Diary of a Lost Soldier in Another World

Character Profiles 1

Character Profiles 1




Name: Onaga Katsuro

Age: 17

Race: Japanese

Nationality: Japan

Weapon: Gun

God: Dark

Title: Champion of the Dark God


Onaga Katsuro was born 2028 in the city of Tokyo. He was your average Japanese boy albeit with a fiery temper. He is rather intelligent and often performed reasonably well in school with many expecting him to go to a decent university. Generally known for his loyalty to his friends and kin, he had a few close friends during his childhood.

The second Russo-Japanese War broke out in the year 2041 and Katsuro was conscripted into the army at age 14 due to manpower shortages in the year 2043. Given only basic training he was attached to an infantry division and sent to Sapporo. He is now a vetaran combatant having survived two years of war and is now serving as sergeant. Known for his courage under fire and natural leadership qualities he leads the assault section of his platoon.

His combat performance has won him many medals. However, due to his forced conscription and disillusionment with the war, Katsuro has discarded every medal in his possession viewing them as hollow honors. He only acknowledges the presence of his military citations when the fact of their existence proves useful. 

In the new world, he is the leader of the four heroes, a position he found himself in due to his past combat experience. He has a natural talent for combat tactics and military strategy. His party now looks to him for leadership and guidance as they try to survive life or death situations. This responsibility weighs heavily upon him, just as his command of his section did in his old world.

Fearless in battle to the point of recklessness. He holds great respect for other soldiers as he understands the difficulties of being a soldier. He lives by the personal mottos of “The few for the many” and “No sacrifice too great, no victory too costly”






Name: Charlotte von Holstein

Age: 17

Race: German

Nationality: Kaiser Reich

Weapon: Staff

God: Life

Title: Life Hero


Charlotte was born in a world where World War II never happened, with war itself being a distant memory that lives only in stories. She is of the noble house of Holstein, an ancient and revered house of Prussia. The house of Holstein administers the domain of Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany. She is the second child of the family and is thus not expected to take the title of her father. Still her parents doted on her and afforded her all the education needed for a member of the German Aristocracy.

Charlotte is extremely intelligent and regularly tops her classes in school. In the new world, she is the one with the highest intelligence stat in the party. She is well versed in many subjects such as Economics, Management, Mathematics, Psychology, Diplomacy and many more. In terms of education, Charlotte is the most educated despite the fact that she has yet to attend university. She is also fluent in several languages such as German, French, Latin and English.

Charlotte is also extremely beautiful and is often described as a beauty without compare. Although she caught the eye of many boys in school but she never reciprocated any of their feelings, preferring to focus on her education and hobbies.

Charlotte being the healer of the party is also compassionate to a fault. Born to nobility in a world at peace for a hundred years she is ill-prepared for the cruelties of the new world. Often behaving in a naive manner and finding it difficult to accept the cold logic of the world. However, she is intelligent enough to realise this problem and does her best to manage her ideals in the face of the cruel reality. 




Name: Jacob Smith

Age: 20

Race: American

Nationality: United State of America

Weapon: Sword and Shield

God: Light

Title: Light Hero


Jacob was born in California in a world where the United States has brought the entire world under their protection. In his world liberty, freedom and human rights are afforded to every person regardless of race, religion or creed. Jacob has a strong belief in his American ideals and refuses to compromise on them.

Jacob was your above average student and managed to barely get into the University of California. He is extremely handsome and was a popular guy all his life. His time in school was spent constantly in company of the fairer sex. Although not promiscuous he is quick to move on from a relationship giving him the reputation of a casanova.

Jacob aspires to be like his older brother who was a soldier in the United States Army. He hoped to enlist once he finished his education. He, however, lacks the stomach for the realities of war having been raised in total safety. 






Name: Ivan son of Igor

Age: 18

Race: Russian

Nationality: Holy Rus Empire

Weapon: Warpick

God: Earth

Title: Earth Hero


Ivan was born of a son of a poor peasant family in a small village in Russia near a coal mine. Ivan never received any education and is only literate thanks to the teaching of his father. He has always been a quiet boy preferring to let his actions do the talking. Often praised by his fellow villagers for his diligence and work ethic. Many say none can work harder or as well as Ivan son of Igor.

He is determined and tenacious both due to his natural personality and life of working the mines. He is also extremely strong for someone of his rather small stature, being able lift weights many would not think possible for someone his size.

Ivan is generally described as a hard boy, never shying away from hard labour or difficult tasks. Following the motto of “If it must be done, it will be done.” Of the party he is the most accustomed to violence and cruelty next to Katsuro. As he has often had to butcher animals for their meat.

Still despite his hard exterior he still holds his personal values close to his heart. Generally disapproving of cruelty and having the opinion that if killing is necessary then it should be done quickly and mercifully. 


These will be updated later in the chapters and inserted with additional information as the story progresses.

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