Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 20: First Contact

Chapter 20: First Contact


I watch as the demon’s charged, there must be hundreds of demons on this side of the battlefield alone. The front line is made of four legged hounds. Their flesh was black as tar, they had four green glowing eyes, their maws and bellies glowed with the strange green glow as well. Behind them ran humanoid demons, they had green glowing eyes as well, their wide gaping maws as if they were locked in a silent scream, from their head sprouted horns like that of a rams and on their chest I could see a pulsing green glow where their heart would be. These seemed to make up the bulk of the army. At the back line shambled what looked to be black humanoids with their entrails dragging between their legs. These were thin and a lot slower than the rest. They had the same glowing faces but their entrails pulsed with that eerie green glow as they approached.


I heard Jacob shout as the demons closed to about twenty meters.

I told the ranged forces to hold their fire until the lines met. The archers didn’t have that many arrows left, so we had to make every shot count. The two groups of massed soldiers would compress the enemy together making sure our limited shots and spells would do maximum damage. Then the lines clashed the demon hounds leapt right over the layer of wooden stakes and smashed right into the line of shields. Pikes shot forward impaling the hounds that were clawing at the shields. I saw one man get his leg pulled out from under him and he crashed into the ground. He was dragged screaming back into the mass of demons and his cries of agony echoed out as the hounds tore at him.

[Concussive Bash]

I hear Jacob shout as his shield flashes forward knocking a dozen demons back.

[Aegis Assault] 

I heard Alfie shout as her shield glowed red and her spear shot out three times skewering hounds with each stab. Then her shield discharged a wave of red energy blowing a few of the hounds back.

[Cull the Fallen] 

Jacob roared as his sword glowed gold and he unleashed a wide slash that cut three demon hounds with a single swing.

Then a wave of arrows shot forth peppering the massed groups of demons. The arrows were then followed by four successive [Searing Blades] from Momo. I watched as she fired one into each area of the battlefield the wide blades casted horizontally to maximise the area of effect. The blades cut wide 5 metre holes in the demon lines as the blades ripped right through their resistances. It was an extremely powerful spell in situations like this, although it lacked the usual burn debuffs of Momo’s other spells, it has [Resistance Penetration] which makes it easily able to cut through multiple targets.

[Aria of Mercy] 

[Shaper of Life]

I hear Charlotte shout from behind as the whole line in front of me is bathed in her buff. This buff was powerful in large scale battles like this, with it’s wide cast radius of 25 metres affecting all allied individuals.

Then I spotted one section of the line that seemed to be buckling under the weight of demons.

Archers follow my shots

I command as I fire a volley of shots at the slowly widening gap in the line. I see a wave of arrows follow after my bullets slamming into the gap buying the line enough space to stabilise. The pikes shot forth constantly, each thrust drawing the black blood of the demons as their steel tips plunged in their bodies.

[Skittering Headsman] I say to hurl them over the line. [Rapid Fire] I say as I shoot the grenades mid air. The grenades explode raining shrapnel down onto the demon’s forces in white trails. The hounds shriek as the burning hot metal rips in their flesh, my natural [Resistance Penetration] making the shrapnel penetrate much deeper than it normally would. 

The hounds were getting cleared out as there were not that many of them and now came the humanoids with their curved black sabers. Once the humanoids reached the line immediately the pressure mounted. They slashed at exposed limbs grabbing onto shields, attempting to topple the man holding it. 

Then I hear the humanoids let out an unearthly wail…


[Fear I] resisted


I hear in my head as I look over to the line and I see the front line now all had their shields up and weren’t attacking. The pikes have stilled as well as the debuff blanketed the line.

Oi you lot afraid of a bit of screaming?

Come on you unloved bastards earn your keep

Cut them down!


I hear Bovarian roar from the right side.

The Bronze Bulls on the right flank shoved with their shields, swords flashed and demons fell. 




I hear Bovarian shout.





I hear the Bronze Bulls shout as they shoved again, cutting more of the demons with swift strikes. Their attacks picked up fervor as they tore into demons, each soldier covering the one beside them. Hmm it seems the Viscount will get his money’s worth…




I roar at the line, then I hear a voice in my head.


☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Ability Acquired

Not One Step Back (Rare Ability)

[Passive] Command ability

+5 to [Charisma]

Combat orders grants [Mental Effect: Courage I]


[Courage I] grants

  • +2 [Tenacity] 
  • Counteracts [Mental Effect: Fear]



☠ ═╬═════════════════════════════════════════════════╬═ ☠


Not One Step Back


I shout over the formation and the whole line is bathed in an obsidian radiance.





I roared and immediately the front row of the line shoved the demons back and stabbed forward with their swords. The pikes shot forth as well skewering the demons who tried to close the gap.




I shout and the line answers.




They echo as they stab forward again.

















I shout in time with each strike, each strike cuts down more demons as they fall to the ground. Now that the line has stabilised I looked around the battlefield. It looked to be stable for now but there was still a hell a lot of demons to get through. The hounds only comprised the first ten percent of the demons at best. It was then that I noticed that the demons with the entrails dragging have reached the back of the formation. They were much slower than the rest of demons so it took a decent amount of time for them to reach the back of the lines.

In all honesty the demons so far are behaving quite mindlessly. I’m no expert at medieval strategy but even I would not use my soldiers like that. The hounds being at the front served to do nothing but be cut down. They would be much more dangerous if they were sent on flanking maneuvers but then again I suppose something like hounds would be hard to control. Even the humanoids looked to be barely sentient, they were just throwing themselves at the shield wall…

Then I notice that the entrails of those shamblers have risen up over the top of the formation. Those putrid black glowing guts all pointed at the line.

“What are those?” I ask a nearby archer, suddenly having a bad feeling in my gut. 

“I don’t know, I've never seen them before…” the archer replied with a look of confusion on his face.

Then the entrails glowed and from them shot green glowing projectiles. The entrails fired them out in a stream, each shambler unloading at least ten of the shots in a barrage. The projectiles raked the front line, the guardsmen weren’t expecting the attack so their shields weren’t up and their heads were exposed. The lucky ones only got hit by a single projectile and it was blocked by Charlotte’s barrier from her [Aria of Mercy]. The unlucky ones had holes torn into their heads killing them instantly. The crude steel helms caved like tin foil as the projectiles blew heads apart.

There were shouts of alarm as the projectiles tore holes in the formation especially at the front where the projectiles seemed to be aimed at. 




I hear one of the sergeants shout as the remaining guardsmen all raise their shields. However, that wasn’t the only problem, the way that shield walls worked was that individuals were only stopped from toppling over because the man behind them was keeping them steady. The holes in the lines caused the shield wall to weaken, some of the guardsmen at the front not expecting the sudden loss of support were toppled over and the demons drove their blades down onto their defenseless bodies.




I hear another sergeant shout as parts of the first row collapsed, their dying screams echoing out over the battlefield. Another wave of Momo’s spells carved into the front line where the breaches were at their worst buying some breathing room for those at the front line. I looked at Jacob and Alfie. They were doing fine because they were right at the front and the projectiles seemed to target the third and fourth rows of men.

As the guardsmen tried to close the gaps I noticed the entrails change direction, they all seemed to shift their aim at the same general area. 

Archers target the rear


I shouted as the archer tried to shoot at the shamblers who were at the back of the formation. The problem was that these ones stuck themselves close to the back of the line, giving them some degree of cover. Most of the arrows slammed into the normal demons in the front with only a few lucky hits on the exposed heads of some shamblers. 

Then all the shamblers fired another wave of projectiles this time concentrated on a small area of the line. The shields of the guardsmen shattered under the weight of the hail of projectiles.

[Lux Vitae] Charlotte shouted and white shield materialised in front of the area. But the shield only blocked the shots from the front and since the projectiles flying from the entire length of the line many simply went around it. Even Charlotte’s shield broke after blocking about a few dozen shots and the remaining still went through. 

By the end of the barrage a 5 meter wide gap had been torn into the area where the barrage landed. The worst part about it was that due to the angle of the shots it ended up being a crossfire with those at the centre being shot from multiple angles.

The demon’s with swords easily overpowered the few remaining Guardsmen at the front and began to charge the breach.




I shout as I watch the pair of them charge into the fray. 


[Gaia’s Fist] 

[Soaring Swallow] 


I hear the two of them shout as they tore into the advancing demons. Their blows ripping into the demons cutting them down like chaff.  It's a good thing I kept them in reserve, if I put them with Jacob and Alfie we would be fucked.

In a battle many things can go wrong. 

A stray bullet and you were fucked.

A grenade you weren’t expecting and you were fucked.

Get flanked and you were fucked. 

Enemy tears a hold in your line, exploits it with a charge and you were fucked. 

Get hit by a bombardment when you were clustered and you were fucked. 

Run into an enemy that is too durable for you to take down and you were fucked. 

That’s why reserves must always be available to plug holes in the line. A destroyed formation leads to disarray, disarray leads to confusion, confusion leads to panic, panic leads to death.

As Shuji puts it quite nicely, “Confused Unit, Dead Unit.” simple enough to remember.




I hear one of the sergeants shout. With Ivan and Volva now in the fray it gave the nearby guardsmen enough time to attempt to seal the breach. 






I shout at the ranged forces behind me as I begin shooting at the exposed heads of the shamblers. Just as I pop the third head I see a wave of spells and arrows smash into the rear of the formation. The arrows again didn’t do much damage but this time Momo, Charlotte and Amethine’s spells joined in and they managed to take out quite a few. Problem was that because of the firing angle the spells punched right through formation and ended up smashing into the ground behind the demons wasting some of the spell's power.

There was no choice, a few more barrages like that and this line will be swiss cheese. These demons have the fantasy equivalent of a burst fire rifle. Then I spot the entrails turn right at me, I see the entrails glow…




I shout as I tackle Charlotte and Amethine to the ground. When I raised my head I saw that the rest of the archers didn’t react fast enough and the projectiles had torn them to pieces. There were still a few standing there stunned but most of them were either dead or dying on the ground. 

[Isha’s Embrace] I hear Charlotte shout.

[Heal] Amethine said soon after.

I saw a few of those on the ground be covered in green light and their wounds closed slightly. They were still bleeding out of golf ball sized holes in their bodies. I looked at the pair, they were both red faced and sweating. They’ve been casting healing on the line since the start of this fight. Amethine especially looked as if she was about to drop.

“Save your spells, we need to take out those ranged demons.” I say as I scrambled to my feet.

“What are you going to do?” I heard Charlotte ask as she saw the look in my eye.

“Something stupid. I’m going out there with Ivan and Volva to take those ranged demons out.” I say as I pull Amethine to her feet.

“Are you insane? There’s no cover out there.” Charlotte asked.

Charlotte was right of course, we had no cover out in the plains. That made us an easy target, my plan is to kill enough of the shamblers with [The Scarlet Harvest] and hopefully we would be able to survive a barrage then clear out the rest. I count about fifty of the shamblers left, I think I can cast two of [The Scarlet Harvest], since I barely used any abilities so far. That should take out most of the shamblers, as long as the front line of demons don’t wheel and swarm us we’ll be fine.

“I need you to cover us when we break through the front. We’ll most likely take a barrage if those guys are as smart as I think they are. If I can get two of my [The Scarlet Harvest]s off I should be able to cull most of them.” I said, as Charlotte opened her mouth to protest.

“We don’t have time to debate this, a few more barrages and we’re finished.” I say cutting her off.

“Cover me.” I say as I turn, not waiting for her to reply.

I jump down and begin sprinting towards Ivan and Volva.

“We need to get through them, if we get behind them I can clear out most of the ranged demons.” I say to Ivan as he smashes another demon aside.

“So we need to break through.” Ivan said gruffly.

“Yes, if the barrages continue this line is finished.” I say as I shoot another demon.

“Then it makes it simple then.” Ivan said as he raised his warpick.

[Tectonic Propulsion] Ivan said as he shot forward into the mass of demons. 

[Beryl Ambassador] Ivan roared as crystals shot out from the earth and covered him in a thick layer of crystal armor. He began swinging his warpick widely not bothering to block attacks from the demons as their swords could only crack the crystal armor. 

[Soaring Swallow] Volva shouted as she charged after Ivan, cutting down three demons with a  single swing with her horizontal swing.

I charge after them, firing as I run, throwing [Skittering Headsman] grenades into the areas next to Ivan and Volva. 

[Lacerating Cleave] Volva shouts as her sword glows red and her curved sword hacked the demons in front of her in two at the waist.

[Gaia’s Fist] Ivan roared as the spray of rocks punched through three layers of demons. 

[Feral Rage] Volva shouted as her body glowed red and her movements sped up. This self buff granted increased speed, strength and damage but it drained stamina quickly. Nonetheless it was effective, we were successfully carving our way through the demons. Then I heard screams as the ranged demons let out another wave of projectiles this time raking the lines. Some flew right at us, but Charlotte’s white shield appeared in front of us blocking the projectiles. This time the fire wasn’t concentrated, it was just a general spray on the line. I could hear the line shouting and panicking, a few more barrages like that and the whole line will rout. 

Then I see Momo fire two [Fire Bolts] over my head at the demons in front of us. Then she followed up with a [Searing Fusilade] that thinned the demon’s in front of us even more. A [Lightning Spear] from Amethine followed soon after and tore another small hold in the line of demons in front of us.

We were almost through, just a bit more and we would be out. It looked like there were about three more layers of demons to get through. Then I saw Ivan barrel right into the crowd of demons. [Beryl Shatter] Ivan roared as his armor shattered shooting crystal shards in every direction blowing a large hole in the line. At last I see the other side of the line…

Momo followed up with two more [Searing Blades] that thinned the lines even further. I threw a few more [Skittering Headsmen] grenades blasting the demons that tried to close the breach into chunks fo black meat.

“Katsuro, Volva to me.” I hear Ivan shout.

When Volva and I got close, Ivan summoned another layer of crystal armor. [Tectonic Propulsion] he roared as the ground hurled us right at the thin gap in the lines. Ivan was ahead of us and he barreled right through the demons like a bowling ball, the force of the strike smashing the demons aside sending demon bodies tumbling out into the plains. 

[Lacerating Cleave] Volva shouted as she flew past the demons cutting the few that tried to block our charge. Then we were through the line...

I felt a chill on the back of my neck and I turned to see the shamblers all turn to face me. Their entrails raised above their heads. The entrails weren’t glowing that strongly so that meant I have a short while before the three of us get cut to ribbons. 

[The Scarlet Harvest] I say as my vision shifts and I lock on to the shamblers I see. Then I release my spell and my guns roar the shots flying outwards in a cone. I watch as twenty of the shamblers drop to the ground chunks of their heads missing.

I feel the hit fatigue me but it’s not as bad as last time, I used less abilities as compared to last time and I’m a few levels higher. 


I hiss as I grit my teeth and activate [The Scarlet Harvest]. Again my guns roar and more of the shamblers die. This time I fall to my knees, my body feeling like lead. I survey the surroundings and see that a handful of shamblers were left on the right flank facing the Bronze Bulls. Then I see the entire line of demons wheel and turn to face me.


Onaga Katsuro…


I hear a voice say echoing out from the line of demons. I freeze as I hear the voice, what the hell? The demon’s know who I am?

Then the demons let out another wail like before and charged us. Ivan and Volva raise their weapons in anticipation of the charge. I try to stand but my body feels like I’m carrying a bag filled with bricks.

Then I see Momo fire another wave of [Firebolts] at the demons that were charging us. Then the demons reach us and I watch as Ivan and Volva fight with all they have but it is only a matter of time before they are overwhelmed.

Then I see Momo shoot off the slope of the hill propelled by two jets of fire. She flies across the gap spewing flames from her wands. As she reaches us she fires off another wave of fire burning the demons around us while slowing her descent. She lightly lands on the ground in front of me. I see her skin covered in sweat and her robes glowing a crimson red.




Momo shrieks as she raises her wands over her head. A ball of white hot flame appears at the wands before it explodes outwards in a ring around us. The white hot flames turn the nearby demons to ash carving a 10 meter wide hole in the horde around us. With that I saw her body sway as she collapsed into the dirt. 

The demons were still coming, Momo bought us some time but it wasn’t enough. I need to get up…




I hear Shuji’s voice in my head and I grit my teeth. I force myself up inch by inch. My muscles scream in protest but I block it out like I always do.


Do not go gently into that good night…


I hear Shuji’s voice again and by now I’m on my feet but unsteady. I look at the charging demons and grip my pistol.



Rage against the dying of the light…


I raise my arm and point at a charging demon.


Heaven may be beyond our reach Katsuro

So grasp your weapon and take aim…


Then I fire and the demon drops. [Rapid Fire] I hiss as my gun roars and demons fall. 




I roar as I hurl grenades at the charging mass, blowing demons into chunks. 


You hear that boys and girls?

You gonna let the heroes have all the fun? 



I hear Bovarian shout from the right flank, his shout is answered by a roar from the Bronze Bulls. I hear the sound of a charge as an armored line of soldiers smash in the rear of the demons. I look and see the yellow banner of the Bronze Bulls advance.






I hear the lieutenant from before shout and his battle cry is answered with a charge by the Guardsmen. The banner of house Orelais starts to move and I watch as some of the demons turn to face the assault. 


[Righteous Advance] 

[Tip of the Spear]


I hear Jacob and Alfie shout as I see demons on my right are knocked flying. Then the demons are upon us at the fight devolved into a chaotic melee. There were no lines, no formations, just a mass of men and demons hacking away at each other.

I open the throat of a demon with my bayonet and blow apart another head. I see Volva hack a Demon from shoulder blade to belly before kicking it back into the mass of screaming men. Ivan smashes three demons with a single strike sending them barreling into a the mass knocking both friend and foe alike to the ground.

I see a [Lightning Spear] and [Divine Spear] penetrate a group of demons to my right. I fire another barrage of shots with [Rapid Fire] dropping another three demons. My body screamed in pain but I didn’t care, I will fight to my last breath. If I’m going to die, I’ll die on my feet.

I don’t move from my position as I stand over Momo’s panting limp body. If the demons want to kill her then they are going to have to get her over my cold dead body. One slash at a time, one shot at a time I fight. My vision stained with black splotches of demon blood on my mask.


One more


I think each time I kill a demon. My body not stopping for a moment, each strike a beat in the tempo of war, each kill an offering to the Dark God. I hear my blood pounding in my ear, as I feel sharp spikes of pain as my muscles start to tear. 


One more


Then I see Jacob and Alfie emerge from the mass, their armor drenched in black blood. Jacob brings his word down with a shout, hacking a demon in two, while Alfie’s spear finds a demon’s neck.


[Vanguard’s Verdict]

[Throat Piercer]

[Lacerating Cleave]

[Gaia’s Fist]

[Aegis Assault]


[Shattering Strike]

[Concussive Bash]


I hear my party shout and scream their abilities going off one after the other. Each one carving through the mass, the bodies of the demons of the outworld falling around us.


[Rapid Fire] [Rapid Fire] [Rapid Fire] [Rapid Fire] 


I shout as I continue to fight. We were now fighting together in a ring, back to back, shoulder to shoulder, an island in a sea of death. The tide of demons swelled and crashed against our little island, but the waves were repelled, again and again and again…




I scream in my head as I cut another demon down with a slash from my bayonet.








One more…


Hey guys, I hope I liked the first look of the demons of the Rift. As you can tell these Rift’s aren’t a pushover and the war against them will be a bloody one. As for the Rift itself well I have a few more surprises up my sleeve. So stay tuned!

Anyway, I hope this fight wasn’t confusing. I tried to keep the pacing as engaging as possible with many push and pulls from both sides. Hope you enjoyed this 15 page long fight, longest fight so far but then again it’s kind of a large scale battle so there’s a lot going on.

I also created a character page for the four heroes, with original portraits (Created using artbreeder) and some information on them. So if you’re curious how the four look like you can go have a look. It’s placed before the first chapter on the chapter list, essentially it's Chapter 0 so have a look if you want.

If you liked it feel free to leave a fav or a comment, I always like hearing from you guys and your comments do tell me how to progress the story to an extent. Whether it's good as is or if things are too slow or too fast… etc. 

Anyway see you guys in the next chapter!

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