Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Chapter 8: Slaves, Bastards and Broken Things

Chapter 8: Slaves, Bastards and Broken Things


As I returned back from the third fight, I looked around to see all five of us were still standing. After learning about what Amethine had to go through Charlotte, Jacob and Ivan started getting much more serious. I told them their mistakes after each fight and they learned quickly. The other two squads were lacking, to say the least, not a single person worth a damn. They are either cowards or so full of pride I half expect them to piss out their family banners. I spoke to each of them after each fight, all of them here for glory, for honor, not one of them said anything that would make them a good soldier.

Good soldiers must have the right reason to fight, at least at the start. That initial illusion of honor and glory will eventually shatter. As Shuji puts it...


It is not why you fight

It is who you fight for


I fought for my friends in the past, once I fought for the living, now I fight for the dead.

Well, that fight is going well so far, I’m now level 2 but the rest are still level 1. I asked Davis how am I gaining Exp when we aren’t even killing anything and he said the act of doing something conveys experience. Since all skills need Exp things like cooking, speaking and writing all give experience. Of course, killing other creatures grant significant boosts to experience. I’m guessing I’m ahead because I shot that Zorah bitch.

Although he did mention that killing surrendered or non-hostile targets give significantly reduced Exp. Which is interesting considering my ability [In Cold Blood] rewards me for doing the opposite. If I murder prisoners or innocents it seems I am not only rewarded but also given a bonus of 100% Exp. I’m basically incentivised to commit murder, well if killing prisoners is murder than I’m already damned. What was that phrase?


Ah yes…

If you kill someone in peace time you’re murderer

If you kill a hundred in war you’re a hero

Well my body count isn’t ridiculously high

Not for lack of trying though…


I look over to the rest and I see them talking, they seem more relaxed as compared to after that fiasco with Amethine’s half-sister. Well a good fight or two is good for blowing off steam. Especially if it’s as safe as these kinds, no worrying about dying, no worrying about a horrible recovery period after being wounded, no worrying about burying the dead…

“Shall we break for lunch?” I hear Davis say. That seemed like a good idea, it’s almost the late afternoon and all we had was a breakfast brought by the servant.

“Yes that would be good.” I reply.

“Ohh yes, I could use some chow, I’m starving.” Jacob said eagerly.

“Then I shall wait while you dine, Heroes.” Amethine said as she bowed and started to turn away.

“Ah ah ah, stop right there, you are eating with us.” Charlotte said as she grabbed Amethine’s arm.

“Me?” Amethine asked incredulously.

“Yes you, you haven’t had lunch right?” Charlotte asked kindly.

“No… but… I don’t…” Amathine stammered.

“It’s fine, come on, I’m sure you’re hungry.” Charlotte said kindly as she began to pull her along. It looked to me that Charlotte seemed to know something I didn’t…

“If you are wondering what is happening, it’s because peasants only get two meals a day usually. A breakfast at dawn and dinner in the late evening. This is because their eating habits must facilitate the nobles. The nobles rise later and expect breakfast waiting for them, thus the peasants must eat earlier so as to prepare their food, the peasants then prepare the noble’s lunch in the afternoon and then they eat in the evening around 5pm.” Davis explained as he walked up beside.

“Then the peasants prepare the nobles dinner.” I finish as I see Amethine walk hesitantly along as Charlotte pulled her towards the buffet being spread out at the side of the arena.

“Yes, the peasants with low levels are used as common servants, menial labour, farmers and the like. The skilled labour like black smith’s, apothecaries, cooks are usually slightly higher leveled peasants from craftsman families. Even amongst the peasants there are strict blood classes, disobey them and you face fierce reprisal for diluting your blood.” Davis said.

“Then what about Amethine? Her mother is a sex worker and her father a noble so how is she strong enough to be here? Isn’t her blood diluted?” I ask, this question has been bugging me ever since I found out she was a bastard.

“Amethine is what is known as Blood Heir. You can tell by her hair highlights. Blood Heirs take the level of the highest leveled parent. They are rare, extremely so, in fact. This is made even rarer as it rarely happens on births that matter since everyone tends to protect their bloodline.” Davis explains.

“So she’s special, that’s why she’s here. That’s also why the squad treats her like a piece of garbage.” I say as I begin to walk towards the buffet table.

“It’s more complicated than that.” Davis mutters as he follows.

“More complicated than that?” I ask.

“Blood Heirs who bear noble blood are powerful individuals and power makes you dangerous. Due to the necessity of maintaining blood lines, noble Blood Heirs are by royal decree eligible for succession in the family. This makes them rivals to their step siblings, over the many generations it has become common practice that a Blood Heir must be… taught their place.” Davis said distastefully.

“They are insulted, abused and if female, used as toys. The idea is to break them so that they can never contend with the so-called true heirs of the title. The line of succession has many factors, levels, prestige, competency, levels of your children, skill classes and many others. Thus by denying them opportunity and breaking them the families can stunt their growth. If that fails… well this next part is just rumors and I have no actual proof of it being a practice since Blood Heirs are so rare.” Davis said uncomfortably.

“What is it?” I ask furrowing my brows, I have a feeling I’m not going to like what comes next.

“The Blood Heirs are forced to conceive with one with a low level to knock them out of line of succession. This is profane in the eyes of the Church of the Seven, for it is an insult to the Life God, a child born out such an act is considered an insult to life itself. Thus even if it does happen, it is most likely kept behind closed doors and the Blood Heir is just thought to be of dirty blood and thus a harlot.” Davis said.

“That’s why that girl said Amethine has whore’s blood.” I reply.

“Yes, it is good you chose her, her life will be much better now... if she survives.” Davis said as he stopped a short distance from the table.

“Are you not joining us?” I ask, turning to him.

“No, that is a table for Heroes, not for the likes of me. Enjoy yourself Sergeant Onaga I will send those that failed back to the barracks. I will return in an hour ” Davis said with a smile as he turned and walked towards the disgruntled and dejected looking bunch of recruits.

In all honesty in terms of recruitment things aren’t going great, there’s only those three strange girls in rags left. We have eight slots total and only one’s filled so even if we take all three of them we would only have half the slots filled. Davis had mentioned that there is no rush to fill the slots but getting them early on would be the most optimal. The problem is that once selected and a Rift is sealed the only way to replace one is when one of them gets killed. So best that we choose wisely, I’m not that worried about power. As long as their level cap is high enough we can train them up. The main deciding factor will be their character. Although it seems I have sort of become the de-facto leader of this group and it looks like the other three are waiting for my decision on the choices.

I look over to the table and I see Charlotte pushing a plate of food into Amethine’s hesitant hands. Poor girl… I can’t imagine what she’s been through, well at least now she’s got Charlotte to look out for her. I suppose I’ve got to take care of all of them now… I mean I’m the only one who has experience in… well… fighting, leading a squad, choosing prospective soldiers…

Oh this is being a squad leader all over again, trying to keep a bunch of naive fresh faced recruits alive through hell. If that’s the case I don’t think I’m the best man for the job, after all the kids that were my responsibility are now all dead.

Don’t exactly have the best resume…

Yep that’s me Onaga Katsuro, Soldier, War Criminal, Murderer and Squad Leader with a 100% attrition rate…

Ok enough Katsuro, stop it, you’re talking to yourself again. I think to myself as I walk over to the table and I absentmindedly take a plate of food. I don’t really pay attention to what I’m doing. I just take a bit of everything, slapping them unceremoniously on my plate, my mind still on if I can keep these four safe.

Can I even do it? I mean I have my own job to do, even if I still don’t know what that job is…

As I think back to how I was in my previous world, after a point I stopped caring. Even if my men died I didn’t care, why care about something that is going to happen eventually? I only led a squad of 10, I was the second highest rank with Shuji being a 2nd Lieutenant. I led the assault squad, it was my squad’s job to assault enemy positions, the other two squads mostly covered us. My squad had two fire teams each with five men, at least at the start. By the time I got snatched up by that god, my whole squad was dead. Shuji had assigned six replacements to me previously; they all managed to get killed in a single assault.

We were supposed to do most of the flanking and the charging, needless to say we had the highest attrition rate. Shuji always asked me to pick who I wanted for replacements, I tried my best to pick the best that was available. But how good can a bunch of kids with three weeks of training be? I lost count of the amount of times I ended up taking a position by myself, I got so good at it I even received the Close Combat Badge and the Assault Badge from those officers back in HQ. They said I was a model soldier, the kind my country needed the most.

I ended throwing those badges away once I returned to the platoon. I knew what those badges meant, it meant I was the best at carrying out borderline suicidal attacks. It meant more often than not I get to see the light fade from the eyes of those that I killed. Blades were good, bullets were better, grenades were best, that was my motto… grenades were the kind kills you don’t have to watch happen...

I’m not going to lie towards the end. I was hoping one of those charges would be my last. I think Shuji knew that, which is why he always seemed so tormented at the end of every fight when I came back bloodied but alive. I don’t know what exactly he was tearing himself up about, was he upset that he sent his own brother to die? Or was he upset at the sight of me looking like a monster… after all I had a no prisoners below NCO level rule.

I never got the chance to ask… but with luck maybe I won’t have to. I need to get out of this alive, no matter what…

“Katsuro? Are you alright?” I hear Charlotte say as I feel her hand on my arm.

“Huh, err yea, just some things on my mind.” I reply hastily.

“Are you sure? You were just standing there with the plate in your hand…” Charlotte said with a look of worry on her face.

“Yeah I’m fine don’t worry.” I say with the false strong smile I used to show my men when I knew tomorrow many of them won’t be around anymore.

“Are you sure?” Charlotte asked again, furrowing her brows.

“Yeah, really Charlotte I’m fine.” I say again with a smile.

“So how’s the food?” Charlotte asks, narrowing her eyes.

“Erm… it’s good.” I say, instinctively.

“Really? Your plate looks untouched.” Charlotte said.

“I…” I say but falter halfway and I let out a weary sigh.

“Come on, sit with me.” Charlotte said kindly as she took my free hand and began pulling me to a nearby wall. I watch as she calmly sits down and daintily pats the spot next to her. I move to sit next to her and I find her hand on mine.

“Katsuro, you don’t have to keep everything to yourself. I know you’re strong, anyone with eyes can see that, but you’re just one man. You can talk to us, you know.” Charlotte said gently.

How this girl could sense the turmoil within me I have no idea. But even through the glove I can feel her soft touch. Again I feel something in my heart stir, I squash it again but it’s harder than last time.

“I’m just worried that’s all.” I say with a laugh

“Worried about what?” Charlotte asks.

“All of you have never been in a real fight, what if you all end up dead?” I ask, my tone flat and calm like I’m describing the weather. It’s a habit at this point, when I have to talk about things like this I’m always calm. If you don’t have a level head before the fight, you will lose your cool at the final mile. An empty heart is better than one that is shaking in fear.

“We’ll manage. The other heroes did too, judging by what we know so far I doubt the gods sent seasoned soldiers everytime.” Charlotte replied as she gave my hand a squeeze.

“Yeah I suppose you’re right.” I say with a smile as I grab her hand with my own and squeeze.

“Come on, your food is getting cold.” Charlotte said as she looked at the plate in my lap.

“Right.” I say as I let go of her hand and I scoop the food into my mouth. Honestly most food tasted the same to me. Everything tasted like bland mush, back in my world, every meal tasted like this. I just assumed the food was shit. Here however, as I look at Amethine eat with eyes wide and full of gusto I know I’m the only one that can’t taste anything. They say Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can cause one to lose the sense of taste, I wonder if it’s that.

“So how’s the food?” I hear Charlotte ask playfully from the side.

“Good.” I lie with a smile. I noticed her face fall for a moment but it quickly returned to that wam smile, even if it was a bit more subdued.

“You know, I’m not that worried.” Charlotte said.

“Really? Why?” I ask curiously.


Because you’re here…


Later when Davis returned we were brought before the three girls in rags. Up close I realise these three were definitely not human. Two of them were of the same race, they had long wild dark red hair that seemed closer to fur than human hair. It sprouted from their heads like a tangle of vines. These two had what looked to be wolf ears protruding from the sides of their head where their ears should be. As I look closer I see they had fur on their forearms and shins. Not only that I see a bushy wolf’s tail poking out from their rear. They both looked extremely similar with slightly tanned skin and yellow wolf eyes. And as usual… they were quite pretty in a feral, animalistic sort of way…

Both of them looked to be in fresh into adulthood, how old they were I could only make an educated guess based on their physique. What’s more, as I looked closer they looked essentially identical, they were twins?

I looked to the other shorter figure standing in her oversized potato sack. She had bright pink hair that was smooth as silk. From the sides of her head were large fox ears in the same shade of pink and from her rear was a small pink foxtail with white furred white tip. Her body is rather small like a girl in her early teens. Unlike the other two whose ears protruded to the side, her ears pointed upwards and her skin was hairless.

The thing that was strangest is the complete lack of reaction and movement. Their eyes looked hollow and dead but I could sense something there, the barest hint of all consuming fear.

“Greeting Heroes.” I hear a jovial voice say from the side of the arena. I turn to see a short plump man wearing fine clothes strolling towards me holding a black tipped gold cane. He looked very rich judging by the amount of livery on his person.

“Hello.” I reply cordially.

“I see you are inspecting my wares, my apologies for not being with you immediately. I was taking my lunch. I must say looking at you dismantle those toy soldiers is quite the show. Your mask as well, a fine piece of apparel, if only I could get one for my kennel handlers.” the man said a wide grin on his face as he approached me. Wares? So my suspicion was right, these were slaves…

“Wares?” Charlotte asked coldly.

“Why yes Life Hero, these are the best I can offer. When the time of the Rift’s drew close I worked to prepare the perfect products for you.” the man said. As he finished he snapped his fingers and a pair of women not so different from the twins walked forward holding weapons.

“When the time of the Rifts draws close?” I ask curiously.

“Of course Dark Hero, the Rifts come every two hundred years and they arrive with perfect punctuality. Although the exact month and the day is not known to us, the year is always certain. Our world’s apocalypse comes by arrangement don’t you know?” the man said with a laugh.

“In light of this development my father has been preparing for this exact moment. May I present to you my wares. My finest stock bred for the exact purpose of serving under the four Heroes.” the man said grandly as he gestured to the three girls.

“My family has been breeding our stock for three generations. I am Tivar Brareil demi-human breeder extraordinaire, at your service…” the man says as he bows, one hand over his heart the other held out to his side. His cane hung from the outstretched arm, it’s golden tip glinting the afternoon sun.

“Mister Brareil’s family is the foremost provider of demi-human slaves to the Regus Kingdom. His… products... are popular amongst the noble houses.” Davis said in a clipped tone.

“Indeed, my good Sir, while the other breeders go only for levels, my products are refined. Observe…” Tivar said as he snapped his fingers and pointed at one of the wolf girls. The girl took a step forward like a lobotomised flesh golem.

Honestly it was extremely unsettling, to see a living creature behaving like this. I look to the side and see Charlotte has gone very pale. As for Jacob and Ivan they were looking on with strained expressions.

“Face the Heroes.” Tivar said and she did so.

“Now show them your body.” Tivar said with a wide grin. Then to my and the other threes shock the wolf girl shed her rags and revealed her bare body to us.

“This is a Lupus female, known for their ferocity in melee combat; they make excellent front line soldiers. Usually their females are stout and lacking any sense of feminine curves. Through breeding I have refined their forms to one that suits our race’s more… refined tastes…” the man said as he approached her.

“As you can see the proportions are perfect, the ideal female form.” The man said as he gestured to the curvature of her body. In normal circumstances I would agree, but to be bred like a dog for the desired appearance is honestly… disturbing.

“Their skin is perfectly supple and their breast’s soft to the touch.” Tivar said as he reached and grabbed the girl’s left breast. The girl took a sharp intake of breath at the motion. I sense Charlotte starting to move and I move to grab her arm. She wheels, to face me her eyes alight with righteous fury.

“I’ll handle this.” I say, as Charlotte bites her lips for a moment before standing still.

I approach the Tivar who sees me walking forward.

“Feel free to examine the product, Dark Hero, for instance her inner thigh.” Tivar said as he reached down. I grab his hand mid way and he looks up at me with a sly smile.

“OHHH yes of course how crass of me! A fine product like this should only be touched by the customer. Please examine the product yourself.” Tivar says as he steps back and bows again.

“That won’t be necessary, please have her dressed.” I say curtly, trying my best to keep my voice steady.

“Ah but I have much more to show you, the back is just as important as the front.” Tivar says.

“Thank you Mister Brareil but that will not be necessary. I can see that your product is a fine piece. With you being here I am certain you will not send me an inferior good. After all, think of your reputation…” I say as calm as I can manage.

“Oh ho, truly I do not deserve such words but I shall accept your praise gratefully. Dress yourself.” I hear Tivar say as he gestures to the poor girl as she picks up her rags and covers herself.

“Do you wish to inspect the other one?” Tivar asks as he gestures to the pink fox eared girl.

“That will not be necessary, I am more interested in their combat abilities. You mentioned this one is a Lupus. Can you tell me more about their races?” I ask trying to make it sound like I only cared about how these three can serve as soldiers. If he follows my line of conversation he should avoid touching and degrading these girls any further.

“Ah so the rumors are true, the Dark God sends a warrior. Very well, this one as you know is a Lupus. Their races are known to have high [Strength] and [Dexterity] a rare combination since most races favor one or the other. However, they do have rare Skill Classes uniquely available to them later in their development which provide Dual Stat Abilities. These abilities can scale off both [Strength] and [Dexterity]. Their favoured weapons are the aspis shield paired with the spear and the Kalisk Warglaive.” Tavir explained as the servants approached and handed the two girls their weapons. They took them and held them at attention, their bodies still as statues. Then I saw the attendants take armor and began to help them wear it. I watched as they dressed the two wolf girls. By the end they were wearing what looks to be medium leather armor with plates covering their chests, shoulders, forearms and legs.

“These equipment are some of the finest I could procure, if you decide to take these two I will throw the equipment in free of charge.” Tivar said with a smile.

“How kind of you, though I doubt this is charity.” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

“You wound me Dark Hero. Is it that unbelievable that I merely wish to do my duty to the realm?” Tivar replied with another wide smile.

“I know people Mr Brareil, everyone wants something and a merchant wants profit. You are a successful merchant, I find it hard to believe that you would spend decades preparing these three with all its associated costs and then throw in free top class equipment.” I reply dryly as I stare at the girls.

“Ho ho, you are very shrewd Dark Hero, you would make a good merchant.” Tivar said.

“Rose tinted glasses don't suit me, don’t you agree?” I reply with a raised eyebrow as I turn my gaze back to Tivar.

“I couldn’t agree more. In truth this is simple advertising, the world will watch your exploits and my products will be beside you as you battle the Rifts. I must make them look their best, after all a chance like this only comes every two centuries.” Tivar replied with a wide smile.

This Tivar guy is a good businessman, we will be centre stage in the coming war. Sending his best products to fight beside us will give him the best advertising a business could hope for. It would be as if you make the prime minister wear your products throughout his term in office. The profits he would gain if it succeeds… This is good enough for me. I don’t trust good intentions, but a selfish pragmatic one? This I can trust...

“Hmm, very well. Then tell me about this one.” I say as I gesture to the pink haired fox.

“This is a Kitsupali, a rare species, known for their high [Intelligence] stats and affinity for fire magic. They also generate much lower [Arcane Heat] as compared to the other races. They are formidable Magic Casters boasting high fire power and endurance in combat.” He says as the pink haired fox is dressed and armed with a pair of short wands.

“I assume your wares have teeth?” I ask.

“Naturally, this is a show after all. I put great faith in my products, they were bred, trained and sculpted to be the perfect products for your needs after all. They are made to be your soldiers, your toys…” Tivar said.

“We shall see then.” I reply, as I shift my gaze to the three of them.

“So how shall this be done? The five of you against these three?” Tivar asked?

“I will assess them personally, one to one.” I say as I stare back at Tivar.

“Ohhh, it is my honour for my wares to be granted such a privilege.” Tivar says with another bow.

“Enough talking, let’s see how your wares do under a real test.” I say as I lower my face mask.

In truth I suspect the rest will be hesitant to fight these three, pity will overcome their ability to fight. It will not be a pretty sight if that happens. If that happens then all I do is make this guy look good and make everyone else look bad. I don’t want to give someone like him anymore than he deserves. I will not let the good of others be used by the selfish and cruel.

So as I turn to face the wolf girl with the shield and spear I take a glance at her empty hollow eyes. I see a slight bit of life return, I see fear, anger, sorrow, pain, so it seems when the master is away some bit of life returns. Good, let’s see what she can do.

She raises her shield and raises her spear over the crest of the shield. The shield is similar to the greek style and with her spear it seems her fighting will be something like a greek hoplite. Strong frontal defenses but weak to flanks and rear strikes.

I see her legs tense and I ready myself.

“[Tip of the Spear]” I hear her say as her body glows red and her body shoots towards me.

She’s fast but not fast enough as I dodge to the side, my [Evasion] skill makes me extremely hard to hit. It causes a sudden burst of acceleration when dodging attacks making my movements hard to predict.

Her charge ends and her spear is thrust out as if to skewer me, she immediately wheels shield facing me.

“[Throat Piercer]” she says as her spear glows red, I’m out of her reach and yet she attacks, something’s coming. I dodge as I expected a red shadow of her spear flashed out, extending forward aimed right at my throat.

Again I dodge it easily, the strike isn’t even close. From what I gathered thus far the other heroes only have a highest stat of about 50. However for me, my [Dexterity] is 50 and that’s my second highest stat with my [Perception] stat of 80 being the highest. This means thus far everyone’s attacks I have seen so far are perfectly telegraphed and I can react to them perfectly. From the angle of the attack to its speed, I can predict them all. My dodges often happen before the windup for the attack even finishes.

I step lightly on the ground as I move around to her right flank, she tries to turn but is too slow, realising that she raises her shield to her side in an attempt to block any incoming attack. I keep going until I am behind her and I draw my bayonet.

She then swings her shield to the right, [Wheeling Counter] she says. I pause and wait to see what she does next. Her shield glows red again and the shield seems to carry her with its momentum and she turns around. The shield then swings outward in a shield bash and I feel a wave of force push me back. I feel the force but I barely move just about ten centimeters, it must be my 30 [Tenacity] and my 30% [Crowd Control] resistance from my [Survivor] skill class. Speaking of resistances…

“[Stunning Grenade]” I say as I hurl a grenade right under her upward thrust shield.

I see a flash and I’m not affected, the skill did say only enemies are affected. Good chance for me to test if I can affect myself. Judging by the wave of force blowing up a dust cloud and the fact the girl is knocked on her back into the dust cloud the force must be quite powerful.

“[Cleanse]” I hear her shout then a spear emerges from the dust cloud. I dodge again easily and my bayonet finds her right thigh but I take care to avoid the major artery.

I hear a cry of pain as she staggers forward. I move behind her as she falls, her body landing heavily on her left knee.

“[Wheeling Counter] [Phalanx]” I hear her shout as her body spins again and her shield is raised. This time she’s on her knees, her injured leg sprawled behind her. Her shield is now covered in a white glow and I can see a barrier around it.

Time to test her spirit, I draw my gun and aim where her left shoulder will be behind the shield. I fire and the bullet tears through the barrier, the shield and right through her left shoulder. This 70% [Resistance Penetration] is no joke, her defenses stand no chance against a shot from Danse Macabre.

I see a cloud of dust puff up behind her as the bullet strikes the ground. She lets out another cry of pain as she is knocked on her back, her shield clattering out of her injured left arm. With her right leg and left arm disabled she’s completely incapcitated. But still she uses her remaining arm to try and stand. She struggles but it’s for naught. As I approach I see her raise her spear the best she could and I hear her shout.

[Throat Piercer] I calmly tilt my torso to the side and the attack misses. Judging by her sweating face she’s in a lot of pain. I don’t like watching people suffer so I point my gun at her head. She doesn’t look away as she stares down the barrel of my gun and I pull the trigger. Then her wounds are gone and she stops panting in pain as we return to the real world. She then calmly stands up and stands at attention. Her eyes return to it’s hollow state as she looks over my shoulder.

I hear clapping from behind me and I turn to see Tivar approaching me.

“MAGNIFICIENT! She stood no chance, you beat her with strength to spare! It almost hurts to see my product beaten so easily… but it is clear she out performed everyone else that faced you thus far.” Tivar said with a wide smile.

I don’t reply as I turn to examine the girl, she’s good, very good. Better than Amethine in fact, then again she has been crafted for this very purpose from her parents, to every facet of her life so far. Everything done to prepare her for this moment. As a soldier she’s perfect, no emotional baggage, no fear, only the command from the masters. She will fight to the bitter end if commanded to do so…

“So Dark Hero what do you say? Would you like her?” Tivar said with a wide beaming smile.

“So who’s going to pay for this exactly?” I ask the approaching Davis.

“The crown, Mr Brareil is well known for producing capable slave soldiers for the noble houses. The crown has agreed to pay for any that the heroes choose.” Davis said.

“What happens if I don’t buy her?” I ask Tavis.

“Why she goes to the next highest bidder of course. There are already pre orders for one such as her lined up in the event you decline.” Tavis said with a sly smile.

So if I don’t buy her and she gets sold anyway?

“What is her level? How is she so much stronger than the rest?” I ask, they mentioned if that target’s level is ten levels higher than us the Exp drain starts to come into effect.

“They are level 8, you see all knowledge and skills contribute to your level. Social skills, cleaning, social etiquette it all adds up. These three have been doing only two things since birth. They spend 80% of their waking hours learning how to fight, they then spend the next 20% of their time learning how to service a man. They know nothing else but what we have taught them. After all my motto for female products is… Blades by day, Toys by night…” Tivar finishes with a smile.

So then the choice is obvious isn't it? My moral disagreement to the participation in the slave trade means nothing...

“Fear not Dark Hero, they are pure, I can guarantee it. Check them if you like, but remember, if broken it's considered sold.” Tivar said with another wide smile as he gestured to the girl.


I’ll take her

If the other two are as good as her I’ll take them too...


Here you go guys another fight. The next two will be in the next chapter, sorry if things seem to be moving slowly but I hope you are entertained so far.

Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and feel free to leave a comment or fav if you enjoyed it. Naturally, any criticisms such as not understanding certain parts or if the fight is hard to follow is welcome too. I'm always open to suggestions and feedback.

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