big one…

I need a way for them to leave the women and charge out… if I were them I would use the women as hostages. If they were stupid then I wouldn’t have been worried, the Goblins and Hob-Goblin’s don’t seem to be that bright. The problem was that their camp is a crude but partially effective defensive structure. This implies a rudimentary understanding of defensive fortifications. Which can be further inferred as them having a basic grasp of combat tactics.

I can lure them into a trap on the gentle slope right outside the gate. If we position facing the gate our mages can wreak havoc as they funnel through. Now then the real problem… How do I get them out without them bringing the hostages…

A fire? The whole place is made of wood, a fire can flush them out. That would however cook the hostages… or maybe… I pretend that I don’t care about the hostages…

Yeah that can work, I kill one of the big one’s prizes and then I take a shot at it, with any luck I’ll wound or even kill it. With their leadership decapitated or enraged and with them assuming that hostages are useless they may just charge out. I can lay a minefield in front of the slope, [Skittering Headsman] causes [Fear I] I can combine that with [Stunning Grenades] to slow their advance buying more time for our ranged damage dealers. 

With that plan in mind I jump down from the tree and land easily on the grass. I relay the plan to the rest, but I skip the part of me sacrificing a hostage and the fact that the women are being defiled at this very moment. Don’t want any rash decisions…

The rest agree to the plan and we begin to move to the slope opposite the gate hiding in the tree line so those two look outs don’t see us. 

“Styx, change my armor to forest camouflage, take some of the branches for a ghillie suit if you can.” I say.

As my lord commands

Before my eyes I see my armor change as black tendrils start taking bits of the foliage and soon I’m covered in ghillie suit. Now I just need to kill those two look outs quietly so I can lay the minefield.

I run along the edge of the tree line until I can get close to the wall while out of their line of sight. I sneak along the wall towards the two sentries. I see the two goblins were just lazily sitting on the ground and one looked to be asleep. Good I’ll make sure he doesn’t wake from that sleep…

Draw both of my knives and I approach slowly, then I dash forward and bury my blade into the back of the goblin’s neck that was closest to me. The goblin let’s out a gurgle and it wakes the other goblin. Before the other one could even react I threw my knife impaling it through the eye socket. Both bodies slump quietly onto the grass and I tense as I listen. The sound of the Uruks and cries of the women haven’t changed. Ok good, looks they don’t know I’m here… 

I retrace my steps and I end up back at where the rest of the group is. I go prone and I watch as my armor adjusts to fit the grass perfectly. I slowly crawl forward and I begin laying my minefield. Each mine two metres apart, ten wide, five columns long… fifty mines… normally this would take hours but these mines bury themselves. Saving me a lot of time and they just materialise in my hand when I need them to. I do it as quickly as I dare, which is not very fast, if the Uruks spot me and they bring out the women I can’t say the others won’t do something stupid especially the peasants… 

It was almost an hour of painstaking work before I’m done. By the end of it I’m feeling a lot of fatigue. Non magical abilities don’t generate Arcane Heat. They generate fatigue and I just used fifty mines… well no rest for the weary...

Now for a bit of theatre…

I stand up from the grass and return my armor back to it’s usual black. I walk towards the gate as if I own the place. As I approached the gate I realised the cries of the women were gone, only the sounds of Uruks jeering or grunting could be heard. 


May they find it in their hearts to forgive me…

But I doubt it…

My decision, my responsibility…

At least this way I can spare their conscience from this necessary act…

At least I can spare Charlotte…

Just like how Shuji always spared me…

My hands are already stained, what’s a few more?


I flip my mask down as I walk into the camp. I drop a few more mines right at the entrance to slow them down even more. As soon as I walk past the first goblin it yells as it turns to me in shock I draw my gun and blow it’s head off. The loud crack of the rifle stunned all of them to silence. The group of them didn't move, they all gazed at me in shock. Of course it’s shocking a lone person just walks into the middle of a camp filled with Uruks. I look around and see them just stare at me, I look to the throne and I see the big one rise to its feet.

“You are brave to enter here by yourself.” the Greater Ork growled. So this one can speak in complete sentences. This means the plan may still work...

“You attacked the village nearby…” I said calmly.

Come on you big dumb brute use a hostage…

“Ahh so you are here for your females. You humans are always so concerned with your breeders.” the Greater Ork said with a laugh. As it reached down and snatched up the small girl. 

Fuck… he chose the kid…

“You humans are soft, I know you will not be able to kill one of your own. After all you are here to save them.” the Greater Ork said as he brought the screaming girl in front of his chest as a shield.

Lily… no…

I hear a voice croak. I turn to see a woman with the same dark hair as the child. She’s on her belly and her legs are splayed slightly as if she was just released from being held down. Her nude body was covered in cuts and bruises. Her eyes were wide in terror as she gazed at her daughter.

I’m sorry…

I think to myself as I steel myself for the atrocity I’m about to commit.

“Who said I was here to save them?” I say coldly as I raise my gun and aim right at his head. Which was right behind the girl’s head…

Wait… please no…

I hear the woman beg as she realises what I’m about to do.

“I couldn’t care less about your spoils. I am the Dark Hero. I serve the god of death, sin, madness and war. What makes you think I care about life? I’m not here for them, I’m here for you.” I growl as I pull the trigger 

I watch as both the girl’s and the Greater Ork’s head explodes. In that moment time seems to slow as I see the sight in perfect clarity, a sight I will never forget…

Then in a moment the clarity passes and both of them fall to the ground dead. There is stunned silence as my shot echoes out. 

~ Level Up ~

Then I hear the woman scream in anguish, her sobs cry out, her voice tearing in her screams. She screams her daughters name, she shouts denials, she curses the gods but most of all…




She curses me…

“KILL HIM!” I hear one of the Orks shout as it points its sword at me. I turn and bolt for the exit as soon as I hear the command from the Ork, the mother’s voice still ringing in my head.

I ran past the entrance and I turned to see the whole lot of them were following, with none of the hostages...

The few for the many...

I turn my head back forward just in time to see spells fly over my head right at the entrance. I hear the shouts behind me as the spells carve right into the massed group. Then I hear my mines at the entrance go off. I toss a [Stunning Grenade] right at the group of confused and enraged Uruks buying time for another volley. 

I look up to see Momo just hurling spells one after another, her Blazing Dance style of casting giving her the ability to fire spells one after the other. Her [Firebolts] reaping a terrible toll on the Uruks. In a few seconds, I’m on top of my minefield, I wheel and I empty one cycle of my revolver into the crowd. The penetration on the shouts ensures that I kill multiple of the hostiles with every shot. The Uruks see me standing alone in the field with spells flying overhead and they charge again. 

I turn and bolt for the tree line. As I get to the top where the frontliners are waiting. I turned to see about a quarter of them were dead. The problem was most of the dead were the Goblins who were at the front of the initial charge. The stronger ones were still at the back and only slightly injured. Unfortunately, most of the stronger ones were neared to the throne so they were the last ones to exit. 

Well I laid fifty mines, that's more than enough for all of them. Chances are the frontliners will only get a few… I feel a chill on the back of my neck…

I wheel just in time to see a dagger hit Charlotte in the back, she gasps as she falls forward. The backline wheels to see the Hob-Goblin from earlier now with a dozen goblins. Probably those that fled from the village.

“YOU PAY FOR PAIN!” the Hob-Goblin shouts. The goblin’s were right on top of us, we didn’t hear them coming because of all of the explosions from the spells...

Charlotte coughs as blood leaks from her mouth as a red patch grows on her back from the thrown dagger. I see the Hob-Goblin raise his club intent on bringing it down onto Charlotte. I draw my gun but I see the young man from the village tackle the Hob-Goblin to the floor stopping the swing. 

[Searing Blade] [Lightning Spear] I hear Momo and Amethine shout as their spells each take out a goblin. But with them so close their attacks can only take out one at a time.

“VOLVA WITH ME! THE REST OF YOU FOCUS ON THE FRONT!” I shout at the frontline as my heart pounds in my heart. I rushed towards Charlotte and stood between her and the goblins. I could hear her whimpers of pain as she chokes on her blood behind me. Her rasping breaths tell me she’s struggling to breath. The dagger must have hit her lung…

My vision goes red as I carve an approaching Goblin’s throat open with a cleave from my bayonet. Then I start to hear the minefield behind me start to go off. I hope the minefield does enough damage for the frontline to hold.

I fire another shot at a goblin as I see Volva fly past and cut a goblin in half with [Soaring Swallow]. I hear a scream and I see Amethine stagger back a dagger in her thigh. Momo cuts the attacking goblin in half with a [Searing Blade].

[Lightning Spear] Amethine screams as she kills another Goblin.

[Rapid Fire] I say as I lock onto four of the goblins and my shots crack their heads open. I hear more mines go off behind me. 

“Shit they're going around!” I hear Jacob say and my blood goes cold. I hear a yell as I turn to see the Hob-Goblin straddling the young man the mace raised over its head. I raise my gun and I fire a shot as I see the chamber of the revolver pops out. The shot hit’s the Hob-Goblin in the chest as it topples over backward.

I hear a blood-curdling scream from the left and I see one of the peasants scream as two of the goblins hack down onto him as he lay onto the floor. I see a [Searing Blade] fly over the man cutting the two of the goblin’s into flaming halves. 

[Righteous Advance] [Throat Piercer] [Gaia’s Fist] I hear the frontliner’s shout and I know the Uruk’s have reached us. 

Time slows again and I look around to see absolute chaos everywhere. 

Amethine is on her knees another [Lightning Spear] in her hand as another goblin charges her, blood running down her leg staining the grass.

Momo’s drenched in sweat, her robes now glowing red, as she fire’s a point-blank [Firebolt] at two more goblins. 

The young man scrambling for the mace that Hob-Goblin dropped as a goblin run’s toward him with a crude dagger raised. 

Then I look down to see Charlotte looking at me, eyes wide in pain and terror. 

“Katsu… ro…” Charlotte gurgles out as more blood pours from her mouth.


You are almost about to level up you know?

Your next level will give you something good...

You just need a sacrifice…


I look over at the peasant man blood pouring from wounds in his chest. His right arm raised shaking as he gurgles and twitches as the last dredges of life ebb from his body. 

The few for the many…

I hear Shuji’s voice say in my head. I make my decision. I feel my revolver’s chamber slam shut and I shoot the man in the head. Immediately I hear it in my head.


~ Level Up ~

☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Divine Weapon [Danse Macabre] upgraded

[Danse Macabre] → [Van Hell’s Danse Macabre]

Magazine: 6 → 12

Damage: 200 → 300


Ability Acquired

The Scarlet Harvest (Rare Ability):

Requires: [One Handed Gun]

Summon a shadow copy of equipped [One Handed Gun]

Fires twenty shots at the nearest enemies with perfect precision

Shots have + 30% [Damage]

Uses significant amount of [Stamina]

Can manually target [Grenades] and [Mines]

Does not consume [Ammunition]


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Then I hear another slew of mines go off and I hear another voice appear in my head.


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Ability Upgraded

Skittering Headsman I (Rare Ability) upgraded

[Skittering Headsman I] → [Skittering Headsman II]

Explosion will now fire shrapnel in the direction of nearby enemies.

Can now be thrown like a grenade

Can now be detonated by [Gun] shots

Can now throw up to three at once


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


I watch my revolver be covered in black shadow and as it reappears it reveals a large modern looking handgun. It was quite large for a pistol and it had a large barrel. It was covered with gold engravings from the barrel to the ivory handle.


You like it?

It’s based on the M1911 design

Fires 45 caliber rounds

Big kick…

For a little gun…

I wonder how you will use it?


I hear Styx say with a laugh. Well let’s find out, [The Scarlet Harvest] I shout. I feel my left arm grip another pistol made of shadow and time seems to stop. My vision widens to cover all 360 degrees. It's strange seeing the world like this but as I see the circles light up on the heads of the remaining goblins I know what it’s for. 

I confirm my choices and I feel my body move. I hear the roar of gunfire as I spin and fire my pistols in every direction with lightning speed. Then in a few seconds, it was over and I hear bodies thump against the ground as the goblin’s around us drop dead. 

Then the fatigue hits and it feels like someone just dumped fifty kilograms on my back and my muscles scream in agony, especially that piece of mangled muscle on my back. 

“Amethine heal… Charlotte…” I rasp out as I stagger slightly. I see her do so and Charlotte coughs expelling the blood in her windpipe. Then I hear a crash as Alfie is blown back by a hit from the Orks. I turn to see the remaining Uruks have about two dozen left and five of which are Orks. Jacob and Ivan were barely hanging on…

I hear something hit the grass and I turn to see Momo collapse onto grass panting, it looks like she’s at her limit. I turn back to the front and see Volva rushing forward to try and cover Jacob and Ivan.

There’s too many… we don’t have enough strength to deal with them all… 


The few for many

That is the nature of our war…


I hear Shuji’s voice again in the back of my mind.


We are kin to soldiers resting beneath the earth

Sons and Daughters of battles, a thousand times lost

We are no more than soldiers

No more no less

Death may be our destiny 

But the beyond can have us when we are done

Be strong, be brave

Live up to that uniform on your backs

I’ll see you on the other side

If not in this life, then the next...


I laugh as the memory fades, of that fateful speech before the first attack on that Communications station. The attack that broke my brave valorous brother…

Stupid Shuji he always liked his literature, probably where he got all these speeches from… 

Well, he was right about one thing that Dark God can have me when I’m done here. I’m not about to die in this cesspool of a world to a bunch of low leveled, dirty, stinking bipedal pigs. 

Better to take the one in a million chance of victory rather than wait for defeat…

I mustered whatever strength I have left in my body. My body screamed, my bones creaked, but I will not bend, I will not break. 


The Dark God can have me when I’m done…


I run and I jump over the heads of Jacob and Ivan. I hurl three [Skittering Headsman] grenades at a single spot and they explode clearing a hole for me. Judging by how tired I am I’ll probably collapse after this… so I better go all out then…

I throw another three [Skittering Headsman] grenades into the air and then take perhaps my final gamble. [The Scarlet Harvest] I hiss as my body screams in pain as the skill activates.


~ Warning ~

Use of [The Scarlet Harvest] will exceed current remaining [Stamina] 

Body Damage will Occur

Injuries may include:


  • Lacerations


  • Contusions
  • Muscle tearing
  • Rupturing of major blood vessels
  • Rupturing of organs



Do you still wish to continue?


I hear in my head as the world switches to 360 degrees. I don’t answer, I just lock in my choices, prioritising the Orks and the grenades over my head…

Then I fire my skills, I feel the pain fade as my body moves on it’s own exploding the grenades over head causing shrapnel to rain down on the Uruks around me. My gun splatters everything around me and then it ends. The bodies falling around me…

Then I feel a warm liquid burst up from my throat and I taste iron. I feel it dribble down my mask and my legs give out. I fall to my knees and my head list’s forward and I feel my head go fuzzy. My vision swims and then I see that the liquid dripping down is red…

So it’s blood…

I think as another wave of blood rise up and I puke it out, splattering the inside of the mask. I can’t move my body, it feels like lead and I start to feel myself tilt to the side. I feel myself hit the grass…

It’s so cold…

I think as my vision starts to tunnel and I feel my consciousness fade. Right as darkness claims me I hear a voice...




Hey guys as I was writing this I realized the Chapter was going to be 10k words long so I decided to cut it here. The next part will be a bit shorter but there's still plenty of content. I have once again overestimated how much I can put into 6k words. 

For this one, I wanted to paint the chaos of a fight when it all starts to go wrong. I hope you like it and tell me what you think. Was it too confusing? Not confusing enough? 

Anyway, thank you for everyone's kind words in the last chapter. Hearing from you guys always motivates me to give my best. 

So see you guys in the next chapter!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.